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Everything posted by Matryoshka

  1. Monique Yingling is seriously the worst liar I have ever seen. I'm just astonished that CO$ feels she's their best choice to represent them.
  2. "Your Mileage May Vary." It's used as shorthand for "this is my opinion; yours may be different."
  3. I don't get anything from that article but Val being part of the decision making process about when to tell Laurie, not that it was ultimately only his decision or that he was the one to tell her. It sounds to me like it was her family's decision, not one I think I'd make, but not some grand manipulative conspiracy either. YMMV.
  4. I love it, not because I find it remotely attractive; but for the tiny spark of independence/defiance of Gothard standards it represents.
  5. Honestly, I'd be surprised if a Duggar actually lifted a finger to help at the reception. That was probably all church volunteers.
  6. Ugh, that was disappointing. Lorraine has the patience of a saint.
  7. Totally agree. I really wanted to love Team Future but I could never see enough of everyone at one time to really get into it fully.
  8. My mom has done that for as long as I can remember. My weirdest thing is probably mixing peanut butter into those little snack size containers of cottage cheese...
  9. http://www.celebuzz.com/2012-08-24/ryan-lochtes-sister-megan-speaks-out-on-controversial-video-it-was-not-a-real-interview/ For what it's worth, this is Megan Lochte's explanation/apology from 2012 when that video first began circulating...
  10. Without rewinding I think what he said was that she "did herself a solid," meaning she did herself a favor. (Apologies if this was already answered and I missed it in the thread traffic.)
  11. I thought the boys weren't allowed smart phones but that looks an awful lot like one on the couch under middle J boy's crossed knee.
  12. For what it's worth, there's actually a trend now in some churches to hire specific pastors for those specific roles. You have a preaching/lead pastor, and under him a youth pastor, a counseling pastor, etc. I'm not sure that it's an indication of dumbing down or more a recognition of the fact that one person may not be gifted in all those areas and it can spread someone pretty thin trying to do them all justice.
  13. Definitely not in the exhibition areas. As a museum employee I feel the need to yell at my tv every time I see this ad to get that disgusting burrito away from the display. The one with the waiter handing the 2 women drinks off a tray right in front of a painting bugs me too.
  14. I was momentarily surprised by that, but then I realized Marla was saying "what a shame," or "that's a shame" as the camera cut to them, so yeah, their concern was for Jodie, not themselves. Whatever happened must have come across worse in the studio than it did at home.
  15. Probably because in her world it's unusual to have a man actually pitch in and help with "women's work." I'm glad she seems to appreciate it. I actually like his awful beard just for its sheer unGothardness.
  16. This sounds really familiar. Didn't one of the blind item sites float this rumor already some time last year? I would do a search but I hate even going to those sites...
  17. I would have to disagree; wasn't the elimination of "eat, sleep, mingle" and the introduction of the U-turn all designed to create conflict between the racers, not cooperation?
  18. Four Continents is February 16-21 in Taipei.
  19. This ad and the other one with the kids bathing the ugly dog bug me from a storytelling perspective. I feel like they end too abruptly; we should get a coda shot of the clean, happy dog playing with the kids or the girl admiring her purple hair while Mom smiles in the background, having saved her family from their grubby selves.
  20. I don't like Maeve at all but "Holy banana pants!" did kind of crack me up. I would rather have seen sad waif Haley go over Melody who I kind of liked but I'm not really too invested. I would like to try and make her pecan, cranberry, cinnamon chip cookies from last week, though.
  21. I felt really bad for the one who was harassed on the balloon task but that sympathy disappeared when a guy clearly helped push the generator/bike to the wedding.
  22. Other than the actual dances I tend to watch much of the show on mute, but thought I heard Tom say there would be a cast announcement about the tour. Did I miss that or was it just a teaser for something they'll announce tonight?
  23. I was just coming here to ask the same thing; I've never heard of this before. Did the judges actually have to eat the candy along with the cake? And if not, what's the point? Just the effect?
  24. Unless that's what they want you to do... ;-)
  25. Ugh. I disliked obnoxious pumpkin guy so much I wanted his team to lose even if they were more consistent overall. I preferred the other team's more elegant, less cartoony designs even if they were a bit overly cluttered. I did enjoy his breaking and falling into his precious giant pumpkin.
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