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Everything posted by ABay

  1. Brendon Walsh is full of shit, or at least obsessed with shit. Every fucking line, same joke. I knew which of the FTW lines was his immediately.
  2. Watching a US cooking show (instructional not competitive) the other day reminded of something on GBBO that always looks weird to me: the bakers dump dry ingredients like flour and sugar from glass containers into a bowl. I realize they're measuring by volume instead of cups and the bowl is probably on a scale, but it still looks odd.
  3. Yeah...With this show's approach to historical accuracy, I'm surprised Giuliano didn't live through the Pazzi attack.
  4. Oh yeah, Once Upon a Time! It was fun when we were discovering who all of the characters were in fairy tales and became steadily less interesting after that until it became nothing more than a Disney commercial. So I stopped watching.
  5. I'm about 10 minutes in--Leo is showing Vlad and NotCaterinaSforza (I will look up her name...) the field he wants to lure the Turks to and his armor has cap sleeves that look like bat wings. It's Vlad's armor so maybe his men wear it and I never noticed (averting my eyes because of gagging issues) but this is cool for 2 reasons: because Vlad=Dracula=bat, but also because Leo's big weapon and the invention that kicked off the series are flying machines. And the whole Icarus thing. Laura Cereta, that's the character's name. ETE: So I've paused in the middle of Riario's big speech to say this: From the beginning f the season, it seems like everyone, especially Laura, kept calling him by his first name--Girolamo. As the season progressed, I started wondering if they were trying to turn him into that other famous Florentine Girolamo, Savanarola.
  6. Thanks, ulkis. Didn't Lorenzo used to have a neck? Maybe it's just the collars but it looks like his shoulders grow out his ears since he got out of prison camp.
  7. Thanks! And ha! Lorenzo finally get rid of the fake beard. Maybe the beard and Leo's wig can have a contest for worst performance by fake hair in a dramatic series. So is this woman in love with Riario supposed to be Caterina Sforza with a different name (which I have tried several times to catch and still haven't, after 5 or so episodes)?
  8. Am I looking at it and not seeing it, or is there no episode thread for episode 9?
  9. Why did I look at the screen when Vlad was clearly about to eat that guy like raclette? Gag. I guess Carlo was the death for the episode. At this point, if they aren't going to shave Lorenzo, I sort of hope they kill him off in one of the last 2.
  10. This is where I ended last night. It's like playing Character Death Bingo this season! Maybe I'll make up a card for the remaining characters just to play along.
  11. It isn't like you have to choose. You can be annoyed by Matt, JOSH!, and Laura, and others equally or to different degrees.
  12. You know, Leo, I bet there's nothing wrong with Riario that sweet, sweet manlove couldn't fix. Let's test that hypothesis.
  13. Oh, thank God, Clarice is dead! Dead! At last! Yay! It's not so much Clarice as Lara Pulver. I detest her acting.
  14. I'm marathoning the show this weekend and am up to episode 4...I think...I suspect both Leo and I are having a fever dream because this is all even wackier and nonsensical than ever. So much love.
  15. Me, too! I've been playing Christmas music in my car all week. You now, a lot of the "how dare you mention Christmas before Thanksgiving!" complaints would be averted if the U.S. celebrated Thanksgiving in October like they do in Canada. It would also space out the major fal/winter holidays instead of having Thanksgiving-Christmas-New Year with 6 weeks of each other.
  16. Heh. I often avoid forums for shows I'm watching to avoid spoilers and assholes, and once I stop watching I stop visiting forums for the show altogether.
  17. Laura is, sadly, not alone in having that annoying speech mannerism. I remember listening to commentary tracks on Wonderfalls and giving up quickly because either Bryan Fuller or Todd Holland did that same drawing out of the last syllable. He combined it with uptalk...it was unbearable. Still love the show, though.
  18. Seasons 4 and 5 of Lost are excellent, especially 4. I'd actually roll it back to late season 3, probably starting with "The Man from Tallahassee." I ignore season 6 after the big reveal in the Giant Toe of Destiny. Two series I have left mid-stream: Bones because they turned her into a moron, and House because I hated Cuddy and after a while didn't care what happened to any of the characters. Oh. Thought of another: The Mentalist. Red John should've been the guy in the mall and I call shenanigans on the relationship crap.
  19. The Donatello and Bernini Davids were ruled out by the date in the clue.
  20. Dear Show, Please never book Chris Delia and Whitney Cummings for the same panel again. Just book them a room at the No Tell Motel and spare the rest of us. Thanks.
  21. Yes, it lets him see what we're seeing on screen. I'm curious about the objects you can see over his left shoulder in some shots, but not in the one above.
  22. My favorite bit was the newspaper headline about the crash. The Military Has Recovered Alien Space Crash ...space...craft that is crashed With Wreckage. I'm still mad about Lobo and Bianca. Fuck you, boy scout guy. Fuck you to hell.
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