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Everything posted by Uncle JUICE

  1. Agreed there, you do owe it to them, and to yourself, not to let yourself go, but I doubt anyone has ever decided "He's right!" after their SO said "I don't want no heifer!" That's not motivational, that's just being an asshole.
  2. It's not his place to be an asshole about it, though, knowing she's sensitive to it. Be kind!
  3. I like to imagine their lives especially when the cameras AREN'T there, for the second people in the lives of the stars, like Gary's wife or girlfriend. How many times has she seen him lumber into the downstairs bathroom with the latest copy of the Affliction catalog and thought "What the fuck am I doing with my life," as he battles with the last three Arby's sandwiches he's eaten, knowing she's going to have to clean that up, and will smell his slim jim breath as he huffs away pumping at her for two or three minutes, hoping to god diabetes takes his ability to get an erection soon. How many times has she said "I have asked you a hundred times, please close the door and leave the fan ON after, Gary, we only have one bathroom on this floor and I'm trying to make dinner". How many times has she gone with a laundry basket back into their bedroom while he's still sleeping, only to hear a cacaphonous bedfart that he doesn't even notice. Is it worth it, Kristina?
  4. It seems like "couch" and "food" take up like 85% of the settings on this show.
  5. I asked my wife if that was acceptable on a woman of Debra's age anywhere outside of Westeros. Answer: no.
  6. The best way to do it, and this is firsthand, is to NOT say anything critical on such a sensitive topic, but decide you're going to change your OWN life. If Tyler stopped saying "Why are you so fat? Did you finish this whole bag of chips TODAY?" etc., and instead said "I feel like we're spending too much money on food that isn't a good example for our kid, so I'm going to do something about it. I'm taking a cooking class. I'm going to a nutiritionist to get some recommendations. I'm signing up for this calorie counting app...[etc]..." then by sheer momentum, and practicality, she'd end up doing the same thing. This is exactly how my wife and I lost weight. Instead of "Let's order Papa Johns," you say "That's a waste of money and terrible for us. Let's make fish tacos. Let's learn to make our own sushi." It's not like they have fucking jobs. ETA: you can only take this approach if you are open to the possibility that it DOESN'T work on your spouse, and accept that your health is your own priority, too. It's not like there's NO benefit for him doing it. Get out and jog, etc., it's only natural for your SO to feel a little pressure to do the same, but the pressure CANNOT be explicit and direct from you. It can't be "Im doing this, so you have to do it, or you'll stay fat and I'll be hotter." You committed to loving the person as they are. Sorry dude.
  7. Oh, I got that it was the Ramones. I mean I didn't get (a) why he got it and (b) why Amber was being told to look at it six times right at the end. It was like he was trying to distract her while his gross friend went through her purse to write down credit card numbers. Also, as a person with tattoos (well, one large one that I thought about for a year before getting it, and one on the way), I don't get the whole idea of either pulling a tattoo off a wall display, or getting them impulsively like that in such a visible spot. Clearly neither does that asshole, because he for some reason got a twitter handle tattoo. Good idea, dickhead. Sorry, should have quoted this.
  8. Nothing says ignoramus like someone saying they need "an open concept." This tells me you're doing nothing all day but watching endless House Hunters episodes, because you don't have anything else going on. I've heard Kailyn, Jenelle, Farrah and Amber all say it.
  9. I said exactly the same thing the second her segment started. That house must absolutely reek. And seriously, what the fuck, it's not hilarious that your dog tried to pee on a person inside your house. That means none of them are housebroken. Disgusting.
  10. How fucking stoned was Tyler in that amazing moment MTV happened to capture, when they both mused that...MAci might be...pregnant??? I mean she was looking for gym memberships because she put on weight, y'all! And just happened to have a rpegnancy test in the bathroom. And didn't drink champagne, thank goodness, she didn't even know there was a baby in there! Wait, do you think that's why she was complaining of being so tarred all the time? Give me a fucking break, MTV. Also, those leather pocket tee shirts are idiotic, and his beard looks like pubes. I rewound (sidenote, is this even still a word?) the whole Amber trying to explani the child support thing like four times, I just couldn't make hide nor hair of her argument. First, "I told Gary I was going to pay child support," great, because as the non custodial parent, you're obliged to by law, so good on you. "Then he's all "Pay your child support, or I will maintain the legal minimum of visitation," and I'm all "How are you going to tell me to pay child support when I told you I was going to pay it? I was the one who SAID I would pay it!" And I don't get Matt's tats at all, but I know I was a big fan of that artist throwing shade his direction every second of that experience. Good for her. His friend is his con partner, you figure, right? He's the Paul Newman to Matt's Redford? Least surprising moment: "Dr. Drew, you don't have to be on camera if you don't want to" / "Oh no, I don't mind one bit!" I'm sure Kathleen the lazy therapist was thrilled that this celebrity douche was now basically overseeing her treatment. How many people have to die inside a house for it to be worth $73K? And nice job editors, the second she talked about weight watchers, they zoomed right in on her dripping with cheese, manhole cover sized quesadilla. "But it's got chicken!" is not an argument for health value. Scrape some more sour cream onto it. Look, I don't give a fuck if you're heavy, but don't pretend you're now on the healthy path with tha tin your hand. Tyler, you married this person. Shut the fuck up about her weight, you asshole. Also, he wore Fonzie's jacket front out to date night after telling his mom he thought his wife was fat, AND he seemed to have a polo / half hoodie / leather vest on. What a dick. And finally, I disagree with anyone who doesn't think Simon is the best part of Farrah's storyline. I loved that SHE called HIM a loser, because he didn't want to pay her back for a ring she bought herself completely of her own volition. There is zero chance he siad anything about paying her back for a ring. These two deserve each other. And Debra, get it together.
  11. LOL, of course I did not know that, yet it changes nothing for me :).
  12. Yeah, but with a decent attorney / legal defense, you only need to establish reasonable doubt. Which gets easier when, say, the chain of evidence is inexplicably broken by a veteran police officer prior to the defendant retaining counsel.
  13. Guys, isn't it likely she paid for most of the house, or at least laid by enough money so that they aren't going to have the stress of a mortgage like most people? It's South Dakota, that house can't be more than what, $600K (which I think is probably overstating it by 25%, but let's be safe). We know she's got Aubree's college paid per Randy, why wouldn't she have used some of her clearly invested money to buy most of a house?
  14. The open refrigerator begs the question "wouldn't the prospective second assailant have noticed the light in the kitchen on?", except that detail is lost, because presumably Naz closed the refrigerator befor ehe left (but for some reason took the knife).
  15. But in fairness, this is NYC, not someplace in rural middle America where they don't deal with capital crimes on a regular basis. The level of familiarity here has to be taken into account.
  16. It implies that you could come in from the basement (where the lock was broken), come up the stairs to where the victim was murdered, do the murder, and exit along the same path, without ever knowing anyone was passed out in the kitchen at the table. Though Chandra could have simply made this point by saying "based on your photographs, is it fair to say that you believe it would be possible, easy, even, to traverse this path, murder the victim, and leave via the same path, without ever seeing if someone was in the kitchen, if the lights were out and it was quiet?" To which the answer is "Yes, it's very possible, in fact that's why I included that picture in my files."
  17. Stan Beamon's kid from The Americans.
  18. The defense has to put up more of a fight. Cross examine the kid and note that he's a drug USER, as much as Naz is a drug DEALER, and therefore his testimony may be questioned. Ask if he'd ever bought drugs from someone other than Naz, and if so, was the market value correct (undercutting the 'cheated' implication). To leave that witness uncrossed seems derelict to me.
  19. That makes more sense, thanks for clarifying. I guess I didn't pick up on the whole victimizing part, I thought they were both consenting. Granted I've been sort of in and out on the details of the prison adventures, because I think they have too much story to tell in not enough time there.
  20. That part I got, but why kill the other guy?
  21. At this point, we're now talking about a much better but not as great as it started out version of The Killing. This show is the classic example of less than the sum of its parts. Why exactly did Freddy have to kill that guy, because he was gay with the other guy? I missed something.
  22. I don't believe they can depose the prosecution witnesses prior to trial, but they SHOULD get a list of witnesses the prosecution plans to call, so that they can have the conversation with their client about what these people are likely to say, what MIGHT they say, and then prepare. I also hated so much the idea that she brought up people like the funeral guy and Duane Reid, and Box couldn't summon the response "It's a big city, there's a lot of people on video surveillance and peripheral to other key testimony, we can't round up every car that went through a toll booth. Only one of these people you want me to talk to were actually at the scene of the crime, and he's sitting right next to you." ETA in the case of the coach, even if his name is on a witness list, and Naz tells you who he is, the right due dilignece there would lead you to request his high school transcripts and disciplinary measures. And even her cross, "What was the mood of the school at that time?", "OBJECTION, the witness cannot be expected to speculate on the mood of X number of students, 15 years ago." His testimony has to be limited by the prosecution ONLY to the disciplinary matter at hand (i.e. he shoved a kid down stairs and through a coke can at another), it's enough of an effect to give the jury. Any questions as to why the coach thinks he did it are objectionable.
  23. Wait, wait, wait a minute. None of her blood is on his clothes? How is this trial even proceeding at all? I totally forgot that!!!
  24. OH MY GOD, so did I. The whole testimony of the kid he sold drugs to, "Objection, irrelevant," as she was not in any way tying it to the murder. There were at least three instances where "Objection, calls for speculation" or "Objection, speculation" would have been proper, mainly with the pathologist. I mean you might have run into the Few Good Men problem where the judge overrules and calls the witness's speculation an expert opinion. "Now you can answer the question I didn't ask," "Objection, vague." Make her work. Make her rephrase "Was this wound caused by," which is definitive and absolutely speculation, to "COULD THIS have been caused by," where the doubt is inherent, or at the very least, cross examine and ask the numerous ways it could have been caused. I like proecdural courtroom, but not when it's done so poorly. I know Stone isn't lead counsel, and she's green, but seriously.
  25. You must not be succeptible to her fuckboy magnetism.
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