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Everything posted by NewGranny

  1. Does anyone else know that season 2 is starting back soon? Am I the only one who cares??????
  2. I am in Mississippi and had a conniption when the station started messing up.
  3. OMG Lizzie just posted that Gretchen is going to be on HSN today selling her 'BEAUTY" products.
  4. I also have no idea what the "Jeremiah development" could be. I love the show and I think that they have a very loving relationship. And even though my daughter and I always try to figure out who Poppy looks like, yes, she IS their child and they clearly both love her dearly. I don't understand why people have to look for the bad in everything.
  5. If I was Sarah's mother, they BOTH would have jobs or else they can gtf. Not the little girl though. She can stay with her grandmother and away from creepy Joe.
  6. I just watched this episode and my god, I am just horrified by what these girls went through but I am also blown away by their courage. I was raised Catholic and my grandmother still goes to church a couple of times a week and never misses on Sunday, but atrocities like this are why I no longer believe in organized religion. I have faith and believe in God but not religion.
  7. I am with you. I must be watching a different show than most people because I haven't seen him do or say anything really wrong.
  8. Now I am offended. Not cool. Maybe you shouldn't bring politics up on a site about Real Housewives.
  9. This is the funniest recap in a long time! I was sitting at my desk cracking up! The Eileen stuff was gold!
  10. I don't think that Erica seems very happy. To me it just seems like she is faking it most of the time. JMO
  11. I follow Kathryn and Donnie on Instagram, and I don't know if they have a private plane, but they travel constantly, seem to be involved with WWII vets, have a cute dog and seem really in love with each other. Maybe that is what Erica's problem is with Kathryn. Jealousy. And no, Kathryn doesn't have a glam squad. She looks very casual and make-up free in a lot of pictures.
  12. I agree with you. My mother is an addict (prescription pills). She can go through long periods of time where she can control it, but when she does start using again, it is usually bad. Last June she had a pretty bad episode (the police were involved) and I let her have it and told her that she is not allowed to be alone with my granddaughter any longer. That was the price she had to pay for messing up. Fast forward to this past October when I lost my husband to a heart attack. My mother has been there for me and my daughter every minute. She recently asked about seeing my granddaughter again. I discussed it with my daughter and we both decided that now was the time to let her. I know every sign that shows if she has been taking something and I have not seen anything, so we are willing to slowly give her a chance. I don't bring up her episode. We are living in the new present and I want to make sure that she has hope and something to stay clean for. Also, this does not make me an enabler. I am the first person that will call her on her shit and make sure that she suffers for it. I do not giver her money or anything else. A therapist once told me that if you take away all hope from and addict, what do they have left to live for?
  13. FYI, I just had major abdominal hernia repair surgery in August. I also have the mesh. It was screwed into my abdominal muscles and hurt like nothing I have ever experienced (and I had part of my left kidney removed), but the kicker is that my doctor told me that I can NEVER, EVER again do any kind of abdominal exercises. No crunches, sit ups, planks, etc. He said that I will "pop" the hernia again and possibly the mesh as well. Also, I still have my belly button. :)
  14. I just want to say, I lost my husband suddenly on the 7th. And while my daughter and I are completely devastated, I had this episode on the other day while we were just staring at the TV and my daughter asked me what the deal with Vickie was (she doesn't watch the show) so I told her about the whole cancer/casserole thing and she looked at me and said "WTF? Dad just died and all we are getting are cakes! We need casseroles!" I really needed that laugh in that moment, but it was true, everyone brought sweet stuff to my house. Think that I am going to stop at the store today and get stuff to make Frito Pie.
  15. Holy Crap! I just read her blog and yes, she is a pathological liar and all around asshole. I mean what kind of person says those things? Does she not remember that she admitted lying at the reunion???? And she doesn't want to hurt Shannon's family but basically she will if Shannon is not nice to her???? WTF? That is some next level mean right there. All I can say is Karma is a real bitch and all of this will someday, some way bite her.
  16. My husband is a retired cop. I guess that it is different everywhere, but while his pension is decent (retired after 30 years) really the only times that he got paid overtime were Mardi Gras and special events. We paid our daughter's school tuition with money that he made from working details. That money doesn't count toward his pension. Maybe California pays better than New Orleans?
  17. Just saw on Instagram that she is not going to be on season 4. Only first she said "Was excited to show the new me on Southern Charm but they aren't interested." Then in the comments she says that it was the best decision for her kids. What I get from that is that they turned her down due to all of her issues and now she is trying to say that it was her decision.
  18. Okay, I beg to differ! Def Leppard is still a thing! HAHAHA They actually still tour and were just here in concert a couple of months ago. I didn't get to go then, but I have seen them in recent years. Also, I am not quite 50 yet and LOVE to rock out to 80's hair music since the 80's were my high school years. :)
  19. I would like to know why Vickie is saying that she has doctor bills. Shouldn't the accident be covered under Workers Comp? It was a work function.
  20. I guess that I too will be in the minority when I say Fuck that Shit. I am with Megan. There is no way that I would go see Vicki. She is an asshole that couldn't care less about anyone about herself. A few years ago there was a guy here at work that had cancer. I couldn't stand him. He was a creep that looked down my shirt every chance he got and was one of those people that used his illness to get his way. When he died everyone from work went except me. I pride myself on not being a hypocrite, so why would I go to his funeral when I couldn't stand him? I didn't know his family and really, no one else liked him, but they didn't want to look bad. I just don't care. I would be the same way if other people that I didn't like were in the hospital. If I wouldn't want them to visit me, why would I visit them? Or, maybe I am just not as good a person as I think I am????? LOL
  21. Um, I actually did refuse the epidural because I am afraid of needles. Hahaha
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