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Everything posted by Noirprncess

  1. I couldn't deal with the sad sack Chay portions. Glad for fast forwarding on the DVR. I agree that I wouldn't want Laura doing my makeup but I'm glad to see she made great progress.
  2. She just seems to be an overall jerk. I'm not getting the feminist stuff.
  3. Sean will definitely get classified as disabled if something happens to his mom. He needs a lot of functional life help. It's interesting that he's more mobile as soon as he's forced to be mobile. Dr Now might have seemed harsh, but he was right.
  4. I love that Brittani went to a Pilates studio as it's my favorite exercise.
  5. Oh no...he gained 51 lbs after leaving the hospital. Sean just put his head down and couldn't figure out why. Then mom says something about "bumping up the cal count" of what they are eating.
  6. I'm glad to see Britani's progress. Sean....seems to be more of a question mark.
  7. Oh dear lord. I don't think I've seen Dr Now actually yell at a patient's mom over the care of her man-baby. But his FACIAL skin and other things seem to indicate that he's not doing well physically. OOps and he's gaining again.....
  8. I remember Dr 90210 saying neck lifts were the hardest to do for a number of reasons. Gilbert made me want to punch his drunk face when was talking about his needs over his wife's major surgery and stitches.
  9. The hair was a mess but I hadn't thought he was wearing a wig. But makes me wonder just how much hair he had pulled out?
  10. Ok Justin looks even bigger? That's crazy how he's gaining but thinks he's fine.
  11. He can't drive and seems unable to actually do things for himself.
  12. How many bottles of Coke did he have? Cans of Pepsi too? Yikes! Lord, those nasty feet since he wears no shoes or booties.....
  13. Dude calls 911, they send a fire truck....but notice how he turns to make himself comfortable in the car WHILE he calls 911....but he's in so much pain. I feel sorry for everyone dancing around him like a nut.
  14. Ok I am screaming (laughing) at Steven....he's such a phony baloney....
  15. Steven's teeth are jacked up. Especially during the Dr Paradise visit. Who knew dear old dad was paying for EVERYTHING? Geez Louise. I know that apartment STUNK to high heavens when they cleaned up that apartment just for therapist and mentioned something about making smell better. Ok somebody prepare the handbasket because I was cracking up laughing at the golf cart scene. I just feel bad for the property manager who had to endure the moaning. It's interesting that dad mentioned that Steven could have faked it because "he's done it before...."
  16. It seems I might be in the minority. But Season 4 was the best for me because you FINALLY got to see Daniel grow and learn to be more than a perpetual "strange" man which is the label some from a small town get for being different. He seemed like a quiet, thoughtful, well-read person who didn't wear his feelings on his sleeves. So, I enjoyed this finale. It didn't neatly tie things up in a bow and it left lots of room for each character to grow.
  17. The hair pulling and drug abuse, plus the fact that he can walk just chooses not to = looney bin (official medical diagnosis). He's visibly gaining more weight while at home in a bare apartment. Ugh. What's most annoying about the episode is the overly fake voiceovers.
  18. Yeah, this is about to be the episode will make me want to punch him in the face.
  19. His thyroid huh?. It really couldn't be the 1600 cal meals several times a day, right?
  20. Thanks for answering our question Dr GussieK. Off to Google.
  21. Yes! I was in Switzerland and was shocked at how much protein like chicken breasts costs compared to say, Costco. You could literally buy a gigantic "family" pack of chicken breasts at Costco for the same cost there for a pack of 2 tiny chix breasts there. Not to mention, I lost weight because I walked EVERYWHERE! But restaurant portions are one main reason that people overeat. Many times you receive multiple servings in one restaurant meal at many casual food places. If you sat there an ate the entire portion, you've consumed so many servings in just one meal and people compound the matter by eating like that for EVERY meal in one day.
  22. One thing that impresses me (we have a large number of Asians in this area), many will buy several entrees and maybe a dessert or two then SHARE the portions amongst the group (several people in the group). I watched a family do this at Cheesecake Factory. When they left there was still leftover cheesecake but it was cut into small bite-sized blocks and those that ate some took only one small block. Another factor is sheer portion size. It's rarely TEXAS sized portions and more like Vermont or New Hampshire sized portions (to keep with the state size themes). That's why Japan's number of obese people who's BMI is over 30 is around 3.6% of population.
  23. Sumo wrestlers (they turbo eat on a fixed eating schedule)
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