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Everything posted by FanOfTheFans

  1. I hate that special effects they are using. I find it annoying. Is it supposed to be edgy because it isn't at all.
  2. The only thing I can figure out is an IV placed in his scalp because he was very dehydrated and it was the only place they could attain access. Dehydration does occur with ketoacidosis because the kidneys will spill urine to remove the ketones to try to stabilize ones system. I've personally never had to place an scalp IV on an adult, however, I have placed IV sites on the scalp of infants but that is more common with an infant because they vasoconstrict easily. Maybe it wasn't an IV though and in that case, I have no idea what it may have been that Scott was referring to.
  3. Was that when they came out with his diabetes diagnosis? Refresh my memory. Perhaps he had ketoacidosis at that time. Hard to know with this family cause they lie so much. I'm not even sure if I believe he has diabetes because I can see them making it up for the sympathy factor. On the other hand, he physically fits someone who would be a candidate for the disease with his weight and lifestyle issues. So many questions and so little truth with these people. If he is on psych meds, this may be the best quality of life he is going to have. I mean, he is out in public which is a huge improvement for him. Personally, I would attribute that to meds before I would BC. Especially now since I saw the first episode and how dysfunctional their relationship is unless that too is all made-up.
  4. Was He ever insulin dependent though? He has type 2 diabetes which can be controlled by diet, exercise, oral meds, and at times also insulin or a combination of these treatments or some of these treatments. He would have ketoacidosis and hospitalized if he was totally insulin dependent and just stopped. Or perhaps after he lost some weight, he did not need it at that point. But no, one can't be totally insulin dependent and just stop without imminent death without treatment, so as always, we aren't getting the whole story here. I don't know if he is on psych meds, pure speculation on my part, but it does fit with his appearance. Many people on psych meds have a hard time staying on them because of the horrid side effects. That is quite common and many times they will be on and off with much chaos in theirs lives and I feel for anyone experiencing this. It has to be awful.
  5. Yep, yep, yep, it is a real thing and fits with Rob. I have total compassion for anyone who has to take psych meds to maintain their life. They have awful side effects and yet going without them leaves one with a chaotic life. Damned if you do and damned if you don't.
  6. I 100% agree with this. Heather is a definite type 'A' personality. Everything she does, she wants to do the best. That includes being the rescue queen. There is a payoff for her but it is also innate to who she is at her core. I mean they don't call her fancy pants for nothing. I feel for her on the level that, as It can be a blessing and curse type of personality. She gets positive attention for it but also exhausting to always have to be that person. But in a traumatic event, people operate on their true or core self. So when she says she was in shock, I buy it as she was operating on her default personality. But yeah, she definitely gets a payoff for her behavior. Then later when the dust has settled, she gets to thinking about it and gets angry as in, "wait a minute, I was also in that accident, why is no one recognizing this fact?" "Where is my sympathy?" On the other end of the spectrum you have Vicki being the total spaz/attention hog and that is also Vicki at her core.
  7. I've worked as a ER nurse and will attest that morphine is given frequently for numerous issues. I also gave it a lot for pain as a nurse on a Med/surg unit. In ER it is given in IV form but many people with chronic pain take the oral form on a daily basis. Post surgical it is also given frequently in IV form. It is not going to be an addiction problem given as a short term IV drug and the doctors are not going to send one home with a prescription for the oral form in these scenarios. The people who take it orally are people with well documented chronic pain problems, often cancer patients for example.
  8. Yes, I caught that too. The exaggerations were in full bloom tonight.
  9. So if Meghan had gone to see Vicki, would she then have been expected to drive her home, leaving Meghan to turn around and drive back to their vacation spot? I'm confused about the expectations here. If it was a case of getting Vicki home, I think family should have gone to get her. I can see both sides of this but there was a lot of positioning for the moral high ground tonight and all these ladies lose me at that point. Found myself rolling my eyes more than once tonight.
  10. I think Chyna has had the same surgery as Kim, Khloe, Kylie, etc.. They retrieve fat from your own body to sculp certain areas like the waist and transfer the fat to the gluteal and hip area. Since she is pregnant now and gained weight, it has altered these area with more fat deposits. In my day, what you see in the hip area was referred to as saddle bags and not something one aspired to but with this surgery, it seems to be part of the desired effects to give the curvy look. I saw a pic of Chyna before she messed with her face and she was adorable. Personally, I'm not a fan of the surgical look but to each their own. Does anyone know who Chyna's main girlfriend is? I know I have seen her on some other reality show and it is driving me nuts cause I can't remember.
  11. Yes I read that too. I am done giving these people the benefit of the doubt. Their BS lies hurt the people who are truly suffering with illness. Get out of here with your anything for attention lies.
  12. Lu has never been a girl's girl so her complete revision of Tom's indiscretion didn't surprise me in the least. Let's face it, she would squash another woman like a bug to get her man. She wants that marriage and this was just a bump in the road. One thing I find curious about Lu this season is how physically she is looking. Last season, she looked fab. She just looks so much rougher this year. This love certainly isn't putting a glow on her face. Makes me think she knows exactly what the score is with Tom but maybe at a more subconscious level. So her denial is instead manifesting in her looks. She is still an attractive woman but something is off if that makes any sense. I actually thought Bethenny's trembling hands was real. Not because of her concern for Lu but because how the viewers were going to maybe negatively judge her. Like she was thinking that she may have just stepped into a big pile of do doo. I actually kind of enjoyed the show tonight. There were a few things that cracked me up that you guys have touched on.
  13. I feel like I have seen all the shows multiple times too. They keep recycling the same stuff ad nauseum. Yet I still watch ID a lot. Hope springs eternal I guess. The Olympics were a nice reprieve.
  14. Yes there is a big difference between food intolerance and food allergy. A true allergy can lead to anaphylactic shock and death. Kourtney may have some intolerance to some foods but I highly doubt it is true allergies.
  15. It is crazy to me. We have Khloe, Kylie, and the latest Kris, also with fake backsides. Maybe they think that if the whole family gets them, people will buy it's genetic. Problem is there are way too many pics of all of them prior to their enhanced parts. Plus that surgery is pretty uniform in how it looks on people. Real butts just do not look that way. Believe me, as a nurse, I have seen a lot of them.
  16. Sad to think this is the last time to see Bolt run at the olympics. What an athlete. And congrats to Canada and France for silver and bronze.
  17. Surely there isn't anyone who believes her butt is natural. Does she really believe people buy that? Cortisone is an anti inflammatory. That is the whole point of the drug. Kim needs to be a bit more informed about the lies that she spews if she is trying to get people to buy her nonsense.
  18. I just don't think severing a parental tie is realistic. Kids want to love their parents, even if said parent does questionable things. I would think Wyatt would eventually resent Steffy if he cut Quinn out of his life. I am curious to see how this all pans out.
  19. It is so stupid for anyone to think they can control another's personal life and quite arrogant at that. If Quinn stays true to form she will self-destruct and if she is really sincere about changing, everyone is worried for nothing. Of course that doesn't work for a soapy story. I do like RS as a actress and enjoy watching her but she does do bad girl really well. Not sure I want to see her reformed just for entertainment value. This is definitely the best storyline the show has had in a long while. Glad the vets are getting air time. Now if they could only find something for Deacon to do...
  20. It would almost be worth it to see Yo held accountable for once but she would find some way to worm out of it. The same way she always managed to film mostly just when she was the main topic. Her ego is way too big for her to ever admit to any faults.
  21. I have trouble seeing past her nose job. I think I am one of the few who thinks it is bad though. They took too much away on the bridge. She is pretty but I won't go as far as supermodel pretty. Or having the "it" factor but I realize that's totally subjective. Sadly, I think the days of the Linda Evangelista supermodel type are a thing of the past. I have no idea what fashion mags or fashion houses are looking for when they pick a model beyond Instagram followers.
  22. I haven't decided yet who I am rooting for in the Quinn/Eric saga. To be truthful, I can see both points of view. I have never been a Steffy fan but I'm gonna let it play out a bit more. I do like Ridge but some of that love goes back to his days on AMC. I do wish they would spit shine him up a bit. I would like to see him more suave looking. Although, he is a rugged guy looks wise and maybe he would look odd being more refined. I don't know. Just thinking out loud.
  23. I agree. I think it is tough with teens especially. She seems to be trying to find her way and do the best for her kids. She is in there battling and I can respect that. I really do feel for anyone raising kids in the time of social media. It's a hard job to keep their heads and priorities in a healthy place.
  24. I thought it was interesting that Jaq unwittingly in a nutshell explained the problems between her and Ashley. Moms cannot be sisters with their daughters and then turnaround and be a Mom with all the rules. I always cringe when I hear parents say they are their kid's best friend. I mean once they hit adulthood, one can delve into more of a friend but not in the formative years. It is gonna fail every time. They have peers for friends, they need a parent to be a parent to make secure kids. While I'm on parenting, I think Siggy is in her kids faces so much that they have just basically tuned her out. I do think she has good intentions though. So far, I like Dolores and her family. Ok stepping off my parenting soapbox now. ?
  25. Yeah Kim is going to keep the kids off social media the same way she and Kayne kept them off the show. Right. If there is money involved, they will be on social media.
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