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Everything posted by Noirprncess

  1. Thanks! Still that's like 40 pounds a month. He would have to "cheat" daily and avoid doing his upper body exercises.
  2. Does anyone know how many months went between visits with Dr Now when he gained 158 pounds? I thought it was like 2-3 months but that means he was gaining like 50+ pounds a MONTH.
  3. Meanwhile, I had to stop buying slices of Cheesecake Factory cheesecake because I figured out it took me about 4 days to eat one slice. It's just too much for me in one setting & by day 3 or 4 I was sick of it. Not to mention that first slice was obviously multiple servings.
  4. Maybe. Hadn't thought of that. But, I'm sure it was more about not being able to bathe James or move his poo pads (since he was catheterized), so in theory he would have to sit there in his own funk all day until she had at least one more person that could help her lift him to clean that area. I feel really bad that his father mortgaged his house to send them to Houston and he wasted the effort.
  5. I still don't understand why the girlfriend "made" the daughter drop out of school to care for James.
  6. Having been a long time viewer, I didn't necessarily find his unlikable like I found Penny (SHE made me want to commit violence). James was laughable though because it was clear that he really didn't want to help himself. Weight loss is hard but more than physically difficult is the mental difficulties because you have to have a certain amount of discipline. It was clear early on that he hasn't really committed and felt that weight loss surgery was a magic bullet. Another sad trend is that those who are immobile tend to end up immobile when they continually refuse to try to get up on their own. It's a story that's played out over and over again on this show.
  7. Laughing hard at this cuz I had the same thought. But also grossed out. Can you imagine the STENCH of him sitting back there in an enclosed box? The funk AFTER 12-13 hours of sitting in the same spot cuz lord know they don't make bungee cords strong enough to hold him in place.
  8. IKR? This episode invoked the least sympathetic responses from me. Cracking up at the ringtone idea. You could make it big if you posted that....have to add in "Ahmm fawlling, lift mah legs! Lift mah legs!" too. With his daughter saying, "they [EMT] scratched his leg the last time...it's never healed"
  9. Alright I have a cast iron stomach. Heck I've eaten food during an autopsy in my past, so the human body doesn't gross me out. BUT - those shots of James legs and skin was the nastiest thing I've seen that really made my stomach flip a little. And EVERY TIME he whined about this hurt and that hurt, my attitude wasn't that of sympathy but more of "suck it up buttercup." Also, why was Lisa sleeping on the floor?
  10. You know...I live outside of NYC so I was used to being able to order "brown rice fried rice" from local Chinese food places. But when I traveled home to MD (of all places), I ordered brown rice fried rice and got white rice that had a lot of soy sauce on it to make it "brown". That was AFTER I asked if they used brown rice and everything too... But eating rice is TERRIBLE if you are trying hard to avoid carbs. Ohhhh...that explains a lot. But what kills me is that this show has been on for YEARS. It's not like you can't go back and get an idea of how the program works. So why do so many think that they don't need to do anything but get some surgery that magically fixes everything?
  11. That would not make my top million choice list either. This is the first episode that I have actively screamed at the tv & cheered when Dr Now laid out the "girlfriend". So they just decided to go to Houston without an invite or reason to go? What exactly was he thinking they could do for him if he wasn't willing to stop eating five sausages and a mess of eggs covered with a gallon of white glue, I mean, gravy?
  12. Because they get to count you in the final DVR numbers as having watched both shows. I accidently set my DVR to record Skin Tight which comes on the following night. But now it's repeats (for me) because I've already seen it as part of the My 600 lb life package. But I do want to talk about the one girl on Skin Tight that went back to Dr Now for surgery. In the beginning she looked really unhealthy although she was thin. Turns out she a problem with her lapband being too tight and it restricted her nutrients. Dr Now fixed it plus did her tummy tuck. BUT, she gained 46 lbs by the time she went back and basically destroyed her tummy tuck in the process. By the end, they tried to hide it but it looked as if she was gaining weight at a fairly quick clip because she looked even bigger during her reveal.
  13. Another week of wow. She drops her husband and has another man waiting on deck. The new guy looks pretty fit so why is she struggling so much. About microwaving the salad, I don't like ice cold salads, so I'm sure they nuke it just enough to make it more like room temp AND to heat the meat. After last week's whinefest, her "struggles" felt more tame and like they had to craft a storyline for her.
  14. I'm probably halfway in and I'm over Erica and her whining. Yes, I feel sympathy for her gang rape situation. But, my that is where my sympathy started and stopped. She, like her fellow cast mates, thought that she could eat what she wanted, have surgery and lose weight with zero effort. Then starts whining when she finds its not like that at all. Also, I didn't like her strong arm tactics at her brother's house at all. "Do this or I'll be dead soon...". He has a family to support so why she felt he could drop it all for six months was beyond me. And this was AFTER she flew to Texas, got a game plan then came home and did what she wanted to ANYWAY. I don't blame him over being skeptical because it's obvious that it's a recurring theme with her. Everyone drops everything to help then she does what she wants or gets mad when it gets hard and gives up.
  15. 30 minutes to go and have ZERO hope that she will be successful. "They are feeding me slop and starving me to death...." well aren't you trying to lose weight?
  16. Penny made me angry - but this chick just makes me want to turn off the episode. She whines at every, darn thing. When she snapped at her father trying to help her out of the car just after whining about how far away the bathroom her mom parked - that was enough for me. Dang - her hernia looked like a pregnancy belly BY ITSELF.
  17. It will be interesting to watch again but TLC had a series about overweight expectant mothers. I remember watching a few episodes. Perhaps that's what they are gunning for with Whitney - IF she is pregnant. #TEAMSKEPTICAL - not because of her weight but because I don't think she and Lenny were doing anything more than posing in bed for the camera.
  18. I see this show hasn't improved in any way. I agree that the sheet thing and massage with her "friend" is very strange. Ain't no way I'm begging friends to massage me naked in my bed and shrugging it off, much less have my parents walk in and have zero shame. Roy should file an abuse case. I felt abused for him with her antics.
  19. I'm glad she made progress. Just a few questions though - did her husband work?. It also seemed like she drove everywhere, so what did he do?
  20. I'm not sure why so many people think they couldn't possibly do a modified version of a Crossfit. But most Boxes welcome people of all levels and sizes not just the super fit and meatheads. My experience is that they would suggest attending classes during off peak hours so that trainer can demonstrate how to modify the WOD (and provide closer supervision). Or some places recommend working with a trainer in a private session so that he or she could develop modifications so that they know and understand what to do when they attend the regular open Box classes. Not all classes are ran with no emphasis on form and gong ho, pain is no gain type mentality. Modified Crossfit (without the plyometrics) are simply variations of the same exercises we saw them do at Planet Fitness whether done standing or sitting. Outside of the disastrous background story, they were more self sufficient than most patients on the show. The fact that they were able to lose in the 100-150 pound range prior to the surgery with the right amount of guidance shows that they are among the few that might have been just as successful without the surgery. Having a support system and incentives work well for some. It seems like getting some therapy was just as helpful as their determination to stick to their diet.
  21. So does this mean, Rusak is gone?. Or are they just introducing Rixton because he's the tie in for the new show, Chicago Law (whatever the name is)?
  22. With this episode, does this mean they've officially crossed over into the ripped from the headlines territory?
  23. Not sure I like the fact that Ben/Aaron is sold as a expert hacker and programmer, yet Roger gets his name and background so quickly and rather easily. I mean, I get that his daddy's money made things a bit easier but....
  24. I think the scholarship story was a ruse. Notice in the last episode, the scholarship was dangled as an enticement for Elena but it ends in her being in the green zone but not as a student. I'm wondering if the scholarship is a cover story for the company to pluck the best and brightest out of Red Zoners. The kid telling Theo to do his job is from the Just Do It Already trope.
  25. Thanks to whoever explained the obese man and that scene. Rachel shouldn't have shared that information about the little girl with anyone. She was already on shaky ground by stealing that bacon. Officer Bucky.... Lol
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