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Everything posted by storyskip

  1. Huh. I wonder if the writers are going for a riff off "The First Ones" storyline from the comics. That could be interesting indeed. As for the rest of it ... is it bad that when Chloe went after the Sinnerman in the kitchen I briefly hoped that the show was going to pull a shocker and kill her off? Just me? Okay. In other news the soundtrack for this show continues to be on point!
  2. Card counting is legal but casinos hate it and will ban players who indulge. My take on the Ella situation is she was banned from that casino so going into it was the basis of the no-no and the threat from the pit boss to call Ella's supervisors. "Hey police people who are sworn to uphold the law. Your employee who is banned from our property, is aware she's banned, just snuck back in and is up to the tricks that got her banned. Thought you law and order types might like to know."
  3. I liked a lot of this episode. I actually enjoyed Lucifer and Ella working together and count me as interested in what the "voices" comment may mean in the future. I'm engaged enough by Ella and by her fairly unique relationship (very little sister-like with shades of Father Frank) with Lucifer to want to see how that plays out. Personal I really enjoy the character of Candy. When she was first on the screen I cringed, but when the episode played out to the end and we saw what a masterful job she'd done in her "role" I was hooked. I would trade Candy for Chloe in a heart-beat, I find her infinitely more interesting and with more depth than I do Chloe and that's off just 2 episodes. She is quick witted, genuinely kind, I am interested in her determination to make her father's club work, vs just selling out for the land and money. I would watch a show where that struggle was a storyline. Have Lucifer helping out without using supernatural gifts, just being himself? Sign me on! I agree that Chloe's constant "But it's my birthday" spiel got old so quick. I don't know if it was LG's delivery of the line or what, but I agree with everybody who has already said it made her sound like a child and really raised the question of why the heck wasn't she spending time with Trixie or her other friends. I totally understand that this episode was during Lesley's maternity leave and Ella was off with Lucifer, so we couldn't have another "girls night out" type situation, but Linda was there, and Dan and Trixie. You would think a functioning adult could enjoy a nice birthday dinner with friends? I guess we were supposed to hook into the theme of "oh not the last time Lucifer took off to Vegas I thought my best friend was gone for good" vibe, but either the writing or the acting didn't sell that enough. The "But it's my birthday" whine seemed to take front and center. Aside from that, Chloe, Linda and Dan were amusing. Dan has so grown on me as a character and I'm willing to give the writers' full creative license about the whole trying to break into the safe gag. Yeah it made no sense but Lucifer himself makes no sense, so shine on with those drill bits and spackal guys! I did like the Chloe and Lucifer hug at the end of the episode, I agree that was sweet and I wonder if that whole exchange (which seemed a little odd until I thought about it), combined with showing Lucifer being platonic "big brother" with Candy and Ella, was a way to put the Lucifer and Chloe UST to rest, at least for a bit? Personally I would be okay with that. I've always felt that Chloe and Lucifer as FRIENDS works better than trying to make them romantic TWU LUV. You just cannot sell me on Lucifer, a being older than time itself, as being a smitten teenager over a mortal, any mortal. He SHOULD be a "big brother" to these mortals in his life and though Ellis can have smoking chemistry with the set dressing, he can also do this platonic enjoyment of and pleasure in his friends just as beautifully.
  4. In theory I completely agree with this sentiment. In practice what seems to happen in this scenario ( I've seen it from West Wing, Criminal Minds, Sleepy Hollow just to name a few) is that the fan base ends up splitting into factions. We're already seeing it here, people are saying things like "hated this episode not enough X, Y or Z" and then the conversations become, "why did X say that to A, it should have been Z's line" and the fans start to sour on each other and get more and more sour towards the show until it reaches a point where the writers can't seem to write anything, because they literally can no long please everyone and the fans are so bitter they jump on any and every little fault, episode after episode. When the cast was smaller the writers had the ability to thread in the characters and play off the different combinations, which as fans we all enjoyed. If Maze didn't have a scene with Trixie, it was great that she had a scene with Linda or Chloe. If Amenadiel didn't have a scene with Lucifer, it was still awesome because he spent time with Dan. But now with a bloated cast, instead of moving around all the pieces into different and fun configurations, pieces have to be left out entirely and then the "well this episode sucked because of no X"
  5. This episode gave me a little bit of whiplash. The first half, I felt like we were bludgeoned over the head with every writer trope in the book and I was cringing with second hand embarrassment. Seriously, we all could have played a drinking game of 'drink everytime there is a sitcom trope on screen' and all of us would have been in the hospital with alcohol poisoning. Then we hit the point where Charlotte tried to 'rekindle' her romance with Lucifer and he was like "Nope!" and the truth came out, and thank Dad things leveled out. Leveled out and I'd agree with everyone who said the episode felt more like previous seasons than anything we've seen yet for Season 3. That said I am deeply concerned for this show. I was talking to Mr. Storyskip about the episode and counted off the full cast of characters as it stands now: Lucifer, Chloe, Maze, Trixie, Dan, Linda, Amenadiel, Ella, Lt Whatshisname, Charlotte Richards That's 10 characters in the ensemble. Unfortunately I've seen FOX do this to countless shows. They get a show that is popular and they seem to start hiring on more and more "names", bloating the cast until the show sinks under it's own expectations. Tricia is an amazing actress and she has strong chemistry with the cast but there was no reason to write Charlotte Richards back into season 3, not on top of bringing in the new Lt. Ella was brought in out of nowhere, but for a time she worked as a foil to Lucifer and that was good. But now, with them writing Lucifer as a petulant five year old, Ella's purpose seems to have fallen by the wayside, so she's also written for ... what? Comedy? If they're not going to use Ella for her original intended purpose then they'd be better off writing her out. Let Charlotte and Ella go, that trims the cast back down to eight. I don't know what we need the Lt to show us about Celestial Chloe that couldn't have been conveyed through one of the already existing characters, but he's here now, so let him do his thing and then show him the door, then they'd be back to the original cast from Season One. Put the focus back on the original core characters that made the show in the first place and stop all the extraneous "So and So big name is joining the cast of Lucifer!"
  6. I don't think the show writers are going to go there, especially not at 8pm. But I do think the Lt is going to turn out to either be another angel or be like Chloe in having been touched by divinity in some way.
  7. Dear Writers, Universal hint that you need to step back and consider matters. If you have to use every single other character as a mouthpiece to tell your audience how special this other character is, you've already lost the war. Either find a way to show us how special Chloe is, without scripting lines for every damn character in the series to beat us over the head with, or accept that your concept for the character isn't working out on screen. Second. If you have started to sink to the point of degrading other characters, in order the exalt the character that THE AUDIENCE SHOULD LOVE OMG! You're really in the weeds.
  8. I'm assuming this was one of the original extra 4 episodes shot while Lesley AB was pregnant, in which case a shout out to the production crew for best use of Canadian weather to put a "skin tight" clothes wearing character in bulky jackets! That said I'm not a fan of this trend of making Lucifer nothing more than the bumbling comic relief in his own show. I hope this trend turns around soon.
  9. Late to the party, but I'm just want to confess how much I appreciated the acting between Sewell and Oakes. I can't claim to be a fan of Hughes, but at least he kept out of Sewell and Oakes' way during the last scene between the three of them at the House. The double conversation going on, Lord M effectively saying -without saying- "I recognize my disruptive influence and I am taking steps to remove myself from the equation entirely. but discreetly so as not to make a scandal' and the way you see Ernst immediately pick up on this and express his gratitude on his brother's behalf, with only a look. It really was well written and well acted.
  10. Ah the comics make an appearance ... It was a solid episode, though is it bad that I fast forward through all the Chloe centric scenes? Now we wait till September and I have a sinking suspicion that [ and this is purely SPECULATION based on the end ] we're going to end up with an amnesia plot line for the first half of season 3. Which just ... please can we not?
  11. To take it a step further. My interpretation of the whole situation reminded me of a Doctor Who episode where a man picked up a Dalak information cylinder and basically downloaded all the Dalak's information on the Doctor, into this guy's head. So he believed he was The Doctor. In this case, the belt-buckle piece was the "healing" side to the blade's "death". So this is why God Johnson was able to perform the healing miracle on the old lady in the beginning. The belt-buckle also came with the "knowledge" of the divine, so God Johnson basically got an upload of "Dad's" memories. That's how he knew Lucifer as Samael, and how he knew about the beginning with Charlotte. All those memories were "Dad". What wasn't "Dad" and what pissed Lucifer off so completely at the end, was what God Johnson did with those memories. God Johnson had the memories of casting Lucifer out and his response was to apologize. But what Lucifer was saying, is this made him realize that actual "Dad" in that same situation, would never have admitted fault. Of course, we're looking at the narrative through Lucifer's perspective. So who is to say how the "piece" (belt buckle) got down on Earth in the first place and into Johnson's hands. Was this complete happenstance? Or was "Dad's" hand in motion to bring God Johnson to Lucifer to speak where he couldn't? We don't know and Lucifer is so angry, he's not a reliable narrator in his own story. There has always been this fine sort of line this show dances along, where things happen in a way that could be seen as "Dad's" hand at work. Father Frank, the shooter who kept missing Lucifer, now this with God Johnson. With the exception of the end of Season One, the show has been careful to leave room for interpretation, rather than outright say "This is Dad's doing".
  12. I agree. The number of commercials in this episode just seemed excessive. I'm sure it wasn't the case and is just an indicator of how good the episode was but I kinda would like to see it all the way through without the distractions.
  13. It appears they're hiding it. I noticed the camera shots you had Maze behind a counter, or shot in tight on her face or from behind. Then when she took out the "perp" it was a blur of motion and then suddenly Maze standing off to the side, instead of the more acrobatic action shots we've seen in the past. 4 stand alone episodes does not allow for a demon/angel baby storyline and I believe the actress should have time to have her baby and return to shoot being they get too deep into season 3, particularly if they already have some season 3 episodes in the can from the reshuffle.
  14. There was A LOT to love in this episode. But I think my favorite moment was in the beginning, where Lucifer was about to be inappropriate (as usual) and it was Dan who shushed him up with just a finger point. I like how it shows that all these characters, not just Chloe, have come to know Lucifer. After that just pick something with Trixie and it's gold. Also Maze and Chloe? I'd ship it.
  15. I enjoyed the episode. Not as strong as A Good Day to Die but a solid return. Candy actually turned out to be a complete win for me, from her "act" but genuine niceness, the fact that even in her "act" she pointed out the mediator and then at the end, when we learned it all was an act, the way she and Lucifer interacted. Honestly I wouldn't mind seeing more of her as Lucifer's friend, but we have enough characters. All that said, for as much as I love this show, enjoy these actors and the characters, the Lucifer/Chloe romance just constantly falls flat for me. At first it felt rushed, then it felt like both characters became caricatures of themselves when in 'romance' mode and just something about watching it makes me feel awkward. I think part of it is, at the end of the day, even if he likes to wear the facade of having the emotional maturity of a teenager, Lucifer is still eons and eons old. He's been around since before time began. Blessed birth or not, Chloe has been around for 35 years. I feel like the show is trying to sell that he's going to settle into this nice, conventional, human normative relationship and ... what? Join the PTA? Paint the picket fence white on the weekends? I mean, in a lot of ways if you look back at what Linda did, that makes sense. Even though she was in LUST with him, not love, she recognized that it was not a good or healthy situation to be that attached/risk feelings getting into the mix, and she broke off that part of things. Hasn't stopped her from remaining a good friend and confidant. I'm wondering if the show would have the guts to go the route that Chloe's "romantic" feelings for Lucifer are actually "Dad" designed. That of her own free will, Lucifer is her best friend but not TWU LUV. Heck, I'd even get behind Chloe and Dan getting back romantically. I know it's not the popular theory, but I feel like we've seen Dan make some genuine attempts to recognize his own poor behavior from the past, and to grow. Maybe I'm an outlier in the fandom, but I would totally watch a show where Chloe and Dan got back together, Maze and Amenadiel continue to do their thing and Lucifer has Chloe as his best friend, with Dr. Linda there to be sassy at all of them when they're idiots. Ella I go back and forth on. I enjoy a lot of her quirks but her constant "shipping" anvil attitude is getting old. I just wish this whole Lucifer/Chloe thing didn't feel so trope-ish. "Oh you have a male lead and a female lead? THEY MUST BE TWU LUV!"
  16. If he's not still in LA -just in the seedier areas- then I speculate he's in Las Vegas.
  17. "When your heart is a stranger" by Friends in Paris. It hasn't been released yet unfortunately and a comment on Friends in Paris's Facebook says they don't know when it will be released.
  18. I'm not sure what that has to do with Charlotte but again, they addressed the non-linear aspect of time shift between Earth and Hell in the episode. As far as Earth was concerned, Lucifer was "dead" no longer than 6 minutes, Charlotte less than that since she died after he died. Down in Hell, an untold amount of time passed. The show never tried to sell it as a 1:1 ratio.
  19. It looks like Lucifer performed incredibly strong in the numbers. The Bachelor was 2 hours and had to 'lead' but for the 9:00 hour Lucifer was the top show with a 1.2/4 which put it above Gotham as well. http://tvbythenumbers.zap2it.com/daily-ratings/tv-ratings-monday-jan-30-2017/
  20. Charlotte didn't die. She came back from Hell. Yes. Lucifer explained in his session with Dr. Linda, Dad and Mom were happy, then Dad got a hobby (humanity), Mom got jealous and kicked up a fuss and got booted down into Hell.
  21. I think that the show has tried? More so in the first season than recently, I'll agree there, because I noticed when they brought the subject back up a few episodes ago. But still, from the first season alone ... The pilot episode we learn that Lucifer is done "playing a part in Dad's play." Lucifer defiantly burning his wings, rather that risk the temptation they offer for him to go back under Dad's thumb. The ending monologue in Favorite Son. The entire episode with Father Frank. "You manipulative bastard" "Why does everybody think it's a good plan." I think that the writers may fear (especially after what happened in Sleepy Hollow and the CFD) is that if they pummeled the point about Lucifer's "Daddy Issues" too hard, it would become annoying to the audience.
  22. There was a moment of "Red-Head" when he left the doctor to his torments. I think it's a problem of practicality. That much make-up, you'd lose the nuances of Tom Ellis' face when he's putting forth scenes like his own torment with Uriel.
  23. This goes back to the characterization of Lucifer in this particular fiction. Lucifer fights anything that smacks of pre-destination or FATE. He was designed to be willful, in order to perform the work Yahweh needed of him and part of that willfulness, the same willfulness that makes him not lie, honor his debts, etc, also lead to his refusal to accept the idea that his father had A PLAN. Just the idea that Chloe is the result of Yahweh's meddling is enough to send Lucifer running the opposite way. If anything, this point, accepting the idea that Chloe loves him through her own Free Will, is a GROWTH point for Lucifer. I feel confident in speculation that it is part of this show's long running theme in terms of character development.
  24. I think that this was the best episode to date. Even as good as the episode with Father Frank was, this one ... the use of the entire cast is on point and everybody brought their A game. ETA: And once again, the sound editors for this show continue to blow me away. Sound/music is almost it's own character bringing another layer to the episodes.
  25. I am not a fervent shipper as a rule but I am also in the side of the sandbox that wishes they wouldn't push these two together so quickly. I've recently been spoiled for a excellent portrayal of a "will they, won't they" scenario, which managed to both fulfill shipper hearts without having to push the characters actively into bed. The relationship between the two leads on the Australian produced "Miss Fisher Murder Mysteries" is (IMO) an excellent example of how to write this sort of scenario, particularly with an eye towards awareness that actually sailing the ship would result in a major characterization shift for at least one of the characters. The relationship still manages to be incredibly intimate and there is no doubt of the strength of it but the reservation is organically designed and for the most part organically maintained, AND actually ramps up the intimacy. I have a lot of faith in the Lucifer writers, but I kinda wish they would watch MFMM as an example of how to write this kind of 'on edge' balancing act. Because I agree with other posters, the way the characters are now, Lucifer would have to undergo a major characterization shift if he gets into a serious romantic relationship with Chloe.
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