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Everything posted by RealHousewife

  1. I don’t think talking back to your parents like that is acceptable. I do kind of wish Lisa would keep the girls off camera though. If they aren’t mature and respectful, bloggers and such will rip them apart. That’s when, inappropriate behavior or not, I do feel bad for them because they are still young. Teens can get bratty, especially if they’re going through a hard time. The brain isn’t even fully formed until 25. I do think Dorit’s children are both dolls and also seem sweet. I can’t get enough of those two! I melt each and every time I see them. I wonder if Harry cooked because they did need to have dinner (and maybe shoot a scene), and he is particularly concerned about Amelia not eating. I definitely wouldn’t compare material things to the loss of a loved one. Never. I still think losing your home and those old photos and videos would be painful. I don’t have a lot of old photos and videos, so the ones I have are so precious to me. Purses and cars can of course be easily replaced by these ladies.
  2. I wonder if it was because his daughter is struggling with anorexia, and he thinks his wife is to blame. When Lisa said something about Amelia being the way she is because of him, he said no it’s because of you. Or maybe he was just annoyed he spent so much time cooking, and no one seemed to appreciate it. I don’t know, but it was definitely not a happy meal with the family. Not a rare occurrence for most families, but probably not what most of us want the world to see. I know Kim implied something awful going on with Harry, but he seemed like a nice and happy person in other scenes. I remember that little wink at Lisa during one of his first appearances on the show. I don’t know much about him other than what I’ve seen on RH and some of the stuff posted here.
  3. I think it’s interesting the Hamlins weren’t pretending to be a perfectly happy family. I cut the girls slack because they are so young. I forget Amelia isn’t even 18 yet. If I had flipped off my father on national television though, not sure I’d still have the finger! Lol
  4. One thing I love about LVP is her philanthropic work. I don’t get why the producers wouldn’t want to give us more segments. I know it’s an ensemble cast and not the Lisa Vanderpump show, but airing even a little more of LVP doing good would be interesting TV and not hurting anyone. I’m not saying they should have done loads of scenes with just her, but a little more than that baby bit of the Indian party would have been nice.
  5. Oh I agree! I just thought I’d let those who are fearful of trying vegetarian food know those burgers are not the typical veggie burger. I had an eating disorder myself when I was around Amelia’s age. I also hope she’s getting therapy.
  6. Lol Erika has a temper on her, but I think she’s a kinder person than Brandi. Yes, those veggie burgers are very beef-like. No, she never has.
  7. LVP herself said that she doesn’t think Dorit ever thought Lucy would wind up in a shelter. I’ve always said I wish Kyle and the other ladies showed LVP more support this season. It was the worst time for a pile-on. I do think Kyle genuinely thought LVP was behind the Lucy story getting out and thought she had to be honest. If it were me personally, I wouldn’t have gone there even if I had suspected something. There wasn’t proof. I do think Kyle and Mauricio are happily married, and I wouldn’t want some drunk woman all over my husband either. I remember she apparently asked Mauricio if his wife takes care of him. Gross and unacceptable. That wasn’t harmless flirting as far as I’m concerned. The other women have their fair share of shady friends. Kyle’s hardly the only one. LVP is a very bright woman who has a lot of heart, but for some reason she befriends a number of shady folks.
  8. Exactly. Imagine instantly losing all your old family photos and videos, all the stuff that's not on the cloud or anything. And yes, Camille has been through a ton. Fan of hers or not, you have to feel for her imo. At least I do. I really hope she gets some peace and happiness for awhile!
  9. It was ugly between Kyle and Lisa that season, it was not all Kyle being mean about Lisa. Going into all that occurred during that season would be getting OT so I won't. Joyce may be of the camp that believes in backing your friends strongly all day even when they're wrong. She also said Lisa had nothing to apologize for with Eileen, and much as I like Joyce, I disagree with her on that as well. Right is right, and wrong is wrong to me. Lots of people definitely luck into money. There's no denying that. It's also true there are jerks who manage to stay married many years and produce good kids. I still think Kyle is a bit rare in her Hollywood circle to have been happily married to an age-appropriate man (who didn't have wealth when she married him), have kids stay out of trouble, and also has lots of good friends she goes back with for years. Definitely rare in the RHOBH bunch. I think if all Kyle cared about were purses and lip gloss, no way all these people would love her. People have been trying to make Mauricio out to be a sleazy cheater since season 1, not since the lawsuit. I'm not sure if Camille was the first who did it, but I remember that talk. I thought it may have been because he was the hot, young husband. The others were either much older or not very attractive. I never said Kyle busted her butt juggling jobs to support her kids or denied the family connections. When I said life, I wasn't referring to the money she has, I was referring to that she has a lot of love in her life. I see a lot of good in her, but it's fine if you and some other viewers don't.
  10. I like Lisa, but a lot of this is true. People always bring up Kyle being besties with Faye but don't seem to notice she's hardly the only one with shady friends.
  11. Yeah I agree about interesting and key player. I think she and Kyle are the anchors of the show.
  12. My fear is losing LVP and getting Brandi as a replacement.
  13. Who said Lucy was locked in a basement? Is there proof?
  14. I probably only saw a couple episodes of her own reality show, and even those did mention her Playboy appearance, her nephew seeing her nude in Wild Things or something, and I remember some raunchy joking in front of her dad for a job. I think Denise’s whole identity is being a sex symbol. I do still like her and think she’s a loving mom. She seems very sweet to Eloise. So does Aaron. Adoption is a beautiful thing, and I think she probably just wanted another child but don’t know for sure.
  15. Me too! I can’t even imagine. It would be so tough to lose old photos and videos.
  16. Ditto. And I hate this stupid mask nonsense.
  17. ^ I didn’t like the limo incident. That’s one of the reasons I wasn’t big on Kyle in the beginning. I felt so horrible for Kim. I really liked Kim and Adrienne season 1. I also didn’t like Kyle’s behavior on Game Night. But I saw a lot of episodes showing just how difficult it could be dealing with Brandi and even her sister. Kyle dealt with a lifetime of Kim and exploded. It wasn’t pretty, but I think she’s loved and supported her sister many years. So has Mauricio, but people think they stole her house. I do not. Kyle came with facts that made sense. I thought Kyle tried to tell Taylor but couldn’t get ahold of her? I think there may have been some producer involvement there. When it comes to Joyce, Kyle and Lisa were not on the greatest terms if I recall. I don’t think this was all on Kyle either. I like both ladies, but I don’t think either of them is perfect. Lisa retaliated with her own comments about Kyle and her husband. She was also accused of playing really dirty that season. Joyce was actually one of my absolute favorites. I think she’s one of the kindest cast members they’ve had, but I wish she’d remember that when Lisa was laughing along with Brandi at her expense, Kyle was actually very kind and sweet to her. I do wish Kyle would have been more gentle with Lisa. I very much felt for Lisa this season actually. I just happen to still like Kyle despite her mess-ups. As far as I’m concerned, we all have them, at least I do! 🙂 The women lose me as a fan when I think they’re toxic all around. That’s how I feel about people like Brandi and Carlton. If Kyle didn’t have a heart and brains, I don’t think she’d have the life she has. Some of the others have married men old enough to be their fathers, abusive men, serial cheaters, and just general bad boys. People want to believe the worst of Mauricio, but in his defense I think we’ve seen a lot of good. Some of the other women’s adult kids have had troubles. Unlike Kyle, some of the ladies don’t seem to have many friendships. I don’t think the stuff Kyle’s been blessed with is coincidental.
  18. Good grief, I can’t believe these people are friends!
  19. This is news to me, wow! I knew they had lawsuits, but I didn’t know Ken had destroyed evidence.
  20. I think Kyle has shown compassion to Kim, Adrienne, Taylor, Joyce, etc. I do think this season she could have shown LVP more though. I’ve always thought Mauricio seemed like a good husband and father, and a gentleman as well. I’m familiar with that recent lawsuit, and I agree it’s not a good look. But I want more information before I write him off as a thief. I know people who don’t like them want this addressed at the reunion. Because I do like them, I want more details! It is disappointing if Mauricio did pull one over someone he was supposed to help. I know a kid sleeping in the same bed at 10 would not be my ideal, but my guess is Kyle is probably still the best mom on the show. I also love that her family is close-knit. Unlike some of her kids’ cousins, other RH and Hollywood kids, her children have had no scandals, sex tapes, drug problems, DUI’s, embarrassing party photos, etc. They are good girls who go to school and then off to work. Believe it or not, I wasn’t a big Kyle fan season 1 or 2, but I’ve always thought she seemed the most loving and motherly of all of them.
  21. Those characters are all a lot younger than Brady, though, right? I think Will and Sonny are in their 20’s, and Sarah might be older but is also probably around 10 years younger than Brady. It gets a bit confusing with the actor ages and the writers changing the ages around. I’m all for people living rent free in a mansion if they can (sign me up matter of fact! Lol), and I have a lot of friends from other cultures or who are still on the young side who do. It’s just not the norm for Americans who have money and are in their 40’s.
  22. Yeah, to me what she said about Joanna Krupa was one of the worst things she’s ever done. She’s never seemed sincerely sorry about it. Brandi seems to have a hard time feeling empathy for others. My guess is because Joanna is this gorgeous model who has lots of $, Brandi can’t see her as the victim.
  23. I agree it's nice seeing Eve have a heart. I forget, why does Brady live in Victor's mansion? How old is the character supposed to be? I know adults who stay at home because housing's so expensive and that people in other cultures do until they get married, but a wealthy American guy Brady's age typically has his own place. I'm not judging adults who live at home, just curious about Brady. I know Days has a tight budget, but I would think they'd give a reason Brady isn't out on his own.
  24. Excellent post. I didn't like Rinna meddling and wish she hadn't approached Kim the way she did as Erika Jayne at the party, but I totally agree with you. I don't think Rinna was out to get Kim. Addiction is something that she has been a part of her family as a kid and as an adult. Call me naive, but I do believe she was coming from a good place and did initially like Kim. I totally understand that Kim felt Rinna's questions were intrusive, but she was shooting a reality show. Her addiction/sobriety has been part of her storyline for years, and then her coworkers had to deal with her in the state she was in on camera. Rinna never outed her as an addict or put her down for struggling. I remember her being kind to Kim until Kim got aggressive with her. Even Rinna's "near death" comment-wrong as it was-was off the cuff. It wasn't pre-meditated cruelty.
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