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I have to disagree -- I don't think UNreal is in on my feelings of outrage when they decided to make the shooting of an unarmed black man and the injury of another all about a white woman who set the entire thing up. And attempted to get me to pity her because she was in a psych ward and was taken away by "evil mommy." Yes, poor Rachel who voluntarily punishes herself because she feels so bad....what a hero! The idea that commitment is some sort of punishment for her, is laughable to me. When two men fight for their lives over her action and the only punishment she gets is the one she decides she is allowed to inflict on herself. If Rachel felt nearly as bad as she should be feeling, she wouldn't be blaming Adam for not saving her and checking herself into a psych ward (likely to avoid having to take any responsibility for her actions). She would be taking the longest walk off the shortest cliff. Because if my actions ended up getting an innocent man killed, because I needed to prove something to a dude I dated a year ago I don't think I could live with myself.
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This is exactly what they are saying when the show becomes all about poor Rachel and Rachel ends up being the victim and the person we are supposed to pity and we only get maybe 30 seconds of seeing Romeo shot on the ground and Darius crying. You implied that because Darius signed up to rehab his image on a reality dating show that Rachel's actions were somehow reasonable and made sense in light of the fact that Darius's intent was to rehab his image and Rachel's actions will result in the rehab to Darius's image. Or that is how it read your responses, which were that Darius signed up to rehab his image and therefore whatever Rachel did was understandable and reasonable. As if, by signing up for a reality show to rehab his image, it made it okay for Rachel to set him up to get beaten because that would rehab his image.
So, because he signed up for a dating show, and his intent was to rehab his image that somehow makes it okay for Rachel to set him up to get beaten and shot? I just can't understand that reasoning at all. Its like saying I signed up to get a chicken sandwich because I'm hungry but if I got some dirt to eat its pretty much the same thing. That doesn't make any sort of sense to me at all, and I can't understand the mental gymnastics to try to put Rachel in the right on this. As a human being, and a grown adult, Darius has the right to sign up for one thing, and just get that. HE gets to choose how he rehabs his image NOT Rachel. Because Darius isn't a child, he can make those choices for himself. He doesn't need Rachel as the paternalist who decides HOW he goes about achieving his goals. He decided to rehab his image by being on a dating show, not by getting beaten down by cops and having his cousin killed. Darius is allowed to decide if there are certain things that aren't worth rehabbing his image over. And very, very clearly, Rachel was not at all concerned about Darius's image, but about telling a story and doing some expose about important issues to show Adam that she isn't just about fluff TV. The idea that she somehow called Darius, and got him beaten and his cousin shot out of some sort of concern for him doesn't make any sort of sense. When Faith's story line was explored it was about Faith. But when Darius gets shot and his cousin gets killed it has to be all about poor whittle Wachel? Really? And that poor whittle Wachel is "banishing herself" and its supposed to be enough punishment for her is laughable and just gross. Again, whether the outpouring of support is worth the life of his cousin and the cost of his career and health is a decision DARIUS gets to make, not some entitled liberal white woman. We are clearly not supposed to "loathe" Rachel since the entire set up was that poor whittle Wachel finally "loses it" and goes to a psych ward and THAT somehow is the real tragedy (as evidenced by the final scene of her mother petting her hair and her taking drugs). "Oh noes poor whittle Wachel has to take the meds she has been fighting against from her evil mommy."
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No, he signed up for a reality dating show. He didn't sign up to be part of an agenda he CLEARLY didn't want to be a part of. He didn't sign up to be beaten for Rachel's white fix-it-all paternalistic brand of liberalism. As for galvanizaing the audience, as someone pointed out above, even people on IMDB are blaming Darius and Romeo. Which almost always happens in police involved shootings or beatings no matter how much evidence there is. Do you really think he signed up to have his cousin shot and to have his career ended with a police beating? How is he a hero in any of this? He is a victim....of Rachel, of the police, of Coleman. Oh, but I forgot, we're supposed to be worried about whittle Wachel's feelings. The one thing that strikes me about this season now, is just how messy and dumb some of Rachel's lies are. She lied to Coleman about what she said to Adam. That is such an easily discovered lie that it doesn't even make sense. Adam had proof of it on his phone. Coleman was suspicious -- all he had to do was ask Adam. If Rachel is what "feminism" looks like, its pathetic, because it apparently looks like a foolish bitch willing to do anything for a man. Adam tells her that her show is dumb, she is willing to risk two human lives to prove to him that he is wrong. Rachel is anything BUT a feminist. She is on a show that routinely exploits women, has messy work place relationships with seemingly every single man she meets who is remotely attractive and is perfectly willing to let a man drag her through her career.
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Yes, but why would anyone, even with a failed sense of morals think that the EVERLASTING viewing audience would want to see a black man get beaten on TV? What type of TV did Rachel think she was making for her audience, something that they don't want to see? So she can expose systemic racism....something her suitor did NOT sign up for? But I guess as long as Whittle Wachel gets what she wants, screw the audience she is writing for, screw two black men, screw everyone else......because Whittle Wachel's feelings were hurt that Adam called her show ridiculous. There was a time when we had this word for white people conscripting black men to do things that they hadn't agreed to do...... I can't remember, was Rachel actually booked and arrested when she stole a car? The same car from the set? I'm sure wild eyed Rachel was probably acting 10x worse, was she brutalized? As far as stealing the car, and an arrest being in order -- I think an arrest is warranted if you really want your car back, larceny normally involves the intent to permanently deprive. This.....was not that. From the start they knew that Darius would be back with the car. None of them wanted Darius arrested, just to get beaten up. This episode was a defense of "when black lives matter, because white people's feelings are hurt"......what a message As for "misunderstanding resistance" is that a reason to shoot someone else? As for a defense that is not really a defense -- it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck....its generally not a chicken.
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I was trying to figure out the writing timeline by the Samsung phone product placement. I don't know how writing works, but I figure they would have written in the part about Quinn and the phone at the same time they were writing everything else. The phone has been out for quite some time already and I would think that you would want to try to coordinate a product placement with the release of the phone, but I'm not in marketing so I'm not sure.
I was even more annoyed by "huh, why would I lose my job over this?" and referring to the shooting of two men as "the situation" I was team Coleman -- no more. Begone Google Glasses douche.
does she really think any of this makes her/Rachel likable? I suspect there was serious railroading at some point, or something was changed, because I can't see how two people of color would have thought that Rachel should somehow be a victim in all of that. But given the little I've read of SGS, she seems like just the sort who would.
Exactly, poor Rachel feels weally, weally bad and has to take some medication to forget about all the awful things she has done. And mommy came to take her away....poor poor Rachel. Shouldn't we really all just feel pity for Rachel? She gets to take some meds and isn't facing death, like the man she set up for no reason other than to show Adam that her show isn't ridiculous fluff. Out of curiosity I visited the FB page, and its a lot of "but Rachel was really trying to help!" "Poor Rachel really meant well!" and "ohhh...Adam!" I can't understand how the biggest thing people got out of that episode was "Adam + Rachel = hot love 4 ever!"
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This has been my biggest concern and its coming to life. SGS sounds like a terrible human being. I do not want to watch a show about her as an anti-hero because she sounds awful. If this is about SGS playing victim and trying to justify whatever she has done in the world, I'm not here for that.
So -- the only not shitty thing that could come out of this is if it bring Darius and Ruby back together. If there was ever an event that would make Darius get involved it would have to be this. I still hate Rachel, and I will be endlessly annoyed if this turns even more into what a victim she is, and how men are so in love with her for being a shitty human being.
Poor whittle Wachel. She sets up a black man to get shot by the cops, another one to get injured and somehow she is the poor victim in all of this. She is a fucking bitch, and I'm glad Jay read her for filth. It is all her fault. But to be fair, I was over her from the first frame of this episode. Adam stole "her Africa?" because he had the courage to do it? Bitch, bye. She is a fucking mess, and while Darius faces a paralyzing back injury, and Romeo faces death, little miss "I wanna call the cops just to see what happens" gets to take a few meds while her mommy pets her hair and gives her soothing words. The only bright spot is Yael possibly exposing the truth, and I only want Rachel to get exactly what she has coming to her. IMO, Rachel deserves much, much worse than to have a comfy bed with her mother stroking her hair. I don't care how mentally deficient she is, she knows right from wrong, she knew EXACTLY what she was doing and she did it anyways -- all in the hopes that someone would get hurt so she could expose some story, because she was ass-hurt that Adam called her show ridiculous. She basically got one man shot and another one injured over Adam calling her out for what her show is....fluff. At the very least, she was hoping for some sort of confrontation.....with a guy who can easily get paralyzed because of the epidural SHE encouraged him to get to remain on her shit show. So at the very least, she set up Darius to get paralyzed. But somehow the audience is supposed to feel bad for Rachel in all of this? As she takes happy pills to make her forget all the terrible shit she has done? While her mommy strokes her hair and Rachel gets to be in a daze?
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Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta - General Discussion
RCharter replied to David T. Cole's topic in Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta
Wow, this show is still going! 1. What the hell kind of paternity test was that? It looked so dog eared and tired....has no one heard of the internet, or pulling up a PDF on your phone? I hope she doesn't lose that because it looks like her only copy 2. Not for nothing, but what man needs to lie about having slept with a stripper/prostitute back in the day? 3. Disgusted with Stevie -- let me tell you something, if you've been regularly supporting your child you should be FINE with a child support order because it will only order you to do what you've already been doing. But if you've been a deadbeat, than yeah, child support is going to be an issue. So maybe its time to buy a used Civic and an apartment -- instead of trying to front like you have so much money. FURTHERMORE you're not a hero for not going to the courts for custody of Eva when Mimi had her sex tape out.....if you weren't paying child support you knew the court wasn't about to grant your ass custody without demanding you start paying out. And for him to try to guilt Mimi over it? WTF? 4. Tammie - zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz 5. Karlie Redd...stop chasing that man! And honestly.....at some age you're past a full body suit unless someone is following you around with Photoshop. You, Karlie Redd....were that age 5 years ago. 6. KK and that dog in a baby stroller.....I just don't even know what to say anymore 7. Chris is full of shit, that was a total break-up -
I agree, I feel like it can get very Stanford Experiment/groupthink really fast. I suspect if this wasn't a game, and if they weren't in this house they would likely be fine. I would only want to hang out with a few of them in real life, but I don't think they would all be like this. Yeah....no Frank.....no thank you. But I have to wonder how he is surviving in the world with his behavior.