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  1. I did not have armed robbery in the resort jewelry shop on my White Lotus crazy bingo card.......Tim spiraling...Yep and the Blonde Blob shit talking each other behind each others back ....yep....Greg changing his name and being too dumb to change it a lot....yup....Parker Posey being uppity to the Blonde Blob...absolutely.....seeing Chelsea's breasts....for sure.....but armed robbery, no way.
  2. Watched it a second time last night-it goes faster when you fast forward thru commercials, Domingo and the musical acts. My question is after having a whole concert Friday night, why have musical acts at all other than Paul McCartney to close the show, but they should have had Lorne give him a $3,000 check. That would have freed up time for more sketches unless they needed time to get sets ready or people in costume. I wanted to add how great Cecily was and what a trooper she was doing so much while very far along. Oh. wanted to add, again, that Eddie is the GOAT
  3. Chevy has suffered from memory loss and, apparently, some cognitive decline. Given that and the fact that he had a reputation as a prick during his hosting stints, I am not shocked that he wasn't featured. I am surprised that Jane Curtin wasn't featured in some way....maybe in the Chad taped scene with Lorraine Newman, who is younger and maybe in better shape. These guys are all aging and maybe not all that well.....altho Drunk Uncle with gray hair was pretty perfect. Simon was seriously sad. They tried to have Sabrina Carpenter prop him up, but it didn't work and he sounded off key and weak. Not sure what to say about Sir Paul other than he sounded better than Simon. By the way, who was in the rat costume holding pizza in the New York song parody?
  4. Enjoyable 3+ hours but there was, as always, the good, the bad and the ugly Good Eddie Eddie doing Tracy Morgan next to Tracy Morgan Meryl Streep as Colleen Rafferty's Mother....inspired, but I wish it had been a prior cast member....and somehow Kate got them all (other than Jon Hamm) to break, including the greatest actress of all time. The New York musical number....inspired all the way around. Drunk Uncle Tina and Amy's chemistry during Q&A Eddie, Kennan and Will Ferrell being in the "10 to 1" sketch and killing it. And, of course, Sandler's song......that for once looks like it wasnt written 5 minutes before. Bad Not enough original cast Too much of Lorne's favorites...I love Maya, but come on. Same with Molly Shannon and Cecilly and Sarah Sherman Lil Wayne....why??? There was a whole (excellent) concert 2 nights before. Same with Miley Cyrus and Brittany Howard. I get the irony of the song they chose, but would have rather had a sketch or clips. UGLY Seriously, enough with Domingo. Was moderately humorous the first time, but enough. And if you were going to bother with it, use alums and not the current cast. Kim Kardashian......really......like they needed to draw in an audience. Altho it was funny when they focused on her famous derriere. Debby Downer....another over used character who is not all that funny. Sadly, the voices of our (and Lorne's) beloved Pauls. From a nostalgia standpoint, dead on, but a tough listen.
  5. So, I watched the episode, was going to come here and write something very similar (the word "slog" is spot on) but found I really didn't care enough to post anything until I remembered today......and not sure I will even bother with the last few episodes (and, yes, they should be the last). It is not just the stark change from Leighton (good and interesting character and dynamic actress and performance) to Kacey (milquetoast..the character and the actress), it's that every character (except Lila) got less interesting, and not just the leads....even the supporting characters like Caanan, Kimberly's prof and especially Arvind (who is soooo boring that he made Bela boring like he is an infection).
  6. Confusing episode but I did enjoy Beth slapping the crap out of Jamie and the viper he shares a bed with each night.
  7. Besides the obvious connection to TWW itself, John Amos is connected as follows: Fitz/Admiral Sissymary was in Die Hard 2 with Dennis Franz who was in NYPD Blue with Bobby Simone/President Santos...Jimmy Smits Sad day
  8. Good dialogue, good acting but the real key is GREAT chemistry between the 2 leads. I really do believe that the two of them are falling in love and genuinely care about each other. I get why Joanne cut and ran. She is written as a little selfish and snarky and overly critical and sometimes a little mean...i.e. not inherently an all around good person so I can see how the idea of being a good example to others would scare the crap out of her! It came across that she was really concerned about how her actions would reflect on Noah and ran because she really didn't want to hurt him. We hardly ever saw that level of personal growth out of Carrie Bradshaw, on whom this character HAS to be at least slightly based on. Willow (sorry Justine Lupe will always be Willow to me) was terrific and really played the character in a very funny and truly consistent manner. On the other hand, our other sidekick, Sasha, was all over the board and it was hard to figure out what to expect out of him. Was he charming, was he stupid, was he just a doofus, was he spoiled, was he a good husband, was he cheating.....never knew and any of those things were possible. There are so many things wrong about the attempts to introduce or explain Judaism that I am not even going to try and list here, but it would be nice if they started by pronouncing things correctly and then explaining things in a way that makes it matter and is correct.
  9. This episode was soooooo boring that I fell asleep in the middle of it 2 nights in a row. In fact the season is soooooo boring that it has been hard to binge
  10. Gail announced it from Toronto, and said her parents were getting the guest rooms ready! However, I am sure that they got more $$$$$ from the Canadian tourism folks than they would have gotten from any particular city or even province.....and after all it is all about the coin.
  11. Per social media....and a badly acted Insta post, next Stop is Canada.
  12. I'm disappointed that Dan didnt win since he made food I wanted to eat on top of all he overcome.....and I was extra disappointed since they edited it to make it look like he was "Top Chef". On twitter Tom (snidely) pointed out to someone that "I don't remember seeing you at Judges Table during the hour and a half debate", and, after all, we did not get to taste the food. I felt I learned something from her commentary, which is important since, after all, we don't get to taste the food and I thought she brought some nice energy....BUT she did go a little over the top this week about how excited she was to name someone Top Chef, like that was more important than someone WINNING the title of Top Chef. And as much as I enjoyed Kristen, I missed Padma and the gravitas and compassion that she brought to the moment. YMMV.....and she may get there. I won't quite go that far since I will miss getting my Wed nite Top Chef fix, but this was the least inspiring crew in awhile....maybe going back to New York or DC. One issue was that they all have learned to keep a low key personality so that they will be welcomed into the Top Chef family and get the chances for $$$$ and fame. We see Stephanie Izard but Sarah Gruenberg got the "mean girl" reputation and is nowhere to be seen...so everyone gets kinda bland to keep from getting the asshole edit. (I picked those 2 since they are both rockstar chefs here in Chicago). I also think the cheftestants have watched the show so much that they play it safe for awhile and wait for others to screw-up and then get a reputation as uninspired that sticks even if they kick it up a notch like Savannah did late in the season.
  13. Not 100% certain, but the best guess is $$$$$$$, the almighty dollar. It gives them a second chance to get a local tourism board, or in this case a cruise line, to kick in funds! Other than the pandemic season, I don't remember them NOT going somewhere else. I actually just looked at Wikipedia and in info for the Houston season they mention the money kicked in by Visit Tucson.
  14. I agree with the comments above about this season being pretty meh. Food and cheftestants have been pretty bland-no mad scientists or jerks, no amazing dishes that judges raved about....other than Manny's pozole the very first week. The cheftestants performing the best most of the season (Dan and Danny) are also bland and I think that is why Michelle became so beloved. Huge Dan fan so I was worried about him this week...right up until I saw how raw Tom's fish was and I knew he was safe. Love his attitude and the fact he has consistently turned out top tier food....and if you doubt that, go check out the chart at Wikipedia-only other low was the Sausage Race and even then they said that the food tasted good.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Top_Chef:_Wisconsin. The Elves almost always pick somebody local as a cheftestant so Dan's familiarity with the Wisconsin traditions and the guest chefs is not off putting to me. However, his is the 2nd time that I can recall that the local person has performed so well-they are usually gone early, other than Stephanie Izard who's restaurant in Chicago closed a few months before she stopped the Richard Blais coronation that season! And, yes, I do think that the disability is hurting Dan's results in the Quick Fires...and no, I do not think they should make special accommodations for him. Not sure what Savannah was trying to do making a pave as a main course other than having a dish match her story, rather than the other way around. While it does seem like she is on an Adrienne/Melissa King (1st time thru) late season charge, she doesnt seem to be turning out dishes that are at a super elevated level. Laura is kicking ass, but something about her is just not likeable, but she is also not a villian. Heard on the Pack Your Knives podcast that in the taste test race, they took out the bacon and pork chops for Danny who does not eat pork products for religious reasons...not sure I have ever heard of them doing that before, but I think that is very considerate and appropriate. He has to still be the favorite in a "cook the meal of your life" finale since he has the potential to wow them with his technique.
  15. This season was taped in late summer/early fall in Wisconsin, a part of America's heartland. There is no shortage of fresh, I mean REALLY fresh, produce since that is harvest time. Sure, there may not be any fresh uni like in San Diego, but this is WISCONSIN. Ridiculous point to make. I hate these "artistic" challenges, especially this late in the season. Give them some parameters, but to complain about Michelle not using enough of the table is not judging them on the right things, especially this late in the game. On the other hand, the fact she undercooked her biscuit etc.... that is fair game, yet somehow I cant believe it was worse than Manny's, who managed again to not "out-run the bear...only out run you". So Laura won for making a "sundae bar"....ok. Dan and Danny's seemed better and more technically strong, but again, we don't get to taste them. Where is the finale taking place? Did I miss that?
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