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Everything posted by numbnut

  1. This ep was more my speed. A renegade handmaid. Nick making bold moves like a boss. Good stuff. I wish the CGI bombing was better. The running handmaidens should have been thrown by the blast.
  2. Still watching the ep but I had to stop and ask: Who else Googled "butterfly bead"? Just me? Do all assassin shows share the same casting agent? Villanelle's quirky bald Russian handler looked like the quirky bald Russian guy on "Barry."
  3. I think this is why I don't like this season like I did S1. Instead of creating fresh scenarios, they're in full-on fan-service mode and reusing fave moments from S1 (Bernard instead of Delores struggles to recall his role in a slaughter; Abernathy shows his evil side then glitches out; Lawrence's wife is threatened with a dance, etc.). Everything's a shout-out or an Easter egg.
  4. IKR? This kid had me yelling at the TV ("JUST GO!! GO NOW!!") when he opened the car door to leave then stopped to ASK if he could leave. Good grief.
  5. All that West Elm furniture. What a waste. I'm guessing we'll see Ford as a hybrid young man. (Perhaps that's why the MiB shouldn't look forward.) Yup, that was Emily (and I think she was talking to Tantoo Cardinal). I also thought that was Hansee whispering to Stubbs. This ep was tedious for the most part. They milk every moment so you can see big reveals coming from a mile away. William's arc still makes no sense to me. He wanted to die in S1 but couldn't kill himself? He regrets his wife's suicide so he saves Lawrence's wife even though he was happy to kill Lawrence's wife in S1?
  6. I'm still a little perplexed by the idea that a nutjob would be kept in rotation as a high-target assassin. I was shocked by how Eve lashed out at Nico. Good Lord, if she's that unhappy, just get a divorce. IKR? She said it like she just won a Coen Brothers version of the Amazing Race.
  7. That would be awesome but I hope we don't have to wait that long. I also hope that they don't stall the narrative with several episodes of a dazed and broken June. (I'm still scarred by watching Rick stumble around talking to ghosts in several eps of The Walking Dead.)
  8. How you get him is how you lose him, June. Just sayin'. *sigh* This ep felt redundant, and the brainwash scenario seems a bit rushed. I think the show needs to up its game by exploring the resistance network. Why isn't Nick suspected as a collaborator? How did his visits to June and overnight stays go unnoticed? I know the show is mostly from the handmaids' pov but if we can see scenes of the commander and his cronies, the narrative can branch out to show the resistance characters.
  9. The humans did seem to take a dumb approach, walking in with no cover, though I figure they didn't do an air sweep because they're still looking to rescue hundreds of guests. Agreed. They clearly showed Delores waking up in S1 and she had a personality when she discovered her own voice, so, as Lee would say, "What... the fuck... happened?"
  10. I'm only 7 minutes in and I feel like I'm watching a lost episode of "Felicity." Hope it gets better. ETA: Finished the ep. It made a hard left from "Felicity" into "Flesh and Bone," with the restaurant world substituting for the dance world. Dunno if I'll stick around. I can't stand when a character is constantly stammering. (Just spit it out!) She also seems incompetent. She can't do one thing without going off on a tangent? She gets overwhelmed after NOT filling the salt shakers? My first job at 16 was waiting tables. It's not that hard. The bad-boy love interest is the opposite of hot. Always nice to see Paul Sparks, and I like Caitlin so I'll try one more ep.
  11. I'm starting to worry that the show is headed toward Walking Dead territory, where all-out "war" is just a series of speeches (telling us what we already know) and a few skirmishes.
  12. I was waiting for Elena to say something like, "You're gonna get us killed just like you did with Bill." That would have snapped Eve back into reality pretty quick. I liked how Eve called "bullshit" with V's sob story at dinner, but I'm totally confused by the lack of precaution. On another note, Kenny's interest in Elena is the cutest thing ever.
  13. Dolores needs some layers as Wyatt. I'm also tired of Charlotte's face -- she has this perpetual look of "I've done this whole robot rebellion thing before and I'm over it." Maybe Clem can't be woke after being lobotomized? The blond (name?) and the other rebellious hosts seem robotic. Why did their personalities vanish? The opening was a nice change but the woman's interest in the male guest was risky -- he could be sexing up hosts because he's diseased and unfuckable in the real world. It was also weird that the hosts killed the guests, left in silence and returned to finish their attack. I agree that Maeve's mission isn't very compelling.
  14. The characters feel hollow and one-dimensional, like the actors (with the exception of the guy who plays Reggie) are performing instead of inhabiting their roles. The dialogue also feels stilted and "written" when every utterance is a clever quip. I liked V1. Maybe I just need a few eps to get reacquainted with the style of the show.
  15. You and me both. I tapped out a while back because of the vague plotting, but I plan to continue the show eventually... when I'm caffeinated.
  16. IKR? They tell her to keep a low profile in the apartment and the first thing she does is to go to the window. LOL! The ending was intense but a lot of this ep felt like filler to me, especially when they show scenes from previous eps.
  17. So much this. Thandie has been killing it but was the last to get offered equal pay for season three.
  18. One more question: Why is Delos ill/dying when the world can "cure any disease" (as Ford mentioned)? Is that a timeline issue? Does it have anything to do with how old William's foundation saved the life of that guest's sister?
  19. You sound like me when I'm watching "Legion." LOL.
  20. It still makes little sense to me. It plays like Delos didn't know his son, which is odd after he already put Logan in some authoritative role at the company (hence Logan's assumption that the company was "My Company!"). Moving on. I believe that was this piece by Rachmaninoff: Thank you! That question would have bugged me all day. I was wondering about the Rachmaninoff piece, but thanks!
  21. Does anyone know the famous classical piece played at the top of the ep? It's driving me nuts that I can't recall the composer's name.
  22. I still don't get why sending Logan naked on a horse makes him unfit to run the company. Delos is pretty cheeky and would already know that his son is "adventurous," so a naked joyride wouldn't be much of a shock. Am I missing something?
  23. Love this show. I stopped watching Barry cuz this assassin dramedy is so much better. (I'll catch up on Barry later.) This ep was intense. And that ending! Too much of a cliffhanger, if there even is such a thing.
  24. You're not alone. Her vengeful persona in particular is one note. I like that we now get to see the real world but I don't appreciate the show aping Blade Runner with the Vangelis-like music and the patterned bricks in Decker's, er, Arnold's home. Peter Mullan! Wasted in a limited role. Too bad. He's a powerhouse like Hopkins. Hanzee! Nice to see Giancarlo too. And Jonathan Tucker! Haven't seen him in years. OK, enough about casting. I'm guessing Ford organized that meeting with Logan, but why was no one around to supervise the hosts? Sloppy and dangerous. Why does Delores need a guide to find other hosts? Why can't she download info like Maeve? Why aren't the fringe hosts also in rebellion mode? Was William grabbing the guests' DNA to blackmail them about their "sins"? How does that work exactly? What weapon did Delores discover in the real world? A nuke? So many more questions with this ep.
  25. On second watch, I heard him say, "I... He killed them... all of them." I played it back a few times. He could be referring to Arnold or Ford, as in "I/Bernard" did it because "he" programmed it. I dunno, but it's def. an intriguing confession. I still don't understand the situation with the droid station, and how Charlotte knows about it but Bernard (via Ford) wouldn't. If the the Delos board can build droids that can diagnose/repair hosts, why do they need Ford's technology? And now I'm wondering if the sea of dead hosts (Teddy! No!) means that Teddy tried to stop Delores before she goes to the mainland. He seems to be the hold-out when it comes to killing humans. I def. didn't see him shooting during Delores's rifle rampage.
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