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Everything posted by Lyndy

  1. I love everything about this post. They were totally the Starbucks Night Crew! Also, Tyreese and Eugene are pretty much Teddy Ruxpin and a My Buddy doll from now on. I still find it weird that -- of the crew staying behind at the church just before the bloodbath -- Carl was the muscle. Remember when Carl was little more than walker bait? Like, really dumb walker bait? I kind of love him now.
  2. Yeah, we know he hasn't been given enough evidence but the rest of this crew is eating Eugene's bullshit up with a spoon. Speaking of Eugene, am I the only one who's noticed how moody Eugene is? I mean more than when we first met him? He seemed so stunned and sad in this episode which I chalked up to the brutality of recent events but now I'm not sure. That "I don't want to go" moment was so weird.
  3. Because I'm desperately clinging to the hope that Carol is still with him, I can see him letting Carol take care of Beth if Beth is emotionally traumatized. If she doesn't trust them and they have to coax her to come with them -- Carol's going to be the one who earns her trust. Just let me have my delusions, okay? There's also the possibility that Carol is injured and Beth is holding her up. In that case, Daryl would need to be on alert, crossbow at the ready. Beth was starting to hold her own but not enough to lead the journey back to the church.
  4. I dunno. Isn't it the basic M.O. of Slash to sit/stand quietly off to the side just being Slash? I would find it tremendously weird if he were very talkative. He's a fan of the show, clearly. And I really loved how easily he answered the "which guitar would you use as a weapon" question. He's clearly thought about it.
  5. I'm oddly unmoved by the departure of Glenn and Maggie. I still like them. They just haven't had much to do yet this season so they have seemed a bit like bystanders. Hopefully we'll get back to the Glenn and Maggie we love and that eventually we'll find out why she doesn't give a toss about Beth. Also, I assumed Glenn's motive for going with Abraham was to keep the peace and give the Eugene Saves The Day plan a chance to work. (I won't reiterate why the Eugene Plan is stupid. It's so so stupid.) His offer to go kept Abraham and Rick from going all alpha male on each other. It kept Abraham & Co. around long enough to kill the Termites and it evened the odds once they left. I actually thought it was a pretty generous move.
  6. Grant Gustin and Jesse Martin are carrying this thing right now. I don't dislike the rest of the cast but those two are the most interesting.
  7. Tyra Collette is in this now? This makes me happy. I continue to love Phil Coulson and actually, his father-daughter dynamic with Skye. Why is Ward still in this? He's pretty much an exposition fairy at this point.
  8. You know what makes me most suspicious of Gabriel? Not the weird scratches outside the church or the fact that everyone on this show is a bit sinister by default. Not even the fact that he's survived this long with no discernible skills. It's the damn suit. Why is it still pristine and why is he still wearing it? It can't be comfortable in the best of circumstances and this dude is living in a unairconditioned church in rural Georgia. Dude isn't sketchy. He's the whole sketch pad.
  9. Yes, it is densely populated with a notoriously high violent crime rate. No WAY that most of that hasn't been destroyed by now. Also, the political community inside Washington would most definitely have self-destructed and murdered each other inside of a month. I'm definitely on the 'Eugene is full of shit' team.
  10. Yeah, I agree with you here. I also think Carol may have PTSD (Or TSD? Since it's hard to be post-trauma in the zombie apocalypse?). I think she probably has trouble being with other people while she's trying to come to terms with what happened to Lizzie and Mika. When Daryl asks her what she's doing and she says, "I don't know." It broke my heart a little. On the surface she seems pretty strong but she's probably pretty close to cracking.
  11. I don't know how much more obviously they could imply it. Haven't we all known the deal since the Season 4 finale with that gruesome pile of discarded rib bones? This was just never the secret they thought it was. Slash? Mary Lynne Raskub? This could be the greatest or most awkward Talking Dead couch ever. I can't wait.
  12. Now don't get me wrong, I still love this show like crazy and am not planning to miss a frame of it if I can help it. Still, I'm getting a bit of psychopath fatigue. When the Terminites showed up again? I mean, yes, ew, ick they're eating Bob's leg, etc. But mostly I just thought, "ugh. These people again? I thought we were done with this." Of course, I knew they'd have to show up again. I'm just getting a bit tired of watching villains torture people for the sheer enjoyment of inflicting pain. I don't know what I would propose instead to keep the stakes sufficiently high. I'm just getting a bit weary of this particular device.
  13. Okay, I tried to stick in there. I really did. I'll watch anything Connie Britton's in and I love Charles Esten and Hayden P. is killing it. But I really can't with this show anymore. Think I'll wait for cancellation and hope these people eventually get better jobs. I think the final straw was Jeff Fordham twisting his moustache over Rayna's daughters that did it. Really, show? Really? Just have him tie someone to a railroad track already. I'm out.
  14. It's possible I'm watching this show entirely for Fitz. Dude is breaking my damn heart right now.
  15. I'm definitely in for this one. It's fun and the leads are charismatic enough for me to care what happens to them. Really like Grant Gustin and also Tom Cavannaugh is finally back on television.
  16. Great start to the season. I love a wacky show and I especially like it when the show knows its wacky and just dives right in. I also like the new guy. I've always been a sucker for the mercenary who accidentally joins a noble cause. Also he's dreamy. I'm so ready for Irving to get sprung even though I know the story isn't ready for it yet. Don't think I want Reyes to get fired necessarily but I'd love to see her get caught up in something supernatural causing Abbie and Crane to have to come and rescue her.
  17. I dropped out early last season, then dropped back in for a couple of episodes towards the end (so I know why Fitz is having issues). I'm not up-to-date on whatever's going on in the Marvel universe past The Avengers so I only sort of get who Hydra is. This is because I have a short attention span and also Marvel can't expect me to consume all of this stuff and still enjoy the rest of my life. So I dropped back in with yesterday's episode and am quite a bit in the dark and you know what? Kinda like it. No idea what's going on and it's sort of fun trying to figure it out. My tiny tin heart breaks for Fitz. I like what that actor is doing with his vaguely explained brain injury plot line. There seem to be one or two superfluous new characters. Otherwise? Pretty entertaining. Dropping in on a show I know little about is officially my new pastime. If I weren't too cheap to pay for HBO, I'd totally do this with Game of Thrones. Oh, and I notice Skye is way less annoying this year. Good for her!
  18. I didn't ever warm to Nine mainly because I've never recovered, psychologically, from Shallow Grave and Eccleston will pretty much freak me out forever. But this suggestion right here? I'm incredibly sad this didn't happen. Nine and Donna would have been gold.
  19. This episode tipped me off as to why I'm having trouble getting on board with the new Doctor and this season generally. The Doctor doesn't appear to be having any fun and, therefore, neither am I. He's just such a grump. Seems to me previous Doctors would get excited learning new things about various species. This Doctor appears to be phoning it in. (Ugh, whatever. Gotta save the world. FML.) Maybe just my interpretation. I'm almost certainly wrong about this but honestly, I don't see any mischievous glee or spirit of exploration.
  20. Told myself I was out last season. In fact, I didn't even see the last four or so episodes. But did I watch last night? Of course I did. Because marketing hype works on me and I'm not proud, okay. But listen. Is it too late to start shipping Mellie and Jake? Maybe they could just become shit disturbing best friends? Or start a detective agency together?
  21. Thank you! I really thought I was alone here. I mean, I get why it's getting good feedback in theory. I just couldn't dive into it. Couldn't bring myself to care about any of these people. I might try again mid season to see if it sticks but honestly, I don't see myself tuning in again.
  22. This didn't blow my mind or anything but it still held my attention longer than Gotham. I see this show settling into a light, formulaic procedural which sounds insulting but isn't the worst thing. The characters are engaging. I'd watch it again.
  23. Enjoyed this one but I'm still waiting to be excited for the next episode. Watched this because I happened to be home but I'm not sure I would have bothered otherwise. I don't know why this season isn't hooking me.
  24. A few episodes in, I think I'm on board with this Doctor. Really hated the Robin Hood episode though and I think it's because I don't like seeing this Doctor do silly throw away stuff. I think I'd rather just see him in dark, creepy stories. It's not that I don't think he can do silly. He's very good at it. It's just that the stupid Robin Hood caricature and his overacting and hollow laugh just seemed off when matched with this Doctor. I absolutely can't provide a reasoned argument for this so don't ask me for one. I just want intrigue and mystery with some creepy villains. Don't introduce him to PT Barnum or some shit.
  25. While I appreciate the impulse to take along a vampire who possesses super human strength, it's risky. Even if he's a cuddly CW vampire, the dude's food supply is dwindling and these guys already stand on shaky moral ground. I'd opt for the following: 1. The dad from Boy Meets World because he's got keys to a grocery store and presumably knows the location of a few warehouses that supply said grocery store. 2. Raylan Givens. Yes, everyone who suggested this before is right. He's dreamy, he's a hell of a shot and very unlikely to sacrifice an innocent. 3. Monica Gellar. Hear me out. 1) She's got a major stash of disinfectants. 2) Always keep at least one person who is more annoying than you as she will be the first person sacrificed if someone loses their shit and goes on a rampage. 4. Bear Grylls. Obviously. 5. Miss Piggy. Need someone with excellent hand to hand combat skills
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