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Everything posted by JZL

  1. Team Avasarala meets Team Holden. Can't wait! And go Wes! I feel a tad sorry for Dominique Tipper, since they've sorta shoved Naomi into the closet storage bin for the time being.
  2. @ First-timers: You really owe it to yourself to go back and binge-watch the first two seasons. This has become one of my favorite shows ever! In the US, the first two seasons are available for free on Amazon Prime video. I think everywhere else it's on Netflix. Depending on your cable/satt provider, you can probably stream these off the Sci-fi Channel website with something like a TVAnywhere account. This show needs all the pimping viewers it can get so it doesn't get canceled anytime soon. We got a lot of books to go yet. That the Sci-fi Channel* aired a lot of commercials for its own series last night during The Expanse gives me some more hope, as it indicates they view this as a cornerstone/flagship/springboard kind of series. *That the folks who run this channel stupidly changed it to some moronic name doesn't mean I have to use it. What's next, the Chicago Kubzz? :rolleyes
  3. This is what I call "Gangsta Aidy" and agree it's now tiresome. That and Sarah Huckabee Sanders is about all she's good for anymore and maybe it's time for her to go? I thought Boseman was a good host, but the writing wasn't there. The firefighter sketch was the worst one in a long time-- maybe going all the way back to January Jones asking which camera. Wow, what an eyebrow-raising head-shaker. I admit I haven't read all the prior posts, but if Kate hadn't been standing there for the good-byes, I'd have thought she wasn't even in the studio for the show. Was she in anything?
  4. Buzzfeed -- which SNL character are YOU? These are silly but mildly entertaining, and now there's one for finding your inner SNL-ness.
  5. Clueless as to both. Time for some DuckDuckGo . . . Ohhh. The Black Panther guy (not much for comic book movies). The 42 guy (love baseball movies).
  6. T- MINUS one week! We need to pimp the bejeezus outa this so that there's a Season Four!
  7. Jack White's first album in four years, Boarding House Reach, dropped a week ago. An early taste: This song is a lot more layered than usual, with heavy mid-70's funk influences, and if you ask me, a tinge of Beck's Odelay.
  8. One vote for making Jack White permanent SNL musical guest! Jay's Mulaney-- that was the hardest I laughed all day and it's 10:42 pm. That could be promising but imho Danny Boyle is one of those high-risk, high-reward, feast-or-famine auteurs. I also see that he's penning what might be the next Bond James Bond movie. Regardless, it's a higher-rent district for Kate, so good for her. (Looks like Jay's not doing too shabby, either)(And Bill rocks in Barry)
  9. ^^^ Hader "confirms" one of my long-time SNL complaints-- the over-use of character spots on WU for bits that are too weak to sustain their own sketches. When asked about doing a Stefon movie, Hader said no, "It didn't even work as a sketch. That's why we put it on Update." They aren't as bad about this lately as maybe 7-ish years ago during the Wiig-Meyers nadir, so maybe the moderate v. over-use of the practice is a good litmus test for how the writing is going generally. They have Leslie and Pete coming on, who aren't doing characters at all, which is good. Then they have some super-good ones like the Trump Bros. and Cathy Anne, and a smattering of some of Kate's (at least we seem to be done with babushka-lady for now) et al.
  10. More BLM's* than any show in recent memory. -- I'm from western Missouri but a very good friend of mine is from Van Nuys, so The Californians is hilarious to me. Plus I just love the way Hader says the word, "CaliFFFFFFORNyunzz" at the beginning. -- I grew tired of Stefon fairly quickly back in the day but LMAO last night, especially the interplay with Che and Colin. -- @ saoirse, skilled at water boiling and garbage disposing. These seem to be pretty unrelated skills. Disposal of coffee press grounds??? : ) *Belly Laughs per Minute.
  11. The Hyacinth Disaster <-- The VERGE recommends for Expanse fans . . . (Thought there may be some here-- have NOT listened myself yet)
  12. James Adomian hammers SNL for being (sort of?) anti-gay and for stealing material. Many here will likely disagree with me, but the last time I checked out his Youtube stuff, James Adomian wasn't funny. That's probably the reason he did not get on SNL or get his own show.
  13. Yeah, that sounds right. I also think we in the SNL-fanboy-community may have over-estimated Hader's general popularity. I sure can't think of anyone who's familiar with him who dislikes him, though. He was kind of a spoiled preppy kid growing up but it was Tulsa [shrugs]. He's paid his dues.
  14. Damn the bad luck . . . I think the very last shot of s2 was on Io where the evil doctor was loading the little girl into a stasis unit and putting her into storage.
  15. The teaser trailer was kinda meh, but that one gave me a lil chubby.
  16. I wonder if Kyle could play Mueller without butchering it.
  17. Looking forward to this, but iirc, the last time he hosted it was the lowest rated episode for that season and maybe more. It was a pretty good show, so if ya snooze ya lose.
  18. They referenced the Seychelles meeting, which only broke Wednesday-ish. I sure hope they crucify Nunes and Co. this coming Saturday. (Does Kate have a Nunes?)
  19. Concur about Heidi. I'm beginning to think Kyle needs to go, at least as a performer. His misses are outnumbering hits way too often any more. It seems a lot of his stuff is drawn from the same stilted Bruce Chandler well. It works occasionally but when it doesn't it fails hard.
  20. I liked it a lot, too. I really liked the CO for its originality, relevance, the way Kate and Cecily sold it, and it was funny, even if not belly-ache funny. This show had a lot of zingers, which also makes for a good re-watch ("Oh I forgot about that one!") The Jordan Peele "dig" on Keenan, even causing Keenan to faux drop character, was priceless. SIX YEARS?! MAY!? Which is it!? : )
  21. Taran Killam lands ABC pilot "Single Parents." For whatever that's worth. Network sitcoms are mostly garbage nowadays, though I do watch Mom and Superior Donuts.
  22. I wondered about that. Was that an actual impression or just Cecily as ditzy? Isn't part of the irony that Hicks was the Communications Director but no one has ever heard her speak?
  23. I thought the same thing. And what an uplifting song about stir-fry! :rolleyes This may be one of the worst Host/MG combos in the show's history. It seemed there was a lot of "polite laughter" in this one.
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