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  1. The whole Will Smith debacle was a whiplash of confusion for the average person. First he laughs at the joke, then he goes straight to 100 and goes up to the stage to punch Rock. Then he cries during his speech and calls himself an "ambassador of love" and a "vessel of god" and "love makes you do crazy things" then he's seen gettin' jiggy with it with not a care in the world at the after-party. Like, regardless of if he thought he was justified or not in what he did, at least act a little embarrassed at the after-party and maybe try to keep a low profile, but no, dude's got no shame. I'm guessing his PR person didn't attend the after-party to keep a tab on him and give him some pointers and Denzel wasn't in the mood to give him more pointers on how to behave.
  2. I'd definitely be more mortified that my husband punched a guy on international TV than about the joke that was made at my expense. And I'm someone who deals with a condition that also affects my physical appearance (if only it still made me look stunning like Jade who loves to talk about herself and her family and air all her dirty laundry).
  3. Will's gonna do this to Hollywood and they'll conveniently all forget his inappropriate violence.
  4. Jada's dress is such a monstrosity, she couldn't even bother standing for Liza Minnelli. (Don't punch me Will)
  5. Good thing Amy chose Kirsten Dunst for the seat filler bit instead of Jada. At least Jesse Plemmons & Kirsten Dunst can take a joke.
  6. It’s too bad JJ decided to move his focus at the time to Lost which I refused to watch because it became his new lovechild and it felt like he abandoned Alias. (totally still not bitter at all....)
  7. I don’t think she went “whining” to Sandy: they were having a conversation about how everything was going and it was something that came up and was mentioned in conversation, and then micromanaging Sandy took it upon herself to call the dudes to the principals office right then and there and proceeded to make the “sweetheart” issue about herself instead. Furthermore, if we’re going to criticize Malia, can we also criticize Rob’s sensitivity over being called to the principals office and Pete’s sensitivity about crushes and anything related to his ego?
  8. Haha, as an older millennial, I am equally tired of it. When people were bitching about millennials partying on spring break during early coronapocalypse, my millennial friends and I were like, "we haven't been in college in YEARS. We're in our 30s now. Ain't nobody partying during spring break. We're busy worrying about our boomer parents not listening to health officials."
  9. Lara’s behavior being attributed to being a millennial trait makes about as much sense as blaming her attitude on her being Italian or having aggressive eyebrows. 🤷🏻‍♀️
  10. Lauren from Utah is such a fake ass bitch. She tried to benefit from Black culture and Black music without ever actually educating herself on black culture and history. You don't get to capitalize off of that and act woke and act like an ally. What she needs to say is that she fully has used systemic racism to her advantage. GTFO Pale Kartrashian.
  11. Now now, don't be insulting, Pete is more like this:
  12. Stazi’s newest staged paparazzi pics have me wondering, 1) seriously, enough with the CA version of winter clothing in JUNE. 2) really? you really needed to stop by a gas station for a muffin and a banana? At least come up with a better excuse to be out in public for staged pics 3) beau’s leg and foot tattoos are atrociously unattractive 🤮
  13. Speaking of man boobs, I legit almost laugh-choked when I saw that pic of Pete with his shirt half on, pushing his moobs out from underneath the shirt. Dude has more cleavage than me. “Wow Unit, that is such a turn on!”
  14. Oh Pete, sweetheart/unit, why are you crying over some soulless woman whose last name (nor first name) you don't even know? LOL. Is this a side effect from steroids? Entitlement? His face and his body just don't match. He looks like a walking version of one of those mix-and-match flip books that kids have. Rob Zombie's eyes seem to get smaller and farther apart every week.
  15. Ugh, she's going to pull a Lea Michele and be like, "yeah, sorry I am/was a bitch, clearly I knew exactly what I was doing I need to work on myself, and I'll make sure I teach this baby white privileged good values and also here's a million pictures of me rubbing my baby bump" #babysrus #ad #ihaventlearnedanything #icantjusttuckmydamntailbetweenmylegsandsimmerdownforonefuckingwhiteprivilegedsecond
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