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  1. My problem with the CotW is with the casting. I thought the AffairLady was ALSO the attorney opposing Olympia in court; that they were friends outside the court but opponents in court. I was surprised when I learned they simply hired 2 actresses who looked so much alike. Would it have killed them to hire some dude to be the opposing lawyer? It's not like they were short on guest actresses this week!
  2. I like when the Farnsby's show up; it's nice to see Cousin Larry playing the antagonist! I think Jay's contractor is responsible for replacing the pipes in the restaurant. The plans called for 1" pipe and he installed 3/4" pipe. His mistake, his cost to make it right! Also, you never finish the walls before the inspector has signed off on the plumbing. Jay, find a better contractor; this guy is costing you an arm and a leg! lol
  3. I really enjoyed this episode; it may be my favorite so far. For all the seriousness we got in the second half, there were several truly laugh-out-loud moments early on. I'm glad they fleshed out Connor more and made him more understandable as a character. Before he was just some throw-away presence who showed up, said something not very funny, and then disappeared again. I really liked the father-son tension between Connor and Jim. These are 2 people who've spent years trying and failing to connect in any way at all. It looks like Georgie is the bridge that's going to tie them together. Georgie was my favorite character on YS (although I liked everyone on that show). They're really putting a lot on his character's shoulders so far on this show. He needs to pull this new family of his together and "earn" his way into the family. It's a tough row to hoe. TBH, I didn't think the actor who plays Georgie had the chops to pull that off but he's really surprised me. He's doing a great job. I suspect that as the season progresses, we'll see some of the other characters start to take on a bigger share of the various responsibilities of leading an episode. So far, Jim is the primary contender for that, it seems to me.
  4. I liked the flashback at the end of this episode. I knew Maddie was pulling a "double stunt" - i.e. playing matchmaker AND getting something from the IT lady, but I didn't figure out the fingerprint thing until the flashback (Sorry!). I liked the case-of-the-week since it tied in nicely with Maddie and Bernard's (I don't know his character's name on this show, just his name on "Lost") multi-year problems with their drug-addicted daughter. The scenes in the drug house and at their home afterward (as well as with the grandson) were the best part of the episode for me. I'm glad they're making Olympia less of a cardboard villain/antagonist. The show is better when interesting characters act and react like actual people. Also, those hotdogs looked delicious!
  5. I liked this episode quite a bit. I'm glad Mandy's brother actually did something worthwhile this time. That 20 Questions game they played looked like fun! Also, Mandy's Mom was much more fun this week. It appears that she's fine with Georgie as long as he's her winning partner in Bridge. LOL I'm glad that Georgie is such a responsible young man but I'm kind of sorry that, through his own actions, he's had to grow up faster than he normally would have. A few more years of "doing stupid stuff" with his friends would have been fun.
  6. This episode faked me out! I was convinced that Matlock's plan was falling apart with her mistake of spilling coffee on the laptop. I loved the fact that she managed to simply steal the laptop and "accidently" destroy a duplicate laptop. Now, she can go through the laptop with her grandson at her leisure. Great plan! I really liked how she tricked the defendant into impeaching himself on the stand so she could introduce the evidence that the young male lawyer had uncovered. I still don't like Matlock's boss. She's a Hollywood writer's idea of what a "career-driven" woman is like. How have we gone 3 episodes of "Matlock" without a single who-dun-it murder???
  7. Patience is now my favorite ghost on this show. She's kind of a more brittle version of Hetty (my other favorite). She's spooky and really freaks out all the other ghosts, which is good for the show; the other ghosts were getting a little too comfortable with each other. I look forward to seeing Patience interact with Nancy. Will they become friends - or (im)mortal enemies?
  8. I wish they'd shown this episode back-to-back with Ep. 1 last week. This one really fleshed out the characters a little more and made more sense. Even though G&MFM looks like TBBT and has a studio audience, it feels more like "Young Sheldon" in that its more of a comedy-drama. I liked Mandy's mom much more this week. Her scene with Jim was good in that they seemed more like a real couple rather than a cartoonish shrew and her terrified husband. I also liked that she matter-of-factly told him that she thought G&M would get divorced and it was probably better if they did that sooner rather than later so they could both move on with their lives. I see where she's coming from on that. Jim wasn't a scaredy-cat this week and tried to calm everyone down when Georgie burst in the room. He's the best character on the show right now. The mechanic at work is the funniest so far. I think they can get a lot of mileage with him just pranking Georgie. I really liked the talks Georgie and Missie had at George's grave. These were the most real scenes in the episode for me. Missie in particular was heartbreaking. I'm not a fan of Mandy, but I think if she gets a job at a TV station as a weather girl, it could be pretty funny and it would give her something to do other than feed the baby and argue with her Mom. I'm afraid Mandy's brother will kill all the characters in their sleep one night. After Ep. 1, I didn't know where they were going with this show but now I can see the path they're laying out for us. I'm on-board with it.
  9. When "fake Julie" asked if the houseguests would stand with her against Ainsley, I would have shouted, "No way! I support AInsley 100%!" It was so obvious that "Julie" was actually AInsley; why would the real Julie show up in the AI box instead of on the TV?!? Come on, houseguests, this ain't (or is it AIn't?) rocket science! Plus, I would have loved to see if shouting support for AInsley would have messed up their script for AInsley when she revealed herself. "I knew you houseguests were terri --wait, you said what? - uh, uh, okay, good; glad to have you on my ---side? Um, can't we start this again?" LOL I talked to my sister on the phone last night. She's really worried that Angela is actually going to win this season. She is NOT happy over the possibility! haha
  10. This is the weepy-ist and huggy-ist group of houseguests I've seen in quite some time! Everyone is always boo-hooing and grabbing onto each other like they'd just been through something truly horrific, rather than the fact that they just voted someone out of a GAME! I don't think I'd last in a house with these people more than 5 minutes. The second someone tried to hug me like I was their long-lost parent, I'd duck out ASAP. LOL Is it possible that we could actually have an all female final 4 this year, despite the fact that there's no all-female alliance in the house? I started counting last night and was surprised we have a 3/6 split of M/F right now, yet I've heard no mention of this among the players about this during the broadcasts. Was this just accidental or did I miss some secret master plan? There's also no dominant players at all in the game (a first for BB, I think). Quinn likes to think he's a devious player but I can't remember when a person had so many secret plans get called out in front of everyone and blowup in their faces. I also can't remember when so many people nominated (and got evicted!) members of their own alliances and/or "best friends" in the house. T'Kor nominated 2 of her 5 alliance members, for goodness sakes! I'm starting to think that a No-Alliance strategy may actually work this season (look at Leah and Mackezzzzee)! What I'm saying is that this season is, in many ways, unique for BB. It's also kind of boring, TBH. This is the point of the season where big moves should be happening and excitement should be ramping up, but I spent a lot of my time last night glancing at my watch and wondering why they don't "just get on with it". There are no big personalities left, no crafty players, no physical threats, no master strategists. Just some boring, crying, hugging randoms who are spending the summer together. I have no one left to root for and my least favorite person in the house, Chelsie, isn't really that bad either; she's just kind of a sourpuss.
  11. No, that's not what they're doing here (that WOULD be a terrible gimmick to use, though!). They're actually using rudimentary A.I. to take some of the publicity video that they shoot of all the contestants for the opening credits and using A.I. to move them around and fake their voices "reading" the script that Tucker wrote. These A.I. presentations are just as surprising to the "real" people as they are to the rest of the house.
  12. It was nice to see how legitimately happy everyone was when T'Kor won HOH; it's obvious that people in the house really do like her a lot. Too bad they'll all be fed up with her by the end of her reign as HOH! haha Her accent is irritating, but not half as much as her insistence on wearing that chips-and-guacamole bowl on her head all the time. Tucker as the Instigator makes sense (if not a little too -on-the-nose), but he really screwed up his first attempt; that was really bad. No money for you, Tucker! He needs to think these things through before pulling this off. Just when I start to forget what a nightmare Angela was in the first couple of weeks of the show, she starts up again last night with the whole "I think I'm going home!" no-tear cry-fest. Well, at least she's kind of unique and interesting in the House (unlike Mak, Leah, and Cam!). Leah couldn't think of a single person who she'd like to see nominated? I don't think that was an act; I think she's REALLY playing this game without a thought in the world regarding strategy, game-play, or sense of competitiveness. I think she's simply on the show because she thinks everyone on America will just love her for her looks and "personality" (personality, in this case, being solely defined as "pretty girl").
  13. I must be as dumb as a Houseguest, but I never figured out the elephant picture in the A.I. Arena! :( I was hoping we'd lose Chelsie last night rather than Brooklyn. I don't care for either of them, but Brooklyn is kind of a clueless villain on the show for me, so she's good for some of her "Don't mess with a momma from Texas", "All I need to do is win HoH and I'm coming after Tucker!", "I'm only nominated because they're intimidated by me.", and other verbal nonsense that she spews every episode. I'm still shocked how the traditional "beautiful people" on the show (Cam, Leah, and Makensey) are such complete non-entities this season. Note to BB producers: Attractiveness is NOT a personality trait!
  14. I love the endurance challenges on this show. Whether they're hanging from tire swings that spin around and around or hanging on the tilting wall, I love to see each seasons idiots hanging on for dear life, pained expressions on their faces, as they desperately try to make a deal with the one person who looks solid as a rock. This time, the Wall ate up all the competitors really fast! I remember when they'd go for hours hanging on; some of the early victims would go inside, shower, take a nap, get a snack, return to the backyard, and they'd STILL be out there! I can't fault them this time, though. That goo they were squirting on them (in so many bright colors!) was gross and hilarious. They didn't just squirt them with a little goo; they plastered them with it! LOL I was laughing so hard watching them that I felt kind of guilty; then I remembered that they're competing for $750k and performing for our viewing pleasure and I went back to laughing like a hyena. I'll give this cast credit; they're playing BB harder than any can I can think of in the past. Lots of schemers and very few floaters. I think Quinn is the reason his massive alliance collapsed. When Tucker took himself off the block, Quinn nominated Rubina simply because he wanted to stick it to Tucker by nominating his kind-of girlfriend. He didn't consider that everybody seems to like Rubina; she's friendly, honest, and not a schemer. Had Quinn asked his alliance-mates who they think he should put up, or just put up Leah, Cedric would still be in the house right now and the giant (boring) alliance would still be solid. I wonder if Quinn will wear his little gangster suit and tie at the live eviction on Thursday? haha
  15. This may have been the first episode in many, many years that actually featured meaningful scenes of ALL the contestants as they struggled to make a decision of what to do, rather than just have someone recap it all LOUDLY in the Diary Room afterwards. Cedric telling Julie that he "saw it coming" regarding his eviction was about as believable as his "It's all good. It's all love." as he walked out the door. He was dumbfounded (as was I!). I was convinced that, despite all the maneuvering to flip the vote, it was going to end up being 8-1 for Rubina to go. I was on the edge of my seat during the vote this time! As far as I can tell, Makenseyyy and Leah have no alliances, and everyone else in the House has at least 2, 3, or 4 alliances. How often have the 2 traditional "hot chicks" in the House been so ignored in BB gameplay? I've always felt that the producers cast the typical beautiful people first, like these 2 plus the young muscular dudes (Matt & Cam) who could all appear on a magazine cover, just to show CBS that, "yes, of course, we've got the eye-candy covered this year." This year, that seems to have backfired a bit, as Matt is gone and the other 3 barely register as personalities on the show so far. (NOTE: "Beauty" is subjective, of course; I'm basing this on how BB has typically cast for looks over the past 26 seasons. They seem to stick to the archetypes from "Revenge of the Nerds" for casting; the jocks and cheerleaders vs. everyone else.)
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