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Everything posted by thebigboot

  1. Lied about being the victim of a hate crime having already lied to the police in the past (Hello 2006), went on the air to continue his BS which included choice comments on if his pseudo attackers were Muslim or Mexican people would believe him, and chose a politically divisive subject to blame his lies on. This is pretty bad, and if he ends up being connected to those letters that’s easily going into terrorism territory. I know you’ve been defending him like crazy, but I do not understand how this doesn’t seem bad to you.
  2. Except we all remember what happened with Rosanne which kind of pales in comparison to what’s going on right now. Including his “if my attackers were” comment.
  3. Depending on how this investigation goes I’d have to disagree with you on this. He’s lied to the police in the past, and he’s consistently changed his story every time he’s spoken about this situation. Unless by some miraculous event this attack actually happened as he claimed, Fox would be insane to keep him around.
  4. “As the police investigation into the alleged attack against "Empire" actor Jussie Smollett continues, it was revealed Tuesday that in 2007 Smollett pleaded no contest to DUI, driving without a license and providing false information to law enforcement, the L.A. City Attorney's office confirmed to NBC News.” Smollett’s previous case This does not help him at all.
  5. Sean dead from infection at 29 He’s the third person from this show to pass away in the last six months.
  6. When he refused to sit down for police again, that was the nail in the coffin for him.
  7. Brothers tell police everything on Smollett Things keep looking worse and worse for Smollett...
  8. He won’t follow up with the police, even after changing his story. Kind of hard to prove it either way if the victim refuses to speak after hiring the same defense attorney Michael cohen had...
  9. “Attorneys for "Empire" actor Jussie Smollett say there are "no plans" for him to meet with Chicago police Monday for a follow-up interview about his alleged assault, even though law enforcement has requested one.” Didn’t report it immediately, had to be convinced to do so, refused to turn over phone records, no video of anyone when it happened despite cameras everywhere. Are you going to say the brothers are lying too?
  10. It’s kind of funny to me, in NYC where 17 Jews in 4 months were beaten (all on camera mind you) that didn’t get even an ounce of attention like this case did. On top of which he didn’t want to report it but then claimed proudly he fought back hard.
  11. Everyone is innocent until proven guilty, it still won’t stop people from completely judging him and criticizing him based on what’s going on. Tit for tat at this point.
  12. Police sources suggest Smollett orchestrated the attack
  13. If nothing else he still has to answer to why he was so insistent they were white rednecks when they ended up being black Nigerians.
  14. Which is why I've said she needs to name names. She doesn't work for CBS anymore, it's not like they could punish her. So instead of making sure these people are held accountable as we're seeing with so many other cases we just have to sit here and cheer vague statements.
  15. Truthfully? I don't believe her apology any more than I believe her accusations. I'm sorry, you spent tweet after tweet slamming the studio and it's employees, implying all these horrible things that happened and after people start going WTF she goes "Thank you!" Nope, sorry. This is almost as good as her I was assaulted by the homeless man and after he laid me out on the ground no one came to help me but a dog licked my face.
  16. Still don’t know why she won’t give up any names though...
  17. Yeah, Mom might be a strong contender but even attempting to line it up with Big Bang Theory is nuts.
  18. Hey now, Jeremy may have played FarmVille at one point which would make him a farmer...
  19. Scotley is just a plain douchebag, I know it’s a competition but there’s really no reason to keep being an antagonizing dick.
  20. So MTV forced her to abuse her boyfriend, and be a horrible person in general? Learn something everyday.
  21. Glorious day for our country when chips bore that warning lol
  22. 100% this! Ever notice how this happens when things are going slow in her life? Show is off season, not getting her usual worship on SM then bam something happens. Plus police takes this kind of thing seriously, especially now. She’s become the boy who cried wolf.
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