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Everything posted by Uncle JUICE

  1. I hope he has a tattoo that says "No Ragrets." :)
  2. Unless he's getting her these "hosting" gigs, which is basically hang out at a bar and drink until you go blind while getting paid. Seriously, I can't wait for the Jenelle version of that Jake The Snake Roberts "after fame" documentary.
  3. I just wish she'd have the patience to understand Aubree will find out very quickly on her own what a deadbeat her dad is, rather than try to push her to the conclusion, which she's guilty of at times. It's understandable given how young she is, though.
  4. I liked that time where NAthan's weird 'friends' came over and he was talking about college, what were his classes? French and I think "physics"? God, I wish he said math. I bet he goes to Coastal Carolina. Or he's an art student at the University of Phoenix.
  5. It was definitely Peach.
  6. Dude, it's why I have these feathers in my hair!!! The best part was that Lawyer Dustin was probably legitimately wondering when she came in, "what the fuck, are those feathers in her hair? Did she get attacked by a hawk?" and then she gave him the explanation, certainly leading him to think "What the hell is she talking abouit?" A true seminal moment in the Teen Mom pantheon.
  7. To paraphrase Michael Bluth, maybe she's orthodox and that's why she celebrates spring break. This is the last time you're going to see THESE! SPRING BREAK WOO! -- Kitty
  8. I've got to jump in on Chelsea's side here: she has literally NO responsibility to tell Adam anything that isn't medical at this point. He's proven over and over again he's totally disinterested in being a parent. If my wife and I were to get divorced, it would be my duty to make sure I knew exactly the same stuff my wife knew as far as school events were concerned, the kids' grades, activity schedules, not my wife's job to inform me. That's the grown up's resonsibility. Chelsea isn't his mom. He is completely capable of finding information, and in almost every case nowadays you can sign up for text alerts, facebook alerts, twitter stuff, all from the school. It's not that hard. Even if she DIDN'T text him, he could have known, with only a modicum of effort, as someone here has already said.
  9. Sorry about the accidental quote. Janelle s list odd symptoms sounded like a backwards lookup off "what symptomsdoess thispilll treat, and if I have enough ofthemn, I'm sure to get my script."
  10. The disturbing video is disturbing indeed, but not for the reasons why the bumpkin clan wants it to be. First, as several have already pointed out, the girls are not at coreys, so then they just be on leah's time, but they are at dawn's. Second, it's completely natural for a kid to freak out about that stuff with a new babyaround. And calling Miranda a lazy bitch? Who was it that raised your kids while she was pregnant and you were in rehab? And I think leah had a lot of trouble trying to get herself worked up over the whole thing, because unlike her sister, she's had three kids all trying to do something and manage them. I'm sure the kid has made the same childish complaint about her, too, but chastity wasn't having it. Stir up that drama.
  11. What I don't understand is what's the immediate feeling someone has when they post something like that (not the replies, those are hilarious). Like when she sits and types "Pretend is my favorite game," how many drafts did she go through? Is she like "I'm not only clever, I'm fucking mysterious as hell. The internet is going to love it." Or is she like "As soon as I post this, a million people will be sooooooo interested in what it means!" rather than "The whole internet thinks Shut the Fuck Up." ETA I'm so glad this shit didn't exist when I was in high school / college to immortalize every idiotic thought in my head. Shit, I'm embarrassed that somewhere there's a copy of my high school yearbook pretentiously using Changes by David Bowie as my senior quote. because I was the first one to ever think of that.
  12. There just needs to be someone, somewhere, who can explain to Leah and Corey that the cavalry isn't coming. This is a precious, real life little girl, whose health and happiness is your primary driver in life. If that were me, and I'm a guy with children, everything else disappears very quickly when you start to think "This person is counting on me to make the absolute most of their life, even if they don't know it, and one day when I remember her during these years, will I think 'I would trade those two innings of tee ball, I'd trade ten thousand of them, for one more fucking hour to talk to her. For one more fucking second where she could wrap her own little arms around me." Or when she really struggles, they'll have to think "I wonder if not bringing her to tumble class might have stayed that for a month, a day, whatever."
  13. Exactly, this isn't someone who just needs more of a can-do attitude. It's a kid whose every move saps strength, in most cases permanently. It sucks that you're going to have to tell her that she can't play tee ball. But the alternative is telling her that she can, knowing that she SHOULD NOT, and the terrible eventuality that you as her parent are going to have to deal with: your misguided action contributed, actively, to her muscular degeneration.
  14. One might argue that delusion, specifically self delusion, and religiosity aren't so far apart :). All I'm saying is in that part of the country, religion's a pretty big deal culturally. Maybe not necessarily these two getting to church every week (see my upcoming comment on why that might not be shown), but what do they check on any form that asks for it? I bet they' It's possible MTV found a couple of statistical outliers, but probable that they're simply making a decision based on not wanting to either offend anyone (who might hold different religious views) or alienate viewers (as young people are generally less and less religious now, but that trend started after Corey and Leah would statistically be likely to be a part of it). In any case, we can agree that their treatment of their special needs kid as someone who just needs to be a little more plucky in order to play tee ball, rather than someone who needs very, very specific scientific care (diet / physical activity / etc), it basically amounts to something between neglect and active abuse. What makes me feel sad is how they're going to have to live with themselves one day, with the idea that maybe they'd have gotten her one more healthful day to enjoy. Typing even that, the weight of it is absolutely crushing.
  15. I'm telling you, the whole thing stinks of "we'll have the congregation lay hands on her" and "well you ain't prayin' hard enough" and "Just give it over to the Lord, he will save her!" Maybe I'm wrong, but the percentages are in my favor based on what we see happening on screen, and again, probably biased, but those people sure seem like the type to at least pretend they're going to get out of bed Sunday morning and go to meetin'.
  16. I'm just astonished by the sentence. "I'll be miserable the rest of my life as long as I have my family together." When you say that, how do you not recognize what you're saying is essentially that as long as you have your family together, you will be miserable?
  17. “I even said on camera, I said: ‘I’ll be miserable for the rest of my life as long as I have my family together.’ But honestly, it’s really about being happy, and if you’re not happy, your kids aren’t going to happy, and that’s the most important thing.” Read more at http://www.inquisitr.com/3112139/teen-mom-2-jenelle-evans-leaves-town-with-worst-boyfriend-david-eason-amid-pregnancy-rumors/#tvaQTZgkxDTqoo6I.99 Bolding mine...how true these words are.
  18. I was giving Chelsea the benefit of the doubt, she's sort of age appropriate. But christ on a cracker, Kailyn, what the fuck with those pants. They aren't chic, they just look like garbage.
  19. Wow, there are two badly dressed people on that couch.
  20. I don't have any problem with the idea that it would come up, or with people being sexual and having needs and attending to them. My issue is why in front of the tv cameras, I guess. I guess I underestimate girls night out as a married guy.
  21. Seriously, while she's certainly the most normal mom on the show, it's not like she's supermom. How has no one mentioned the four dinner date girls all talking about fucking their showerheads? I get it, we all have needs, everyone does it, but seemed like a strange convo to have in front of television cameras. Her friend's inquiry into how she's handling the idea of celibacy seems like it might reveal something, too, like they all know how Kail is, and none of them believe she won't fuck another person while Javi's on deployment.
  22. I think any of that time Jace gets with Jenelle is driven by 25% Barb wanting a break (because chances are Jace is a challenging kid, add that nephew in to the mix...) and 75% blind hope that this time things will be different and Jenelle will turn it around.
  23. He bought those friends flowers to try and get them to stand up for him, or keep an eye on Kail. JUST BREAK UP. And no, guys do not Facetime each other unless both of them are getting paid.
  24. I can't take how thick it gets with those two telling each other what a great job Leah's doing. Guys, please, fucking get it together and come back to reality. Not the alternate universe where Dawn PAID someone to do her hair that way. As an adult. Who looks 65 but I think is 38.
  25. In barb's defense, she did once go over to Jenelle's house and find her with a heroin needle in her arm and both her and her boyfriend passed out (with the drill press for Keifer's pipes on the kitchen counter!). It's absolutely within bounds for her to immediately recall that when her daughter is unresponsive and with some guy that Barb barely knows, while unsupervised kids play near the street. And if Jace is telling half truths on that subject, it'd be really unusual, I mean kids generally lie about dumb things (one kid in my son's class says he has two birthdays, another says he has siblings he doesn't have)...but it's for attention. Poor dude, but he's going to be trouble when he's 15.
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