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Everything posted by HalcyonDays

  1. Italian, Thai or Mexican. Best food ever. Feed him a good Phad Thai, or some amazing salsa with homemade chips, or enchiladas dripping with cheese and salsa verde and some fresh guacamole. Finish it off with a huge margarita on the rocks. Best food I ever had roaming through the States? - Mexican. So, so good. Even in Washington, DC, there was an amazing Mexican restaurant that I went a couple times too, it was that good. I wish I could find a really good Mexican restaurant here. I live in Toronto (big population) but Mexican doesn't seem to fly here. So sad. Now I'm hungry. More things for our boy to experience: - Playing with dogs on the beach - preferrably big ones (I have a GSD) - Learning digital SLR photography - Reaction to watching any gory episode of The Walking Dead - Body boarding - Actually using power tools to build something (there must be a chain saw included) - Taking a ride on a power boat.
  2. ^^ I like that story about Hoffman/OIivier. I can see why AL maintains his Rick voice behind the scenes. It might be hard for him to switch or maintain his own English accent and the Southern one, or that the English accent creeps into certain words if he doesn't constantly stick with it while shooting. Just speculation.
  3. 3/4 of the writers who were there in season 1, were there in season 2. Goffman though set the tone and also probably forced or "pushed" the focus onto all things Katrina, since it's all he could ever talk about. That, and refusing to acknowledge Ichabbie chemistry (friends or otherwise) and the importance of Nicole Beharie, which was a huge mistake. The show has ended with a clean slate with the problem characters gone and the core four still alive and kicking. All they need is to find a showrunner (and I am sure there are many people clammering for this type of opportunity) and start to lay out season 3, and there is hope. SpoilerTV has the renewal index for the show at a 2.37 - Certain renewal. The closer to 2.40, the closer to cancellation, so this is good. The Mindy Project and the New Girl are slightly worse at 2.39, while Bones is 2.36. All within each other and the others will most likely be renewed. Even Brooklyn 99 is a 3.33, yet it was renewed. Cancellation Bear has it at a toss-up - 50/50 chance - so we will see. They did downgrade it to the toss-up after the 1.2 series low, but I don't think have fully factored in the finale. Again, we'll see. However, if you look at the list if other programs, there is not much there that will be renewed. Not all of the pilots will fly and Luther has been delayed, so my rainbows and lollipop mind is telling me good things. I do think it will be a 13 episode season, and I am perfectly fine with that. The 18 episode season would have been good too, if Goffman didn't waste it with back and forth Katrina/CFD and never moving the story forward.
  4. Apparently Goffman "knows" people, has connections. So as with every other BS corporate environment, being a good worker is pointless. It's who you know. *sigh*
  5. As someone else mentioned above way back in pages, it was obvious that the horse was being coaxed to lie down by the wranger and the other walkers during the "attack". I've seen that maneouver before on other TV shows (Westerns) where they can get the horse to lie down at will. A horse wranger isn't going to be working with a skittish or nervous horse - they are going to use one who is more docile and the wranger can easily handle them. They are trained for this, just like those dogs a few episodes ago were trained to bark and growl "mean", but they were wagging their tails waiting for their reward. With the baby(babies?) who play Judith, I noticed a couple of episode ago that it seems like the kid likes AL. She seems to respond to him, which is cool, but you can also tell when her attention is being direction to something off screen. It's cute. I don't even mind that it looked like the horse was being coaxed. I minded the horse being killed *poor baby*. That horse would have simply run away and could easily outrun the walkers. Why the horsies?? WHY??
  6. The last two episodes are great, especially Tempus Fugit. That was (to me) hands down the best of the series, and I love the pilot. Another thing to consider. Goffman didn't move onto something else within FOX. He went to another network. If the show was cancelled, he could have moved onto something else within the org. So it's promising that he left/was forced to leave FOX and went elsewhere.
  7. Someone on their tumblr pointed out a very good point: deals like the CBS one don't happen overnight. It takes time to find, negotiate and agree to it. I bet that when FOX stepped in around November and starting course correcting, Goffman realized the writing was on the wall. Coupled with the loss of his muse, I bet he decided to move onto "greener" pastures, as he knew there was no place for him at FOX. On top of that, having FOX come in and force changes can be a major shot to some people's egos. Cross fingers that Season 3 will happen.
  8. Yeah, I'm being a negative nelly, but this stupid fandom does that. This is all positive news, along with The Following not doing as well in the ratings, season 3 has a chance to really shine. Bring on the renewal!! ETA: The comments in the SpoilerTV link are interesting. Of course we get those of us cheering and going yeah! Some comments are like "by getting rid of the showrunner", it's a sign the network has some confidence in the show season 3 (get rid of the weak links, confidence in moving in a new direction) and of course those bemoaning his leaving and of course that season 2 was great. Yeah. So let's see: Henry gone - Check Katrina gone - Check CFD done - Check Irving alive - Check Jenny alive - Check Goffman gone - Check Season 3 - TBD
  9. And my high is over.... Mark Goffman signs two year deal with CBS to supervise and develop new projects. The bad ones are always rewarded. And he knew the writing was on the wall.... Like I said - Katrina is gone, therefore his muse is gone. I would put money on Katia Winter headlining some of these projects....
  10. SECOND BEST NEWS EVER (Season 3 renewal will be first!!) YES!! Very happy about this. There is hope, I believe. Why bother announcing a showrunner leaving if the show will just be cancelled anyway. If it's cancelled, you can just let the writers/showrunner et all move onto their next projects. The fact that they announced it gives me hope. For all we know, he quit too. All he cared about was Katrina/Katia, so now that she's gone, there is no incentive or interest for him to stay, but this screams of corporate speak to me i.e. <Person> has "stepped down" to pursue "other opportunities" when you know they were kicked to the curb. This is excellent news. Is it possible that season 3 will have NO Katrina, No CFD, No Goffman and the four core favourite (Crane/Abbie/Irving/Jenny) still around. It's like a dream!!
  11. I'm not knocking comics at all, but how messed up is it that the writers of the comics have done a vastly superior job than the idiots who wrote the show. The comics in this case should be a supplement to the show, since the show came first. (unlike say the Walking Dead or Arrow, which is based on the comics). But still. Fox needs to clean house, get rid of Goffman and co, and hire the comic writers as show writers. They would do an excellent job, from what you and others have said. I guess I'm just bitter that the great stories told in the comics could have been realized on screen, if it wasn't for Goffman and his Katrina love. *SMH*
  12. Is it wrong that the ratings for The Following make me happy, only because that gives hope for SH renewal. I mean, SH had some issues, but that was because of the almost universally reviled Katrina and CFD. That's done now, so bodes well for season 3. Also, if you look at the updated (as of March 10th) Cancellation Bear predictions, FOX is on shaky ground. On top of that, apparently FOX wanted to do their own version of a show called Luther, but is delaying it until after pilot season. Apparently sounds like they are having a hard time casting their leading man. I get hopeful, then the SH comics releases this: Sleepy Hollow - Origins One-Shot Comic Coming From Boom! Studios What pisses me off is that this content should be part of the actual show, not in a comic. These are the things I want to see on screen and have these questions answered. It almost makes me think that they are just tying up loose ends. However, from the previously released comics, from what I've read and heard comments about, the comics do a really good job of fleshing out things the show doesn't, and tends to be very shippy with Ichabbie. So there is a disconnect there, but still angers me. This should be in the show.
  13. Rick's group is a very loyal group. And remember that Carol single-handedly saved them all from the crazies at Terminus. Without her, they would all be hotdogs and steaks. On top of that, Carol (and Tyresse) saved Judith. Everyone - Rick especially - is really in debt to Carol. So if it came to pass that Carol would be exiled, there is no way Rick's group would allow that. I don't think so. Especially since Rick already did it before and obviously realizes it was a mistake (or was it, since she was safe from the Governor attack?). I just think that Rick did it once - exile - therefore will not again. They owe Carol big time and this group is very bonded and loyal. You heard Rick - 'if things don't work out, we take over.' Carol will be fine.
  14. Just a gentle reminder that it's okay to disagree with others in how you view characters or situations on screen. We all see things through our own unique life lenses. Some will see Carol as a psychopath, some cheer her on. Some see Jessie as having ulterior motives, some thing she's a victim. Aaron could be shady, or trustworthy. Rick is either crazy or diabolical. The fun is figuring out the little tells and quirky little behaviours that hint one way of another. But in the meantime, please respect everyone's posts and opinions and do not simply say 'if you don't like, don't watch.' Let's all enjoy the twisted drama of The Walking Dead, however messed up it may be. Thank you.
  15. Honestly - it wasn't the kiss itself. It was the look in Rick's eyes BEFORE he leaned in for the kiss (from how I viewed it). The act itself is something that could be considered very chaste, and something that platonic family members do all of the time. It was the look. I'm a long suffering lover of the show Sleepy Hollow, and we have two words for that look that happened to appear on Rick's face as he leaned in for the kiss ---> eye-fucking.
  16. Hey, if Ichabbie can beat Caskett (admittedly a very tough battle), Vincent and Catherine are child's play! VOTE away, people! *grin* I just wish they picked a better picture though - so many more "intimate" ones they could have used. Ichabbie just look bored...
  17. Alright - here you go. WTH is CBD? - Acronyms and Nicknames of the Walking Dead
  18. This thread will be dedicated to defining and describing all of the acronyms and nicknames that we tend to use when discussing the show or referring to specific characters, places or events. The purpose of this thread is to act like a Wikipedia of sorts. Its intent is to be a bit of a reference manual for those who are not sure what certain acronyms or short forms actually mean or what they refer to. This thread will be open to anyone to post in, however we will be taking the best definitions of the lot (maybe even multiple definitions) to make clear what the various terms means. That means expect that I WILL be making edits to some of your posts, to remove repetition or add clearer definitions as needed. I will ensure that each of you is credited with your additions though, but because you guys can't edit each others posts, this will probably be like this for the time being. For now, It's a work in progress. ALSO - Could everyone BOLD the nickname or Acronym so that it stands out if scanning the page quickly!! Thanks! I look forward to everyone's contribution and also your suggestions. PM's are always welcome! So come one come all and post away!!
  19. I've been toying with this for a while, actually, creating a thread like this. Just a small thread that we can define certain acronyms and short forms that we use for the show, so we don't have to keep asking the same questions over and over again. I brought this up a few months ago, but it may be a good time to bring it up again. I'd like to see a thread that anyone can post in with your nice clear precise definitions for any of the terms, but only the best definition of the term stays in the thread (to get rid of repetition). I like these ones - WTH is a CDB? Nicknames of 'The Walking Dead or WTH is a CDB? Acronyms of the Walking Dead Because What the Hell Rhymes with Camp Dinner Bell!!
  20. No worries, GHScorpiosRule. We've nitpicked this show to hell and back, and it still doesn't make sense half of the time. Problem is the idiot writers never bothering to create a bible or a manual with all of the rules and information needed to define the SH universe. There is a glaring lack of continuity in the show, to the point that it's a miracle that we can explain some of this stuff *grin* To quote Ichabod Crane.. 'Makes no sense.' I will say I am glad there was not two Katrina's, though I am sure Goffman desperately tried. The less screen time with her, the better. And hopefully there is a season 3, which means NO screen time.
  21. Katrina jumped into her own body that existed in 1781. That's why she was wearing different clothes (nurse outfit) and seemed to be in the middle of tending soldier wounds. Also, she briefly touches her belly, indicating she was now pregnant. Abbie, on the other hand, had no body to fill, therefore it was her with her own clothes, own body as an addition to that time. Hope that makes sense.
  22. So much to quote and respond too...stop writing so much, people!! *grin* Now that you said that, I sort of remember that!! One of the ambulances had a cross on it. Can anyone confirm if there were A's on the church and car?? Gonna have to disagree with you on this. The humans are the ones who gave us Woodbury, the rape camps and cannibalism at Terminus, the ones who attacked and burned down the prison. The humans are the ones pillaging and attacking and destroying. Animals are loyal. Humans are not. I'll take the animals any day. Completely agree. It's the case of the ASZ group being too complacent, because they never had to face what CDB have faced. They are no clue as to the horrors out there. Aaron has seen some of it, that's why he was pretty calm when taking down those walkers. I agree. That cocktail party filled with flowery twin-sets and pastel golf shirts just rubbed me the wrong way. All of that idiotic talk about pasta makers and useless chatter just annoyed me. Good for Sasha for giving them a bit of a reality check. I just wish she went into them more instead of walking away. OMG - this is a great theory. Now that you said it, it could totally make sense. I could see that!! Yikes - that is a creepy idea - being scarred deliberately to ensure ASZ can identify you. Very creepy, but there is something sinister behind all of these perfectly made up people of ASZ. I can see it. I do think that maybe somehow the Unfair Wolves are ASZ themselves. They were unfair by exiling the others, and the exiled attacked another community - just like Alexandria - to take supplied and weapons. I think they are going to revenge attack Alexandria. Carol needed the chocolate to bake the cookies for that kid (Sam?) who she threatened. Initially, I thought she was going to eat the chocolate. But she told the kid that if he remained quiet, she would bake him a whole tray of cookies - she has to follow through. That's how I saw it.
  23. I literally yelled out 'OMG Carol" when she threatened that kid. Holy cow - Carol will not mess around. Rick - what are you doing kissing Jessie, with her husband wandering around near by. C'mon dude. Also, him standing at the wall, just staring at it - he's losing his mind, as is Carol. Michonne - don't put your katana on the wall. Carry it with you. I know it's symbolic, but still. Also, Abraham was hilarious, but I swear he was hitting on her. Totally get where Sasha is coming from. She just lost Bob and Tyreese recently. She's PTSD and she's struggling with everything. A cute little cocktail party isn't going to heal her (or the others) anytime soon. Daryl "bonding" with Aaron. I actaully like Aaron - he seems like a good guy. BUT NOT THE HORSE. WHY THE HORSE!! Poor baby survived for months on his/her own (the horse) . Daryl turning down the gun was out of character to me, though he rarely uses a gun, so...but still. Daryl being complacent before Rick and Carol. I don't know. Where on earth is the liquor store because man, did they have lots of booze around. Beer has a shelf life, but the other alcohol doesn't, which is good. I don't blame any of them for not wanting to socialize. I mean, Sasha yelling at the woman was dead on - these ASZ residents are naive and I don't think any of them really understand how rough it is out there. They have been living a mostly pampered existance - they have no clue at all. What was that stupid stamp on their hands for though? I thought for sure it would be a W. It's a A (Adultery??) but what was the point? I like the comment though, when Daryl is the sane one of the group...man. Oh, and that cheery song at the end just made me laugh.
  24. Thanks stealinghome. I forgot that the cops said they just found the body a few days ago. Makes the anger from Maria's sister and brother even more believeable, as they would have to relieve the anger and hurt over Maria's death once again. And yeah, the councilman guy was trying to direct suspiscion to that other campaign help guy whoever who was fired. I second that motion! I assume those are JLM own real tattoos, correct?
  25. Oh yeah, that's right. So the originals of CBD were Rick, Carl, Carol, Daryl and Glenn. Glenn was the only one who actually had some sense at times. Rick just pontificated on doing the right thing. Daryl was eyeing everyone with a 'fuck you.' Carol was absolutely meek as can be (which is why her taking out Terminus on her own was extra special and awesome) and Carl has really grown up and become very sure of himself and the realities of the 'new world'. Yeah, I like season 5 CDB. A lot!
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