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  1. Most of the David's team come off as a bunch of misfits and easily frustrated, not well-rounded players crafty enough to overcome something that appears intimidating. How you saw the team losing was not what I saw. We must concentrate on different people and notice different shortcomings. Most of them would have floundered if they were placed in the roles you highlighted for why they lost. I don't buy into the teams' meaning created by Survivor. I agree none of the teams fit the theme of the show (the theme reminds me more of geeks vs. in-crowd). The casting was not right in my opinion. It's something I have to overlook to enjoy the show or not watch LOL. I only like two people on that team: Carl and Bi. I understand why Elizabeth and Gabby worked hard to influence others vote, but it would not have worked on me. I would try my best to not go to too many tribal councils.
  2. I wish the David’s team had some people in decent shape. It is not fun for me watching the two teams compete. I get the theme, but in the story I never imagined an out of shaped man for David. I wanted Lyrsa to go home and not mainly because she’s might be the weakest. It is because she does not take correction well which is more crucial on a team with no athletic skills or stamina. The outcome to me came out of fear than what was best for the team.
  3. I want Spensha to win. It pains me to think one of the two teenagers will win. I'm just not impressed with them as a Voice winner. Oh well, I'm prepared. :)
  4. I was flabbergasted at times when people on the internet call this season boring. Reading people's explanations why helped me to understand how others like to watch this game and view the players differently from me. I really liked watching how Dom and Wendell played together. It's a teammate bond that's not easily broken like so many on this show. They were not easily swayed like how Kellyn was with Michael's good looks. Their facial expressions towards Kellyn's comments about Michael's good looks at that tribal made me laugh. I also laughed how in this episode Donathan tried to play Wendell against Dom and couldn't. I liked Wendell's response to Donathan and that he straight up told Dom in front of Donathan. I have to say I really don't want anyone to blindside them including Laurel. Her coming in third is fine with me, sorry Laurel. :) I feel to many people are hard on Laurel; I kind of feel bad for her sometimes. I think Laurel did not feel safe to blindside them and align herself with the others that's left in the game. I rather work with Dom and Wendell any day before Donathan. He's not loyal or straight up as those two by any means.
  5. Wendell and Dom are my favorite players. I want one of them to win, but perferly Wendell. They are two people from this game that I would love to be friends with in real life. Donathan got me furious with him tonight. He’s erratic. I love how Dom replied back to Donathan when he did not want him to speak.
  6. I have not watched any of the episodes after the last one aired. With each original cast member that left, the show got more stale for me even though I continued to watch. My interest in Dance Moms piqued again with all the Abby got out of jail news. I fascinated to see if she gets another show because part of me wants to watch Abby again (if you don't agree that's fine). I just hope her character has more redeeming qualities towards her students to balance her not so polish personality.
  7. I was initially attracted to this show because of the dance element. I had to remind myself a lot that the show is called Dance Moms, so it was supposed to evolve around them. I know for me as well that it got tiring hearing the moms argue about silly stuff, especially when the mom’s kid had no talent. It was laughable at their delusions and predictable arguments. I am not embarrassed for the mothers; they got paid. I constantly amused myself while watching by predicting what’s real and what’s not.
  8. I just want to say I wish Adam made it. I liked him and wanted to hear his style of singing on the show.
  9. I understand Abby's perspective too. I have empathy for her feeling used with some of her dancers, I get it. I wish people could see the whole picture of Abby like Brynn, but sometimes hurting or ungrateful people can't. Abby was not a balanced character with the good and bad traits. She is a victim of the character she created that got many people tuning in to love to hate. I think the show would have not lasted as long without key characters like Abby and Maddie. Abby was a crucial part of this show, so crucial the Abby's storyline does not end when she's not around. She left her mark on Dance Moms. I think the girls would have not gotten the attention without Abby's antics on the show, and for some of the girls Abby knew how to make them shine with dance and promoting them.
  10. I really, really, liked Jon Mero's performance. I loved how he worked the stage and controlled his notes. He made me look forward to this season. I hope it's going to be a good one.
  11. Reality TV needs drama, but sometimes less is more. The mothers fighting during the bar scene was just too much that I looked away from my TV screen periodically. At a point in that scene, Christi became unlikable and Holly surprised me. We were not given the opportunity on the show to see the text messages to know the truth about whether they wanted Camryn on the team. Ashley should have left the other team's drama alone; they do a lot of fighting that it would have been revealed quickly. I personally think there is a chance it might be true based on behavior. Christi was sizing Camille up when the mothers were talking together, and sometimes groups with a long history together can be cliquish to newcomers, which I can see with the Irreplaceables. I was hoping for a more exciting team's name than the Irreplaceables, and I wished the name was not tied to Abby. It's not healthy for the team to be more focused on Abby, than themselves. Abby removing the new mom from the mothers on her team gave me a good laugh. She does not want to lose her new talent, and I don't blame her. Brynn stunned me with her analysis of Abby. I thought it was a well-rounded opinion. The Irreplaceables left a lasting impression on me during this episode. Their lack of enthusiasm made me question if they felt comfortable with doing burlesque dancing. I know not all teenagers are comfortable with their body at that age. Maybe it was a good dance with the wrong group. I was hoping Nia was going to ham it up because of her acting ability and Kalani quitting made me wonder if she was following Kendall. The mothers being shocked at the teacher's strong emotions to the group should not be a surprise. The mothers need to be honest with themselves they drive many of their guest teachers mad with their bad behavior. The teacher gave them a big piece of her mind. LOL
  12. I had the same thinking about Kelli's comments. I instantly felt Kelli made Jenna more responsible for Holly's behavior than Holly herself. I thought about it some more after the show and figured it was because of her role as leader. People expect more of the people they give higher positions and desire them to handle things in a manner they would if they were there. She can't watch a girl do wrong. She has to do something about it. Her options were to advise and if the girl does not change to report to Kelli or get a consequence right along with her. Jenna allowed Holly to involve her in the mess by not fulfilling her responsibility. It's a tough role. I think Kelli was questioning her judgment.
  13. Thanks for sharing. I forgot that Asia was on the show, but I remember her confidence, because she's not on it anymore. I really enjoyed her song. It sounds like a song we would hear on the radio. It is nice to see Nia doing things to further her career. That's great.
  14. I have been waiting for this episode. First, I want to say that I like both Jenna and Holly for what they bring to the team with their dancing. I would miss seeing their presence in DCC’s performances. I don't know the whole details about the fraternization-- just like everybody else on this matter--but we still got our opinions (LOL). I learned more about what entails being a leader according to DCC last week. It's a big job because they are responsible for grown folks off the field behavior and managing it. Jenna just got too friendly with Holly the way I see it. It is sad she allowed this friendship to affect her place on the team. I am sure it was a painful lesson. The lesson I hope she learned: don't let anybody drag you down and follow the rules to the best of your ability to keep your job. Getting too friendly as a leader, like a supervisor, on the team is just dangerous; you pay the cost if you don't constantly check the girls for breaking DCC's rules. I don’t agree with making others responsible for others' behavior, so it was painful for me to watch Jenna’s office segment visit. I fully understand DCC’s leader responsibilities. I know the leader role was to put DCC first and act like an extension to Kelli and Judy when they are not around. A lasting memory I got from watching this episode was I hated the spin cycle segment. It was pointless to me. The reason for it was just silly. It was not entertaining enough for my TV viewing.
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