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Everything posted by ForReal

  1. I'm feeling a little unsettled about the show. I don't understand why Abby and Gibbs aren't in scenes together -- whether they want us to get used to the idea of Abby being gone or because she has an issue with his dog in real life, it doesn't matter. It just leaves me feeling concerned about the show. I also got an intuitive flash at the end when Gibbs says his gut is telling him that Jack is keeping secrets that perhaps this is leading to a relationship that sees them riding off into the sunset together. Apparently, she's been through trauma and doesn't like to talk about it; ditto for Gibbs. He will manage to get her to talk and she will manage to get him to talk and after they bare their souls (amongst other things), they will be a couple and everyone who knows them and loves them will be happy. This is not what I signed up for! I"m not opposed to it per se, but it feels like the show that I've known is ending on so many levels.
  2. It's hard to know what the deal is without knowing how Shaun coped during med school. Was Glassman helping him through that? Has he been a constant support and codependent with a need to be needed? I don't know, but I didn't get the feeling that Shaun has been nearby the past several years. I don't think that is information that has been presented yet, although I may be wrong on that.
  3. I watched this, hoping against hope that it would something interesting, but it was just an egofest for Nev and the guest cohosts (Max wasn't on too much, probably because he doesn't need the stroking). It always kinda ticks me off when they make fun of past participants -- it's so disrespectful, and they have no way to stand up for themselves. I also thought it was crappy how they repeatedly flashed pictures of people they erroneously thought was the catfish; I hope those people get paid for having their mugs flashed on the show.
  4. That's a great idea. Penny has many times shown that her street smarts and common sense equal their genius. It would be great if she came up with a money-making idea and Leonard had to figure out the science to make it work.
  5. I'm totally with you on this. I just watched it last night, and it didn't do anything for me, either. I knew Torres and Sloan would make it home, so there was no suspense there. I couldn't understand why the comedian happened to know and care so much about the senator's relationship with his son. Never found out what Sloan's deal was with the name and the box and, after being left hanging, am not sure I care. I found it both jarring and yet normal that they would all be complaining about working over a holiday, but since they always do stay on a case over a holiday, why keep harping on it? It didn't sit well with me that McGee was so ready to let the case go in order to go home to his kids; I mean, I would do that, in his shoes, but given his history and career, I felt like he should have listened more carefully to Bishop's reasoning -- he was no better than the detective who relinquished the case to Bishop, and quite frankly I expect more from him. At this point, I don't know who knows Sloan better -- Vance or Gibbs. That whole situation is confusing to me. I still don't get who decided who should follow the senator and why and what it means to anyone other than as a plot device. So much in this episode felt contrived, to little effect. I hate to be such a downer, but I've always enjoyed this show as a nice little bundle, and this season it seems uneven and loopy.
  6. I think this is why Glassman is pushing the therapy -- for reasons of his own that have yet to be revealed.
  7. This observation is a rather indirect comparison to House (which I loved), but when Claire had problems treating the punk, my husband thought that was probably very realistic and I thought (based on House) that it wasn't, because House often disregarded the details of the patient's life and treated the medical mystery. Yes, the details often tied into the story line on the show, but House was able to separate his feelings from his diagnostic skills, and I would think doctors do that day in and day out. I am interested to learn more about Glassman and Jessica, and I agree it is well done how they are dropping hints as they go. I think the neighbor could be a good amateur life coach for Shaun, particularly if he thinks of it himself instead of Glassman suggesting it.
  8. This was an interesting side of Raj, but I always remember (particularly having just recently seen the episode) when he cruelly teased Leonard about Penny and Priya getting friendly when Howard's mother was in the hospital. Raj has just as deep a mean streak as Howard or Sheldon; he just doesn't show it as often. So that lessens my sympathy for him quite a bit, although it doesn't hurt for him to push back against Howard, because the way Howard uses him for a punching bag is getting a little old.
  9. For the first time ever, I think, I fast forwarded through most of the show. From the moment McGee spotted the bad guy in the waiting room, I disengaged. This was just not a good episode; every last plot line disappointed. When the guys couldn't figure out how to stop the bomb, I said out loud, "Google it on your phone or something!" Cut both wires and run, right. Nothing felt right or in character in this episode.
  10. Vance planning his retirement...He doesn't seem that old, and to me he often seems younger than Gibbs. Would Gibbs want to be director?
  11. Well, I thought the guy in prison was probably guilty because he just seemed so smarmy...wouldn't hold up in court, but perhaps it was my gut speaking. I was sad that Fornell was shown to have done something so wrong, and it's not justified by his instincts being right or fixed by his telling the defense attorney Witness X had been found. I'm sure Gibbs and Fornell will work together for justice on this one. Yeah, it felt like they let so many investigative details fall by the wayside so that they could have a new ongoing villain to battle. Yawn. I'm not sure if Mary was telling the truth and the paint store man (or some other man) will turn out to be involved, or if she lied all this time and if so, why. So many questions left unasked, let alone answered. I'm sure this case will come up again.
  12. This episode was inconsistent for me. I like Jack a little better, although I didn't find her insights as remarkable as her coworkers did. I think they are straining that point -- Gibbs is completely on board with her as a teammate, and he's made many others prove themselves far more than this in the past -- and McGee acted like a little kid with his mommy, asking her to listen to the tape and provide him with her opinions. That kind of jarred me, like when did he get so dependent on her and trust her judgment so much? That Abby and Clayton were the most suspicious of her makes me wonder if they have the most to hide...could prove interesting. I understood how Fez I mean Torres got guilted into letting the donation stand, but I thought he could have given $500 and still been a hero, and had his bike in another month or two.
  13. I think that article does a great job of explaining a complex idea. My take on watching is that Shaun *can* answer questions and does, but that when he's concentrating, he can't think and converse with her at the same time, and he does not feel rude choosing to focus on this thoughts as a first priority (and she should be fine with that because he usually comes up with something great!). There is a lot of discussion on his lack of social skills and how it will impact his performance as a doctor, but I am wondering if they will show meltdowns and how they can impact his performance as a doctor. If he's somehow learned to manage his feelings and behaviors to avoid meltdowns -- that would be no small feat given his life experiences -- then I hope they show more of how he's learned to cope instead of just showing how he falls short in some areas of social convention.
  14. Hopefully Abby gets some sort of professional opportunity that she can't turn down, like Ducky did. My preference -- no angst, and no romance, at least not as the cause for her leaving (could be a potential romance at the new place). I did think she was looking like she wanted to say more to Clay about AA and wondered if that meant she was the one, but I can't recall how they have ever handled Abby and drinking in the past.
  15. Uh, when I said "she has to realize her place in regards to Gibbs, or it will just be annoying," I didn't mean she is an underling. But he is a senior agent and well respected, and if they are going to work well together as equals, she should treat him that way instead of forcing her way into his house under false pretenses; I think that was a misstep. Yes, Ducky works "with" Gibbs, and I hope this character does, too. Like I wrote, when they have conflict just for conflict's sake, it's annoying, for me anyway.
  16. To this day I can't watch any episodes with Jamie Lee Curtis. To me she looked positively reptilian. I hated how she always held back information from Gibbs and wanted him to trust her, and then when she and her son were threatened she up and leaves, with no trust in Gibbs' ability to look out for them and seek justice. Yuck.
  17. I am with the people who thought Sloane's trick was uncool, particularly with someone like Gibbs. Not the way to establish your professional credibility. Yes, Vance can hire whomever he pleases, but it's good management (and friendship) to tell the team beforehand, especially if he anticipates resistance. I don't even care what the back story is between Sloane and Vance; I always have a hard time believing Vance was a credible field agent anyway. Yes, the badge flashing was a red flag to me, too -- who does that, and shouldn't she have known better? I almost wondered if she did it on purpose to see if he would figure it all out, but no, in the end, he knew more and he won. To be honest, I like it that way. I like Gibbs for the win every time. Yeah, Abby could have just been joking about the zombie apocalypse and then included the beepers in case wifi went out, or whatever it was that caused all communication devices except beepers to stop functioning. That scene just didn't ring true for me. I think for Sloane to work, she can be opinionated and outspoken, but she has to realize her place in regards to Gibbs, or it will just be annoying. I know some people don't like that Gibbs is always right, but you know, that's the premise upon which the show is built. He da man. Watching people try to topple him is tedious and tiresome for me.
  18. I wasn't suggesting a suit and heels. I have no problem with her looking young, but she could look young and professional, and in my opinion she does not.
  19. Bishop's behavior as lead isn't horrible, but for me it isn't believable, either. As mentioned previously, her Breck girl golden locks and her skinny jeans make her look like a college student wandering around the crime scene. Shouldn't she be dressed in a somewhat more professional manner? She looks like she belongs on NCIS LA. I am curious to see how things go for Gibbs. I didn't care for the idea that he was deliberately faking because that level of dishonesty doesn't seem his style, yet I found it hard to believe he was perfectly fine. I don't want to see him suffer too much, though. McGee's suffering was just right. Overall I enjoyed the episode, although I thought the wife was acting weird when they interviewed her and knew she was involved in some way.
  20. 1. I FFed through the torture scenes; I don't want or need to see Gibbs hurt. I liked their fake fight and how they worked together, and I also wondered at their strength during the escape. I remember thinking I'd be dying running up all those stairs, and they are hardly out of breath. 2. I liked how the jefe was dealt with -- tied that up nicely. 3. I did not care for Bishop's management style. I like the actress and I like the character, but I do not like the direction in which they are taking her and forcing us to go along. I don't see her as the female Gibbs and I don't think she has the chops that the writers apparently do. I felt like she was a bit pushy -- "What do you guys have for me? C'mon, get going!" like the others were just lollygagging, and yet initially, it almost seemed like they were. That part felt rather strange to me. 4. I FFed through most of Vance and the hearing, too. Snooze. 5. I liked McGee and Delilah's reunion. Agreed, he needs to reprioritize his...priorities. He's a special agent, yes, but there are other special agents out there, and he is the only husband and father to be in his family. 6. I had to pause on the bracelet twice. Yes, it was his dad's. At first I wondered why, or at least why he decided to wear it, and then I figured it made him feel close to his dad, like they'd been through similar circumstances? What would have been a perfect ending, for me, was if Gibbs had left the building to be picked up by the mystery red head in a convertible.
  21. I know. I confess, I looked him up on FB, too, and I was appalled at all the women falling for his crap. Unbelievable.
  22. I had a couple of quick thoughts, too: 1. He said he didn't believe a word coming out of Caitlyn's mouth, yet he was the one who started out lying about being Nev's trainer (and what a ridiculous lie). Why should anyone believe that "everything else is true" except that one lie – what catfish hasn't said that? And why didn't they call him on it? 2. Why didn't they look to see if he's on Tinder or other forms of social media? That could have been enlightening... 3. He couldn't actually believe he was going to come across well taking that particular stance, so I'm assuming the truth is much worse, that he has catfished many women and the mother of his child probably has a restraining order against him. He moved to be near her, but can't see her, and no explanation? He's dated other single moms who had more time for him? Sounds like he preys on insecure young women. 4. So sad that the line, "I understand if you don't want to talk to a stranger, but you are so beautiful, here's my number if you want to call," is her idea of gentlemanly. Pathetic, really. I hope things go much better for her in the future, and much worse for him.
  23. "You can make a similar choice". Nobody is clamoring for this full circle moment. THIS. Max and Nev were in contortions trying to make this story fit the script. I felt little sympathy for Jose1, less for Jose2, who seemed actually quite unstable, although I guess I'd have to say relatively speaking, since he is the first catfish I can recall who didn't want to be humiliated with cameras in his hometown -- points for that. Although I was amused with Max digging a little -- "Did you really just fly here today? From where?" -- obviously the show paid for his flight and his overnight stay. Jose2 didn't seem like he'd have the money for that or if he did, that he'd want to spend it on this trip. At least Max offered the idea of Jose1 making a choice to behave in a certain way. Nev just kept spouting rubbish to set the tone, and it wasn't flying. First they seem to go along with Jose1's thought that it could be Danny even though there was no reason to believe that (way to throw the guy who forgave you and prayed for you under the bus) and I have no idea why Danny agreed to take the call, then they accuse his friend (can't remember the girl's name) of being the catfish. Such petty suspiciousness kinda clashes with the constant push for salvaging a friendship.
  24. I was alright with the character of Bishop in the beginning -- bright, quirky young girl gets a chance at the big league, brings unique talents to the table. Now they are trying to make her out to be some kind of powerhouse that she just isn't. I could buy Ziva's kick-ass skills, because she'd seen things and done things. Bishop doesn't have the chops. She's made bad decisions, shown poor instincts, and has questionable relationship skills. That is not the kind of person who should be part of the team, let alone leading it. She might be the senior member of this particular team, but the other two seem to have more experience than she does. I don't think any of them can or should be in a leadership role.
  25. Well, one thing about all that makeup -- if she stopped wearing it or changed it up, she wouldn't be recognizable to people interacting with the fake profiles. Granted, she shouldn't *have* to change her look, but it would stop her getting accosted in public. I'm not sure what appeal her look holds for catfish, but I can accept that it must exist for a certain percentage of the population. I guess it's supposed to be enough that getting to tell off one catfish makes her feel like she's getting her life back, but I agree that they should have helped her shut down more fake profiles.; they should have used their "expertise" and celebrity status to contact FB on her behalf.
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