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Everything posted by RuntheTable

  1. I'm tired of it. I don't want to watch two grown women slinging shit at each other over a worthless waffle anymore. It is old. More importantly it is ridiculous. Brooke is misdirecting her anger; she is correct of course, but Ridge is her husband and is the one betraying her. Until that tool forcefully and firmly shuts Taylor and Steffy down, they will continue with their current campaign to break up his marriage. All Brooke should feel for Taylor is disgust, and maybe some pity. And so, we get Finn backpedaling on wanting to know his birth mother. Why can we never get any continuity? It was nice to see Li, but come on, it has been weeks since she has been in Bill's orbit. After getting hammered over the head with all this Forrester family nonsense, and Sheila's 475, 968,199th return from the dead, I am ready for something new and fresh. Thomas keeps saying how much he wants to spend time with Douglas, but yet again, the boy is off in someone else's care. Why is no one connecting the dots?
  2. Oh Thomas, my little man, I really need you to go pound miles and miles of gritty beach sand right up your ass. You are such an annoying TayTot! You sit there in your grandfather's home, on your grandfather's couch, pontificating about who is family? No dear, our beloved Queen may have died yesterday, but that did not elevate you to kingly status, but there you sat, bestowing your blessings on those you deem family worthy. The only thing missing were the royal accoutrements. Just to set the record straight; Hope knows who she is and has been a member of your vaunted family since the day of her birth. So hows about you shut the hell up? It was nice to see Eric acknowledge the slight to his longest and dearest friend, but of course not a word about how rude it was of Steffy to not invite Brooke. And Finn, you have been on screen for about a minute, and you think you are qualified to dive into the dark and turbulent waters of Ridge's relationships with Brooke and Taylor? Instead of being angry with your nasty assed wife for excluding her father's wife from a family gathering, you instead prop her nonsense by talking smack about Ridge and Brooke's marriage? I mean did you really ask, "Would she really want to be? I am the new guy, I'm learning all the dynamics, the ins and outs, but this is the family you made with someone else, someone that your kids would very much like you to be with again". What, did Finn follow his wife upstairs and retrieve his jewels from her purse? Cause that was some kahuna sized talking right there. And here is a news flash you raging idiot; these two families have interacted for years, at home and at work, so I think they would be more than capable of getting through one little get together. Geesh. Taylor is so over the top, I simply can't with her. Her coy and girlish behavior at Eric's was bad enough, but then we had her and Steffy acting like two 16 year old's once they got back to Cliff House, with their "mother and daughter code". And then Steffy's remark, "she does some late night snacking when she is thinking about something". Seriously? Just absolute EWWWW!! The best though was "I know dad going home with Brooke hurt you on some level, but you have to remember all of the amazing things he said about you". And topping it off with "I'm right; it's only a matter of time before you and dad are back together". Wow, just wow. There is so much wrong with all of that. First off, married men generally go home to their wives, instead of going to someone else's bed, even an ex-wife's. Further, Ridge always talks nice and sweet to your Mommy; nothing new there and pushing so hard for Ridge to leave Brooke is just tacky and mean. You are not a little kid, you are not a tween, you are a grown up person with a husband and two children. What difference in all the world would it make for your Mommy and Daddy to be reunited? Would you all cohabitate, and have happy fambly dinners together? Swap stories about your "nightly" activities? No, this has nothing to do with wanting a family reunion, and has everything to do with hurting Brooke, and by extension, hurting Hope. It is all just too ridiculous; I rolled my eyes so hard I nearly started seismic activity. Hope needs to go get a really, really, big stick and draw a deep line in the sand. She is either going to get legal, or she is just going to hand Douglas over to Thomas.
  3. Even Eric is now spouting off with the "Forrester Family" nonsense. However, with Eric it is coming with a smile, from a place of joy and happiness. He doesn't have visions of class wars dancing through his head, no elitist snobbery here, just an elderly man who is grateful to have so many around him that love him. Once again Steffy proves that she doesn't know how to hang with the grownups. Her snarkery was on high alert, as she dug deep to demean and embarrass Hope. I am disappointed that no one called her on her shitty behavior. This is the person that Finn holds up as a shining example? Did he just not hear that jacked up venom spewing from his wife's mouth? Yeah, and for sure, Finn has once again faded into the background, and serves no purpose except to try and make Steffy seem like a decent person. Unfortunately, he has failed miserably. And we have Brooke taking the high road again; not allowing herself to be offended or put off by Steffy's insulting omission of an invitation. I remember so many times in the past where Brooke was left off the guest list from gatherings, but to hell with that shit, girlfriend would just march her Logan behind right on over there no invitation required. Where is that Brooke? Ridge blathering on about the wonders of Taylor, and yes, the Tots are chips off the old block in every way. Entitled, snobbish, murdering, manipulators. Taylor was trying so desperately to convince everyone that she is Ridge's current wife, draping herself over him tighter than Scarlet's famous green velvet dress. Will Hope tell her mother what she witnessed, and how badly she was treated? Probably not. This viewer is hanging on by a thread right now......
  4. And once again Douglas is shunted off into someone else's care. How many times is that? Three, four, in as many days? So much for all that quality time Thomas wants to spend with his son. And Taylor taking full possession of this opportunity with Ridge and Eric to cast shade on Hope and Brooke with her usual vacuous comments. "Do you think she can see that Douglas belongs here with his father who loves him and the rest of his Forrester family?" Really? Did that knucklehead really just say that? Because of course Hope doesn't love Douglas, and he wasn't adopted by a Logan/Sharpe. And Brooke is being hypervigilant? Hilarious! You haven't left Eric's house since Thomas brought Douglas there. And Brooke is saying that Douglas only belongs with Hope? Well, what are you and your wretched daughter saying? The exact same thing. The best though was "This whole thing is turning into a Logan/Forrester tug of war". And whose fault is that Miss WRP? Did your daughter not just tell Hope that is her full intention? And didn't Hope say she didn't want that? So, please, enlighten me on who is pushing? You and your daughter that's who. "Thomas and Hope can make their own decisions without being pressured", says the woman who has been on a one woman mission to get her son to set up house with Douglas. And the absolute panic, when Thomas was actually talking sense about the situation, and was acknowledging how it would be unfair to uproot Douglas from the only home he has ever known. "Hold on, have you changed your mind about Douglas living with you?" Your desperation is showing Doc........ Then, her final maneuver, bringing up the Tot's, and how happy they are, and how happy they are that Ridge is supporting them. Of course, that was just a different, and coy way of saying how happy she is that Ridge is supporting Thomas over Brooke's wishes. And then trying to kiss Ridge, something he certainly didn't try to stop or discourage, because this is Ridge, the man that keeps all his balls in the air. I have no words for Deacon, except DUMBASS! For a guy that used to be with it, and have a clue, this version is thicker than a brick. Deacon, my man, don't you know that there is no reasoning with a psycho? And actually saying you feel sorry for her? Oh, you about two steps out the door dude. Steffy's outfit? I was getting Odette/Odile vibes. Or maybe she just couldn't decide if she wanted to go out to the club, or to the office.
  5. Even covered in children's paint, KKL is stunning. And just look at Taylor, tattling on Brooke to Ridge, aiming to collect a few more gold stars, or maybe a few more kisses. I have never really liked Taylor, and in later years when she completely went off the rails, I came to outright detest her. The only time I was ever in her corner was when she read Stephanie for filth after Stehpanie's stock break out. She was and has been, at least to my memory, the only person to put Stephanie's romantic love for Ridge into words, and it was a thing of beauty: Even with all her faults, Taylor always maintained a certain element of grace and class. A beautiful woman who was always elegant and put together, and even though she was a raging hypocrite and a manipulator, she did it with style, never baring her teeth and showing how ugly she truly was underneath all that loveliness. This current version is really a disgrace to the character's legacy and is completely missing the mark of who and what Taylor has always been. Do I sense a change in the wind? Finally, someone talking sense about his mess, and thank you beautiful Bill for being that person. Planting the seeds of how to handle this in Liam's head was genius, now Liam needs to let those seeds grow into thoughts he can relay to his wife. And speaking of Hope, I see she is finally finding her tongue too. Reminding Steffy that she is not a nanny, and also reminding Thomas of how she came to care for Douglas. More importantly, allowing her emotions to dictate for once, and letting her hurt and anger show. You go girl. Now go and lawyer up.
  6. ALERT!! ALERT!! Steffy is glad that Finn is there, and that he is alive, and that he is with her. Just in case you missed it..... That was the limit of my patience and I had to FF'd through the rest of the Steffy/Finn stuff. If only Tanner could have maintained that head of steam he created while in Sheila's hands, but sadly, he has deflated right back to the boring, vanilla, invisible character he was before being shot. His only purpose to prop his dreadful wife in an effort to make us believe she has a shred of decency in her. Now Thomas is just being plain ass mean. Looks like it's time for Hope to lawyer up and do what her dad told her to do and get ahead of this mess. I wonder who will run to Carter first; Hope or Thomas, whoever retains his services will probably lose their case. Too bad Justin is gone, he could really bring the Billy Bad for Hope. Hope's hair though? I kept waiting for a genie to pop out of that thing. Cake fights! Paint fights! Come on guys, you used to know how to give us the good stuff, the real deal: In any event, Taylor as usual was firing blanks, and was exercising selective amnesia, not clearly remembering how Douglas wound up in Hope's care. She is also forgetting that she, her ex-husband, and her daughter are currently in cahoots keeping her totally recovered son's secret regarding his collusion with Sheila. All this stupid talk about "Douglas is a Forrester." Complete nonsense. Douglas is not a Forrester; he is a Marone and a Spencer, and when it comes to the legalities of adoption, last names don't come into play. Hope needs to get her mean on, in a no holds barred, ferocious, rabid way. Tit for tat. Give those fools as good as they give you. No need to lower yourself pulling up Steffy or Taylor's sordid pasts; just stick to the facts about Thomas and you will score the win.
  7. Ridge is so disrespectful to Hope; you don't like her dad, that doesn't give you the right to constantly bad mouth him in front of her. And Hope just accepts it, because just like her mother, she doesn't want to upset Ridge or bother his twee feelings. And the asshat was in rare form yesterday; sparing no one from his buffoonery: Liam "He just wanted to tell me a joke; sounds like he is having fun" Ridge "Of course he is having fun; he is with his dad" BURN! Hope "What's going on? Is Douglas all right?" Ridge "He's with his dad, what do you mean? BURN AGAIN! Ridge's quick, snarky responses to the two people who have loved and cared for Douglas for 3 years shows that deep down he is really very concerned. Ridge knows that Thomas killed Emma, he knows he kept the Beth secret. And please, don't talk to me about brain issues because those things happened long before Thomas hit his head. Ridge also knows that Thomas most recently was conspiring with Sheila to keep what she did from Brooke a secret. Then we have his mental beatdown to Brooke, once again calling her out over NY'sE after telling her he was over it. Adding insult to injury by saying "What kind of crazy woman would want to be with Deacon?" And his nasty, mean spirited interrogation of Hope because her father might have a new woman in his life. Wouldn't this make him happy? If Deacon has moved on, then he won't be coming around Brooke anymore. Ridge is simply the biggest tool in the toolshed, his massive ego motivating him to insult and hurt those he claims to love. I certainly didn't miss is pointed "Your daughter" comment to Brooke. I don't know where this is going, but the imbalance needs to be righted. Allowing the Marone's and the Hamilton's to run roughshod over everyone else on the canvas is becoming unwatchable. There are simply no checks and balances. At the same time, Brooke and Hope don't need to slut shame, and deflect, and pull up the past. They live in the present and have far too much dignity and class to get down in the mud with Taylor and Steffy, but that doesn't make it any less palatable. Deacon was getting it right there for a minute, I saw some of his old fire and passion, yet once again he allows Sheila to talk him down. It is too late now; Deacon is done. So that was Rena's send off? A "romantic" dinner at the office? Along with a scene with Zende? Nothing with Eric? Or Brooke? I am so underwhelmed. And what is their plan to explain her absence going forward? I have this feeling that something is going to happen to Quinn off screen and Carter will be left grieving.
  8. That was a nice break from that sappy sweet, over zealous, kumbayaing, fucking ridunkulous Forrester Fambly Dinner crap. I love Brooke and Liam's little talks; for some reason they both seem to have so much more going on upstairs when they are discussing things. OMG Ridge, shut the hell up, you glowering, overbearing, controlling, bullying, ego maniac. Did you really just do that? I mean, you just returned home from globetrotting the world with your ex-wife on the pretext of saving your heart broken daughter. Ah, but it was about so much more as you cuddled, and snuggled, and hugged, and eye fucked, and kissed your clearly desperate ex-wife. But that is Ridge, got to keep all the balls in the air at the same time, telling your wife that you want a future with her as you simultaneously tell you ex that she makes you oh so happy, and that you are just so stinkin glad that she has come back. Adding insult to injury you excluded your spouse from the family dinner and treated Taylor like your date. And what did Brooke do? Absolutely nothing. Hope took an innocent picture of her mom and dad at a happy moment, and it was the biggest betrayal of the century. But, but, but wasn't that your lame excuse for sticking your tongue down Taylor's throat in Monaco? That you were just so dang happy, and you simply got caught up in the moment? As always though, Deacon showed he has more class in his little pinky than Ridge does in his whole body. Ridge so badly wants Deacon to react, to throw a punch, to cause a scene, but he never rises to Ridge's bait. I was glad to see that Brooke did speak up when Ridge was ranting and raving about Deacon to her; she still has his back a little bit. Deacon better use this as a learning lesson, and he better kick Sheila out. I am still hella annoyed with him for letting this nonsense go on as long as it has, but if he does the right thing now, I might be able to forgive him. Brooke looked amazing.
  9. Twas the night of the Forrester Family Dinner, and all through the house Not a Forrester was stirring, except for the host The guests huddled by the chimney and were full of glee Relieved and happy to see that Brooke was not an invitee The children were nestled all snug in their beds While visions of being Forrester’s danced through their heads And momma in her sheet dress and so full of sap Oohing and Ahing as she let her lips flap When in the living room the guests all began to chatter The children were ushered upstairs their little feet going pitter patter And the toasts began and the year was rehashed With everyone on their best behavior as no Logan was bashed The shine of happiness on the newly alive Finn Being told by Ridge he was a Forrester and scoring the win When what to his wondering heart should he hear But his awful wife saying she loves him and holds him dear With the little old host, so lively and quick I knew in a moment it must be Eric More rapid than eagles his guests they came And he laughed, and shouted, and called them by name Now Ridge, now Taylor, now Finn and Steffy! On Thomas, on Douglas, on Hayes and Kelly! We are all here together, this Forrester clan No Logan’s present; Steffy and Taylor’s game plan And they laughed and they toasted; this group of imposters Not a one of them with a drop of blood from a Forrester Yet they hail themselves as such, as they shout to the night We are Forrester’s! Forrester’s we are! It’s our birthright!
  10. Well, that was certainly embarrassing. The last thing I want to watch is two 50ish women fighting over a worthless waffle. Nor do I want to see them butting into their grown ass children's lives, however the agendas are so divergent between them, that I find myself annoyed with Brooke, but still supporting her. Brooke's concerns are clearly aimed at Douglas, and his welfare, and of course she is worried about Hope. All parents worry about their children, but in Hope's case I can see why Brooke would be extra cautious. Hope already had one baby snatched from her and spent a year believing that child was dead. And who was responsible for that? The very same people who are now clamoring to have Douglas ripped from her life. Brooke completely outclassed Taylor in round 1 by not stooping to Taylor's level. Brooke came off as an adult with serious concerns, and valid arguments, while Taylor came off as a juvenile sixteen year old, who prances around in mommy's disco days hand offs, while making jabs at Brooke, and the past Taylor needs Brooke to have. Talking about all the things Brooke has done to Ridge? What would all those be again? Brooke has never slept with another man while married to Ridge. She has kissed a few for sure, but really, when compared to Ridge's dalliances with Quinn, Shauna and most recently Taylor, they pale in comparison. And Taylor needs to self reflect a bit and remember two names: James and Hector. So, Brooke has a family with Eric? Isn't that what most married couples do? OH WAIT! was she tying to look down her boney nose at Brooke because she has had multiple marriages? Hmmmmm.......has Taylor forgotten about Nick and Whip? Taylor also conveniently forgets about her short romance with Eric while he was married to Stephanie. Yes, there was no sex, but I assure you if it had been Brooke, Taylor would have been screaming to the rafters about Brooke having an affair and sleeping with Eric. And why would that be? Because that is all Taylor has. Just like anyone else who has no defense, they deflect, and attempt to cast shade on the other person. Brooke on the other hand remained calm and stuck to her theme. No need for her to pull up Taylor's sordid past, because that is not what the discussion was about. What I found amazing was Taylor thinking she was scoring some kind of victory with her nonsense, however Brooke read her like a worn-out novel, and is so accustomed to Taylor's finger pointing, and history rewrites, that she simple rises above and blows it off. Taylor is pathetic, and she is desperate, and so very, very, thirsty, in addition to living in fantasy land. She needs a full on reality check. Ridge dumped her more than a decade ago and he has never looked back. In other news, I am done with Deacon.
  11. And there you have it, the answer to the million dollar question; how has Sheila managed to survive so long without any visible means of income. So, she got her hands on a lot of money. Hmmmm....wonder about that. Deacon was almost there too, but the lure of money will be too much for him and he will be tied to Sheila forever now. Bye bye Hope, and any chance of gaining ground with Brooke or anyone else. I might have to be done with him too. I detest Sheila, and if he is willing to overlook the fact that she is a psycho, who recently shot two people, just to get his hands on some money? Nah. We can't have 50/50 custody of Douglas because that would prevent the upcoming epic Marone/Hamilton/Logan wars. Douglas will be the pawn and the big loser, as the adults use years of resentment, jealousy and hatred to fuel what they all think is best for him. Hope is the only one who is truly invested in Douglas's best interests, and her concerns about Thomas are more than valid. She doesn't want to see Douglas lose all the progress he has made, and go back to the lonely, frightened child he was when she adopted him. Brooke and Taylor both need to step out, but of course that will never happen. But again, I don't think history is fueling Brooke so much as is her concern for Douglas, while Taylor is clearly playing the Evil Logan card. Taylor has always been a manipulative witch, but this version is 1000 times worse. She doesn't even bother to hide her thirst and desperation, and the fact that she is pursuing a married man, while in the same breath has the temerity to call Brooke out. Talk about a lack of self-awareness, not to mention projecting. And once again, blaming Brooke for losing Ridge, Taylor just needs to own it; she lost Ridge because he finally saw her for what she is. Maybe if she had been a little nicer to Brooke over all those years, he would have stayed with her, because frankly, it didn't seem to matter so much that she fucked James. Didn't Eric reinstate Donna as FC's co-receptionist? These people never go to friggin work. And once again, there is Donna parading around in her bathing suit while everyone else is fully dressed. Makes me feel all icky, squishy inside.
  12. This has been in my mind too and it wouldn't be the first time Sheila managed to wrangle her way into nannydom. However, the first time she hit from a different angle, pouring wax on the floor so Judy, Rick's nanny, would slip and injure herself, leaving Sheila to step up and offer her services. I am really, and truly done with Sheila, but the thought of her causing Steffy and Taylor heartache is almost too much to hope for. And how fitting would it be for Sheila to show up in her disguise just like Taylor did when she returned from her first death, masquerading as a nurse with a British accent to get close to Ridge. In any event, I am clueless with Deacon right now. He actually acted like he was afraid of Sheila, more upsetting, is how he almost was acting like he was enjoying her. I can't with any of that. Why can't they give Deacon a good solid SL that doesn't make him look like a fool or a criminal.
  13. I felt like I was watching comedy central.... Steffy is going to require Tommy John surgery from all those stones she was throwing at her own glass house. Such a clueless cluck, who can't get low enough to prop her mommy and make Brooke look bad. Except that isn't what she is doing. She is only emphasizing what a shrieking harridan she is, one who has no self-awareness and apparently suffers from convenient amnesia. And Taylor, sitting at the table, lapping it all up, acting like a giddy teen. Her best line though was "the list is long." This, coming from the woman who slept her way through the Forrester men, the entire Logan family, Nick Marone, James, Whip, Hector, and all those nameless men she entertained during her alcoholic time. Taylor is thirsty and pathetic, not to mention a raging hypocrite to call Brooke out for anything when she is actively seeking a relationship with her husband. I am gobsmacked though that Ridge actually defended his wife, instead of his usual routine of cocking his head and smiling. And go Hope! Someone needs to remind Brooke what a fool she is being. OH! Lookey there, Sheila is alive. I would never have guessed. I also have lots of questions: Where did Sheila get the funds to stay in a hotel room for months How did she get her personal possessions back after escaping? Did Mike retrieve them for her? How did she score a perfectly fitting mask and a wig with no money? How is the gaping hole where her toe used to be healed up already? In any event this will be the end of the road for Deacon. What he should do is go straight to the police; he has a witness who saw Sheila and can corroborate what Deacon is saying about the mask and wig. But of course, he won't, and now Sheila will be firmly in charge, and he will become her new henchman since Mike has been taken out of action. The worst scenario would be that she is pregnant; the last thing the world needs is another unwanted Sheila spawn. I don't know; it sucks rotten eggs, and I just don't know if I am there for it.
  14. What a difference; Brooke finds out Ridge willingly and soberly kissed Taylor because HE WANTED TO, and she didn't freak out and start accusing him of betraying her and preferring another woman. No, Brooke instead acted like an adult who had been slapped and hurt, but her ego still allowed her to handle it without histrionics. Given her past with Taylor that is saying so very much about Brooke. When it comes to the Tots Ridge always reveals his true colors. He doesn't have one iota of concern for the hurt this will cause Hope, a woman who's biological child was ripped from her before she even knew her, spending a year grieving her loss, and now she will have the son she has raised as her own ripped from her for no other reason than Thomas has suddenly decided he wants to be a father and is stamping his foot like he is in charge. Why do these Marone morons keep going on about how Hope can visit Douglas whenever she likes? It isn't about visitation, it is about love and devotion, and spending three years of your life raising a child who is now healthy and happy. Oh, and Thomas, when someone adopts a child, they will be making decisions for that child, so I have no idea where you are coming from with your talk about Hope and Liam have been making decisions for Douglas for far too long. And why would Hope know this day was coming? When you were gaslighting her and shoehorning your confused, grieving, and unhappy young son into her life, did you think Hope would sign adoption papers with the idea that this was only temporary? A part-time adoption? Brooke needs to continue to stand her ground. If she was going to hand wave away Ridge's betrayal with Taylor, then let his disrespect and lack of concern for Hope light that long awaited fire under Brooke's ass. I really don't care what causes it, but I want that fucking Bridge to burn to the ground and crash in a heap of smoking flames and rubble. Brooke deserves sooooooo much better than this petulant man child. At first, I thought it was my girl Sally returning, but no, one good look and you could clearly see it was Sheila. Oh Deacon, man, how stupid of you. It doesn't matter whether it was Sheila or not, you are just going to let in a stranger and have sex with her? I knew Sheila would get her revenge on Deacon for not helping her, although he really did by not opening the door. All that talk about him making that appointment with his parole officer wasn't for nothing, and of course it will be the biggest deal EVA that Deacon was late or missed his appointment. At this point it looks like the only scenes I will be watching will be those with Bill and Li.
  15. Ridge kinda left some stuff out, don't get me wrong, I am glad that he is owning Monaco, but he needs to fess up about all of it. If Brooke had been carrying on with any man, not just Deacon, but anyone else the way he has with Taylor, Ridge would have been bellowing and barking loud enough for all the Gods to hear. Brooke needs to learn the whole truth; fondling, cuddling, flirting, being coy, eye fucking, kissing, snuggling; yes ALL OF IT. But I am hoping her finding out about Monaco along with the fact that Ridge is going to support Thomas, will be enough to finally light a fire under Brooke's Stepford Wife's ass. Then, to fully light that fire, she can find out about his betrayal regarding Thomas's secret. Bill and Li; I am just loving it. @CharlizeCat nailed it with This is so fresh and different. Bill has never met anyone quite like Li; strong, determined, independent, self sufficient, accomplished, and a person who takes no prisoners and makes no apologies. When she hugged him I squeed like a little kid. Why did Thomas ask Ridge about moving in with Eric? And why did he tell Hope he had already made that arrangement? Why does Steffy go to the office for 5 minutes to grouse about the Evil Logans, then go home with her mommy to act like two high schoolers getting ready for their first date? And Taylor is far worse than Ridge. This hypocrite drags Brooke for the slightest infraction, but she never casts any shade on her own inappropriate behavior. Brooke drunkenly kissed a very single Deacon on NY'sE, so what is Taylor's excuse for kissing a very married Ridge multiple times while perfectly sober? In any event Due to a massive rage blackout I had to skip all the Steffy/Taylor nonsense.
  16. The dichotomy between the Marone scenes and the Logan, Sharp, Spencer scenes was jarring. The Marone's as always were nasty, snarky, lying, mean spirited jackasses. While the other crew seemed like a group of friends out for lunch and just shooting the breeze. Steffy and Taylor are both so far off the mark with their inane comments, acting like Hope has kept Douglas from Thomas, when the opposite is true, and she has done nothing but encourage Thomas to spend more time with his son. And yes Taylor, you WRP, Hope does have rights here; she is his adoptive mother and most definitely has a say. And Steffy yammering on about how much better Thomas is doing, yet his lies by omission are what got you and your husband shot. I think the best though was how she said that "Douglas was staying with Hope while you worked on yourself." Really? He was staying with Hope, what like a sleepover or something? A three year slumber party? And then spouting off about biological parents? Talking about how the Li/Finn/Sheila situation is different because Sheila chose to give Finn up, but how Caroline died? I am struggling with the logic here since Caroline is not the one who shoehorned Douglas into Hope's life, so I fail to see how what she would have done plays into this situation. And really, Steffy of all people talking about biological parents and their rights opposed to adoptive parents? Girlfriend clearly needs a memory reboot with how she behaved over PhoBeth. She had only had possession of that baby for a year and whined and caterwauled for months about how mean and heartless Hope was to take her baby back. A baby that Steffy's doofus mother bought on the black market, not even going through the proper legal channels. But Hope, after following all legalities, and being Douglas's mother, and providing him a safe, happy home for three years, is just supposed to be ok with Thomas suddenly wanting custody of his son. She is not supposed to be upset, or hurt, or worried. Talking about how Thomas needs to fight Hope and Brooke? WTAF? When did Hope become the enemy? Is it because she dared to love Douglas? And stupid ass needs to get her family names right, she may feel that Douglas belongs with them, but that would be the Marone's/Hamilton's hon, not the Forrester's. Just so much DUH! The enormity of Steffy and Taylor's delusions and fucking flat out dumbassedness is almost more than I can bear. I want more than anything in the world, for Brooke to find out how far over the line Ridge has been straying with Taylor. I want her to find out that they had hugged, and snuggled, and flirted, and kissed many, many times. I want her to find this out, and I want her to see and understand that absolutely ridiculous double standard that Ridge lives and puts on her. I also desperately need her to find out how Ridge is in collusion with his other family to keep the fact that Thomas knew what Sheila did to Brooke a secret. I want her to see where Ridge's loyalties lay, and who he cares about. I want her to be angry, and fucking pissed the hell off about it, and I want her to help Hope fight those friggin morons and use Thomas's most recent fuck up to help win their case. And then there is Bill and Li, Oh, my, my, my, what a breath of fresh air. They are so damned adorable. Bill got an earful about Li, and how she may be small in stature, but has the heart of a lioness. And she just lights up! Yeah, I am here for it.
  17. It is all so plain and simple to me Thomas shoehorned his son into Hope's life, using her grief and unhappiness as a means to get her into bed. He terrorized his son; he not only made his son feel like shit for doing the right thing but threatened him and gaslighted him. Thomas has not proven that he is full time father material. He still does not have suitable housing for his son and will be living with his grandfather and Donna. I suspect once the novelty wears off Thomas will go back to the status quo and will be flitting in and out of Douglas's day to day life, leaving him to Eric and Donna's care. If Thomas was fully committed to Douglas, he would have made it his life's mission to prove that to not only his son, but to everyone else. But Douglas hasn't been his first priority. Thomas has been far more concerned about reuniting his parents, focusing on his career, and keeping horrible secrets from everyone. Douglas has expressed he wants to spend more time with his dad, and that is completely understandable, but it also doesn't mean he wants a full-time arraignment. Hope and Liam have given Douglas a stable, happy home for years now. Hope is his adoptive mom, and just like Li loves her adopted son Finn, Hope loves her adopted son Douglas. To insinuate that an adoptive parent's love is not real is an insult to all adoptive parents. It is no different than when Steffy learned that PhoBeth was actually Hope's daughter, and she cried for days on end after only a year of bonding. So, to suggest that Hope should not be emotional makes no sense and is unfair. Deacon may have been a deadbeat in his past life, but he has more than made up for it in his current life. His one misstep was not handing Sheila over to the police, but at the same time I understand his fear. No matter what he said, he would have been accused of harboring a fugitive. No one would have listened, or even given him a chance. Deacon has fought hard to redeem himself, holding a crappy job, living in a broom closet, taking Ridge's insults and his snot nosed shit without retaliation. Why should he go back to prison because of psycho Sheila? In most cases I wouldn't, but I have to give him a pass here. Outside of that, he has developed a good relationship with Hope, and a working repour with Liam, and has every right to be outraged for his daughter. That is what father's do; they protect their kids. Look at Ridge, and how protective he is of Steffy. Deacon has the same right no matter his past. And his advice was spot on; Hope and Liam need to get ahead of this mess, they need to launch a defensive action before Thomas strikes. I am in agreement with others that a child of Douglas's age should be heard, and their feelings taken into account, but that should not be the basis of a decision as serious as full time custody. And why should Hope be punished for being there for Douglas, for taking on the responsibility of another person's child and doing a damn good job of parenting that child. And yes, she will be vilified no matter what she does. If she fights Thomas, her detractors will be screaming about how unfair she is, how selfish and self-centered to want to keep a son from his father. If she relents, and doesn't fight, then she will be called cold and unfeeling, and will be accused of not caring for Douglas. At the end of the day, Thomas has had full access to his son. Hope has never tried to keep them apart or tried to interfere in their time together and has always encouraged Thomas to spend more time with Douglas. Thomas's absence from his son's life is entirely on him and proves beyond any shadow of any doubt that Thomas is not ready for full time fatherhood. In other news: Sheila's disembodied middle toe is breaking the internet And let the romance of the year begin. Yeah to Bill and Li. Chem testing proved positive that Bill may have finally found his match. I love that Li knows who Bill really is, but her first experience with him exposed that there is a kind, gentle, caring person in there. And she lit up just a little bit too. Her eyes were brighter as her smile touched them. They both have iron wills and will go to the ends of the earth for those they love. I have my popcorn ready, so bring it on Show.
  18. Ding dong, the witch is dead The witch is dead Which old witch The wicked witch Ding dong, the wicked old witch is dead Except not. Come on Show; a bear? Nah, Shelia either came across some poor bear attack victim, and staged it to look like her, and yes, Sheila is deranged enough to lope off her own toe to add to the authenticity of the scene. Or she kidnapped someone and took them out in the woods and threw them in a bear's path, then staged the scene. Dt. Sanchez said "DNA doesn't lie", so does that mean they have already run and gotten back DNA results? I thought it took quite a while to get DNA results back. Or was he saying they have sent them out? Either way, it doesn't prove Sheila is dead; it proves they have a homeless toe. I suspect Sheila will come after Hayes now, as she is very much into kidnapping, and doesn't care if her victims are adult or not. Let's see; Lauren Fenmore's baby Laruen and Molly (Sheila's mother) Baby Mary James Ridge and Nick Yes, I have no doubt she will strike in the way that will cause the most pain to Steffy, and that would be Hayes. Then again, with Ridge being the only one missing out on the big news, maybe he will turn up missing. Wasn't TK supposed to be taking a sabbatical from the show? Well, they could write that in as his most recent kidnapping at Sheila hands. That turn of events might actually make me start rooting for the old psycho. Now, let's examine the LA police department calling Ridge, instead of Finn. What the actual fuck? Ridge seems to have more pull in the world of law enforcement than the detectives themselves. But that's our Ridge, the man of intrigue and influence, with feelers and inroads all over the globe. Seriously Taylor? I wore that same outfit out to the club when I was like 20 years old. A string, a friggin string, holding the back together? And I was just waiting for one of your girls to pop out of the sides. NuDouglas looks a lot like the original, but the poor little guy is just all kinds of affected. Hopefully he will become more natural as he works his way into the part. Thomas should take this transition one day at a time. Why not just start spending more time with your son, maybe having sleep overs, and weekend visits. Why do you just want to snatch him away from all that he has known for years now? Poor Eric finally gets rid of Ridge's freeloading ass, and now he has his grandson back. Just when he and Donna were settling in with a bottle of honey.
  19. Women friendships have been limited at best: Stephanie and the lady she met when she was homeless; sorry can't remember her name Stehpanie and Lauren; until Lauren shagged Eric Stehpanie and Taylor, although I have issues with this one because they were more of a tag team to bring Brooke down, than a real friendship Margo and Kristen Brooke and Sheila; until Brooke discovered Sheila's psycho past Brooke and Karen Brooke and Caroline 1.0; until they began battling for Ridge Brooke and Lauren Darla and Macy; until Darla boinked Thorne Bridget and Taylor I may have missed some, but what is clearly evident is that most of these predate Bradley. OMG! That is brilliant, and something I never even considered. Yes please! The show was pretty lame yesterday, and I am in agreement with my fellow posters that kids and parents should not be discussing each other's sex lives. I was totally skeeved out when Taylor announced to Ridge that she had to leave Cliff House because their daughter was "reconnecting" with her husband. And Brooke perching on that couch? Just NO. Taylor was so coy with her comment about second, third, or fourth chances. And didn't even mention the confrontation between Steffy and Li, or that Finn had gone to get a checkup. Just too damn busy flirting. I often wonder about these people's work schedules. Ridge comes home at sometime during the day, then leaves and goes back to the office. Taylor comes home and then leaves and goes to FC's instead of her own office. Geesh, even working from home I wouldn't be able to get away with that shit.
  20. So, is Ridge going to end it, or fess up about his inappropriate examination of Taylor's throat? I have been revisiting the scene where Brooke mentions the picture of betrayal and have realized a few things. Ridge wanted to be the one to bring it up; Brooke doing it took some of his ammo away, because now he can't accuse her of keeping deep, dark secrets from him. I also noticed how he shut Brooke down after his comment "I am gone for 5 minutes, and you are already inviting Deacon to FC's." Brooke immediately sprung into defense mode, telling Ridge that Hope had brought Deacon there. That is about as far as she got before he cut her off, his disappointment clearly evident on his face. Ridge needed Brooke to be guilty of keeping secrets and inviting convicts to her place of employment. He was going to use those actions to justify tonguing Taylor. Historically, whenever Ridge's divining rod has directed him to new water sources, he has had to lay some type of blame on Brooke. Or, if he can't accuse Brooke of something, he will instead use children and "the family", as in his real family, not the one he shared/shares with Brooke. I just really do not like him. At. All. Not one bit. I might be more supportive of Steffy if she wasn't trying to make Li and Finn's ordeal all about her. Even with her thanking Li for saving Finn, she still kept harping on how she felt. Maybe she should take a step back and contemplate how Li felt. Li broke the law and her medical oaths to do what she did. Maybe she was scared of repercussions and felt the less people who knew the better. And she made good points about getting Steffy's hopes up for nothing. Steffy doesn't really understand the dire straits Finn was in when Li first started caring for him. Li also had to deal with Sheila, getting knocked out twice, being run down and run off the road, her car exploding, and nearly drowning. Then she spent days wandering around in a dazed fog of confusion. I think that supersedes Steffy's dark place. Taylor can bug off too. She has some questions for Li my ass. If that quack says one word about violating oaths, or anything about Li's medical license, then someone needs to remind her about raiding another doctor's files to get dirt on Brooke and Bill. They could also council her on the hazards of shooting people in the back and driving while intoxicated and running people over. Brooke does look desperate, going on and on about Steffy, Taylor and Ridge's happiness. But she knows it has to be all about them, if she asks for anything for herself, then Ridge will explode and tell her the only person that matters right now is Steffy. KKL looks off. Puffy and kind of orange. But it does appear her leg is healing which is a good thing.
  21. You go Li! Finally, someone not afraid to stand up to that entitled Princess. However, even though I am delighted that Li is not intimidated by Steffy, I do question her argument about Steffy being the reason Sheila reemerged; I just can't lay that at Steffy's feet. Jack is the person who slept with Sheila, so he is the one that brought her into the fold, just like Eric did all those years ago. But does that make Jack responsible? No, I don't think so; the only person responsible for Sheila and her actions is Sheila. But that did not detract from my enjoyment as Li basically told Steffy that the Marone and Forrester money and clout mean diddly squat to her. Steffy thought she had her hands full with Sheila, with no idea what a lioness Li was. If girlfriend knows what is good for her, she will shut her trap about anything Li did, and except her good fortune with some damn grace and dignity. Taylor is hella annoying. Always fluttering around, in skimpy, disco night out garb. Flirting with Ridge, being coy and disingenuous, with her subtle little cuts at Brooke and Ridge's great unhappiness. And Ridge eats it up. The man's ego is like a fucking black hole, and his need to be the center of the universe has only grown stronger. They are both pathetic, needy, little children. Was Ridge actually having a moment of conscious? Does that explain his very watered down response to Brooke about her unbelievable nerve to have been in a photo with her daughter and Deacon? I mean, sticking your tongue down your ex's throat is really no comparison to what Brooke did, but it did seem to stop that cheating bastard in his tracks. I wish that Brooke would find out just how many times Ridge has crossed the line with Taylor. But I fear that would only ignite her fire more, and she would go one of her epic quests for Destiny. I must comment that Thomas was looking quite ravishing yesterday. That would be awesome and would round things out for Deacon and give Hope a half brother and someone else in her life not a Forrester or Marone or Spencer. Make it a party of three Has Steffy ever had a romance where she hasn't been in charge? Bill maybe? But Finn was clearly brought on canvas as a Steffy prop. Nothing convinced me more of that than his instant forgiveness when Steffy fucked Liam, actually rewarding her betrayal with a marriage proposal. Great observation, and one that will never be brought to light, because of the Marone pact to keep Brooke in the dark. Just like the old days when everyone ganged up on Brooke, with their evil plans and plots and endless machinations to destroy her. But this reeks in a different way; this is to protect Thomas from Brooke's wrath, because they may not be willing to admit it, but Thomas has done some shitty things to Brooke over the years. Not to mention what he did to Hope. But Thomas is a Tot, and that ranks him higher up the ladder than any Logan.
  22. Ridge didn't mention Deacon, but I am sure it is on the back burner, and he will bring it up once Steffy and Finn have had enough alone time and Taylor leaves. Then again, he may just invite Taylor to stay over so their daughter can enjoy herself all night. I mean, it is his house and all. There is also the fact that he brought Taylor there to annoy Brooke, who he knew would want to be alone with him. Just the start of his punishment for daring to be in the same room as Deacon. The added bonus is he relit Taylor's candle of hope by kissing her and now he can extinguish that flame by bouncing back to Brooke. Just more of the games people Ridge play. I wish Deacon would just walk away from Brooke. I really do. I can't stand to see her treat him like the hired help. I am also tired of her making him feel like a pile of shit in order to prop her worthless husband. Deacon hasn't done anything wrong; well, outside of helping Sheila, but in regard to Brooke his hands are clean. NYEGate took two people, and as much as Ridge wants to blame Deacon, Brooke was right there for it. Yeah, she was drunk, but the theory has always been that you are more your true self when you are inebriated. But Deacon deserves better, and maybe turning his back on Brooke would open her eyes just a little bit about how hurtful she is being. I also am tired of everyone dogging Deacon when talking to Hope. The girl barely knows her father, who is trying really hard to get himself right. He has held a job, and has kept his hands clean, but Ridge has to belittle him for working in a bar. Deacon wasn't born with the silver spoon in his mouth, and is also on parole, so he has to make a living however he can. Ridge would look down his nose at any job Deacon got, deeming it lowly and disgusting. Quinn and Carter! Oh, they do bring the sexy. I am ok with them in bed, it seems far more real than Donna and Eric's Honey Bear trysts. That is not to say I don't like D/E I do, but it seems more about Eric keeping it up, and Donna's desperation than anything else. Carter and Quinn seem solid to me. They have earned their time in the sack. Now, all they need to do is bring on Bill and Li.
  23. Because Deacon is the man that Brooke was willing to risk it all for. He knows that Deacon and Brooke scorched the earth, and even though their affair was short lived, he knows how intense their feelings were. Outside of that, Ridge has generally despised any man Brooke has been involved with, particularly his half-brother Nick, and much earlier Connor and Grant. No matter he was with Taylor and reportedly happy; Brooke was not allowed to move on. I am not sure if I am getting the angry vibe, but something does seem off. As @dovegrey said it might just be a timing thing, with both of them trying to process. Yes, I have to agree. Tanner doesn't do the lovey, dovey stuff so well. But he can work fear, anger, disbelief, and frustration. Or it could be who he is working with. I was quite an accomplished pool player in my younger years and found that the skill level of my opponent had a big effect on my game. That would be amazing, but I think too much to hope for. Hope has bought into Destiny, and wants her mother to be happy, although she doesn't seem to realize that the only way Brooke is ever going to be truly happy would be to rid herself of that greasy ogre. I did not notice this, but then I rarely watch the credits. I am sorry to see Justin gone, but I guess since he betrayed Bill and lost his spot at SP, there was just no way to work him in. Such a waste. As for Shauna and Flo? Oh, good riddance to hateful rubbish. Fixed that for ya Now this makes me kinda sad. I have been on the outs with Wyatt ever since he fucked Sally over for that felon. But all the same, he has become part of the canvas to me. And considering who his parents are, I still see him as integral to the show. Then again, we never even hear Brooke and Ridge mention RJ. Yes, it is disappointing. Brooke used to be able to stand up to Ridge and his mother's tyranny, but today she not only excepts it, it is almost like she encourages it. Maybe it gives her a sense of security knowing she can work Ridge up to such a lather. But it is absolutely ridiculous of Ridge to think that Brooke and Deacon will never cross paths or speak to each other again. They do share a child..........OH! WAIT! In my stupidity I forgot that the only children that matter are the TayTots. If Hope, or Rick, or Bridget are struggling, or are facing some kind of drama, well, they just need to get ahold of themselves. Can you imagine if it had been Hope this had happed to, and Brooke and Deacon felt the need to fly to Monaco to see their daughter? Ridge would have been pissing all over that, saying how Hope was in good hands, and there was nothing Brooke or Deacon could do for her. I can just hear him now "The kid will be fine! She is being seen by good doctors, what can you and Deacon do? I don't want you flying to Monaco with that convict; he will use it to his advantage." @dovegrey, props to both of your excellent posts. But Show just doesn't have the writing talent to pull something that in depth off. I feel they will gloss over everything in order to get back to Steffy being in charge of Finn's life. I see the status quo looming on the horizon, which makes me sad, because they had the chance here to redeem Steffy a little bit and make her a more palatable character. But, at the end of the day, she is the daughter of Ridge and Taylor, and that says it all.
  24. For fucks sake Ridge. Really? How about you get some background on what you are looking at before jumping to conclusions. The ridiculous statements coming out of that greasy glob of Crisco's mouth though? "I ask her to stay away from the guy and she promises, and I take one little trip and look at her" I take one little trip? Clarification helps Ridge; one little trip with my ex-wife to lovely, romantic Monaco. And an ex-wife who has had me squarely in her sights since NYE'sGate. "I just don't get it; I am gone five minutes and she is cozying up to him" Cozying up? Brooke was not touching Deacon; Deacon was not touching Brooke. They were not looking at each other, Brooke had her back to Deacon, and they were all smiling for the camera. They were at FC's; it would have been different if they had been at Brooke's house, but she can't tell Hope not to bring Deacon to FC's, that would have to come from Eric. Additionally, Brooke has a broken ankle, she is not out there seeking people out right now, so odds would be that Deacon is there because of his daughter, and given the late hour maybe Hope thought her mom would have left for the day. Taylor, you disingenuous bitch. If anyone has been cozying up to Deacon, it is you, but of course you would never disclose that to Ridge. And if you didn't want Ridge to see the picture, then you should not have mentioned the picture. Both of these clowns can step the hell right off, or go play in busy traffic, or take a long walk off of a short pier. I am so sick of them fucking with Brooke's life and her happiness. Taylor has made it her personal mission to sabotage Brooke from the moment she set her sights on Ridge more than three decades ago. And in today's world, without the help and support of Stehpanie, Taylor's thirst and desperation are reducing her to high school pranks and ridiculous, backstabbing, needy comments. And Ridge is no better. This buffoon has been carrying on with Taylor since NYE'sGate. Sending her all kinds of mixed signals with his comments about how wonderful she is and how glad he is that she is back. Touching her, holding her, kissing her, and even after moving back in with his wife he continues. Brooke could have pitched a fit about Ridge wanting to fly off to Monaco with Taylor, she could have made the very valid argument that Steffy was in the care of a reputable facility, and maybe she just needed some time to come to terms with Finn's death. Steffy was not returning calls, or keeping in touch in anyway, which sort of indicates she didn't want any contact just then, so what, Taylor thought her superior psychiatric skills would supersede those of the Monaco doctor's? And what magic was Ridge going to bring to the table? But Brooke didn't bitch. And just look at Ridge, talking about what someone is doing five minutes later, cuddling up to Taylor on the flight, holding her and allowing her to fall asleep on him. Then, after Finn shows up, they were hugging and holding, and all over each other. Ridge was just looking for any excuse to take it to the next level and the picture was his poison. He is without a doubt the biggest tool in the tool shed. I hope he comes home full of piss and vinegar, lambasting Brooke for betraying him again. And this time Brooke has had enough, because she did not do a damn thing. Tell that greasy hobo to run to his precious angel Taylor. Of course, that would never happen. Instead, we would get more of Brooke moping around that mausoleum, pining away for Ridge, instead of allowing herself to move on with Deacon. But even if she did, it would end in a few months when Brooke inevitably finds out about Deacon helping Sheila evade the police. But maybe somehow, someway Brooke will find out about the boundaries Ridge has been crossing for months. After making her feel so bad about herself, maybe she will find out how Ridge has been carrying on with Taylor and that would be enough for her. I doubt it, but at this point I will grasp at any straw that would burn Bridge to the ground forever. Honestly, I would much rather Brooke find out about Deacon and Taylor's little mini-manse and squeal like a pig, because if the tables were turned, that is exactly what Taylor would do to Brooke. I would also love to see Brooke finally let the Po Po know who shot Bill. Vengeful? Yes Mean spirited? Yes But boatloads of Karma and all............
  25. If Deacon does not turn Sheila in, then any hopes of a future with Hope, Brooke or Taylor are gone. They will eventually find out that he hid her and won't care what his reasons were. After what she did, there is absolutely no wiggle room. This character has worn out her welcome and it is time to lay her to rest. In agreement that the reunion could have been handled better; in the real world it probably would have. Outside of the shock Steffy would have with seeing Finn alive, is the fact that Finn is not 100% himself, and he is out wandering around a strange place before he has had any type of medical exam. No doubt we will be hearing about "Finn is alive" and "Steffy has her family back" for weeks and months. My fear, as I said earlier, is that it will be all about Steffy, with no mention of how Li and Jack got their son back, and how Hayes got his daddy back. I also liked that Finn mentioned his father; maybe this experience will allow him to forgive Jack, who may have fucked up with Sheila, but still was a good father to Finn. No Jack and Li reunion though please. I want to see a Bill/Li romance in the worst way.
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