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Everything posted by Zella

  1. I think even the sympathetic ones would warn her that she wasn't getting her kid and that she'd likely stay married to Ross, no matter what. I think Ross may have let her go, but I don't know that he'd let her take his heir. I think Caroline can be depicted that way without her offering premarital sex. I think what galls me is there is no acknowledgment that what she is doing is is a serious breach of the time. She acts like it's no big deal. Dwight seems pretty unstartled. I find that unbelievable. They want her to be a thoroughly modern woman, okay, but they shouldn't then pretend like that wouldn't shock the living hell out of most other people at the time.
  2. Agreed! I also thought her inviting herself to his room seemed anachronistic and out of character. She's obviously not an entirely traditional woman of her class, but that seemed to push the boundaries much more than she's been shown to.
  3. Ordinarily, I'd agree that a woman in her situation wouldn't risk endangering that position during this time period. But I think Demelza literally did not give a shit anymore about that position and she's been established as outspoken, so though it would have been highly unusual, I don't consider it impossible--there are always folks out-of-step with their time period--and I didn't think it was really out-of-character. Honestly, I am bothered more in period dramas not when people behave anachronistically, though it can and does irk me, but when people don't call them out on that behavior. So, what I found odd and anachronistic is everyone's response to Demelza's threats. My history degree was not for this time period, but if my memory is right, she would have had no legal right to her son and a divorce would have literally required an act of Parliament. So, if I'm not mistaken, she could have left if she was very adamant about it, but she would still have been legally married to him and she wouldn't have been taking her son with her. Or at least she wouldn't have had him long. I was surprised nobody threw that in her face. From a character standpoint, I thought it was more out-of-character that she threatened to go to her dad. I mean, she doesn't really have options, but I'd think she would know that he isn't really an option, what with his personality and their past history, and that Ross would know that wasn't an actual option for her and consider it a bluff. Though I enjoyed the episode, authenticity-wise, I was much more bothered by Caroline and Dwight's public kiss. That had me rolling my eyes. No. Just, no.
  4. I did too! I had been considering not watching the next season just because I was so bored mid-way through the season, but this episode and the one last week piqued my interest in the way the first season did. Haha I enjoyed that more than is probably healthy. Right before fight scenes and during previews that feature brawls, my relatives and I always joke, "It's not really an episode of Poldark unless Ross is punching someone." We may have to revise that to "It's not really an episode of Poldark unless Ross is trying to cook somebody."
  5. LOL That was me too. I had to reread the sentence a couple of times before I realized what it actually said. . . .
  6. I've noticed this too. I had several family members/friends who never watched the show or really knew anything about them other than they were Christian and had a large family. Whenever the Duggar scandals started to break, they hadn't bothered to read or research anything, so their knee-jerk reaction was "That poor family." I had to basically beat them over the head with examples, police reports, and research before they finally conceded that the family was way creepier than they had assumed.
  7. I'm really hanging on simply for George and Agatha as roommates.
  8. Ugh I was hoping she didn't take it back up and would find other hobbies that don't endanger her potential patients. :(
  9. I had no idea that such a show existed, but that certainly doesn't inspire confidence. . . .
  10. She looks so deranged in that picture. Like a Fundy Joker.
  11. I'm still cracking up about it a couple of hours later. :D
  12. I just read that blog post and it was hilarious. My favorite detail was the "we hooked our RV up in [the Duggars'] driveway." I'm just envisioning this and this from National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation happening this weekend at the Duggars' house, and I can't stop laughing thinking about it.
  13. This was my experience too with my relatives. They were so determined to hate Hillary and support Trump that there was no reasoning with them on anything. May the odds be yugely in your favor. *gag*
  14. I also wonder if she knows that 1/3 of her fellow Arkansas voters have already cast their ballots because we have early voting 2 weeks before every election. In fact, pretty much everyone I know here has already voted. My social media accounts are full of people from out-of-state talking about voting today, not Arkansans.
  15. Ah so it might just be his inherent cheapness. That makes sense. I'd never noticed his shoes before.
  16. I was wondering if the lack of nice shoes on Jim Bob, at least, was a passive aggressive F*** you to Jeremy, given the pretty obvious tension between them. Wouldn't surprise me if Josh felt the same way about Jeremy.
  17. Yeah I agree. But oh what a soap opera it would be! ;)
  18. I don't watch the show--I just read stuff here to snark--but I would probably tune in for the shitshow that would be a Duggar-Rodriguez courtship. And I am deeply ashamed of myself for that. LOL
  19. I think it would be lovely if they had served more genuine meatballs, whether using a Vuolo family recipe or just scoping out what Tontitown has to offer, but I bet money they were of the frozen variety. :( Damn, this conversation is inspiring me to make meatballs this week.
  20. I'm thinking they threw in the meatballs to make the reception "Italian." ;)
  21. It's not an Arkansas thing. It's a Duggar thing. I've lived in Arkansas since I was a kid and bought my fair share of wedding gifts as an impoverished college student and nobody seemed to care if I went in with someone else. I think all those registry requests--- ranging from duct tape to cereal to kayaks-- are just symptomatic of how tacky and classless they are in general.
  22. It took forever to load, but this People article now includes Jessa's Instagram post. http://people.com/celebrity/jinger-duggar-marries-soccer-player-jeremy-vuolo/
  23. I think it's just the same picture that was in the People article, complete with the written permission disclaimer. Jessa is also pimping out their new website. Here's her description:
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