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Everything posted by HalcyonDays

  1. If it's a TV show or movie that's long been around, you don't need to spoiler tag it. Like, The X-Files or say Lost finished long ago - if one hasn't watched it yet, bets are one won't, and sucks to be them. But if it's something much more recent, like say this season's GoT, or the latest Hunger Games movie, it's pretty recent, so people maybe haven't had a chance to watch it yet, but will soon, so it would be mean spoiling them unnecessarily. Like, some people will watch TWD live, but binge watch another show in a month or so, so you risk spoiling them. How about...if it refers to something that aired in 2015, spoiler tag. If not, like I said, sucks to be them. If we had to protect everyone from every spoiler, every post in every thread would be spoiler tagged.
  2. JBody, we don't have an All-Seasons thread or All-Purpose thread, but you can put your theory in either one of these two threads. Each of these threads can be used to discuss your theories - just pick the one depending on whether you will reveal actual WD spoilers or not. Watch Duty - Spoilers and Spoiler Speculation. Speculation with Spoilers We already have so many threads that are pretty much lost and forgotten in forum I don't want to add another one that'll end up with a few posts, and lost on page five of this forum.
  3. I keep forgetting to mention, but I love this. PGSD. Because it's so dead-on. Many of our viewpoints are so clouded/tainted or at least negatively influenced by PGSD, mine included. So it's really nice to see people giving CC a chance, or seeing a lot of postive comments in the threads now about season 3. We are all working through our PGSD.
  4. Well, Jane does remind me of Trinity, both in looks and kicking ass so... Glad crazy CIA guy is dead. Actor was brilliant and the character was completely over the top, but he was a total bastard. Though the actress who plays Patterson did a great job - loved her interrogation of the Russian woman. Liking Oscar aka Tree Tattoo Hottie. Glad he saved Jane. For some reason the reveal that Jane did this all herself didn't resonate as much - I think because somewhere in the back of my mind, I thought this might be the twist. The show's enjoyable and entertaining enough - I'll be back in February.
  5. Now only is he hot - and has beautiful eyes -, but man, his accomplishments in the Military - My respect for him (and crush) just sky rocketed. From Wikipedia: He was a "...dismount infantry S.A.W. gunner in Iraq..." Wow. So much respect for him.
  6. Here is your Pre-Air Speculation and Live Chat thread for S06.E08: Start to Finish. This thread opens Friday around 5:00 pm for your chattinga and speculating enjoyment. Once the episode airs, head on over to this link --> S06.E08: Start to Finish to continue the discussion. Remember: Please Try to Post NO Spoilers (Comics, Talking Dead or Otherwise). If you "Absolutely, Positively have to include a spoiler in this Thread....! Spoiler Tag It!" - Apologies to the great Samuel L. Jackson and his character Jules in Pulp Fiction. Or Simply Don't Post A Spoiler! Respect each others opinions, Always Be Civil and Enjoy Yourselves!
  7. You didn't miss anything, tbh. And it had little bearing on the final two episodes, where the good stuff happened. And I wouldn't advise watching, unless you want to throw things at the TV. That's the question everyone struggled with in season 2. Because it literally made no sense to anyone with even a modicum of logical thought ability. I think this too - let's hope that's the purpose of those scenes. So far, CC and company haven't "ship-teased" us for ratings, which is nice. There is a plan here, a far-reaching plan that is in motion, and is slowly unveiling itself, so I give huge kudos to CC for this. I also really love the Joe/Crane scenes. They are both soldiers, and both are very close and devoted to the Mills sisters. The two of them have a nice dynamic that they can relate to each other, both as soldier, as man, and as man in love. I really glad they decided to bring Zach Appelman back, and he's an excellent addition for the Scooby Gang. Just as I want to see more Jenny/Crane scenes, I want to see more Joe/Crane scenes.
  8. Well, considering the repetitive head-shots that poor Jim keeps getting, it's not surprised he seems to be getting "dumber" - or at least his mental faculties are being affected. Poor thing. I was thinking that too at one point. Then thought, No! Bruce is so running the con and loved every second of it! I loved this too. The first hints of Playboy Bruce totally charming the ladies. Loved it. I just love Baby!Cat and Baby!Bruce together.
  9. I love this misdirection. Enero and I were debating which way it went, because it could be intrepreted two ways. Enero was correct though! We saw earlier how Abbie was thrilled to be in her job, that Reynolds praising her made her happy, that when he offered her task force leader, she was jazzed up. She liked thinking she was "all that" and thinking she was special in a way, or at least advancing the ranks. Abbie was left with the impression that she was the one who was exceptional agent, the FBI Star. Not surprising, since she is talented and rose the ranks quickly, so to speak. The audience thought it too. Now we find out that the agent they are grooming and trusted with undercover work/high level stuff was NOT Abbie. In fact, Reynolds didn't trust her enough to tell her about Sophie (which is fine, IMO - that's FBI undercover work reality). But suddenly Abbie isn't the star anymore. It's Sophie. Sophie is the one they are grooming, not Abbie. On top of that, Abbie has to find out a guy she had a relationship with didn't trust her enough to reveal that (again, FBI reality but it still hits emotionally). Referring to Abbie as "the Asset" makes me believe they are USING her to get what the FBI Director wants. So what is it that the FBI director wants? Not Nevins? He was already caught. Because Reynolds made that phone call after Abbie quit and said "we've lost the asset". So now, with Abbie being Not-So-Dead, but she has to be rescued somehow, but once she is and resumes her "normal" life, what's the FBI planning to do with her? Why her? These are the questions I'm dying to have answered, so this misdirection is just awesome. Can I dream for this to happen please! I love this. And they can ensure that the two main actors are involved quite easily. When Abbie's in that other realm, she "time travels" to flashbacks of the various Witnesses doing their thing, maybe even in a relationship. And to be totally crazy, have it be Mison and Beharie who play each flashback role. I've already commented on Mison's Chameleon-like abilities - he'd be able to melt into each role perfectly and look very different (they can't shave the beard though!). They could even have Abbie assuming the role of each female destroyer, knowing she's Abbie and wondering what the heck is going on. It could be a way to explain the whole Witness pairing throughout centuries, to learn what the Destroyers are supposed to do, how it could be like a reincarnation of the pair each time. It keeps Mison/Beharie on screen, but allows the drama of Crane trying to rescue Abbie to be stretched out a bit. It could even be used to reinforce Ichabbie, if the previous incarnations of the Destroyers/Witnesses are actually in a romantic relationship, thus opening Abbie's eyes. Just speculating here - what else am I gonna do for 2+ months!
  10. Ah, just read this. Good job, Enero - you were right! And my odds were crap! Ha. Sophie's the turncoat and diamond in the rough. Very interesting.....I wonder if the "eyes" on Sophie were Abbie and the others, but then how would the boss know that? Only Reynolds would. Just ignore my previous posts!
  11. I've been thinking about this, actually. Initially, I thought it would be Jenny with the shard in her, being the side-switcher. Then I decided, no the side-switcher is Sophie. She was originally on the "bad' side, working with Nevins, but "switched" sides by actually being an FBI agent. But that really isn't switching sides, since she was always working for the "good side" - aka the FBI. Because to me, switching sides implies a deliberate action. Being forced isn't switching sides. It has to be a choice by the individual. Now I didn't see the interview, so wasn't sure how much Metzner focused on the side switching, or if it was them just playing with the audience. If it's not Sophie, then Abbie's a pretty strong guess. I don't see it being Crane, simply because just because he's gonna do some bad things to get Abbie, he is still thinking of her, and of the greater good, so that's not really him switching sides. However, Crane's always been a paragon of virtue, so him being a baddie is a very diffferent change. Unless Crane is forced to change, to save Abbie. But as I said, it's not a choice. I could also see it being Pandora - she goes against Imhotep, and ends up saving Abbie herself. 4-1 odds Pandora 5-1 odds Abbie 10-1 odds Crane. 15-1 odds it was Sophie 3/2 odds Metzner was just messing with us.
  12. Knew that was Tommy Flanagan!! - love that guy and sorry Silver, but he's really a cutie! And when my hair goes grey, I want a white stripe in the middle too!! Really entertaining episode I have to say. Selina and Bruce working together to play Silver was a thing of beauty. And we are really starting to see shades of the eventual Batman/Playboy Bruce Wayne coming through. Good job, David Mazouz, cause you know, he's still a kid, but dammit, you can see it. Same with Camren Bicondova - these kids are good. Oh Jim - can Gotham give this man a break? I don't think this guys got a day off to recover from any of the beatings he's received and there have been many beatings. Dude should be dead by now, or he drinks lots of milk, because he should have several broken bones now. Alfred fighting Tabitha was a thing of beauty too. He'll be fine, the knife went into this shoulder blade. He's undefeatable, just as Bruce Wayne is (and Jim Gordon). I like that with this version of Alfred, you can totally see how he would train an adult or soon to be adult Bruce. I really need Galavan to suffer and die, please. I cannot believe that Miss Kringle's workplace (and Leigh) isn't wondering more where the heck their employee is. Oh, and Miss Kringle's family? Oh, and Bullock is everything. Everything.... Next week is going to be insane. I actually thought this episode was the mid-season finale, so knowing there is one next week makes me happy! This show is nuts!
  13. Oh, Abbie's alive for sure. 100%. When Jenny absorbed the shard, she had powers. Abbie's holding the shard. Whose to say she herself won't absorb it, and become powerful (a goddess maybe?) and be able to survive wherever the hell (in hell?) she is? I have a twisted crazy theory that I'm working on to put in the speculation thread. But yeah, Crane's gonna move heaven and earth, commit some crimes maybe (or do some seriously shady things) to get his Lieutenant back.
  14. Unfortunately, I am so tainted by the mess over at SH, that it's really hard for me to get past that. The scenes with Sherlock and his father, I kept thinking, "Oh look - there's John Noble character, acting opposite a character with a unusual first name, who is supposed to be highly intelligent, yet is crusty, quirky and stiff-demeanoured, and the actor just happens to be a tall skinny British guy. *shrug*
  15. I thought it was because the Walkers were pushing against it, like they were pushing against the walls. There were shots of a large group of Walkers hovering around, so I just took it as a large crowd of them were pushing ahead, both against the tower base, and the wall. And as mentioned above, the truck hit the tower, so it was already weakened. Then the Walkers were pushing against an already weak base. That's why boards were falling down during the episode, and ultimately, why the lookout collapsed. Totally totally agree. That's exactly what I thought. Rick and co just came back from a mission to lead out the Quarry Walkers, and how many ASZers survived? - two. How many started (Six? More? I forget) They are a liability. Rick is thinking that the ASZers are too weak and pointless to bring on a mission. They will get themselves killed, and more importantly, put Rick's group in situations that can get Rick's group killed. I thought his comment was dead on and was surprised that Michonne thought otherwise, because SHE was the one who saw all of the Alexandrians end up dying off.
  16. Actually, I really liked that too, for this reason. Everyone seems to walk on eggshells around Rick, just cause he's Intense!SurviveWalkers!Man. All of ASZ seems to, as they should. But most of Rick's group understand that the "thangs" Rick proposes to do, make sense. Because they know why, because they've been out there, so they've seen the horror. So it was nice too see Tara being relaxed and giving Rick attitude. However, that "attitude" means that she might be getting too complacent, and people die in TWD when they become complacent. The comment about Judith looking like Lori - I totally flashed back to Rick accusing Lori, that the baby may not be his, but Shane's. I admit - I laughed when Maggie said the kid looks like Lori...but no comment about some features of Rick, the supposed father. I know, bad... I am very impressed that you guys remember the names of the ASZers. Because I really don't at all, until one of you mentions them, then I remember reading/hearing that name and kinda make that connection.
  17. He's ALIVE!!! Kudos to all of you who called it, that the body torn apart was stupid Alexandrian guy whoever, and Glenn crawled under the dumpster to survive. Seeing Steven Yeun was going to be on TTD (advertised during commercials), and Enid being stupid, I thought Glenn would be dead for sure, by the end of the episode. Morgan is an idiot. Apparently the one ones with actual brains in Walker!World are Carol, Michonne, Rick, Glenn, and Carl. The rest are a lost cause. Why are you wasting antibiotics on a Wolf? Do you think the Alexandrians are gonna allow a Wolf to live with them in the compound? Uh no, because you can't trust the guy. So then they are just going to set him free. So either the guy will be forced to survive alone out there with Walkers everywhere, or will find his buddies and come back for ASZ and it's considerable resources. I swear there is a direct correlation.... MIsplaced Empathy for Humans = Lack of Sense and Logic. Rosita's little "talk" with Eugene was brilliant, as was Rick taking down FFP's "prayer" posters without a word. Poor guy, he's a running joke now. Knew that stupid teenager would be a menace. I hope Carl takes him down or at least beats some sense into whatever his name is. I love the confidence of Carl now - he's wise beyond his years because he's experienced it. Great job by Chandler Riggs. Please leave Carl alone, show. No idea what Enid's deal was, and didn't care. As long as Glenn makes it. Shallow Comment of the Episode: Nice arms Steve Yeun. Nice bod, Steve Yeun. He was looking particularily sexy this episode. Yum. Oh man, the tower collapsing and taking out the wall. So Enid and Glenn are actually the safest at this point. So the show is going to be clearing out it's quite bloated cast. Good to know. Cause wow.
  18. Because as much as Mison is (especially more recently) unfairly maligned for no good reason, dude is a briliiant actor. An exceptional actor. He really is. This show allows us to see some of his brilliance.
  19. Yeah, I was trying to voice it better, but for some reason didn't - you did though, bethy. Her reaction to Reynolds and Sophie was completely unprofessional. I get that she's worried about her sister, absolutely!! But Abbie's the one who has always held onto her emotions tight. She, out of all of them, should've been calm and controlled. I guess that scene was what I predicted before - Abbie's gonna have a breakdown sooner than later. Her tantrum was part of that. But as a mere FBI agent, she doesn't get to dictate what her boss tells her, or who is undercover, etc. And she doesn't have the right to get pissy at Sophie, who was simply following orders and doing HER job. She was acting like an ex-gf. So I'll chalk it up to "breakdown". Bolded for the commenting win!! Awesome! Imhotep there totally has a second agenda in mind that will surprise and anger the wife. But is it wrong that I kinda agree with Imhoptep - humans have screwed up the world in so many ways. Dude's kinda right. He's like the Deity version of Crane, ranting about modern times.
  20. Prediction? Ezra Mills. (Abbie and Jenny father).
  21. Cliffhanger (noun) = an ending to an episode of a serial drama that leaves the audience in suspense. a story or event with a strong element of suspense. Holy crap - Abbie sacrifices herself for her sister - *my bloody heart!* OMG. You know Crane, Jenny and Joe (and Reynolds) are going to be losing it, trying to find ways to get her back. Newsflash, people - Abbie is not dead. This is a cliffhanger to make you think that she is dead, but she is none of the sort. Oh no, Abbie's gonna be in "Hell" for maybe one episode (Beharie's filming break), to amp up the drama. But still, hot damn, what a suspenseful episode. Okay. first, Abbie?? Really, I know you had a relationship with Daniel Reynolds, but you are FBI now - that shit doesn't fly/would never fly. I'm sorry, Abbie-lovers, but her NOT revealing pertinent information, being completely dismissive of her boss, and acting out, seriously would NOT fly. Slam me as you will. but in the real FBI, she should be toeing the corporate line. Its one thing to have a secret life, but you cannot simply expect the FBI to ignore that. No way. Then grabbing munitions for her personal gain?? Sorry, lady, but she didn't need to hand in her badge - the FBI would've already demanded it of her. I guess we know what Abbie ultimately choose. I can't help but giggle at the frat party - so out of place but hilarious. Imhotep (sorry, the HIdden One) is sexy yeah, but i need to see more of his "power". Crane implied it best (or was it Abbie) - they were facing Gods now. This cannot end well. And seriously, did you writers not pull from The Mummy movie?? So there shall be about two months before the next episode. I expect certain people to lose their minds and claim Abbie's been killed off. None of the sort. Or course not! She's the cliffhanger - did she die (duh, no)..but the cliffhanger is to suspect that we DON'T know.... What intrigues me, is how Crane is going to save her - and you KNOW, he's gonna lose his mind, trying to rescue her.
  22. Here is your Episode thread for S06.E07: Heads Up. This thread opens Sunday at 10:00 pm, after the episode airs. Before the episode airs, head on over to this link --> S06.E07: Heads Up - Pre-Air Speculation and Live Chat, to speculation and chat like crazy! Thread opens this Friday at 6:00 pm. Remember: Post NO Spoilers (Comics, Talking Dead or Otherwise) Respect Each Other Always Be Civil Enjoy Yourselves!
  23. Here is your Pre-Air Speculation and Live Chat thread for S06.E07: Heads Up. Once the episode airs, head on over to this link --> S06.E07: Heads Up to continue the discussion, as this thread closes at 10 pm. Remember: Post NO Spoilers (Comics, Talking Dead or Otherwise) Respect Each Other Always Be Civil Enjoy Yourselves!
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