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  1. So unless Robyn Truely is going to babysit Christine's Robyn's kids when he drags them back for their 50% visit, this is an empty threat. Fixed it for you. 😉
  2. Janelle's kids love and respect Christine. I wonder if Robyn only wanted her kids to have that kind of relationship with her. And didn't want any of them to feel as strongly for someone else as a parental figure as they might for her. I can see her being selfish in that way.
  3. I wonder if Christine is going to get her spiritual marriage to Kody undone. If she does, that puts Kody in an interesting predicament. In order to have his own kingdom, doesn't he need three wives? If that's the case, he can't afford to lose Meri. I wonder if his dynamic with her will change after Christine leaves. And I only even thought of this because Kody keeps counting only three wives. So by that logic, he's only got two right now.
  4. He actually posted their reaction as an Instagram Story yesterday. I just checked and can't find it, so it must have expired. It was just like you thought it would be. They were screaming daddy! and jumping up and down. His son even said...it's daddy! and looked at Chris and said with a confused voice, how? They were so excited. Edited to add: Chris wasn't there. His wife was filming it, so his son must have turned to look at her. (Found an interview he did about it, when I was looking to see if I could find the actual video.) Edited to add: I found an interview that has the clips: https://www.etonline.com/chris-daughtry-on-his-kids-sweet-reaction-to-his-surprising-masked-singer-reveal-exclusive-138356
  5. Waited all summer for this. How disappointing. I don't know why they thought an hour (minus a few Jack and Rebecca clips) of new characters would be a good idea. And even though we now know they are tied to the family, I'm still not interested in the new people.
  6. I looked up the menu as well because I live in Chicago and was curious. The food isn't overly priced for the city--I actually would consider it reasonably priced and definitely not over-priced for the area where the restaurants are located. River North and Bucktown are trendy. The smoothies on the other hand...nope. Those are over-priced. At least for me anyway. That's not too much over the price of the fast food restaurants here. I went to McDonald's the other day (I don't go often) and was shocked at how much the prices had risen.
  7. With Gladys I think it may be 7 Grammy "wins" that yielded 10 Grammy trophies. I think Robin's question was (I went back to double-check but can't find the preview) "do you have any Grammy's" vs. how many Grammy's have you won. Which are similar but not the same. I think they're trying to be misleading.
  8. Yeah I saw one where she was in the choir and also the choir director--I think it was director??--it was something like that. I was thinking maybe she got one for each of those roles?
  9. I thought Rabbit, Peacock and Monster didn't have good song choices this week The Lion was surprisingly good. There are going to be some tough choices from here on out. At first I thought Lion would go out next week, but I'm not so sure now.
  10. Well I was certainly wrong on this. Assuming Bee is Gladys Knight, I wonder how she has 10 grammys. She must have gotten two for some of her wins?
  11. I'm so happy we have this thread! Thank you! I'm going to guess that the 10 grammys with the Bee is edited and is a red herring. Gladys Knight has 10 great grandchildren. The way that she answers the question is kind of endearing (for lack of a better word) vs matter of fact. So I think that Robin was asking her that and was asking someone else the grammy question. I tried to place his outfit in a different episode, but couldn't.
  12. I'm still trying to figure out how "lost her sheen" is tied to Tori Spelling. I like the red herrings as well.
  13. I'm not sure how they would do it, but something to make it less obvious who's going to go home each week. Or maybe a different way to decide who is elimated each week-maybe it's not least talented singer-it's some other criteria. And absolutely do away with the height clues. I think that information allowed me to exclude contestants I may not have if it were not available. I'd like more of the general/over-arching clues. Like x number of grammy winners, x number of athletes, x numbers of starts on the walk of fame etc. It allowed you to exclude or include contestants based on what we knew about the others.
  14. Joey Fatone also owned Fat One's Hot Dog's and Italian Ice.
  15. There are circumstances where someone can receive two grammy's for one win. There could be something like that going on here. So it's possible she has 7 wins, but 10 grammy's. Who knows, maybe someone gave her three of theirs. I think it could be a red herring.
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