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  1. That babydoll dress is something Layla can wear on Easter Sunday.
  2. She also mentioned some type of abnormality that was shrinking in utero? What was this all about. She went on and on the car for I don't know how long talking without stopping. I couldn't follow her any more and was completely confused. What's the issue there? Does anyone know? Thanks so much for the info.
  3. Sharing ownership and paying a manager and employees too? This means that they have less of a net profit to split between the two owners. How in God's name do these 2 families pay their own personal bills and support growing families? The Stewart's lifestyle doesn't add up even more.
  4. Gee, Carlin's daily activities seem not to include getting ready for work in the morning and actually showing up for work. She seems to live a stay at home wife lifestyle. I think if this weren't so, we would see her there more actually running this business.
  5. Joy is overwhelmed, I believe, because she never learned good time management skills and she did experience post partum issues. It happens, yes, but most people seek to correct the issues. She does need to send her two older children to a school. Her life would be much better off and maybe, just maybe, little Gideon will quit sucking his thumb, which is a germy habit. His need to continue to do so is concerning. What stresses is this child trying to sooth himself from? Address those, Joy and Austin.
  6. Stephen was cooking dinner in the video one day after work. Why did Jana say that she needed to take a cooking class? Didn't she "cook" from the time she could stand on a stool at the Duggar kitchen stove? Could it be that Stephen was actually using fresh ingredients in his tomato sauce? I wonder if he liked her "cooking"?
  7. Those Duggar parents surely did a number on their children. They put such fear, responsibility and pressure on their children. Such a shame.
  8. For a moment there, watching this video, I thought Carlin was going to treat us by actually watching her urinating ON the test stick....for heaven's sake. I believe she is addicted to the attention and is compelled to video everything they do. Layla will not know how normal life is lived. Zade, I believe, is the more shy one of the two so he doesn't pose a threat to Layla seeking attention. No telling what S3 will become. These two need to dial it back and live a regular, normal life starting with Evan obtaining a real job within his training and education, ie, eletrician.
  9. I couldn't believe in the video she mentioned to him "no wonder why I have been craving root beer floats"....who has cravings in the first month of pregnancy? I didn't..is this normal ladies? What performers these two are....and YES, how has this few weeks of pregnancy been so difficult?
  10. Carlin's video of this news is NOT modest in the least. Why would she unbutton her pants? I really wonder what Gil and Kelly think of some of their daughters' dress and public behavior? Maybe they don't really care; they just care that the money is flowing in for them? Modest, indeed.
  11. Yes, I was just going to post myself that if this next child is a girl....watch out for Layla being resentful. These two are idiots for chancing another baby IMO,and it's just my opinion here now, they can do what they like in this area, of course, but with all the issues with Carlin's health after Zade they are not being wise here. I had issues after my younger son was born and I didn't chance another child. I wanted to be ok, here and healthy for the children I already had and for my husband.
  12. Gee, I hope that Jill ends up being ok with no lasting issues from this.
  13. Well, Austin "let" Joy wear pants, so maybe he's a bit more flexible. I can't believe that I just typed this.
  14. The "what is acceptable attire thing" is ridiculous. Don't the parents know just how silly they appear? This is "ok" now but not earlier....oh my.
  15. Yay, finally a new post here. I was beginning to think that this was shut down for lack of interest.
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