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  1. My future husband who already has a boyfriend Cooper Koch is quite a find and has skillfully navigated questions and criticisms about the show: https://www.out.com/gay-tv-shows/monsters-cooper-koch-response-empathy-erik-menendez#rebelltitem2 And some funny facts about him: https://ew.com/monsters-star-cooper-koch-acting-teacher-gay-voice-8728594 https://ew.com/cooper-koch-nude-scene-monsters-8728083 He just seems so sweet and funny.
  2. I wish they had focused a little on Diana's fraught relationship with her parents and how it was a factor in some of her extreme behavior. For example, she pushed her stepmother Raine Legge (aka Rain Legs) down the stairs. Or that she either threw herself/tipped herself/accidently fell down a flight of stairs while pregnant with William. Her story about that changed depended on who she was talking to. She was a caring and generous person, but severely mentally ill, and pushing an old lady down the stairs wasn't one of her high points. Then again, Rain Legs installed wall-to-wall carpeting in their castle over the hardwoods, and while that doesn't warrant being pushed down a flight of stairs, it's pretty unforgivable. Diana hated her (her nickname for her was Acid Raine), and didn't even want her at her wedding. She compromised by seating her behind a column so she couldn't see her. When Diana's father died, she and her brother literally ordered Rain Legs out the next day. When she started packing, they realized the suitcases/trunks belonged to their father, so they made her put her shit in trash bags, threw them down the stairs, and kicked her the fuck out. It's like rich people Jerry Springer.
  3. Bump. I guess they didn't have time to cover everything, but I'm a little disappointed that they didn't show some of Diana's extreme behavior, like pushing her stepmother Raine Legge (aka Rain Legs, which is what they called her on the You're Wrong About podcast) down the stairs (I think that would have fit more into the Season Five timeline, so I'll go there for more on that) and making frequent harassing calls to the guy she was having an affair with after he ended it.
  4. I would let Daddy Ryan read to me in a tent, and he’s a dozen years younger than me.
  5. I could be wrong, but I thought it started in fall 2006 and ended up in the summer of 2007. The Cattons were rich, snobby, chaotic, and insular but harmless, really. They didn’t deserve their fate brought on by the arrival of Oliver. I particularly liked Elspeth, who seemed to be a filthy rich version of Edina Monsoon with great lines such as: ”I was a lesbian once, but it was too wet in the end. Men are so lovely and dry.” And her outfits SLAYED. I found the amount of smoking (especially indoors) revolting. Is it 1950? I find it odd that no one figured out that Oliver was up to no good. His sudden pivot to manipulative dom should have clued someone in. One of them should have let Sir James know so he could be discreetly thrown out into the night - for instance, Felix. Once it’s discovered that someone is crazy, confronting them directly is not the best option - you don’t engage. It just sets them off, and then people start dying in mazes and bathtubs and having ventilators ripped out. I think it was inferred that Sir James died by suicide, which can also be laid at Oliver’s feet.
  6. This is exactly how my Egyptian stepmother sounds.
  7. The only other things I can think of is that he may have been taught by Americans, or if he picked it up living in LA and being engaged to Kelly, who was from Kentucky. Otherwise, I've got nothing.
  8. Her father was his best friend, and he bought her first baby carriage when she was born. When asked why he was unmarried, he answered that he was waiting for his future wife to grow up.
  9. This was one of my favorite shows growing up. Oy. Aside from Linda's vocal gymnastics, the theme song(s) was/were weird. She made it sound like she was a bored housewife who took a job to empower herself, when in reality she had no choice because her husband (who was an asshole in the movie) died, followed by her car, which stranded their asses in Phoenix. She did, however, make it after all when she moved to Nashville. And speaking of that - talk about wrapping the show up in a neat little bow. How many celebrities showed up, did a number with Alice, and left her ass in Phoenix? Clearly they thought she was terrible. I could take Vera in small doses, Flo was cool and sassy, and I had to warm up to Mel. Word on the street is that Diane Ladd clashed with Linda, which is why Belle was abruptly written off (her last scene is of her on the phone on a separate set a la Chrissy from TC) and never shown in the retrospect. Apparently Polly Holiday clashed with Linda too, so there's that. IMO, it didn't hold up very well. Oh, and I just ordered one of these.
  10. OMG, that nearly ruined the show for me. I really felt for Mitch, because damn.
  11. There were lovely memories. He was a good man who was wonderful to (and put up with) my mother.
  12. Mom has done these things, so hopefully there won't be any more BS. I doubt I will run into her here in Savannah (probably too many black people for her; SE GA and southern SC is full of white flight refugees who fled for this reason), but I really don't feel like expending the energy to read her for filth. It's just hard not to act when my mother was treated so shitty.
  13. So I mentioned before that my stepfather died in April. The will was finally settled, and my mother got pretty much everything (and GA law is pretty firm about spousal inheritance). He had three children, and he left two of them and his grandson a gun each. His daughter sent my mother a shrieking text calling her a thief, a liar, a horrible person, and that she needs to repent. Never mind that my stepfather made out his will in his right mind, and that his decisions were entirely his. Never mind that his children were never around until he went into the care facility, and then they swooped in like vultures. Never mind that he probably liked me and my sister better than his own kids (he named me co-executor of his will if anything happened to my mother. I'm sure they loved that the gay may have been left in charge). I have no illusions about my mother. Is she extra as fuck? Yes. Are her decisions sometimes head-scratchers? Definitely. Is she borderline nuts? Absolutely. What she has never been, isn't, and will never be, is a thief. Once my stepfather went into care, his daughter started calling my mother and screaming at her on a regular basis. She called and hung up on numerous occasions. She's an immature, fake southern christian baptist conservative (husband is a deacon, kids went to christian school, etc.). And I can only imagine the trash she votes for. And I got side-eye from her, her husband, and her brother over the years, which is funny, because their grandma, Mammaw, welcomed me and my then-husband into the family with open arms. Once I ran into her at a drag show. She loved us, but didn't particulary care for her own "late" (meaning stupid) grandkids. Repent indeed. How dare she? Shrew.
  14. In most ways I do, but it also smacks of getting the rug pulled out from under him just as things were going well.
  15. I'm so sorry you're going through this. We shouldn't have to beg our employers to treat us decently. Hugs.
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