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Everything posted by Polliwollidoodle

  1. (watching now) -She is really delusional and SPOILED. She leaves her love who is here for 90 days, goes out partying and drinrking and dancing and is pissed that he calls her and wants her to call him to say she is home.
  2. The page opens with this post and I see I have already liked it, but I just have to give praise again. well said Lily!
  3. Yeah, I watched the recap of their love affair too. It was sad because now it is clear that you know they are both lying to her parents. I thought her mom and dad and step dad and brother. all were trying to confront her and she just plain out lied or belittled what they were saying. Yes, Robalee is an enabler and I agree that it is May that they are really worried about and the cause for the enabling. I am not up on the current stuff, but what does Nicole now say (or does she just say she is not going to discuss it and slam the door?). Thinking about May though, I cannot understand how the fam let Nicole drag her around on her jaunts to see her beloved. I could understand maybe wanting her to meet him and vice versa, but when romance is a bloomin' I don't know that Morocco is the place for an American tot. Clearly it's not, but I am surprised that she went.
  4. Please someone what in anybody's name was that clip? What did I just watch (twice because I couldn't believe what I thought I saw.......... I guess I was right the first time but what was that?????). Like, was anybody paying for this or is this just a random person with a cell phone video. ? Lort ha merthy
  5. Sweet Tea, very touching =your sharing about your growing up family. Finally having a chance to watch this, and I still don't get Gina but she seems sincere. I agree that Shannon's face looks very off. She WAS looking really good a while ago, but maybe it is the overfill or something but her face looked lumpy - for lack of a better description. I am on the fence about Tamra and always have been. I basically like her but when she gets over the top too often, she loses it. In her "Real" moments, she has me believing in her. Kelly's pronounced plastic face always looked bizarre to me. I see she has been tweaking it a bit and it might look better but she is really just plastic looking and distorted facially. It was truly shocking to me to here all that Shane and the others shared, and I feel like Emily is one of the more true ones.I would love to know more about her. I support her with the embracing all body types, but I for sure would not do the burlesque and find that as a disconnect with the rest of her. Not sure what to think of Bronwyn and her new bad ass self. Sounds like someone wants to be assured she will be on season next.
  6. As much as we all love the drama I have to say ---- we need to remember that these are real people and this is their real life------it's tragic (REALLY).
  7. Guilty as charged. Shaking my head. Hanging it in shame. For reelz
  8. I am not so sure it is a set, though as I think about it, it makes sense for it to be a set and not have them try to set up the filming in each location. Either way though, I think the conversations about the food and in the older episodes about ordering food and all of that and how they get up and have to go to the bathroom and Molly has to turn the dishwasher on is just fluffy filler. It has struck me that it seemed odd. The only explanation might be to convince us that we are really dropping in their houses. And yeah, it's Pillow Talk so why is Molly on a couch in the living room? Things that make you go hmmmmmmm.
  9. I thought I remembered reading that but now I am not sure. Anyone?
  10. Wait- what have I missed by dozing off while watching? This couple just seems chock full o' secrets and skeletons. She looks so ridiculously young that many of us were surprised to learn she'd been married before...........and now this suggestion oh my. Who knows what to think?!
  11. Yeah ok well maybe I was curious to see if Dunyell and sidekick could deliver.....so they got me watching. we were all right though- they had not a thing to add. Bring back Dean and Tarik. and count me in the Alexei fan club. I agree Loren and Alexei are the closest to real as it gets in this bunch/cast,
  12. I was thinking it would be handy dandy if we could have another thread maybe of updated----who is still together and what are they up to now.
  13. Omg. I just said to my husband, I suspect she has more kids and perhaps in jail or something like that.........I was half joking but I guess hello reality. That sucks big time.
  14. Watching now and I am very puzzled. Does Angela have more kids than Skyla? How does she have 6 grandkids just from Skyla? Is that correct or is there another child who may be away. It just seems the kids are so close in age I can't imagine they are all from one babymama. Anyone clarify for me? thanks
  15. My word!! I skipped a few days of checking the forum and Christina you have been busy! Btw you really write so well! This is unbelievable - the extent to which she has skeletons and dirt in her past. As someone I used to know would say, she has been living a "messy life". With that, she probably really isn't that troubled about all of this coming out about her. She will spin and carry on regardless , so it seems. Pathetic, really, that it's her reality.
  16. Is it wrong if I looked him up on Facebook? And right away the first profile that came up was him and Abby. Apparently he went to the DR on a vacay and they have been a thang ever since. (if I read it correctly-------they were "in relationship" status as of January. https://www.facebook.com/louis.dubell Bizarre. And of course thank you for alerting us Christina !!
  17. My husband, who watches maybe 6 minutes of each episode- just remarked that no way was Annie 24 (when they did the water buffalo in Thailand) AND no way that Julianna is whatever age she says she is. He thinks Annie is way older and Julianna way younger.
  18. I only remembered his daughter Ashley, but thought he had other kids. Totally forgot about the shot in the face. They sure never speak about his family any more. I know on an earlier Pillow Talk remember they were staying with his sister outside of Philly (they had Philly Pretzels for snackies) I knew there was an age difference and all, but I forgot that she was 24 and he was 48 (back when they were looking at water buffalo). I do remember though wasn't David older than Annie's dad? Totally forgot how much of a loser we all felt he was and I was not expecting them to last this long. They seem like a very likeable couple now, watching them on Pillow Talk.
  19. I think there is so much staged that I don't know what is real and what is not. I think it's staged with regards to what topics come up but I cannot imagine that they would bring the kiddles into this just to promote Julianna's modeling career. I think most people would NOT be interested in having this exposure so something is quite off with this group. In my opinion. And yes I did notice that Julianna, while mixing the eggs, and wearing shorts AND a jacket IN the kitchen, has lovely styled hair. I think that part of what makes her seem so young and fragile is her voice. She is pretty fluent (well minus the pre-nush but even that I think they were saying pre nuptial not pre nup so maybe she really didn't catch it ). and articulate really. Just sounds like a 9 year old.
  20. I think they do pay attention to our comments. I notice that Annie is doing less shrieking and less of the just repeating the words said and "WHAT????!!!". Actually this is a good thing. still liking Alexei and Loren, Molly and blonde friend are def growing on me, and Annie and David are great. Pao and Roos are very boring and empty. Very much missing Tarik and Dean. And they think Danyulle is going to replace that?
  21. He does seem like a pretty decent and normal guy (well, his speech could be clearer and maybe his religious beliefs are a bit out there, but not unique) -- his response about waiting made sense to me. Yeah, maybe he is just covering for his financial distress but that makes sense. She is seeming like she is in love with being in love and that a child is her goal in life.
  22. Good point, but this makes me think even more so how staged the show is. I suspect that the production either forgot to make a scene with exwife ringing the bell, or calling to say she will come over, or something along those lines. KWIM?
  23. Thanks DanaMB. I was just thinking I should probably be posting these over in the pillow talk forums as I wasn't sure if people are still posting here much so thanks for the acknowledgement! I know that in Hebrew Queen is Malka or something close. I wonder if Shlomeet also has that meaning. Hmmmm.interesting!
  24. I am an early bird by nature, so I typically snooze off and on even at the best of the shows. You know, the ones that run after 9 pm. for real. Anyway so I did of course doze off and on but still caught most of it. I adore Alexei and Loren (really him more than her but they are a good couple). He is so sharp and considering this is NOT his native language he is clearly a sharp cookie as they say. Molly and pal are ok, but why oh why each night at the end her friend has to say she is going to drive home.? Pao and Roos just have very little to add. They are not funny, and they don't make pertinent comments. Annie and David have grown on me but I agree that she needs to stop shouting, and stop emoting and doing facial expressions for the drama. Less is more. They are both pretty funny but it's like they were told to be very reactive and it gets OLD. I still can't quite make sense of their relationship but they are not complaining or bad mouthing each other so I guess it works for them for now. I did like Libby and Andrei (and minimally Jen). I do feel sorry for Darcy but I hope she is not EVER on Pillow talk again. Dean and Tarik are the absolute stars of the show. From the beginning they were the breakaway superstars.
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