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Everything posted by AriAu

  1. Altho he seems to be a very nice person, it was past time for Chris to go home. I was very impressed with Gabe's dish and the fact that he knew not to make another mole given the relative lack of time and the complexity. An I was a little shocked that Dawn was able to produce given her time management issues in the past. Never "got" what was funny about Fred Armisen and still don't after his appearance. Something is really off about this season...it feels very slow and almost boring. I assume it is all the COVID related changes like the fact they are not running around Whole Foods or exploring much of the city or involving other people, but this might just be a boring group of cheftestants. Employing Dale and Kwame and Kristen and Melissa etal is breathing a lot of life into the proceedings or it would be pretty dry.
  2. This show has always had a pretty high content of misery, but this will be unpleasant to watch...maybe they could couple it with Rebecca's cognitive decline and Kevin's career tanking! Was anyone able to see anything in the "Rising Star" article....or even what magazine it was in? Maybe Randall's rising star can crash as well by 2030-let's go all in on misery. LOL
  3. I ABSOLUTELY agree---annoying as hell...... but maybe it means less Madison......ok by me. Yeah, like she couldnt find a more appropriate time to discuss her truly regrettable decision than at another child's wedding! But the acting was excellent, even if it should have been in another episode LOL-great point, fellow dinosaur. And while you are right, and most people knew that trick, I never actually did that even with the final episode of MASH
  4. Whatever it is, and whomever is to blame, we can all agree that it is just really, really, NOT going to be pleasant watching their marriage explode, dissolve and/or wither away, especially with how loving they were in this episode. A couple of things from the flashback(s): 1. Kevin really hasn't aged in those 5 years and Kate also looked exactly the same. 2. Kevin and Madison must be getting along pretty darn well because she was awfully friendly or she forgot that she was supposed to be mad. 3. There must have been a pretty busy baby sitter who had all 4 of those kids since the moms and dads were otherwise occupied....and no way was Toby there. 4. By the way, no way did Toby cheat, because he would not have been welcome in the 2030 flashback. Mandy Moore showed some serious acting chops this episode....not just the Randall scene (both were great, not shocking for SKB, but for her, it was something)...but even at the end. Did she decide Kevin should build her that house just because Uncle Nicky bought the now useless Adirondacks???a ETA Not possible-he was alive in 2030 Flashback
  5. So, I missed a couple episodes....what the hell happened to this show? It used to have some pretty decent cases and good interaction among the characters and a little relationship drama laced in with it-this episode was just a total soap opera. Were there any medical cases....other than Lea doing surgery? Even the 'shroom guy was really just a chance for Resnick (still CTB "lite" to me) and Park to work on their issues.
  6. And they didnt even have her do one of those World War sketches where she sends weird letters with Mikey Day which they seem to do with every female host with a British accent! Funny episode...I was ok that it was non-topical and they had several clasically SNL over-the-top sketches like the dad shooting off his junk sketch. It wasn't Dan Ackroyd as Julia Child over-the-top funny, but it was pretty good! If that is not farewall from Cecily, I don't know how she'll top it when she does leave. Same with Pete. And there is no way Kate leaves without a big send off......not Lorne dancing with Kristen Wiig big....but big. An needless to say there is NO WAY Kennan leaves without a HUGE tribute.
  7. You got it sorta right-chocolate covered raisins are great, but Raisinets are all waxy and gross...and the raisins are way too small. Like the reference (and the movie) and is kinda what I was trying to say above-I can see Kevin saying "you complete me" but cant believe he will mean it when it comes to Madison....but I think he means it about Sophie.
  8. Then you haven't seen Jerry Maguire! In the video taken at the Jerry/Dorothy practically shotgun wedding, there is a scene showing us all the doubts he has and whether it is relief or true joy or just doing the right thing or rushing into things or circumstances aligning rather than true love.....sound familiar. Some of the parallels were pretty true: 1.Randall/Beth do give off some Cuba/Regina (really Rod/Marcy) vibe from the movie as a couple that has each other's back and can keep them very "real" by calling them out on their bullshit; 2 Kevin clearly has a need to make the huge gesture all the time. Then again, so does Randall...must be something in the drinking water at the Pearson house! 3. I could clearly see Jack and his sidekick son thinking this was the best movie ever (come'on, we could all see Jack doing the living room "you complete me" routine)....... But just not sure Kevin is really looking at Madison with "you complete me"....and not sure Kevin will be really happy not making movies, being on location and hence the other doubts about the future. Couple random thoughts. Yes, Randall has called Toby "Tobias" before....a few times. Yes, Toby's male ego is going to destroy his marriage, but, just out of curiosity, what cash are they living on? While I thought the Beth/Rebecca scene was very touching, what was Beth thinking letting Rebecca go home alone...what were any of them thinking. Given the dose of misery that this show usually serves up, I was sure we were heading for a disaster. Going to be a hell of a cliff hanger next week....any predictions on what the flash forward gives us??? Probably the wrong thread for that.
  9. I enjoyed the concept of the episode and it got a little misty as the front line workers thanked them (and vice versa), but I found this episode and frankly the whole season, very low energy. Maybe its the fact that they are not running around Whole Foods or the extra safety protocols, but it is all coming off as low energy....and even a little boring. I think another factor is that these guys are all exec chefs and, to some extent, have made a name for themselves and are trying to not blow it and hence are playing it a little safer than others....or maybe they have just seen past seasons and know to cook proteins well and stay alive and then, hopefully, pull out the stakes later. That didnt happen in All Stars where the cheftestants kinda went for it from week 1, but we might be seeing it here. And, yeah, I have had enough of Jamie's sound effect sh...tuff.
  10. For Covid reasons, they are in a hotel and it is my understanding that each person has his or her own room. I might have read it in the build up to the season when they talked about Covid protections like a bigger kitchen (altho they are still literally running into each other), separate plates for each judge in quickfires etc.... As I said, i didn't care about the house drama, but I did like seeing who did the cooking in each house since it gives you some idea which cheftestants like to cook and which ones the others respect etc.... Does mean we miss out on drunken hot tub scenes...wait, this isnt The Bachelor
  11. Random thoughts 1. Gabriel just looked PISSED. Might be a little jerky, but he looked PISSED. 2. Again, it is clear that there are a few good chefs, but only Shota, Dawn, Gabe and maybe Sara seem to be turning out inspirational food on a level we have seen in prior seasons....and noone seems to be throwing out really amazing stuff like in prior seasons. On the other hand, I might be somewhat jaded by coming off of an All Star season and maybe they will kick it up a notch now that they need to do more than just survive the weakest cheftestants (i.e. out run you, not the bear). 3. While I never really enjoyed the drama of the "house" in prior years, it doesnt appear that the fact that they are not living together is affecting the relationships (or lack thereof) between the chefs.
  12. Although some might argue (despite not tasting the dishes) that the sad looking and unoriginal tots were worse than the poorly cooked and sad looking wings, the other eliminations appeared to be very clear cut and totally justified. I understand how it looks, but maybe those were just the worst dishes of the week-are you disappointed that those cheftestants (regardless of gender or race) just didn't perform or are you advocating that the show allow gender and/or race and/or national origin to factor into the decision? Personally, remembering that we do not get to taste the food and that under the rules of the game some chefs have immunity/an advantage, I have always felt that while Tom may have his favorites, the judges generally send home the cheftestant that made the worst dish that week, without regard to other factors.
  13. I agree with all of the above....but I am finding it boring. Everyone is being pretty careful...its almost like they have watched all the past seasons and figured out what NOT to do and how NOT to act. On the other hand, the food has seemed good, but not spectacular and other than Gabe's dish last week and a couple of Shota's the judges haven't gotten too excited either. The eliminations have been pretty non-controversial.....Jamie was a pretty easy call this week since no judge seemed to enjoy her dish or even think that she challenged herself very much, and only Gabriel's tots were in the running. Except that none of the cheftestants seemed to be all that inspired by any movie or any movie genre. They followed the tried and true formula of cooking what they wanted and then coming up with some story to match it...other than Shota's dog (horror) story. I'm surprised someone didn't pick out a famous movie based on the category and go with that, like my favorite comedy is When Harry Met Sally so I did a play on a pastrami sandwich or something "on the side". By the way, Tom getting outvoted on Avishar's dish should quiet down the conspiracy theorists on this site that seem to think that Tom always carries the day!
  14. Melissa Villasenor was on with Seth and did a killer Kristen Wiig that kinda blew Seth away. If you just want to watch that, it is near the end....6 or 7 minutes in
  15. That's the gist of it....but no 100 dates. The key was that she regretted it pretty quickly after she announced her "dating plan", when she saw him with another woman....and he had enough of her crazy. Sound like what we are seeing here???? Understatement as to how great that show was...and actually still is. Time for a re-watch. Aaron Sorkin's first TV show and he came up with it watching ESPN while he was writing The American President. And for those who are wondering...its a "dramedy: about a sports highlight show but isn't about sports at all.
  16. On The Good Doctor, one doc tells the doc she is sleeping with that for the good of their relationship, he should see other people....and I yelled "Nooooooo, didn't you watch Sports Night....Dana's dating plan never worked!" And, sure enough, he goes out with a nice peds doc named Pixley...just kidding, her name was Heather. Edited to Add.....I posted this in The Good Doctor thread and someone said they had never seen Sports Night and didnt get the reference so someone else tried to explain it but left out soooo much good stuff that I started to try and explain, but gave up and decided to rewatch "A Girl Named Pixley" instead
  17. Morgan obviously never watched Sports Night or she would know that Dana's dating plan was a complete failure. I continue to be surprised that the hospital (and for that matter Lea) doesn't have a plan (ok planS) to help Shawn be able to follow rules and stay within boundaries.....and not violate HIPPA or patient privacy.
  18. In the flash forward at the end of last season, was there any mention of Hailey? I remember the "they" part and given the focus on Jack in the episode, we just assumed that they was Kate and Jack or Jack and someone, but was there any hint at another child. Also, we saw kevin's son (we now know his name is Nick) but no sighting of Frannie. That episode was just too damn happy....even Rose got off the venitilator. Given the MO of this show, is there impending doom for 2 of the New Big Three??
  19. My first season watching "live" was Season 4-Chicago, and I am now watching Season 3 (Thank You Peacock). Amazing how much they show and the judges have evolved, especially Padma-she was much less assured in what was then her 2nd season as host. By the way, I like Ted Allen as a judge and of course, it reminded me of how much I miss Anthony Bourdain. However, what made me laugh was when Dale Levitski made a dish in an elimination challenge using rotisserie chicken and boxed mashed potatoes and almost won! He didn't hide it from anyone and in fact told Tom, who thought it was smart. After Waffle-Gate Sarah in the Kentucky season, and the shame that Tom cast upon her, all I could do was marvel at it and be amazed at how things change. I know that he couldnt have gotten it cooked in the allowed time, but it was startling
  20. Yup....and normally the cast and crew give their best for Kristen, but there was a lot lacking, even in the monologue. Kristen seemed more subdued than usual. By the way, I am sure Dua Lipa is very talented, but that was just some very, very bad lip synching!
  21. Thanks for the heads up......and given everything else going on, I decided to watch it 3 or 4 more times and noticed the following: 1. The napkin on Sterling K Leo's desk at the beginning while talking to POTUS...was it there in the original? 2. Toby bouncing the spaldeen in the black and white stills. Since it wasnt part of the episode, its got to be safe to assume that Richard Schiff brought his own. 3. First time they said "New Hampshire", i instinctively said "It's what's new" 4. Is it possible to buy Snuffy and the quintet doing the opening theme? 5. Mackie Flender-Fed Chair.Ha! 6. Didn't love the PSAs other than Dule and Elizabeth Moss-perfect writing and just the right tinge of "yeah, we know its over the top, but it's ok". Dule and Sterling K crossed that line......and seriously, how did Samuel L not swear once. 7. The staging was great and there were virtually no gaffes....but was that pawn supposed to fall over. 8. For all WingNuts, be sure to check out The West Wing Weekly Pod with Joshua Malina and Hrishi.....Sorkin is on and there are some pretty cool insights into how it got made.
  22. Sorry to be late to the party, but I was busy watching the special for the 4th or 5th time. It just made me smile...it was like seeing old friends, but mostly like listening to old friends since some looked somewhat different (yeah, I am looking at you Bradley Whitford, Allison Janney and Dule Hill) but all sounded the same. While the acting was uniformally wonderful, it really felt like Richard Schiff and Martin Sheen just calmly slipped right back into Toby and POTUS like they hadn't missed a day. Watching Donna go out to make her campaign calls made me think of something.......did Andrew Shepard violate the Hatch Act during his "making you afraid of it and telling you who's to blame for it" speech since he could not be any more clearly on White House property in the press room? EDITED TO ADD Never mind...I just remembered that the Hatch Act doesn't actually apply to the President......good thing he ended with "I am the President"!
  23. Another tough loss for 2020-Conchata Ferrell died....she'll always be Berta to me Conchata Ferrell was in Mystic Pizza with Annabeth Gish who was Liz Bartlet Westin
  24. My daughter brought this up at the dinner table last night and my wife didn't understand when I immediately said "Yo Yo Ma rocks
  25. Carl Reiner RIP...couldnt figure out how to do it with Mel Brooks, which is too bad Carl Reiner was in Oceans 11,12 and 13 with George Clooney who was in Monuments Men and Oh Brother Where Art Thou with John Goodman
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