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Everything posted by RuntheTable

  1. In the real world that would be grounds for termination for ole Charlie. Sheila tells Katie she is arrogant and at the same time she makes statements like "I am trying to be patient with you Katie" and how them being on the same page is important for Will. Oh my, does Sheila actually see herself as some sort of step-mommy to Will? If that loon got within 50 miles of Will, Katie would open up a can of whoop ass on her so fast she wouldn't know what hit her. Bill is one thing, your child is another, and Katie would not have a single fuck to give about any blackmail. Why did Carter or Katie not call the police? Maybe Sheila can't be held accountable for her past crimes, but she entered a secure building without permission. Isn't that criminal trespass? They just need to go ahead and make Brooke and Taylor a thing. Watching Brooke mother Taylor is something from another stratosphere, but it is scintillating and entertaining at the same time.
  2. I am not up for any type of Sheila triangle, be it S/B/D or S/B/K, just one big NO. The only way I would support Katie reconciling with Bill is if Sheila is drugging him, and he can't help his current state of mind. Or, if Bill has full possession of his faculties, then I would be on board with Katie playing him. Letting him think she is recommitting, but only until Sheila is back in jail, with charges on the books that have been fully vetted out by the DA and not a corrupt judge behind closed doors. However, having watched Sheila and her antics for decades, my money is on a scenario where Sheila starts talking to herself about "I have to do something", and starts some type of attack on Katie. Maybe Bill will discover it and that will be his salvation. I don't care how it happens, but this nonsense needs to end. I am soooooo tired of watching Bill just stand there like a statue. He always looks like he is about to topple over. And one gold star for Steffy, who talked Hope back into reality. Thomas's balloon of arrogance is going deflate real quick and in a hurry. PREACH! I am sick to death of everyone lining up to bark at Bill. You said it perfectly; let the shit explode in his face. Liam was one of the initial suspects; he hit his head on a tree branch and was having memory issues. And he convinced himself that he was the shooter. It was later revealed that Taylor was actually the perp.
  3. @nkotb that would be something I would watch. Caroline's return could throw a wrench into a lot of things. Sheila has never met or dealt with Caroline, who we all know does have a nasty, snarky side. And she was a favorite of Bill; maybe her coming back from the dead would be just the ticket to shake him out of his zombie state. She could also cause problems for Hope, and her relationship with Douglas, and even Liam. And there is no telling how her reappearance would effect Thomas. I like it!
  4. For fuck's sake, the line will go on! Sales may slump for a bit, but unless the designs are absolutely gross and disgusting, you will still be selling dresses to your loyal customers. And eventually, Thomas and his magic pencil (love this!) will be forgotten. And maybe, just maybe, you should have waited a few months before rolling out another showing. Don't design houses have fall and spring collections? Or do they have collections for each season? In any event, it was only a short time ago that the big blockbuster showing happened. Seems very rushed to me. And very plot driven.
  5. Sheila thinks the problem is that she has been misunderstood? Hmmmm.......I know a lot of folks that have been misunderstood, but that hasn't turned them into raging psychopathic maniacs. They haven't "had to do something" to someone, and they haven't had to "stop" someone. What is Show about with this lunatic anyway? So, is she going to be the new "it" girl? Fluttering around, parading her freedom from justice? I think a Bitch needs to stay away from Deacon though and stop playing your fucking head games. You had him and you let him go so you could have your freedom, and now you are stuck in a horrible non-romance, with a man who is clearly repulsed by you, and who walks around in a perpetual zombie state. Well, miss sweetness and sunshine, that is the price you are gonna have to pay. Oh Hope, one bad review does not a line make. Do you honestly think Eric, in his 50 years of designing, hasn't gotten a bad review? And isn't one bad review better than working with a stalkering, lying, manipulator, who turned you and your mother's world upside down? Steffy should have busted Thomas's balloon when he was once again going on about Big Bad Brooke and told him that Brooke was now besties with their mother. I would have enjoyed watching his face crack.
  6. Oh, just look at Sheila, that little gadabout, a veritable social butterfly. I wanted to slap her forwards and backwards about a hundred times for laughing at Mike taking the heat for her actions. Mike is not my favorite person, I really feel sorry for the idiot more than anything, but Sheila has played him and used him from the very beginning. And now she wants to boast about how she always wins? Bitch, there is no victory when it comes at someone else's expense. Sheila can fuck off to hell. I realize Thomas is not employed at the moment, but he must have some type of savings, so why is he living with Paris. Oh, yes, of course! The anvils told me the whole story, and there was Zende's remark about how he and Paris are "just friends" now. I can see Paris pleading Thomas's case to all and sundry, right on the heels of those negative reviews, as if in any universe Thomas's design skills outshine his grandfather's. Well, business needs certainly supersede those of being a stalkering, manipulative, lying creep. I had a dream that Katie starts having problems with Storm's heart, and Bill was not even allowed into the hospital. He was ranting and raving that she was "his Katie", and he had to see her to tell her how much he loved her. I woke up then, but I was happy because RoboBill was gone.
  7. What we have here, is a failure to communicate.......... Deacon's back, YEAH! And he said "jackassery" and I laughed for the first time in weeks.
  8. There is simply not enough UGH!!! in the world........ I have hated Sheila for decades, but I was finding her tolerable with Deacon. The pair had a certain chemistry, and KB and SK seemed to truly be enjoying their parts. But this ish with Bill? There is nothing AT. ALL. appealing or compelling about them. I can look at them and just see the fetid fumes of rotting sewer nastiness emanating up into the air. Green fumes of stinking, fucking grossness. Bill is acting like he has been lobotomized. I wouldn't put it past Sheila, but I don't see any scars on his forehead. Oh, but this is Bell LA, Sheila might have found a way to do a lobotomy up Bill's ass.
  9. I just finished season 6 on YouTube and started season 7. It is right after Eric divorced Brooke and proposed to Sheila, which he wanted to do that night, but she said she wanted the big wedding and all that. Of course, it was about going back to Genoia City and getting things "straight" with Lauren. While she was away, Stephanie ran her usually interference, and helped convince Eric to wait till after the upcoming show to marry Sheila. When Sheila got back to LA she was ready to run to the alter, but Eric told her they had to wait, that he told her they only had that small window, and if they didn't use it they would have to wait till after the show. Later that day, Sheils overhears Eric and Stephanie, and he admits that Stephanie had something to do with his decision to wait. They were supposed to have dinner that night to discuss Ridge/Taylor/Brooke and Thorne/Macy/Karen, but Sheila wasn't having it. So, she drugged Eric that night, with some type of aphrodisiac. She came to his office when he was getting ready to leave and ask him to have a glass of wine with her, and she put it in his glass. I had completely forgotten about this. The stuff made him wild for her, and he forgot all about his dinner with Stephanie. I wonder if she could be giving Bill the same stuff? I mean, he isn't wild for her, but he is acting like her personal slave, so maybe she tempered it with something else? With the absolute stupidity of this SL, I would not be surprised by anything. It occurred to me that this would be a perfect time to start Thomas's redemption. He could go see the dark duo, lamenting the treatment he had received by his family. How he had been ostracized over what he did to Brooke. Sheila would be eating that shit up like a rich chocolate cake, and I can see her and Thomas branching off to pull their on scheme against their common enemy. This is where Thomas could use the phone app for something good and set it up for Sheila to hear Bill saying something he shouldn't, and for Bill to hear Sheila saying something she shouldn't. Or, he could just hit on Sheila, something I think she would be on board for because it would stick it to Taylor and the family, and Thomas could make sure Bill found out about it. In any event, Katie's impassioned plea will fall on the same deaf ears as everyone else's.
  10. Well, gosh, that is mighty nice of you to say! But I think our little B&B community has lots of potential head writers. And really, when it comes to this SL, almost any idea or theory to bring resolution would look genius. Bill so butt hurt over Katie and Brooke not wanting him anymore reminds me of this:
  11. Bill pulling a con just doesn't make sense; what would be the point? Sheila was guilty, everyone, including the police, knew she was guilty, so all Bill had to do was turn her in. There were Steffy and Finn's statements as well as Sheila's own confession from that day at Cliff House when Steffy regained her memory. I like the poisoned necklace theory a lot, and it would play perfectly into the SL. But what kind of poison would turn someone into a walking, talking, robotosized slave? I don't know much about drugs, but is there one out there that would do that to a person? Well, in Bell LA anything is possible. As a WRP, Taylor should know that trying to reason with a psychopath is never a sure bet, and more often than not is a total fail. That is because psychopath's have no conscious, they feel they are always the victim and are only trying to protect themselves. No, everyone needs to stop with the head on attempts at logic, because Bill has clearly had some sort of mental break and has become one with the devil. Instead, all the forces need to gather and put their collective heads together and come up with a plan of attack that comes from the rear. Something Bill and Sheila don't see coming and don't suspect. Taylor needs to go to the police and confess to shooting Bill. It won't put Sheila "behind bars" for the rest of her life, because in this alternate universe a person's guilt is decided by corrupt judges in private hearings with no DA, and the introduction of uncorroborated statements and evidence, but it will remove any power the dark duo have and will assure they cannot use any blackmail as leverage to see Hayes or Kelly. It will also allow Taylor to live without the cloud of fear and anxiety she will have with Bill's threats looming over her. It will also clear Taylor's conscious of one of her darkest moments. Taylor won't do any real time and will probably get off with a slap on the wrist and a black spot on her reputation. In the meantime, the rest of the group needs to be working the plan. The only way to diffuse this ridiculous situation, is to make Bill turn on Sheila and make Sheila turn on Bill. All they need to do is plant one seed of doubt in Sheila's head, and she will start suspecting Bill. So, send a fake text, pull out the voice app and put it to good use by faking Bill's voice. Photoshop a picture of Bill kissing Katie or Brooke or hanging with Will and Katie as a happy family. At the same time, be undermining Bill's love and devotion. Use Mike, or even Deacon. At lease make this interesting by giving us hope that this mess will end sooner rather than later.
  12. Taylor saw the big picture and wants to do the right thing; props to her. Sheila will absolutely use this new found "power" to leverage time with Hayes. Steffy and Finn can call Bill's bluff, and if he does go to the police, then Taylor will be prepared. But I think it would sting a lot more for Taylor to take the power away from the dark duo and go confess. Sheila is the devil incarnate. Her crimes span decades, and her list of victims is long: Stealing Lauren Fenmore's baby and interfering in her marriage Setting fire to her mother's home, with her mother and Lauren tied up inside, and faking her own death for the first time Coming to LA and starting a relationship with Eric, who knew Lauren, and devising her jigsaw puzzle scheme to keep Lauren quite about their past Messing with Bridget's paternity test Deleting the BeLief formula right before the big show, causing a very pregnant Brooke a lot of undue stress Slowly poisoning Stephanie with Mercury Killing Dr. Garvin Killing Shawn Holding everyone hostage after the truth about her past was revealed Threatening to harm baby Thomas Shooting Stephanie and stealing baby Mary Shooting Taylor and Brooke Kidnapping Ridge and Nick Using her daughter to get close to Rick Shooting Finn and Steffy Trying to kill Li Holding Finn hostage And that is only what she did to her enemies. From the beginning she has used and abused Mike, who was just a gung ho security guard at the hospital where Bridget's paternity test was being run. She used her wiles on Mike so he would get her into the forensics lab so she could fuck with the test results. And this was even before Mike knew who and what Sheila really was. But he fell hard for her and became her accomplice in many of her crimes. And she has turned on him time and again and continues to do so today. Once everyone finds out about RoboBill, and Katie refuses to let him see Will, and Brooke reads him for filth, and Liam and Wyatt cut ties, and maybe even walk away from or try to take SP's from him, Bill will truly know what being isolated means. Sure, he laid voice to it at one point, telling Sheila how he would lose everyone he cares about, but that reality is going to be a very bitter pill to swallow. And what is he going to be left with? A non-relationship with a psychopath that he cannot trust, and who will turn on him in a hot minute. Living with a woman he doesn't love, and who he knows is incapable of true, romantic love, but one he feels he cannot hurt? Wow, talk about a shallow, meaningless life. So, Ridge is traveling? You keep on going buddy, you just keep on going. Watching Taylor and Brooke hang out is far more enjoyable than watching you with either of them.
  13. So, I broke down and watched Bill and the judge; I guess I shouldn't be surprised that Bill bought him off. But the complete lack of legal reality is just going beyond the pale. Bill introduces new evidence that no one has seen, not the police, or the DA's office, and it is just taken into evidence as fact? This is such a ham fisted approach to a SL. Anything to cram it down our throats, regardless of the stupidity of it all. Hopefully, once Taylor has time to process the enormity of the situation, she will go and lawyer up and plead her case. She will probably get 3 months and some probation. Six months ago I would not have been happy with that, but if it means it will remove that mother fucking smug ass smile off of Sheila's face, and bring Bill back from his psychotic break, then I am all for it.
  14. I have boycotted all things Bill and Sheila, so I only watched the Brooke and Taylor stuff. There for a minute at the end, when they were all touchy and feely as they were trying on the dresses? Oh, I really thought they were gonna go there. I really did. I think it is only a matter of time. @CountryGirlI got a duffle bag of half dollars together for good measure. My plan is to beat Sheila senseless with them.
  15. Personally, I would much rather work my wiles on $Bill, but this butt hurt version not so much. Looks like the coin sacks are going to win out.
  16. I am trying really hard to make sense of all this..... So, Sheila went back to Il Giardino's after her encounter with Steffy in the bathroom? Or did she see Bill there earlier and follow him to the beach where they had their ground breaking connection? Going back after bumping into Steffy makes no sense, but if it happened before, then that would mean the whole time Sheila was hunkered down at Deacon's she was also seeing Bill? Is that why she fled to his house the night of the high speed chase? But if she and Bill have had a thing for a while, then why stay with Deacon in his one room apartment, when you could be living the life in Bill's mansion? Sheila has always been about "moving on up", and has always coveted the finer things in life, so I don't understand why she would stay with Deacon. And wouldn't Bill be asking her where she was staying? The fact that Bill even had to ask Sheila if she was on the up and up says everything. This woman plays everyone, uses anyone, and will stop at nothing to get what she wants. I'm sure her ultimate goal is to use Taylor shooting Bill as a weapon to ensure she gets access to Hayes. I see my grandson, or your mommy goes to jail. Something else occurred to me; why do the police need Steffy and Finn's help? They already have Sheila confessing when Steffy regained her memory, and they tricked her into coming over to Cliff House. Isn't the criminal confessing more powerful than statements from their victims? This SL bugs and has already gone on way too long.
  17. It is all so...........confusing. They won't be able to prosecute Sheila because Steffy and Finn won't cooperate, but there is still that little matter of Sheila escaping from jail; wouldn't that be an entirely separate offense? And what will happen to Steffy and Finn after already giving statements and identifying Sheila as the shooter? Will they also "be behind bars" for the rest of their lives for giving false statements? How will they explain their stance to their families? Furthermore Are we expected to believe that RoboBill is going to work to get Sheila out of jail, and no one is going to take notice? Won't people be asking Lt. Hotdog how she managed to get out? Will Bill permanently put a moratorium on visits from his sons? Will he never again spend time with Will? If so, what will he do with Sheila? Show has got themselves into a hot mess of shit. This is the dumbest, dumb them down SL we have had in a very long time. If ever.
  18. When did Sheila abscond with Jack Nicholson's eyebrows? Having Li back on board makes me feel better for some reason. It would be so sweet to see her be the one to bring Bill back from the dark side. Li needs to pull out her light saber and channel all the force she can muster and get to Bill's house. SAVE BILL! Poor Mike, he has always been Sheila's lap dog. So pathetically in love with that witch. And I never felt sorry for him until yesterday. He is in jail because of her. After helping her to escape she repays him by taking off and leaving him holding the whole fucking bag. And then the bitch is gonna sit there and mock him. KILL SHIELA!
  19. Bill could be using this as a means to regain Katie and Brooke's approval, but it is hella risky, and really makes no sense after his performance over at Cliff House. No, I think Bill has gone to the really, really, dark side, and is truly trying to help Sheila. But it could turn out much differently than Bill thinks. Maybe this will be enough to turn Katie back in his direction? For some reason I don't see Brooke ever looking for romance with Bill again, but you never know about Katie. Maybe Katie will be so gobsmacked, that it will give Bill renewed hope, and he will turn on Sheila? Maybe I am just grasping at straws, but I do not like this SL. It is right up there with Beth's abduction. DD and KB have no romantic chemistry at all, and them hugging and kissing is so off putting. And there is still the stuff the Hardy Boys discovered. Bill doesn't know they were there, and that they found the wig and earring. He also doesn't know they called the police. This could come into play, and maybe Liam and Wyatt will step in to help their father. Finn is so stupid. He really is. Does this dumb fuck not see a pattern with his wife's behavior? Oh, but of course it is always the guy's fault. Ever heard about the old common denominator theory Finn? And this would be a perfect time for Kelly's paternity to rear its lovely head. What with Bill going stone cold crazy, and Finn just getting the outer layers of the story; remaining in the dark about Steffy's earlier attempt to bed Bill, and her months long emotional romance with him, and of course, the first paternity mess. Yes, once the onion has been fully peeled back and Finn gets the whole story, maybe we will get some satisfaction.
  20. I generally never read or believe spoilers, but I am more than ready to break with tradition if that proves true.
  21. I saw this and couldn't resist. I wonder if the same applies to choosing women?
  22. Bill doesn't want to hurt anyone? He wants to live in peace and harmony and be happy? With Sheila? Bill will never have a moments peace if he continues with this nonsense. All his family and friends, and I would imagine, business colleagues will turn on him. I can see Katie going for full custody with no visitation; I don't see her being on board for sleep overs with a psycho. I can see Liam and Wyatt allying to take over SP's before Sheila can get her nasty hands on any of it. Seriously, if Bill thinks he is alone and isolated now, just keep this shit up. It would be nice if Show could exhibit just a modicum of legal knowledge. Hell, I don't have a law degree, have never been a cop, but I know it takes evidence to convict someone. I'm not saying that Taylor shouldn't pay for shooting Bill, but his threats don't hold water. Also, I doubt Taylor would be "behind bars for the rest of her life". A good attorney could get her off on a momentary lapse with realty. Steffy's histrionics are only feeding Sheila's ego. Like all psychopath's, she thrives on attention, and getting away with shit, more importantly, people knowing she gets away with shit. Everyone needs to calm the fuck down, get all their ducks in a row, and come together as a united force with a solid game plan at hand. List out all of Sheila's crimes; not just shooting Taylor and Stephanie. Brooke was also shot, and Stephanie was drugged with mercury. Sheila also wreaked havoc on Lauren Fenmore and her mother's life, trying to kill them both by setting fire to her mother's home. She also killed Dr. Garvin by pushing him out a window and Lance with bees. Get Lauren involved too; she will despise Sheila till her dying day. Maybe there are drugs involved; Bill is so robotic, not his usual blustery, bullying self. Sheila was a nurse, so maybe she was able to get her hands on something that would make Bill pliable. There is also the possibility that she has managed to hypnotize him. I like the suggestion that Li could come to Bill's rescue, that would put a plug is Sheila's smugness. Oh, those Spencer Hardy boys! What a couple of super sleuths. Brooke kissing Ridge under the mistletoe on Christmas? I'm not too worried about that. It wasn't a romantic kiss, just a quick little peck, no hugging either. And I'm sure if Taylor had been in the same situation she would have done the same.
  23. Ok, just some thoughts...... Bill done lost his mind. I don't know what mojo, or Kool-Aid, or black magic, or voodoo Sheila has pulled on Bill, put that man was talking like a robot who follows orders. And that is most definitely not $Bill Spencer. Also, not $Bill Spencer, is a man who drowns in his own sorrows. Are we supposed to believe that Bill is so butt hurt over Brooke and Katie, that he would risk his future with Will? His relationships with his other two sons? His place in the business world? Bill stands to lose a lot. This has now passed ridiculous and has gone off the rails into some kind of farcical fantasy land. All Steffy and Finn can do is alert the police; I am lost why Steffy thought it was up to her to press charges. Given that Sheila is a fugitive, and someone who is accused of attempted murder, the police and the DA would be the ones to bring charges. So RoboBill can threaten Steffy all he wants, but once the Po Po find out he is harboring a fugitive, all bets are off. There is absolutely no proof that Taylor shot Bill. When he was in the hospital, he was blaming Ridge, then he said he didn't remember. It is going to look hella suspicious for him to now accuse Taylor, after he has started some sort of wacko relationship with a psycho. I too smell a shemance coming on with Brooke and Taylor. Will Ridge be jealous, or will he tilt his head in wonderment and curiosity? Here are my squishy name nominees: Tarooke Brylor Bayoke Trooke Brolor Tayoke
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