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  1. Yes, I was just going to post myself that if this next child is a girl....watch out for Layla being resentful. These two are idiots for chancing another baby IMO,and it's just my opinion here now, they can do what they like in this area, of course, but with all the issues with Carlin's health after Zade they are not being wise here. I had issues after my younger son was born and I didn't chance another child. I wanted to be ok, here and healthy for the children I already had and for my husband.
  2. Gee, I hope that Jill ends up being ok with no lasting issues from this.
  3. Well, Austin "let" Joy wear pants, so maybe he's a bit more flexible. I can't believe that I just typed this.
  4. The "what is acceptable attire thing" is ridiculous. Don't the parents know just how silly they appear? This is "ok" now but not earlier....oh my.
  5. Yay, finally a new post here. I was beginning to think that this was shut down for lack of interest.
  6. Even though the post office windows are closed and there is no service and no deliveries today, the actual post office lobby remains unlocked and open. You can go in and mail your envelopes, etc in the mail slots in the lobby. Employees are working in the back sorting mail and the trucks moving the mail alto their zip code destinations are working today. The PO basically never stops. I have mailed envelopes on days where the post office was "closed".
  7. I also thought the nursery was boring and cold looking. Why would she place an area rug over carpet? This is a trip hazard and IMO, not advisable in a baby's nursery.
  8. Perhaps Jim Bob asked for a table for 2. They would not tolerate anyone at THEIR table enjoying a cocktail along with their dinner while wearing "inappropriate clothing".
  9. They are on a cruise? What for? They won't go to the shows, use the pool or the lounges. The dress of the rest of the passengers would be offensive to them too.
  10. Heck, my husband and I buy those loaf sized cakes for just us two from Publix bakery...(when on sale). There seems to never be enough food for a family that size on display. Jill should be ashamed of herself IMO. Take these children to a good "all you can eat" buffet for dinner sometime.
  11. On the Bates thread here, we are discussing the Stewart's lack of commitment to Zade's speech therapy...Has anyone heard how Henry's speech is coming along? I have not seen any videos from Jessa in ages. I hope this little boy is doing better in this area.
  12. Yes, it's so sad for little Zade. He seems like such a nice little boy and he will seemingly be shortchanged across the board in life by his clueless, immature parents. Layla, turning 5 yrs old, should be enrolled in kindergarten come the next school year. I am sorry that she will miss out on this. With all of the $$$ they waste on nonsense and self, instant gratification, they have the funds to pay for tuition in a private christian school for her. Also, Zade would benefit A LOT from a pre-k program, public or private....like my son, who also didn't speak did. His therapy at a pre-k program did him wonders all across the board. I mentioned in a previous post, the traveling and events this month for them but forgot that it's February...I LOVE YOU DAY is coming up. No travel for them, but costume rentals, preparations to add more chaos to the Stewart household. Those two children don't have a chance to actually relax in their own home with some peace and quiet.....AND a scratch, homemade meal.
  13. I wish they went with Elliott as his first name.
  14. Just a note here...this is why Catholics have Confirmation at the age of discretion...the candidates confirm their baptismal promises made for them by their godparents as infants. Because, in ancient times, infants mostly did not survive, so to ensure being made a child of God and remove Original Sin, they were baptized as infants with godparents making their promises "for them". Confirmation has sponsors, who promise to help the candidate along with their spritual needs and counsel as they continue to grow, if needed. This is my understanding as it was explained to me when I was confirmed . On another note...Heide looks the best she has looked in that photo above. Good for her.
  15. Thank you for the info. A ski trip? I don't understand just how is it that Carlin can "run" her business when they seem to not ever be there. I wouldn't think that Whitney and Zach are happy to have the bulk of the work dumped on them. Is it that those 2 young women who they employ actually are the full time-hands on managers and the Stewarts and Bates "sisters" are in name only managers? Doesn't add up once again. Oh BTW, didn't they commit little Zade to speech therapy? Do these two understand that Zade has to actually ATTEND those sessions regularly to be effective?
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