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Everything posted by galaxygirl76

  1. I have a picture of my kid, she was about the same age, I don't remember how but we had a container of flour sitting on the floor and she got into it. In my defense I took a picture because at that point the damage was done, she was not in danger because she was on the ground, and frankly every time it comes up in my time hop we laugh over it now. Now milk, I would have been upset about milk because it gets gross when it dries up and he's still in the middle of spilling it.
  2. Black Hawk county, where Waterloo is in, is the county with the most cases in Iowa. We can thank the Tyson plant for that, that has been a disaster for a few weeks now.
  3. I want to say the Unicorn but don't quote me on that.
  4. The Sex Pest molesting his sisters news should have ended any kind of show they had.
  5. That picture of that wedding cake goes for about $400 in my neck of the woods, which sounds like way way way more than Jill is willing to shell out.
  6. Would Jill like it if strangers took pictures of her and her underfed army of kids, posted them on social media and mock them? We all know she would be crying persecution before that person hits post. Hypocritical bitch.
  7. Close or close-ish pictures of Jill should come with a warning, especially right before bedtime.
  8. It's better than #ronawedding, which may be what the Rods will end up doing.
  9. Bitch please, try having a job and a kid that hasn't been to school since St patrick's day and then we talk about the 'new normals'. You not being able to go to your pretentious eateries doesn't fucking count.
  10. Yeah, literally everything is the same with possibly the exception that they aren't seeing LolliPop as much as usual and I'm doubting that that is actually happening.
  11. I like how she made sure we can see the Keurig and the KitchenAid in the picture. In related news, I hate that look.
  12. I took a selfie once after getting off work at my essential job with the caption 'feeling cute' to be funny. I can't imagine being so thirsty to make it a regular thing to get attention.
  13. My husband has some suggestions about where he wants the Dodgers to go but he also just went outside to yell at the Cardinal in the tree so there's that 😂
  14. She went out by herself, is wearing a mask, and bought an impulse item. She's almost like a normal girl now!
  15. Yeah she was so gentle and loving when she protected Josh over the sisters he was molesting, such a gem!
  16. Oh good, I'm glad I wasn't the only one who was uncomfortable with those pictures.
  17. Or, just a friendly suggestion since you have kids that look malnourished, create a vegetable garden. It's not like you're lacking help in that house.
  18. I wonder if Jeremy is learning from home.. Oh I almost made it with a straight face 😂
  19. That's a pretty good birthday celebration under the circumstances.
  20. I'll give them some credit for watching church on a live stream. There are unfortunately still plenty of full churches every Sunday.
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