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  1. I cannot find that Deep Dive on YouTube. I am in Rob Has a Pdocast right now and I see the 5 hour long one with Maryanne but the Omar one is not there.
  2. Drea and Maryann both said that they didn't see anyone playing as racist. They both stated that they have the baggage that comes with being Black and their response was driven by their past experiences, a knowledge of how things have played out in the past for Black players (when they were voted out and how they were portrayed), as well as their understanding of systemic racism. That informed their reaction. You can choose to accept their words or not but that is what they said. Drea was the target for the night, because of her advantages. She sensed something was up, she said so in a confessional before the tribal. So she was on edge. Drea's number one, Rocksroy, was blindsided. Heck the whole second tribe was shocked to see Rocksroy was there. It is easy to see that there was a confluence of events. Surprises in the game and the knowledge of Survivor history and real history for Black people. I think people know my thoughts on this so I'll stop kicking a dead horse.
  3. I am listening to Rob has a Pod Cast today and Stephen just made a good point. Mike is the smaller target in all of his alliances and sub alliances. Hai and Jonathon are Mike's closest allies and both are bigger targets than Mike. Toss in Mike's less strategic reasons for voting people off and I can see him 1) making it to the final tribal 2) getting no votes or a vote from Jonathon. I am more curious how Maryann makes it to the final tribal. I wonder if Jonathon is really the person at the bottom of the Orange alliance because of his lack of strategic play and his unwillingness to listen to Lyndsey. I can see Lyndsey and Omar working with Maryann because she is more flexible and strategic and seen as less of a challenge threat. Omar probably gets caught with all of his scheming. I can see Maryann being flexible about who she works with so she moves around a good amount. I can see Maryann and Lyndsey working together. I can also see people viewing Mike, Romeo, and Jonathon as goats. Mike has two shields in Jonathon and Hai. Mike's emotional style of play makes people see him as a goat so he gets through. Romeo entered the merge with few allies, really no allies. He has done a lot of scrambling and is playing a more chaotic game. That is normally not appreciated. I can see him as a goat. Jonathon has been a provider and impressive in challenges pre merge. We have not seen quite the same skill in challenges post merge. He finished second two episodes ago and won this episode but that challenge lasted under 5 minutes. The seas were rough, most everyone was done by the 2 minute mark. He had a good away to balance but I am not sure with calmer water that he outlasts others, especially as the steps get smaller. Even with his challenge wins, current and potential, his strategic game has been a fail and I am not so sure that his social game has been all that great after the merge. I think his performance at tonight's tribal does not help him. So I can see him having very real goat traits. The order now is supposed to be Hai, Drea, Omar, Lyndsey, Jonathon. Hai makes sense, I am guessing Mike is pissed that Hai switched to vote from Romeo to Rocksroy. No idea why Mike voted with Hai on that, I bet that costs him a vote from Rocksroy at Final Tribal because Rocksroy is that straight shooter dude who would see violating an alliance as a big no-no. I bet that Hai gets more of the blowback from that vote initially then Omar but I suspect that the Rocksroy vote trips everyone up. Hai also is playing emotionally and being really vocal about it, I bet that bites him in the butt. Drea has two known advantages right now. That makes her a target. If she uses her knowledge is power advantage and steals Mike's idol, she is going to show that she has even more power and is hiding things. All good reasons for targeting her. Omar has been outed as playing lots of sides already, the Rocksroy vote is going to stick with him. Romeo and Mike seem to be great goats and Omar has a really good chance of winning if he gets to the end. Keep the person with the better chance of winning or the people who you don't think has a shot at winning. And I think Jonathon is closer to Lyndsey then Omar and that they all feel burned by the Rocksroy vote. Lyndsey similar reasons to Omar. She is potentially closer to Jonathon so he votes Omar before Lyndsey. Jonathon out at fire.
  4. Twitter is not known for holding nuanced conversations and this is a nuanced conversation, as many of the posts in this topic point to. And the interviews with both Rocksroy and Tori point to the nuances. Listen to Tori's interviews, she is the person who went home through all of this and she is ok with how it played out. She is disappointed with being voted out but understands what happened and why it happened. I wouldn't base any decision or thought on Twitter.
  5. No one said that. Maryann and Drea flat out said that they didn't think the votes where racist. Maryann didn't say at camp "We can't vote for Drea because it is racist." Exactly 0 people said that the votes themselves were racist. 0 people on this site have said that the votes were racist. Maryann and Drea were reacting to seeing two votes in a row being Black people. For Drea, it was her ally and she was already worried about being a target. Seeing the two jury members were Black caused her to see the pattern that does exist in reality TV and in life in general, which is Black people being removed from the game and treated injustly. Drea and Maryann did not say that they thought that people were being treated injustly but that the weight of the moment and what she saw caused her to change her play in that moment. Maryann did the same thing. Both of them expected to see Romeo next to Chanelle not Rocksroy. They expected a target to have been voted out and an Ally to have been safe. That the Ally was Black added to their angst.
  6. This was also played during that period of COVID isolation AND the Racial upheaval after George Floyd and other deaths. There was a lot of outrage and discussion. We know that Season 41 referenced those events as part of their motivation for their attempted alliance. I can only imagine that those same events are weighing on the experiences of the players in Season 42. It also ties into the conversation that was being had because there was more open discussion of privilege, systemic racism, and other issues that directly affected the experiences of Black people in the US. This didn’t come out of nowhere, just like it didn’t come out of nowhere for season 41 or Big Brother that aired that summer.
  7. This. Lyndsey would be voted out because she was the only person available to be voted out.
  8. Drea: Individual immunity idol, amulet (currently an extra vote when joined with the other two amulets), extra vote, and steal advantage Maryann: Individual immunity idol, extra vote Mike: Individual Immunity Lindsey: amulet Hai: Amulet The Amulets only work when combined so that makes them more challenging but grow in power as amulet numbers drop. Two amulets = steal a vote if they are combined, one amulet = individual immunity. So really 6 advantages, but I could be missing one.
  9. I don't think anyone got a safe scroll. I think the scroll was only pulled once last season and it was not safe.
  10. If Tori had pulled a safe scroll, the Lyndsey goes home. Jeff said as much.
  11. Lyndsey probably would have had to announce that she wanted to use her shot in the dark before Tori revealed hers. Realistically speaking, shots in the dark are played in the voting booth and before the votes are revealed. I don't think she could have decided to use her shot if Tori was safe. I doubt those numbers applied to the smaller tribes of 5. I would guess, but have no evidence, that in the case of these tribal councils they went back to 1 in 6. There would have been no way to resolve tribal if both had drawn safe scrolls. Three people had immunity and two safe scrolls, there is no one left. That makes me think they had reverted to one safe scroll for the smaller tribals.
  12. Maryann and Drea both saw a pattern from society and older Survivor being repeated and decided to change their strategy because they were concerned about that larger pattern. Drea also said that she was not going to be a part of the pattern and she was playing her idol. Given that Drea was the target, not because of a pattern but because she had 3 advantages, Drea was being smart. She announced her reason for playing the idol right off the bat. I bet that Drea was worried about tribal any way and seeing Rocksroy there, who wasn't supposed to be there, got her thinking about what might happen in their Tribal. Not one person here or at that Tribal said that they thought that any of those votes, or possible votes, were based on race. Drea and Maryann both said that they did not think race played a role in who had been voted out. They both also said that they were surprised by what they saw and that they wanted to make sure that the pattern was broken. They both made sure that couldn't happen by playing their idol. I actually think Maryann was wrong to play her idol, she didn't need to. She wasn't a target and she knew it. There was no way in hell anyone was voting for her after that conversation. It was a symbolic gesture on her part which I get based on how she was responding but was, really, not great game play.
  13. Romeo was working with them before the merge. I was initially confused because I thought he was in the 8 but his vote at the first big tribal was not inline with the alliance. Someone corrected me that it was Rocksroy that Drea brought in and not Romeo. Honestly, I think blue and green were divided enough that their participation was destined to be murky and short lived. Orange was going to take advantage of it and happily knock off green and blue. I think all three tribes offered up who they were willing to sacrifice from their original tribes, Jonathon said Maryann but in a confessional said he didn't want to vote out Maryann but needed to offer up someone for appearances sake. Drea offered up Tori. I don't think she threw Romeo under the bus but she didn't include him. And Hai offered up Chanelle.
  14. I'll give the therapy skills, she knew to listen and that there was not much that she could say. Lyndsey said all the right things before Tori could but Tori did say she understood where they were coming from. It did not feel as heartfelt as Lyndsey's but Tori probably was more in therapist mode at the moment. And Tori knew that she would be the one going home, unless she got lucky with her die roll. It was a hard situation for her and kind of a crappy position to be in. She couldn't really fight for her position in the game. Lyndsey had two allies at that tribal, Jonathon and Maryann. Maryann didn't want to vote for Tori but she wasn't going to vote for Lyndsey, that would sink her game. And Tori can say that she wasn't gunning for Drea but Tori was cool with Swati's plan to vote out Drea and was planning on voting for Drea at that Tribal. I don't think it was personal, I think it was game play, but Drea knew that Tori had been happy to vote for Drea. It is a sucky tribal though because there was nothing Tori could do or say and it really was outside the game issues that dictated what happened. I wouldn't be surprised if she was back for a later season.
  15. Romeo was not in the alliance of 8, Rosksroy was Drea's choice for that alliance. Initially, Maryann, Chanelle, Romeo, and Tori were not in the larger alliance. Maryann was brought into after Rocksroy changed who was going to tribal because she had an immunity idol and no one wanted to put votes on her and have her use the idol leading to Jonathon going home.
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