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Everything posted by cdnalor

  1. "Not All Men" Well, that was about as subtle as a frying pan to the face. Anyone know who played the kid brother? He reminds me of the actor who plays Carl on Shameless except taller. Ah, found him. He plays Andy Strucker on "The Gifted".
  2. She stole the STAR labs time bubble from her time. I assume the bubble is capable of time travel on its own even though we saw Iris and Ralph use it in conjunction with the breacher gun, which made no sense. As for why, I assume for revenge or to help her uncle.
  3. Good Lord, this show is weird. I wonder if we'll ever get the backstory of the rampaging butts? It was my understanding that Larry was unconscious when Negative Man left his body. Either I missed a plot point or somebody goofed. And how much empty space does Cliff have in that robot body? A rat running around in there, I can believe, but Rita has considerable mass despite being malleable. This show seems to have a thing for long-lived characters. That prisoner Vic was talking to claimed to have been there since the 60s but looked to be in his thirties. This was a decent action-oriented episode with the kind of off-the-wall humor I expect from the show, but I'm wondering if there will be a resolution to the search for Niles Caulder story this season.
  4. I think this episode merited the hour runtime to build tension and convey the boredom and frustration of the long flight time. Maybe it could be done in a half-hour, but I don't know if the ending would have the same punch. The spaceship set looked amazing and expensive but I wonder how much might have been green screen. The ship seemed too small when seen at the end to have so much interior space, though. I also think the ending was a bit ambiguous as to whether it was a simulation or whether the aliens were just observing (except when they scooped up whats-his-name from the airlock). If a nuclear war actually happened, can the aliens really say the Great Filter test was passed if the Earth destroyed itself, despite the ship reaching Mars? First contact with a devastated civilization seems pointless.
  5. I was most affected by Larry's story and the contrast between John's full life and Larry's lack of one. It's mind-boggling to think how many decades Larry and Rita have wasted just spinning their wheels in Caulder's house. Cliff's story was just so-so for me mainly because I find the "I can't tell her because reasons!" type of story so frustrating and trite but there were moments where I could understand his motives. Her adopted dad's funeral was certainly not the time to reveal himself.
  6. I don't see why Kara can't use her powers openly without donning the Supergirl persona. Just get a long black coat and call yourself The Blur while zipping around at super-speed. Or how about a green leather hoodie? And is this the first time we've heard someone say "shit" on this show? I know Kara said it when she knocked the files off the table because I had the captions on. Tsk tsk!
  7. Wow, this show is really hard on parents. So long, Caitlin's dad! I still think he should have been called Popsicle. Every time Kyle Secor was on the show, I thought it was Tim Robbins. At least we got to see a villain other than Cicada. I'm starting to miss the villain-of-the-week formula. Iris saying how Thawne was looking at Nora with affection has me wondering if Thawne will somehow turn out to be Nora's real dad. That's some soap-opera shit right there! Why was the ice around Caitlin's cuffs a perfect cube? You only see that in cartoons. It should have been a shapeless mass. Why does the time sphere need the breacher gun? What use is it if it can't travel on its own power? I wouldn't mind seeing an Elongated Man spin-off series with a more comedic tone.
  8. I just started fast-forwarding through all those scenes starting with the Culber/Stamets moment. It tightened up the pacing considerably. The Enterprise looked amazing with all the added details and the gorgeous bridge set. I was just a tiny bit irked that they used the flared pylons from the movie version instead of the straight ones from the original series. Also did crew members of the Discovery take over the Enterprise bridge? That doesn't seem right.
  9. I was hoping she'd rewind far enough to buy a ticket after getting the lottery results. Twenty million dollars would go a long way to make a bad cop's life difficult.
  10. Gotta say, I was really creeped out when Jane's father(?) was standing over the baby with a lit cigarette in his hand. You hear stories... A backstory episode like this didn't feel necessary at this point, I think we pretty much get the characters by now.
  11. I like Barry's advice to Nora just before he leaves: "Just do what I've taught you to do. Slow down and think clearly." I guess that explains why Flash will stop several yards away from a bad guy and just stand there flat-footed while doing nothing; he slowed down and he's thinking clearly. Too bad it takes so long.
  12. What, all by itself? Whatever his powers are, they enable him to control the weapon he uses to kill and to resist arrest by law enforcement and other metas. Ordinary criminals lose the right to own weapons, metas use their powers as weapons, therefore criminal metas forfeit their powers.
  13. Cicada is a serial killer. Is that not enough justification to remove his powers the same way you would take away his liberty by imprisonment?
  14. It reminded me of the cheap video effects from the 1980's which I guess would be appropriate for this episode.
  15. Silver Ghost was her callsign as a military pilot so I guess she's stuck with it.
  16. I wonder if Jeff would consider doing a comedy version of Survivor using all the Angelina types they've had over the years. "Angelina's Island" has a nice ring to it (with apologies to Gilligan).
  17. Christian seems to have some showman in him, the way he was "reading the room" before he played his idol. I'm betting he already had his mind made up after Gabby's little speech where she telegraphed her intentions. And it really does seem like Gabby turned on him after seeing Christian's girlfriend. Editing?
  18. Holy crap, that painting of Tobias's sister(?) was awful. And what happened to Khalil's super strength? He can throw a man the length of a bar and jump 15 feet in the air but he gets his arms pinned by a couple of knives in a kitchen table? Not to mention being overpowered by a skinny chick with a few martial arts moves. Were they going for a Samson and Delilah analogy because he got his hair cut? If Jennifer thought her parents were being too strict with her before, wait till she sees the grounding she gets after running off with Khalil the criminal. And does anyone think those three-wheeled bikes are cool? The only people I see riding those are middle-aged men. Despite my carping, I think this show is possibly the best one of all the CW superhero shows.
  19. When Raven's mom mentioned how beautiful the sunlight was, all I could think was "What sunlight? This is the DC Universe! Light is either blue, gray, or non-existent."
  20. I feel they played a little fast-and-loose with whether the spirit forms were visible or not. I realize this show is very tongue-in-cheek but I still would like some consistency in logic. Also, the antler hand that 10K was sporting seemed different from the one he was shown by the girl. For some reason, I feel this season's plot seems to be moving too slowly. I wish they would wrap it up and get back on the road so we'd get more variety in situations. Also, we need more Murphy.
  21. I suppose the actress can't help it, but the way she twists her mouth around when speaking is kind of annoying.
  22. When Cisco said "Icicle" for Caitlin's dad, did anyone else think "Pops-icle?"
  23. I know the actress playing Nora is in her twenties but did the show ever establish the character's age? Nora seems to act like a resentful 16 year old. Also can anyone explain why, during the chase in the stadium, Barry seemed to freeze and then move backwards towards Nora?
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