It was filmed last Tuesday and Meryl was a member of the wedding party.
Which explains the reason why we didn't see Patti and Artem do their NY goodbye tour last week.
He did open the lunchbox, there were pictures in it.
But what I think happens (and USA denies it) is that non relevant scenes are chopped for more ad space.
Not really, because she could of had him as a teenager and blacked out when giving birth and not remember. She was 20ish when she went into the coma, so it is possible.
But I wouldn't want to torture Nathan that way. No on deserves Nina as a mother.
Question about the Q's?
When Alan (and then the rest) came on the show was it established at the time that they were from another city or could they have been in town the whole time and maybe Alan worked at Mercy before he joined GH?
What I see with Maxie is a mother who wants to give her daughter something she didn't have, a life with both parents in it.
I think what should be done is have Spin go to jail for all his cyber crimes and he signs over all parental rights and then Maxie can go on to marry Nathan he can adopt Georgie and they can be one big family.