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Everything posted by numbnut

  1. I went to school in Chelsea and remember seeing regular movies (Platoon! Purple Rain! The Lost Boys!) in Times Square in the 80s. The area was trashier than other parts of the city but not so sketchy and scummy that only criminals hung out there. It was still a tourist trap.
  2. I'm sure a large percentage of hookers are not from the city. They flee to the city to escape their abusive homes, and their emotional scars (low self-worth) often lead to prostitution, drug abuse and/or stripping. Still, I'd also like to know Candy's particular story. In the pilot, the camera cut to Candy's reaction when Lori said they all have "daddy issues." Still find it hard to tell the twins apart. Maybe that's intentional, like the writers are keeping the mustaches so the twins can get away with tricking the mobster later on. I'll need to watch each ep twice because there's so much info. The payroll game went right over my head. Was CC's story (about escaping the life with one special girl) just another carrot? I'm blown away by the actor, btw. Didn't know he was a Brit. His accent is perfection ("brefess" instead of breakfast; a hint of Nooyawkese).
  3. numbnut

    S01.E01: Pilot

    Me too. The cut on the head isn't enough to tell the twins apart, especially since they're not strikingly dissimilar in personality. When they first cut to the twin on the street, I thought the entire sequence was about the bar owner, not the gambler (I'm still not clear on names, even after a second viewing). The "cut on the head" trick also wasn't very helpful to differentiate present day from flashbacks in "13 Reasons Why." Also, when the same actor plays twins it can take me out of the story, as the actor usually overacts to seem like different people. For me, the only exceptions so far are Sam Rockwell in "Moon" and Jake Gyllenhaal in "Enemy" (the characters aren't twins but you get what I'm saying). Yup. I'm sure that was a shout-out to the movie, which was also very character-driven IIRC.
  4. He's based on the twin who owned Tin Pan Alley. Dunno if his name was Mitchell. http://www.refinery29.com/2017/08/170121/is-the-deuce-true-story-porn-stars
  5. numbnut

    S01.E01: Pilot

    I really enjoyed this. I tuned in for Maggie G. and she was awesome. I liked everyone except for the girl from the Leftovers (name?). Franco didn't bother me until the twin thing. The cinematography and production values are really great; it looked so much like the 70s. The student was the only character I didn't understand. I assume all the main characters will be working together at some point?
  6. Just watched the first ep. LOVED it! Bateman is also a strong director. Who knew?
  7. Emmy-nominated TV/film Actress Glenne Headly died yesterday at age 63. The cause of death wasn't given. She kicked ass in "The Night Of" and I loved her in "Mortal Thoughts" and "Making Mr. Right," but she was best known for "Dirty Rotten Scoundrels," "Dick Tracy" and "Mr. Holland's Opus." R.I.P.
  8. Does anyone know the title of the music played over the closing credits?
  9. Yeah, it doesn't make much sense but the show wanted to be PC. Oh, well. This ep was a bit meh and felt like an alternate pilot. The handmaid's ceremony training would have been more intense if the actual ceremony wasn't in a previous ep. I did like the escape sequence but the show's limited budget is getting noticeable.
  10. Handmaidens, Marthas, etc. aren't allowed to read and write. Just another joyful layer in this bizarro world.
  11. Yeah, the music choices and a couple of the slo-mo montages were over the top for me. I understand the intention but the filmmakers are trying too hard, like with Ann Dowd's mustache twirling. (Though that first hit from her zap-wand in a close-up made me jump.) The close-ups of protesters felt like a '90s music video. The protest incident in Guerrilla was more horrifying. I wish we could have seen Ofglen's journey before her arrest.
  12. Everything about this premise is horrifying but that cookie scene was just... ugh. "Would you like a cookie?" "Yes, please, and fuck you very much."
  13. Great start so far. I love the sarcastic voiceover, and I got misty-eyed when Ofglen opened up about her wife and child. I also like the actress playing Moira, but wasn't the regime racist and the handmaidens all white? It's been forever since I've read the book. The only good thing about the previous film version was Elizabeth McGovern as Moira, so I'm excited for this series.
  14. Carrie C***? Mary Elizabeth Winstead? Count me in! Sad to see Scoot go so soon.
  15. O'Keefe was involved with the assassination attempt -- he tried to hide it when Quinn's photo (on the laptop) tipped off Dar to the patsy scenario.
  16. Quinn's gone. *sniffle* They needed an epilogue before that six-week timejump. So why wasn't the Alex Jones character arrested for being complicit? And wasn't the child services woman doing Dar's bidding? It's like half an episode was edited out.
  17. IKR? Especially right after his veiled threat outside Franny's school. I vaguely recall the show referencing the creepy Dar/Quinn stuff a while back. Maybe it was in the ep when Quinn was on a bender with that apartment manager?
  18. I am totally confused about this new setup. The underdogs win the challenge but are up for elimination? They should have waited for two more eliminations before bringing in the champs. Dario's argument is BS -- Sylvia more than proved herself in her stairway challenge (unlike Jenna in that lame bunjee jump "challenge").
  19. I thought that too, that Ziggy might have undiagnosed behaviorial issues, but now I'm thinking Jane was jumpy because Ziggy's dad was abusive. The Affair always puts me to sleep. I love Maura Tierney but not enough to keep watching. The quick crosscutting to the investigation and testimonies in BLL made the ep more energetic.
  20. A cinematic and gossipy whodunnit with a great cast. It's not campy like Desperate Housewives so I'm into it.
  21. I found that funny too. What's happening to me?
  22. Wow. That was intense. I was ready to go ballistic if they killed off Quinn just as he was getting on the right track. I'm a bit fuzzy on Dar's agenda and how he personally benefits from creating a fake terrorist attack and undermining the Prez-elect, but he needs to go. What a great villain. Can't wait for Saul to put him behind bars.
  23. I want to enjoy this show but the lead actor is dull and not remotely intimidating. (I also don't like him as Heath on TWD.) If the series continues, will there be a new lead next year?
  24. Glad Quinn is getting back on his feet. I couldn't watch the show if he stayed on a downward spiral toward suicide. I knew Sekou was toast during that scene with his mother. It's odd that he didn't check his cargo before leaving the warehouse.
  25. Ugh. I don't need to see every orifice on Hannah's body or things spilling out of them. I like Riz Ahmed but that was hard to watch. His career is going great. He doesn't need combat pay.
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