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Everything posted by KYBlonde

  1. Has anyone read the rumors that Tamra has been fired? I am too excited about this which means it's a lie probably!
  2. Speaking of Tanisha: http://www.buzzfeed.com/tracyclayton/black-women-makeover-white-women-in-the-new-show-girlfriend
  3. Being from Kentucky, of COURSE I am an expert in all things horses *sarcasm intended*. Having said that, while I was never rich enough to actually own even one horse, I know many people who do (family included), and horses are extremely expensive to maintain and require a lot of attention. I can't speak for West Virginia, but here in Kentucky if you are reported for neglecting any animal - horses included - you end up in jail. As you should. So I am thinking, Leah......3 small children.....HORSE. This will not end well folks.
  4. Well slap my butt and call me Susie! Tanesha is hosting! I had no idea who she was when she was on Marriage Boot Camp, but now I see she was the Ultimate Bad Gurl. Cool - can't wait to watch the reunion!!!
  5. Taylor so reminds me of one of my family members. No matter how rationally, calmly and lovingly the reality of a situation is laid out for her? She refuses to hear it. It's not until the shit hits the fan does it sink in for her. Then its like, "See?? Remember when we tried to warn you about this and you didn't listen?? You accused us of sticking our noses in your business when all we were trying to do was help you see the obvious??" Yep Taylor, you didn't listen so go do a Baboso and whine to the chickens and punch the ground.
  6. I think we can all agree that whatever family we are born into is a total crap shoot. What if Kail or Cateynn's father was Randy?? What if they had an educated, professional father in the field of medicine that was more than willing to storm in and be their Knight in Shining Armour and solve their problems as much as possible? Be there for them to constantly whine to and provide assistance immediately - on call 24/7? Growing up in a fatherless home without anyone - not a father or any family member - willing and able to provide not only emotional support but financial support is a game changer. I wonder if we put Chelsea in Kail or Catelynn's lives how well she would be doing?
  7. If Lil Bit and Grant are still together in real life after that shitfest was broadcast last night???? He deserves her dumb ass. Good lord it's like she is trying to be the Thurston Howell the Third of the southern rednecks with that tight jawed way she has of speaking. I am saying that AS a southern redneck - Just stop it Taylor - you are giving us a bad name and Jethro Bodean did a much better job many many years before you were ever born. Your bottom teeth must be ground down to stumps, bless your heart.
  8. I know people in the same field, somewhat, as Chelsea (hair stylists, cosmetologists, etc), and they rent a space from an established salon. When Chelsea saw her new area at work and the owner told her, "this is your own little business - I'm not your boss", I immediately wondered how much it's costing Randy to procure that space for her. She is definitely the spoiled one of the bunch for sure.
  9. One thing kept resonating in my mind watching this latest episode: what would we have thought seeing someone like Monique (especially sans the tons of makeup...shudder) in the 70's??? Even as much as we see it these days, we still recoil. Decades ago we would have thought....what? They were part of a circus sideshow????
  10. Plus??? People who end every sentence like it's a question?? Like realllleeee? Get on my nerves???? Another annoying thing!!!! Women who say, "WE got pregnant". Really? Which one of you is gonna give birth????
  11. Who the fuck is Ariannnnaaaa Gronnndayyy????? And?? Fuck you Frankenstein!!
  12. Vaughn stated that he thought he needed to be paired with an extrovert since he is the opposite. Sorry, Vaughn, but no you do not (as you are now realizing). The last thing an introvert (I know since I am one) needs is an extrovert. While it seems to be acceptable to be outgoing and loud, people who are not are usually judged as having emotional problems. Vaughn is finding out that people like Monet are annoying to people like him. When I was with an extrovert, I was constantly being judged for wanting alone time. I was called a hermit, unsociable, and a people hater. Just because I was comfortable with being alone with myself and not needing to hear my own voice yakking constantly, there was something wrong with me. I am not shy nor socially awkward. If a person takes the time to get to know me, that is one of the first things they realize about me. My beloved grandmother (RIP) gave me some really wise advice when I was a child. She told me that you can find out so much more about people by listening rather than running your mouth and hijacking every conversation and she was right. I could write several books about the things I know about people (but of course would NEVER do) ;)
  13. I'm paraphrasing, but Mattie said something along the lines that she's put on weight because she eats too much. And granted, she does look like she's put on at least 15 pounds since the beginning of the season. However, Mattie? The gallons of liquor you pour down your throat has a lot to do with it too! I thought my friends and I partied hardy in college, but NOTHING like these kids do!! I can literally hear their livers moaning in pain.
  14. Bosses like her are a nightmare. They expect the employees who make maybe a quarter of what they (Vicki) makes to work twice as hard. They (Vicki) have no sense of reality whatsoever. While they live in McMansions and never ever have to worry about working paycheck to paycheck? The backbone of the business (the actual workers), are working their asses off just to get by. If the drones want to take a 35 minute lunch?? Freaking let them damn!!!
  15. I thought it was hilarious especially when the dumbass proclaimed he was a Baboso and the look that the local dude gave him was priceless!!!
  16. Walt is by far my favorite. He can cut loose and be crazy, but he is by far the most mature and grounded of all of them. He's one of those southern boys that looks gruffy most of the time but probably cleans up real nice. I can't believe how those prissy Georgia girls were about the stupid chicken. Roosters are the ones that will attack you the minute you turn your back. Although when I was a child we did have a couple of psychotic chickens that chased us kids, but I think it was because they were sexually frustrated since there were no roosters around to take care of them.
  17. Just watched this. What a hilarious twist on the, "Mom? I'm.......GAY". Love this show!
  18. Isn't Brittany going home no matter what and the other nominee is just a pawn? So Cody puts up Caleb and Caleb stays. Caleb comes after Cody. Cody puts up Donny and Donny stays but Donny would not come after Cody. It made sense to me, but then again it's very early in the morning and I got little sleep last night.........
  19. I hope I am right and you are wrong - I want nothing bad to happen to any of them and I'm sure you don't either. It's just that I was born in the South, grew up in the South, and went to college in the South and saw this type of black-out situations all the time. You could literally yell in a passed-out person's ear, shake them, but no response because they were OUT. But they always slept it off not remembering the night before at all. While I have never encouraged that behavior, I'm hoping for Mattie's sake that is the case. It just seemed to me that they piled Mattie into a cab and then we see an actual ambulance tearing down the street. I'm calling editing shenanigans.
  20. You, dear cooksdelight own the internet today. When I read about Lisa, my first thought was HARRY HAMLIN ON MAD MEN!!! I gravel at your feet!
  21. Tanisha just could not handle Clive reclaiming his balls! You go Clive!!! *fist pump* During Slade's "breakdown"? I rewound and rewound and did not see even one tear. I feel VERY sorry for his son, but not for him.
  22. Who actually believes Mattie (martha) was rushed to the hospital in a cab?? She's just passed the hell out. Heck we used to take black markers and ink up all the fools that got that wasted! (back when ink could be washed off).
  23. What I don't understand was how Lil Bit was able to pull this off supposedly under Grant's nose. Doesn't she live in Nashville with him?? And Daddy lives in Florida and would have to take a somewhat long trip to visit her? And not for nuthin, I hate how Tiffany pronounces Daddy as Doddy. bleh
  24. I think Chelsea's hair looks better than it ever has. However, I'm afraid she is now styling Leah's.
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