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Everything posted by RealHousewife

  1. I miss this show too. It wasn’t my favorite on Bravo, but it was still pretty good.
  2. I liked Jessica too. I thought she was a catch and Mike blew it with her.
  3. I believe it was to celebrate the decriminalization of homosexuality in India. I do think Lisa looked gorgeous in her sari, and Ken looked adorable.
  4. You guys are better than the show. 😂
  5. Thanks for replaying everything! You did great. 😉 They were awful to Joyce. Kyle, the supposedly jealous one, was the only one I remember being sweet to her. Kim wasn’t bad either. I remember Kim said she didn’t want to get into a bikini next to Bo Derek. Lol Brandi and Yolanda weren’t nice at all, and LVP took awhile to take to Joyce but they actually became friends off camera. Carlton was very hostile to Kyle but she was alright to Joyce IIRC.
  6. I liked Adrienne season 1. She lost me season 2, but I suppose she’s a saint compared to people like Brandi.
  7. And runner up to Brandi was Carlton as the worst imo. Maybe Lisa had nothing to do with the magazines, but of course Carlton couldn’t see Kyle’s side with anything. She hated her on sight. I like most of the ladies despite the flaws, but Carlton was way too aggressive.
  8. I remember Adrienne and Lisa at least played friendly with each other season 1. They were the two who didn’t get into the drama much. It was season 2 that it got nasty. I don’t think ALL the problems are due to jealousy with this group, but I think Adrienne Maloof was absolutely jealous of Lisa’s status on the show. Maybe she thought she’d be the queen due to her vast wealth and name.
  9. I like Kyle and oftentimes see her view, but I’m also surprised she didn’t understand why Lisa was so upset. I wonder if she now sees, whether she had suspicions or not, she should never have gone to Lisa’s house and insisted Lisa was lying.
  10. Agree Kyle was wrong for that. She admitted it herself and said nothing she had going on compared to Lisa’s loss.
  11. Season 1 was my favorite. If the limo incident never happened, it would have had no serious heaviness, but was still very entertaining imo. I enjoyed getting to know the ladies, the lifestyle porn, and how lighthearted it was for the most part. The drama between Camille and Kyle was so tame compared to following seasons. The OG cast had a great chemistry.
  12. You know I wasn’t sure if those two would end up friends at first. Erika’s first season, Lisa made some comments about Erika’s racy music videos. Erika quickly got over it. For whatever reason, Erika gives way more f***s ever since her second season on the show.
  13. Lots of people, LVP included, expect to be reached out to when they feel they’re the victim in the situation, sort of like calling a friend after they’ve had a loss. I remember LVP complaining about no one reaching out to her after she had left a trip, but it turned out at least Kyle had.
  14. She admitted to talking to the press, as they all do.
  15. I agree. I understand Lisa being furious a beautiful puppy from her foundation hand-reared by John Sessa wound up in a shelter she thought was a kill shelter. If it were me though, I’d still feel awful for my friend. My opinion is that of Lisa’s-that Dorit should have brought the dog back but never thought the dog would be given up by the woman she gave it to and wind up in a shelter of any kind. I’d be horrified if the world thought my friend dropped off a dog at a kill shelter, especially if I heard she started getting threats over it. Two wrongs don’t make a right.
  16. Yeah just because no one was there doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. IF Lisa said anything about the tabloids, I don’t think she’d tell Brandi to bring them in front of anyone else quite honestly. When Kyle said she wished they hadn’t talked about the affair rumors on the show, Lisa said something along the lines of bringing it up to squash it. I could see her justifying bringing the tabloids to “shut down” the rumors. Maybe none of this happened, but I think Lisa must have said something, at least a minor joke that Brandi twisted around. Lisa’s behavior afterwards made no sense if Brandi was completely full of it. I believe Lisa when she adamantly said, “I’ve never sold a story in my life, and I won’t be accused of that.” When she’s being honest imo, she’s very strong. With the tabloids she had a hard time facing anyone, acted confused, was like “uhh I don’t think I saw the tabloids until I got back. Wait, you’re saying I told you to bring them? What?” Lisa is a smart cookie and has acting experience. I would have expected her to be more believable, especially if Brandi made up the whole thing. Then Lisa got really dramatic about their treatment of her. She’s always been pretty over the top anytime she’s been called out. The rest of the women have all dealt with much more painful, personal stuff on the show-domestic violence, suicide, addiction, intense sibling fights, divorce, personal stuff regarding their children, illness, and so forth. Lisa acted like the cast members calling her out was the end of the world and a bigger deal than what the rest of them went through. She seemed to think they signed up to share their lives, “sort it out,” and be strong no matter what, but she didn’t want anyone to ever call her out for anything or be in the midst of drama herself. This was probably Lisa’s first season dealing with great pain on the show and truly not deserving the group’s treatment of her. When she ran off crying to Ken about the rest of the women all being mean to her the season of the tabloids, I remember thinking, girl it’s not that serious! I think Kyle could have been a kinder, gentler friend this season, but there have been times Kyle was mistreated as well. I don’t think her suspicions of Lisa are baseless. I also don’t think Kyle is in general a bad friend. I’m not sure why she’s friends with Faye, but Kyle’s hardly the only one who has shady buddies in that bunch.
  17. I’m a vegetarian due to how I feel about the way animals are treated, and I know how intense animal rights activists can be. Sometimes I don’t let people know about my vegan lifestyle because I’m scared to be grouped with those folks who will attack elderly ladies for wearing fur, save animals before they’d save humans, shove being vegetarian down everyone’s throat, etc. I totally believe Dorit about the threats.
  18. Thanks Jel. 🙂 I too remember there being no witnesses to the tabloid incident. I agree that even a liar tells the truth sometimes. Just because I’m not a Brandi fan and prefer Lisa to her all day long doesn’t mean I always sided with Lisa. I did think it was insensitive to repeatedly encourage Brandi to interact with Scheana. Brandi said she felt like she was being cheated on with the same person all over again.
  19. When did Brandi say she lied about the tabloids? I heard her stick to the same story years later. This has been said repeatedly on this forum (Brandi copping to making it up), but I’ve never read it anywhere else. I don’t think we’ll ever know the truth. To me Lisa seemed a little too comfortable discussing and joking about the Mauricio affair rumors for me to put it past her, but I don’t exactly consider Brandi the best source. Maybe Lisa made a little joke and Brandi ran with that for a storyline? All I know Lisa immediately bouncing like that and not even talking to production looked guilty. That was one instance I thought she got way too dramatic. My guess is she made some minor comment, but it wouldn’t suit her perfect image so she freaked out. Camille said season 2 reunion that she also heard Lisa sells stories. Now I don’t think Lisa has ever sold a story, and season 2 reunion I remember for the first time really feeling sorry for Lisa. I thought Adrienne Maloof was jealous of her, and I don’t throw that word around. She was upset with Lisa over petty crap-not having Pandora’s bachelorette at the Palms, Lisa supposedly complaining about Bernie’s food, just nonsense. If Kyle heard Bernie sold stories, she may think both Lisa and Bernie sell stories. And no, there’s never been any proof at all of Lisa selling stories. Someone cleared up she never did years ago when she was being accused, and apparently some other housewife leaked the story about Dorit and Lucy.
  20. People are always surprised a vegan could feel this way, but I too agree. A dog’s mouth being cleaner than a human’s is a myth, and people food can be harmful to them. Dogs are healthier eating dog food. I think animals need to be treated with kindness, but I don’t treat them as though they’re human. Imo they should have their own bowls, not eat off people plates, shouldn’t be taken everywhere, and dog fears/allergies are legitimate things that need to be taken into account. A dog will poo then lick its own butt. I would never take one and let it drink out of a friend’s expensive champagne glass, take it to a bridal shop, etc. No matter how cute or how much you love them, a dog is a dog. YMMV.
  21. They are precious! Her daughter is her mini-me. I kind of said it already in the unpopular opinion thread, but I don't mind Dorit. She has flaws and mess-ups, but she hasn't slapped anyone, outted any secrets, doesn't constantly throw jabs at people, isn't aggressive. I don't think she's this awful person.
  22. Ditto. I always wish I had that mother who was nurturing, adored me, and was my best friend. That might be why I have a soft spot for Kyle-she's so motherly.
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