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Everything posted by Dminches

  1. I missed that one. I guess Billy was charged with covering up the crime. Makes sense.
  2. I don’t know what he was charged with and how it played out but wasn’t John going to be paroled after a year? Why would Ryan be incarcerated for a longer period of time?
  3. I understand why most of the discussion is about "whodunit" (murder, kidnapping, impregnating Erin), but this show was about Mare, a 40-something cop in a small community who lost her son and is now trying to live with that grief. People who have not experienced this just do not understand how it consumes you and spreads through every aspect of your life. It is no uncommon for marital relationships to end after losing a child. After all, the child is s product of 2 people. Then there is the difficulty of trying to start another one. For Mare, it was not surprising that she did not even bother until spending some time with a therapist. She also had to figure out how to relate to her daughter who was the surviving child. Mare was stoic (it is hard to tell what she was like before then) but loss rips the life out of you. Going to therapy was a huge step forward for Mare but also so difficult. One does not want to even talk about what they are feeling since the thoughts are so deep. I really like how Mare tried to coach Mr. Carroll by saying you never get over the loss, you just learn to live with the unacceptable. From someone who has lived through this I thought they did an excellent job of portraying what it is like. Kate Winslet is such an amazing actress.
  4. The show is about Mare so the death of her son affected who she had become and what she is dealing with. It is completely relevant. All the particulars of the son are not.
  5. I liked the finale nit continued to highlight Mare’s ups and downs. I could be wrong but I thought Mare deleted all the videos from the Carroll household camera in order to cover for Beth’s brother. That would have been after the night of Erin’s murder. edit: it looks like she just deleted that one day although the list of videos looks different.
  6. John is the father so handing the baby over to his biological father’s family (Lori) is not “no biological claim.”
  7. Definitely. It is much more likely that Lori initiated this possibility which could point to her knowing that John (or Billy) is the father.
  8. I am not condoning any form of violence but she isn’t just a mother whose son can do not wrong; she is a mother whose son is now dead, at the hand of someone else.
  9. Plus, to a teenager Frank and John look alike. Adult male with a salt and pepper beard. Good points. People don’t really expect Zabel’s mom to act rationally days after her son was killed? Maybe in 5 or 10 years. Plus, she already viewed Mare as someone who wasn’t good for her son.
  10. I have found the therapy sessions to not only be so well done but also authentic. The therapist knows that Mare keeps everything bottled in and until she starts to release some of her pain she will not be able to move forward. Losing a child is the ultimate loss but not talking about it is like sealing the top of a pot of boiling water. Mare wants to shed some of her agony but doesn’t really know how to. The therapist is trying to show her the way.
  11. I agree for the most part but wasn’t the tip of her finger shot off? Wasn’t that the bullet that Mare found in the tree? The murder could still be personal in nature but I am not sure it could be accidental.
  12. She didn’t turn them into drug dealers. That’s why they got killed. That community owes her a ton for all she does for them. Holding a rally to support her and her family is what communities do. No one said she was perfect. But she was in survival mode and she is on her own. Plus, there is no dad in the picture.
  13. I guess I am in the minority of people who haven’t lost any sleep over Zabel getting killed. It is sad and all but a good guy always gets killed and he wasn’t a key person in Mare’s life and this show is about her.
  14. Now that is is clear that it was before, or much earlier, it doesn’t make sense that Penance wouldn’t ask more about the future given that’s the scientific world she lives in.
  15. It did seem as though the main story wasn’t strong enough so they needed some side plots. Jenny’s was fine since she is Jackie’s wife but Kathy’s was on an island, especially once they killed off Jimmy. I like Kathy despite the ease in which she killed people. She really was trying to do well for her kids and I guess that’s what drove her out of Boston. She couldn’t live an honest life there.
  16. Grace “got hers”? No one deserves to have both their kids killed, especially within a month. She may have ignored what they were doing but clearly she had no control over Anton. She did more for the community than anyone else. I am not sure how you conclude that she got what she deserved.
  17. Once the episode got to chapter 2 (Victorian times) I thought it was great. Laura Donnelly should be awarded for that episode alone.
  18. When Amalia was talking to Penance and said "I hope that wasn't too much to take in" was that after the Galanthi mission and Maladie hanging? Also, who was the person who said to Amalia while she was falling backwards in front of Galanthi that she would have to forget "that one?" It looked like the girl who speaks all the languages.
  19. The 3 blue vans were actually very different colors in the video. Billy had finished one of the Rolling Rocks and got up to get another. He didn’t drink from the new one. I am sure there was more than enough DNA on the finished one which he left on the table to do some testing.
  20. She has lived through the suicide of her father and her son. Most people would not be able to function after that. Not only is she a capable cop but she has been caring for her grandson. Frankly, people should view her as a role model for surviving tragedy and keeping moving. I am not sure who has been pulled into her “black hole.” Her daughter seems to be doing very well and her mom lives with her.
  21. Erin got pregnant almost 2 years ago. I could easily have been Billy Ross. Plus, Mare grabbed that bottle for DNA.
  22. I would call it a decent season finale. They certainly had a lot of ribbon out to tie almost everything up in a neat bow. Not sure what the future holds for Jackie but without him this show doesn't exist. As much as Grace's kids' fates were consistent with their actions, it was painful to see her in agony over their deaths. No parent should have to deal with that, especially twice in such a short time. I don't know where they are going with Jenny and her dad. She needs to find peace another way. He is not going to give her that. Next season needs to pack some new punches or we will look back at this show and call it a 1.5 season wonder.
  23. The biggest problem with shows like this is that too much attention is paid to "who did it" while the other aspects of the show, including the characters, are really more interesting and sometimes get overshadowed. The people here are unique and I like the small town feel. It is refreshing compared to shows that take place in big cities.
  24. She seemed very comfortable with him, chit chatting before they stopped. That doesn’t mean she knew him but she seemed at ease. She also questioned him as to whether this was his first time which I took as some sign of familiarity.
  25. I think there was a scene earlier in the season where someone made a comment to Cathy implying that Frankie was dead. I can’t recall with whom. Maybe it was when she visited Tara and her husband.
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