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Everything posted by Jeanne222

  1. My opinion is that Shaw says yes. That's the cliff hanger. Keep people talking about the show!
  2. I think Layla's shoes are on the wrong foot! The buckle is inside and not outside!
  3. I don’t think anybody hates them. I do think many think them intolerable. They write books on this beautiful life and marriage they’re living then post pictures of a dirty house, overgrown lawn, chicken coop under their porch and continue to dance in the sunshine. Kid’s outside in diapers and bare feet. Many are able to at least maintain their homestead and accomplish. Audrey explains not this season…
  4. After further thought on the chicken coop under the porch wouldn't it stink? Hot sun and chicken poop 😯. I just don't see Jeremy, in his Jesus year 🤔, out there raking and laying fresh bags of shred on any kind of regular basis. What a mess it all is!
  5. Just when I thought I had seen it all! Gosh even the Clampetts of Beverly Hills wouldn't do that!
  6. Was Ben extra quick on the button? Were several topics more guy type questions? I just couldn't believe how quick he was. Hannah seemed stunned like me. Hannah throughout her sessions always took her fellow players into consideration when she was way ahead by betting lower. I liked that about her. She won but didn't humiliate her competitors.
  7. Is that some kind of wood pounded together holding up that really unsafe looking wood deck? That roll up blind hanging off the house is half out half in! A weed wacker around the foundation would be lovely. But maybe this isn't their season for those things...sigh.
  8. I guess it is true…beauty is in the eye of the beholder!
  9. Actually...he and brother Zack both pulled off those miracles! Lol
  10. Is she speaking about Zack Roloff???
  11. I'm sure Evan isn't in the delivery room but didn't he post a first picture of Travis and Katie's baby girl? I remember when those Bates baby pictures were in People and probably fetched a mighty dollar or two. I would think T &K baby picture would have been worth something with that big church and all!
  12. They forgot their son’s graduation?? Isn’t he home schooled and KJ the teacher? Lordy!
  13. I also find it strange Evan is right there at these births with his camera! Most of these expecting couples run their own Instagram or YouTube and make some $$$ with the births. Sooo how is it they let Evan lead and publish their $$$ moments before they get a chance to profit?
  14. I think if Carlin is going it’s with an invite from Joy and I think they’ll be staying. I just can’t imagine them visiting all of these expecting couples. They bring nothing but two kids and a camera to the party! I do think Joy is somewhat familiar with the kitchen so maybe she has some tater tot casseroles to feed them. A step down from the steakhouses they are used to visiting on BSB $$$!
  15. Gina seems to have no interest in Clint other than dog sitting, complaining about the saloooon and saying hurtful things to and about him! She's an ice princess and honestly I can't imagine her in the sack with Clint or any other guy! No wonder she's single.
  16. What was wrong with her old teeth? I'm aware she has a gummy smile but her teeth seemed fine!
  17. But aren't they doing exactly what their cult like sisters and brothers are doing? Marry young and announce a pregnancy within the first year. They know no different. Their history is Kelly Jo always pregnant and Gil always hanging around the house. Tree cutting isn't a 7/24 job unless you work hard. Their house had to be absolute mayhem until the Duggers came and rescued them by building on a second floor and rehabbing the existing! What a mess it must have been!
  18. They didn’t stay in Nashville because that would mean ‘settling down’ to them. They love keeping on the move because they’re big personalities and own a business so they must hurry back and forth!!! Sigh!
  19. I can’t believe the first thing Amber asked the farmer girlfriend was if Alex snored and kept them all up! What??! Personally I try to build my kids up not tear them down!
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