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  1. I never watched the original Suits on USA back in the day, but I really liked this one. I got a real "L.A. Law" vibe from the show - a lot of confident, competent, hard-working lawyers getting things done. I had no idea that the law firm was going to implode 15 minutes in, so I really got drawn into the drama pretty quickly. A couple of weeks ago, I watched the first episode of "Watson", which was full of exposition and long, lingering camera shots as characters thoughtfully pondered their next moves. This show was completely different! No lingering, no pondering, just fast action and the barest (and I do mean barest) amount of hints about who these people are and why they're running around all over the place. It was a fast hour! LOL One thing that I didn't care for, though, is the fact that nobody on this show walks; they strut. They strut into somebody's office, circle the other person, and immediately start with the "too-cool-for-school" Hollywood snappy patter - fast talking, no coming up for air, no hesitation. It's like they already know what the other person is going to say and they just can't wait to get their line out ASAP. Not very realistic. I kept hoping that someone would just stand there, take a long pause, and begin talking very ssslllooowwwlllyyy. I think the entire show would have tilted on its axis as everyone's timing would be completely thrown off! Cool that Reverse-Flash played Arrow's Dad in the episode!
  2. Gregg247

    S01.E01: Pilot

    I gave this show a try because I really liked Morris Chestnut as the villainous Dr. Cain on "The Resident" a few years ago. This show, though was just kind of boring. I figured out the case-of-the-week early on and couldn't wait for these "medical experts" to finally catch up! As mentioned above, I also had a hard time understanding some of the dialogue in certain scenes. I was willing to give the show another try until they brought out Asian Jim from "The Office" as master criminal Professor Moriarty. That's some really bad casting! Randall Park is so good at playing nice guys but his attempts to appear menacing here had me laughing. I wondered during his scene if he would do his magic trick with his business card that Ant-Man taught him.
  3. I really want to like Sarah but the show is doing its best to stop me. The actress is pretty good but the writers are using her as a prop instead of a character. Each episode, she veers from competent-but-insecure to daffy-and-forgetful to romantic lead to distrustful competitor to loyal friend to work villain. Who is she?!? They need to stop defining her based on the needs of whatever plot they have going on for the week; that's what guest-stars are for!
  4. I'm starting to question Mark's skills as a contractor. First, he transformed the dusty old outdated main house into a --just as dusty looking, old, outdated -- B&B. Then he took an old barn and converted it into - an old barn with some kitchen appliances (did they even bother putting in a solid floor?). Fun episode! I'm glad Jay has something more to do on the show than just sit there while Sam talks to all the ghosts and conveys to him what they're talking about. I hope the restaurant works out as it doesn't seem like that many people are staying at the B&B!
  5. I enjoyed the episode. It seems like the actors are starting to feel more comfortable in their roles and the writers are giving them a bit more to work with. I liked how Georgie and Audrey were in agreement for a bit. I also like how Mary and Audrey are an equal match in the "over-bearing mom" department. Neither one of them overpowers the other and both get in some good (and funny) insults. Plus, it's always fun to see Pastor Jeff!
  6. I really enjoyed this season even though I knew practically NONE of these people beforehand! haha By the end, I was rooting for Brody Jenner as he had a great attitude and was really focused on overcoming a lot of personal demons. Plus, he seemed like a decent guy (I guess not so much in his younger days). My only complaint this season was the hand-to-hand episode when 3 contestants got broken bones from getting beaten up. That was ridiculous. Shouldn't they have those big pads on like when people are attacked by dogs training to become K9 officers? It seemed really unnecessary and the 3 people who were removed had been pretty motivated. I think I like the 2 episodes back-to-back each week. We got an entire season in just 5 weeks (and a lot of content packed into each!). Edit to add: I LOL'ed when Cam had to strip down and he was wearing his multi-colored undies and all the tough-as-nails DS guys (as well as the "Umpire") broke into laughter!
  7. That was weird (and more than a little disturbing!) but Mayim was obviously having a blast playing crazy, so that was nice. I also liked the little TBBT jokes tossed in. I didn't know Wendie Malick was on this show now. I last saw her as the Dean of "Young Sheldon's" college. Small world! lol
  8. I enjoyed it. The basic set-up was handled well and they managed to introduce the characters in a mostly non-awkward way. I could do without the occasional political jabs, but the writing was stronger than a lot of sitcoms today (i.e.-the reboot of "Frasier") and there were some decent jokes sprinkled throughout. I find that I'm just in need for some comedy in my life right now and a half-decent sitcom on a cold Wednesday evening could fit the bill.
  9. My problem with the CotW is with the casting. I thought the AffairLady was ALSO the attorney opposing Olympia in court; that they were friends outside the court but opponents in court. I was surprised when I learned they simply hired 2 actresses who looked so much alike. Would it have killed them to hire some dude to be the opposing lawyer? It's not like they were short on guest actresses this week!
  10. I like when the Farnsby's show up; it's nice to see Cousin Larry playing the antagonist! I think Jay's contractor is responsible for replacing the pipes in the restaurant. The plans called for 1" pipe and he installed 3/4" pipe. His mistake, his cost to make it right! Also, you never finish the walls before the inspector has signed off on the plumbing. Jay, find a better contractor; this guy is costing you an arm and a leg! lol
  11. I really enjoyed this episode; it may be my favorite so far. For all the seriousness we got in the second half, there were several truly laugh-out-loud moments early on. I'm glad they fleshed out Connor more and made him more understandable as a character. Before he was just some throw-away presence who showed up, said something not very funny, and then disappeared again. I really liked the father-son tension between Connor and Jim. These are 2 people who've spent years trying and failing to connect in any way at all. It looks like Georgie is the bridge that's going to tie them together. Georgie was my favorite character on YS (although I liked everyone on that show). They're really putting a lot on his character's shoulders so far on this show. He needs to pull this new family of his together and "earn" his way into the family. It's a tough row to hoe. TBH, I didn't think the actor who plays Georgie had the chops to pull that off but he's really surprised me. He's doing a great job. I suspect that as the season progresses, we'll see some of the other characters start to take on a bigger share of the various responsibilities of leading an episode. So far, Jim is the primary contender for that, it seems to me.
  12. I liked the flashback at the end of this episode. I knew Maddie was pulling a "double stunt" - i.e. playing matchmaker AND getting something from the IT lady, but I didn't figure out the fingerprint thing until the flashback (Sorry!). I liked the case-of-the-week since it tied in nicely with Maddie and Bernard's (I don't know his character's name on this show, just his name on "Lost") multi-year problems with their drug-addicted daughter. The scenes in the drug house and at their home afterward (as well as with the grandson) were the best part of the episode for me. I'm glad they're making Olympia less of a cardboard villain/antagonist. The show is better when interesting characters act and react like actual people. Also, those hotdogs looked delicious!
  13. I liked this episode quite a bit. I'm glad Mandy's brother actually did something worthwhile this time. That 20 Questions game they played looked like fun! Also, Mandy's Mom was much more fun this week. It appears that she's fine with Georgie as long as he's her winning partner in Bridge. LOL I'm glad that Georgie is such a responsible young man but I'm kind of sorry that, through his own actions, he's had to grow up faster than he normally would have. A few more years of "doing stupid stuff" with his friends would have been fun.
  14. This episode faked me out! I was convinced that Matlock's plan was falling apart with her mistake of spilling coffee on the laptop. I loved the fact that she managed to simply steal the laptop and "accidently" destroy a duplicate laptop. Now, she can go through the laptop with her grandson at her leisure. Great plan! I really liked how she tricked the defendant into impeaching himself on the stand so she could introduce the evidence that the young male lawyer had uncovered. I still don't like Matlock's boss. She's a Hollywood writer's idea of what a "career-driven" woman is like. How have we gone 3 episodes of "Matlock" without a single who-dun-it murder???
  15. Patience is now my favorite ghost on this show. She's kind of a more brittle version of Hetty (my other favorite). She's spooky and really freaks out all the other ghosts, which is good for the show; the other ghosts were getting a little too comfortable with each other. I look forward to seeing Patience interact with Nancy. Will they become friends - or (im)mortal enemies?
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