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Everything posted by RuntheTable

  1. Ridge didn't mention Deacon, but I am sure it is on the back burner, and he will bring it up once Steffy and Finn have had enough alone time and Taylor leaves. Then again, he may just invite Taylor to stay over so their daughter can enjoy herself all night. I mean, it is his house and all. There is also the fact that he brought Taylor there to annoy Brooke, who he knew would want to be alone with him. Just the start of his punishment for daring to be in the same room as Deacon. The added bonus is he relit Taylor's candle of hope by kissing her and now he can extinguish that flame by bouncing back to Brooke. Just more of the games people Ridge play. I wish Deacon would just walk away from Brooke. I really do. I can't stand to see her treat him like the hired help. I am also tired of her making him feel like a pile of shit in order to prop her worthless husband. Deacon hasn't done anything wrong; well, outside of helping Sheila, but in regard to Brooke his hands are clean. NYEGate took two people, and as much as Ridge wants to blame Deacon, Brooke was right there for it. Yeah, she was drunk, but the theory has always been that you are more your true self when you are inebriated. But Deacon deserves better, and maybe turning his back on Brooke would open her eyes just a little bit about how hurtful she is being. I also am tired of everyone dogging Deacon when talking to Hope. The girl barely knows her father, who is trying really hard to get himself right. He has held a job, and has kept his hands clean, but Ridge has to belittle him for working in a bar. Deacon wasn't born with the silver spoon in his mouth, and is also on parole, so he has to make a living however he can. Ridge would look down his nose at any job Deacon got, deeming it lowly and disgusting. Quinn and Carter! Oh, they do bring the sexy. I am ok with them in bed, it seems far more real than Donna and Eric's Honey Bear trysts. That is not to say I don't like D/E I do, but it seems more about Eric keeping it up, and Donna's desperation than anything else. Carter and Quinn seem solid to me. They have earned their time in the sack. Now, all they need to do is bring on Bill and Li.
  2. Because Deacon is the man that Brooke was willing to risk it all for. He knows that Deacon and Brooke scorched the earth, and even though their affair was short lived, he knows how intense their feelings were. Outside of that, Ridge has generally despised any man Brooke has been involved with, particularly his half-brother Nick, and much earlier Connor and Grant. No matter he was with Taylor and reportedly happy; Brooke was not allowed to move on. I am not sure if I am getting the angry vibe, but something does seem off. As @dovegrey said it might just be a timing thing, with both of them trying to process. Yes, I have to agree. Tanner doesn't do the lovey, dovey stuff so well. But he can work fear, anger, disbelief, and frustration. Or it could be who he is working with. I was quite an accomplished pool player in my younger years and found that the skill level of my opponent had a big effect on my game. That would be amazing, but I think too much to hope for. Hope has bought into Destiny, and wants her mother to be happy, although she doesn't seem to realize that the only way Brooke is ever going to be truly happy would be to rid herself of that greasy ogre. I did not notice this, but then I rarely watch the credits. I am sorry to see Justin gone, but I guess since he betrayed Bill and lost his spot at SP, there was just no way to work him in. Such a waste. As for Shauna and Flo? Oh, good riddance to hateful rubbish. Fixed that for ya Now this makes me kinda sad. I have been on the outs with Wyatt ever since he fucked Sally over for that felon. But all the same, he has become part of the canvas to me. And considering who his parents are, I still see him as integral to the show. Then again, we never even hear Brooke and Ridge mention RJ. Yes, it is disappointing. Brooke used to be able to stand up to Ridge and his mother's tyranny, but today she not only excepts it, it is almost like she encourages it. Maybe it gives her a sense of security knowing she can work Ridge up to such a lather. But it is absolutely ridiculous of Ridge to think that Brooke and Deacon will never cross paths or speak to each other again. They do share a child..........OH! WAIT! In my stupidity I forgot that the only children that matter are the TayTots. If Hope, or Rick, or Bridget are struggling, or are facing some kind of drama, well, they just need to get ahold of themselves. Can you imagine if it had been Hope this had happed to, and Brooke and Deacon felt the need to fly to Monaco to see their daughter? Ridge would have been pissing all over that, saying how Hope was in good hands, and there was nothing Brooke or Deacon could do for her. I can just hear him now "The kid will be fine! She is being seen by good doctors, what can you and Deacon do? I don't want you flying to Monaco with that convict; he will use it to his advantage." @dovegrey, props to both of your excellent posts. But Show just doesn't have the writing talent to pull something that in depth off. I feel they will gloss over everything in order to get back to Steffy being in charge of Finn's life. I see the status quo looming on the horizon, which makes me sad, because they had the chance here to redeem Steffy a little bit and make her a more palatable character. But, at the end of the day, she is the daughter of Ridge and Taylor, and that says it all.
  3. For fucks sake Ridge. Really? How about you get some background on what you are looking at before jumping to conclusions. The ridiculous statements coming out of that greasy glob of Crisco's mouth though? "I ask her to stay away from the guy and she promises, and I take one little trip and look at her" I take one little trip? Clarification helps Ridge; one little trip with my ex-wife to lovely, romantic Monaco. And an ex-wife who has had me squarely in her sights since NYE'sGate. "I just don't get it; I am gone five minutes and she is cozying up to him" Cozying up? Brooke was not touching Deacon; Deacon was not touching Brooke. They were not looking at each other, Brooke had her back to Deacon, and they were all smiling for the camera. They were at FC's; it would have been different if they had been at Brooke's house, but she can't tell Hope not to bring Deacon to FC's, that would have to come from Eric. Additionally, Brooke has a broken ankle, she is not out there seeking people out right now, so odds would be that Deacon is there because of his daughter, and given the late hour maybe Hope thought her mom would have left for the day. Taylor, you disingenuous bitch. If anyone has been cozying up to Deacon, it is you, but of course you would never disclose that to Ridge. And if you didn't want Ridge to see the picture, then you should not have mentioned the picture. Both of these clowns can step the hell right off, or go play in busy traffic, or take a long walk off of a short pier. I am so sick of them fucking with Brooke's life and her happiness. Taylor has made it her personal mission to sabotage Brooke from the moment she set her sights on Ridge more than three decades ago. And in today's world, without the help and support of Stehpanie, Taylor's thirst and desperation are reducing her to high school pranks and ridiculous, backstabbing, needy comments. And Ridge is no better. This buffoon has been carrying on with Taylor since NYE'sGate. Sending her all kinds of mixed signals with his comments about how wonderful she is and how glad he is that she is back. Touching her, holding her, kissing her, and even after moving back in with his wife he continues. Brooke could have pitched a fit about Ridge wanting to fly off to Monaco with Taylor, she could have made the very valid argument that Steffy was in the care of a reputable facility, and maybe she just needed some time to come to terms with Finn's death. Steffy was not returning calls, or keeping in touch in anyway, which sort of indicates she didn't want any contact just then, so what, Taylor thought her superior psychiatric skills would supersede those of the Monaco doctor's? And what magic was Ridge going to bring to the table? But Brooke didn't bitch. And just look at Ridge, talking about what someone is doing five minutes later, cuddling up to Taylor on the flight, holding her and allowing her to fall asleep on him. Then, after Finn shows up, they were hugging and holding, and all over each other. Ridge was just looking for any excuse to take it to the next level and the picture was his poison. He is without a doubt the biggest tool in the tool shed. I hope he comes home full of piss and vinegar, lambasting Brooke for betraying him again. And this time Brooke has had enough, because she did not do a damn thing. Tell that greasy hobo to run to his precious angel Taylor. Of course, that would never happen. Instead, we would get more of Brooke moping around that mausoleum, pining away for Ridge, instead of allowing herself to move on with Deacon. But even if she did, it would end in a few months when Brooke inevitably finds out about Deacon helping Sheila evade the police. But maybe somehow, someway Brooke will find out about the boundaries Ridge has been crossing for months. After making her feel so bad about herself, maybe she will find out how Ridge has been carrying on with Taylor and that would be enough for her. I doubt it, but at this point I will grasp at any straw that would burn Bridge to the ground forever. Honestly, I would much rather Brooke find out about Deacon and Taylor's little mini-manse and squeal like a pig, because if the tables were turned, that is exactly what Taylor would do to Brooke. I would also love to see Brooke finally let the Po Po know who shot Bill. Vengeful? Yes Mean spirited? Yes But boatloads of Karma and all............
  4. If Deacon does not turn Sheila in, then any hopes of a future with Hope, Brooke or Taylor are gone. They will eventually find out that he hid her and won't care what his reasons were. After what she did, there is absolutely no wiggle room. This character has worn out her welcome and it is time to lay her to rest. In agreement that the reunion could have been handled better; in the real world it probably would have. Outside of the shock Steffy would have with seeing Finn alive, is the fact that Finn is not 100% himself, and he is out wandering around a strange place before he has had any type of medical exam. No doubt we will be hearing about "Finn is alive" and "Steffy has her family back" for weeks and months. My fear, as I said earlier, is that it will be all about Steffy, with no mention of how Li and Jack got their son back, and how Hayes got his daddy back. I also liked that Finn mentioned his father; maybe this experience will allow him to forgive Jack, who may have fucked up with Sheila, but still was a good father to Finn. No Jack and Li reunion though please. I want to see a Bill/Li romance in the worst way.
  5. Well, just going to own it; I teared up just a little bit. Props to JMW for being able to run in shoes that I would barely be able to walk in. Ah Deacon, you should never have let her in. Now you are in a no win situation; if you open the door, it doesn't matter what you say, you will be charged with harboring a fugitive. If you don't open the door, or manage to somehow hide Sheila, then you will never be rid of her, and if you do kick her out, she will strike back, finding some way to fuck up your parole.
  6. The investigation part of this SL was full of holes from the outset. Any proper investigation should have revealed who the shooter was, through witness testimony and camera surveillance. Another big hole is Mike Guthrie. How could they have not looked at him a bit harder? He was the only person on duty when Sheila escaped, and they took his statement at face value without doing a deeper dive into his past. Then, even after Chief Lt. Baker was brought up to speed on Mike's history, they did not even put a tail on him. In Bell LA the laws that govern our land are stretched to their boundaries, and legalities are often overlooked for plot points. How to forget Felonious Flo being sprung on Ridge's word alone? Sally getting off on Thomas's pleas? And the fact that the police still don't know who shot Bill. I would not be the least bit surprised to see them go after Li in an effort to overshadow their sloppy work in regard to Sheila. Instead of focusing on finding that loon, they will make a big deal out of Li wanting to save her son. It would be all kinds of wrong, but that is why they would do it. And I do wonder how Jack will fit in with this ending, or if he is even going to be part of it. I am sure Finn would not want him around, but there was that one random meeting with Taylor. It felt like they wanted us to know that Jack hasn't been completely written out. But in the end, it does all circle back to Jack, and his bad decisions, so I could see him bearing the mother lode of blame and guilt.
  7. Well, that was certainly one sentimental, sappy load of soapy gooeyness; and I loved every minute of it. A good, well written SL deserves a good, well written conclusion. BUT.... THIS! I fear all the focus will be on Steffy moving forward, and how she can resume her life with her family now that Finn is alive again. At this point, Finn is the one who needs the attention and the care. His body has been through a lot, his psyche has been through a lot, and when he learns that Sheila has yet again escaped, he will be dealing with the stress of wondering where she will strike next. I can clearly see him having PTSD; with nightmares and hallucinations, as he barricades Cliff House for the end of the world. Steffy did look a bit um........much, but damn, that girl has one rockin hot bod. Personally, I loved her dress, but didn't find it appropriate for grieving day wear. Bill and Ridge in the same room always makes me smile. TK's chemistry with his male colleagues is something to behold, particularly with Bill, but as for the ladies? Now Bill needs to go home and help Li. Of all the characters on Show, he will understand her desperation to save Finn. He will understand it and be wowed by it. Now he needs to get out his checkbook and his arsenal of legal advice and clear Li of any wrongdoing, so they can start their romance.
  8. Well @dovegrey, you seem to have read my mind as you have posted exactly my thoughts. Bill couldn't have waited five minutes? But I guess I will give Show a pass, because this and Li calling the police before leaving the room are the only weak points in this SL. I guess the silver lining is that Mike will now be in custody and will not be able to assist Sheila any longer. Li certainly does come to quickly after being knocked upside her head. I wonder how the poor woman has any facutiles left after being hit by Sheila and Mike, torched in her car, and nearly drowned. But I thought her grabbing Mike's leg and tripping him was hilarious, as was their brief exchance afterward: Mike "What the hell lady?" Li "How could you do that?" Mike "I should have hit you harder" Li "How could you let that phsyco go?" Mike "Get out of my way" Li "Make me" And in comes the good Cheif Lt, and Mike's jig is up. I do wonder how Sheila managed to evade the police given she had only left a few minutes before they entered the room. Maybe she took the stairs. I don't think Cheif Lt. Baker is going to be very happy with Bill for putting Finn on a plane before he has even had a chance to talk to him. Finn has valuable evidence, and needs to know that Sheila has once again escaped. I have no doubt Ridge will blame Bill, even though Bill was doing what he thought was best for Steffy. We will probably continue to endure the constant reminders that Ridge has "beefed up security" and "Ridge is taking care of all his wimenfolk". Will Sheila run to Deacon for help? Deacon is another man that Sheila probably wouldn't want to tangle with. But if he was to help in bringing that psyhco to justice, I think Taylor might not care about Ridge's rules too much anymore.
  9. Well, that was satisfying! I think I rewatched about 6 or 7 times. Bill, charging in, completely filling up the doorway, the look of shocked recognition on his face. Finn, turning, the glimmer of hope in his eyes and relief on his face as he saw Bill. Then Li came in, and Finn just completely broke down at seeing his mother alive. And of course Sheila standing in the background, making her patented Sheila faces, with the dawning realization that she was in big, big trouble. I had chills. Finn working Sheila was so, so good. For a show that uses the same script for days on end, then to throw us something really meaty was such a treat. And Tanner played that perfectly, calling Sheila out for her behavior and her crimes, but keeping it real by pressing her to show and not tell. Apparently he didn't entirely escape Sheila's genes, but he used his dark side to manipulate Sheila, instead of killing and hurting people. Once the dust settles and Bill is able to absorb all that Li did to help her son, I think he will be just a little bit gobsmacked. Li's actions are right in Bill's wheelhouse, and I think it will intrigue and excite him. Bill helping her rescue Finn will hopefully allow Li to see Bill as a good guy, who was willing to take a risk for her. And then there was Taylor and Ridge. I just want to slap the shit out of both of them. I don't know which one is worse; Taylor for hanging all over Ridge, all snuggled up and falling asleep on his shoulder, or Ridge for allowing it. And if Brooke ever found out about it, Ridge would start barking about how distraught Taylor was, and how concerned she was about Steffy, because of course that explains canoodling with your ex. I hate to say something so awful, but if that plane was to go down.............
  10. Right on Deacon, why does Ridge get to make all the rules? As much as I dislike Taylor, she still doesn't have to take her cues from that ogre. Then again, I think she sees that Ridge hasn't really recommitted to Brooke at all. When he told her he didn't say anything about loving his wife, and wanting a future with her, what he said was that he was moving back in because she broke her leg, and that they were going to be "living in the moment." To me, that sends clear signals to Taylor that the door is still open, and once Brooke's ankle is healed, all bets are off, and Ridge is once again free game. And I have no doubt that is exactly why Ridge handled it this way; he is with Brooke making sure she doesn't stray to Deacon or back to Bill, all the while knowing that he left that doubt in Taylor's head so she would not be stepping out either. Once a pig, always a pig. Even so, this week has been a pleasant ride so far with appearances by Bill, Dr. Jordan and Deacon. Not to mention Bill/Wyatt and Liam/Wyatt; one of the few times I can tolerate Liam is when he is interacting with his brother. And how adorable was Deacon? I think he would rock Taylor's world. He is nothing like the Waffler, who is an arrogant, overbearing, demanding, petulant man child. Deacon is sexy, and hot, and fun, and charming, with that bad boy edge. He is being wasted pining for Brooke, so let the man move on; we still have Katie or maybe even Bridget if Taylor wants to wait around for Bridge to explode again. Li found her voice! As my fellow poster said above, I thought we were going to get one of those things were Li and Liam just missed each other, but Li came out of hiding instead. Of course Liam and Bill are going to think she is delusional about Finn, but once she starts telling them what happened, I can see Bill changing into an angry, charging bull, with his sights set squarely on Sheila. But I don't think this is gonna work out in the beginning. Something tells me that Sheila is going to do what Finn wants, and by the time Li, Liam and Bill get there, Sheila and Finn will be gone. Bill and Liam will then be even more convinced that Li is imaging things, unless Sheila leaves all the medical stuff behind. There is also the fact that no one is at Cliff House, so will Sheila hunker down there with Finn? How would that work with her not knowing that Ridge and Taylor are on a plane to see Steffy? Would she just drop Finn there and run? OTOH, if she refuses to return Finn, that could set up an incredible show down between the five of them. If Sheila somehow manages to get away without any confrontation, or manages to wiggle away from Li, Bill and Liam? Imma take my angry ass straight out to Bell LA and wrangle up that felon myself. And it won't be pretty......
  11. Hurry, go get the fire department! Don and Vincent in the same room was pure testosterone overload and set that place on FIRE. Watching those two big, powerful, sexy ass men caring for Li was my undoing. I cannot express how much I am loving this SL; something so different for Bill. So different and so very needed. After being backburnered in his quest to reconnect with Katie, this is so fresh and unexpected, and will hopefully wipe one worn out pairing off the canvas. And Finn, holy cow, he was downright menacing as he went after Sheila. I positively loved how he drew out the "looooooong" time part, which clearly showed how angry he was, and how much he detests Sheila. And that ending, with him grabbing her arm? This is more animation than Finn has ever displayed, and I am down for it. Looks like the wagons are starting to circle around Sheila. Mike is done with her. Finn is done with her, and it is only a matter of time before Li starts telling her story.
  12. Thanks for that wonderful recap @CountryGirl Man, sweet, sexy $Bill is something to behold. If I am ever shipwrecked, or find myself lost in an alley, please let it be $Bill who finds me. I wonder if Li maybe has some damage to her vocal cords from the fire? She may not have amnesia but might just be very traumatized and disoriented from what happened. Hopefully, after a good, hot shower, some food and some rest, she will start coming around. Even though she and Bill have never met, she knows who he is, and she knows Liam, so I am hoping she will be able to connect the dots. I am also hoping that when she does, she enlists Bill's help to handle Sheila. When Bill was Bradley Carlton Sheila fucked with him by making that puzzle picture of him and Lauren Fenmore having sex; this could be a way for him to seek his long-awaited vengeance. A Bill/Li romance would be so awesome! Li may be small in stature, but she is mighty in spirit. She could stand by Bill with confidence and as his equal. They would be amazing. Can I get one big YAASSSSSS for Finn giving Sheila the hate? Oh, I was just riveted as he was digesting it all; realizing far too late who and what Sheila is. And Tanner is doing a great job at making Finn a sympathetic character, something I didn't think I would ever say. Taylor and Ridge? Indeed, they are FF'd material. Don't watch a single minute of their shit.
  13. I squeed like a little girl and nearly peed my pants! The new restaurant set should have been a clue, but I did not see Bill finding Li coming at all. And just look at Bill, tough as nails "you looking for trouble? I can give you some" and "is this a setup?" I don't think Li and Bill have ever met, and I have this feeling Li may have some amnesia going on, so the loop may not connect up right away. But the fact that Li is alive, and that Bill found her is everything. Why is Thomas shirtless in every scene with his mother? I am having a hard time giving a fuck about Steffy right now. And that isn't because I dislike the character; I know she is grieving, but the only one I can care about at this moment is Finn. He is in a horrible predicament, and just as I suspected would start to piece things together and realize that Sheila could not have absconded him from the hospital. I agree with others that TN is doing a bang up job; his fear, shock, pain, and anger are a growing force inside him, and he is playing it perfectly. I absolutely love the interjection of his mind thoughts, letting us know that no matter what comes out of his mouth, he is fully aware of who and what he is dealing with. And then there is Sheila; ME, ME, ME, ME, ME. It is always about how she felt, and what others have done to her, and how everyone makes her do things. GAH! Off with her head! I was clapping and fist pumping when Finn told her he didn't care how she felt. The smart thing for Ridge and the police to do would be to put a tail on Mike. He cannot stay away from Sheila and will be going back to her.
  14. I kind of question the legalities of someone being pulled off their job for questioning when they are not an official suspect. I further question the legalities of that questioning being done by non-law officials. There have been times over my working life where I have suspected co-workers of unsavory actions, but would that have given me the right to interrogate them? And Chief Lt. Baker brings confidential files to Brooke's house and discusses them with Ridge and his family? I would imagine that no matter what Mike says, he would have about a hundred different ways out of this through technicalities. I know the Forrester's have a name in Fashion, and they are wealthy, but they are not the Rockefeller's, or the Du Pont's, or the Vanderbilt's, or the Astor's, yet Ridge seems to have legal pull all over the globe; let us not forget how he picked up the phone and dialed directly to Interpol to have Dr. Buckingham arrested. Some things have occurred to me in the Finn/Sheila SL: Finn does not know what Sheila did to Li Finn does not know that Sheila shot Steffy If Li is dead, how will Finn being in that room ever be explained? Sheila could not have done it; she would not have had access to Finn. Maybe use security tape? Interview the attending doctors to see who else was with Finn? Li had to sign the death certificate, so how will that be explained? If they have/do find Li's vehicle, and are able to make paint samples, they would be looking for Mike's van. Sheila could easily say she told Mike to go after Li. Mike could end up holding the bag for that too. In any event, it looks like we are nearing some type of conclusion to this mess. I got so much enjoyment watching Finn push Sheila, I hope it goes further and he knocks the shit out of her and stomps on her hateful face.
  15. Ridge just can't let it go, can he? No matter what sacrifices have been made, no matter what concessions have been made, no matter how indulgent Brooke and Hope are to him, Ridge remains the same petulant, demanding ogre he has become since TK took over the role. His treatment of Hope yesterday was appalling. Hope comes in, and is happy to see them together, and he has to shoot that down real quick and in a hurry. And also needs to remind Hope that her father is a loser and is probably hiding Sheila away. Deacon has done absolutely nothing to deserve that; he has done as Brooke demanded and has been on the up and up for some time now. But you know what? It makes me want to see a romance blossom between Taylor and Deacon. Ridge's world would explode, he would be ranting and raving to Brooke about it, he would probably even pull Hope in, trying to get her to run interference. Maybe, just maybe, it would be enough for Brooke to call it quits? I know, it is a long shot, but I would be willing to watch anything that would burn that fucking Bridge to the ground. And now Taylor. You little fuckwad. Brooke likes to play with matches? How is that exactly? So, Ridge has been a complete innocent all these years then? No waffling, no dumping his marriage, life and family with Brooke for you and the Tots, no Mommy complex, no interfering in any romance Brooke has had, no affairs, or divorces and remarriages, no running back to you every time his little ego is bruised? Ridge has treated Brooke like crap through this whole quest for Destiny. Going all the way back to when he used a model to make Brooke think he was messing around on her, and from there the antics and plans and machinations only got worse. Compounding that, was in most cases his parents and Taylor were involved. Lying about Stephen dying, the whole sordid plan in Venice, accusing Brooke of buying off the doctor to ensure Ridge came out the father of Bridget, trying to scam Brooke out of her rights to BeLief, with the fake masseuse and the fake contract, Boinkberry. The list goes on and on, and Taylor sits there like an innocent angel talking about Brooke? Oh, a fucking WRP BITCH needs to shut her mouth, and take some lumps for her actions. I mean, if Brooke was this horrible, vindictive person that Taylor paints her, then wouldn't her sorry ass be in jail? Brooke is one of the few who know Taylor shot Bill, and she has never used that information against Taylor. If the roles were reversed, Taylor would have run to Chief Lt. Baker in a hot Bell LA minute to squeal. Taylor and Ridge so deserve each other. What a pair of manipulating losers. Poor Finn. Now Mike wants to kill him. I don't think Sheila will go for it though. I am encouraged that they are talking about and showing Li's accident again. It gives me hope that she is out there recovering with some kind person who found her.
  16. I guess they want us to think Sheila killed Finn, but I doubt that; she just gave him some kind of "sleep aid." I am not really enjoying this SL so much, outside of the fact that I cannot stand the Sheila character and KB's choppy acting and incessant eye batting, is all the Misery and What Ever Happened to Baby Jane vibes I am getting. I simply want Li to return, and she and Finn work to free him and get him out of there. Oh, fuck off Quinn. Yes, Eric was wrong to step out, but so were you, and when you consider all the other thing's he forgave you for, not the least of which was carrying on with his son, I don't think you have a leg to stand on. And you came out the big winner here, you got the guy of your dreams. If Donna is the only woman who can get Eric's arsenal to work, and they want to be together, then so be it. You have not been happy in that marriage for a long time, and now you have your out and you are not even the guilty party. So shut the hell up. I was glad to see that Donna was pushing back a bit, but I am in agreement about the whole honey gifting thing. I mean, who's co-workers are in bed with them like that? Although it was nice to see Pam, but Alley Mills did not look well.
  17. Oh, come on Brooke! There is no way you don't remember Mike Guthrie I don't think Mike is as devoted to Sheila as he used to be. In the past he did whatever she wanted without a second thought, but now he seems to have grown a conscious and is a bit more hesitant. I wonder if Mike will be her down fall? I have this feeling that he is going to turn on her. Ridge has Chief Lt. Baker's personal cell phone number? And just calls him at will to yell at him? How does Brooke having a broken leg mean anything? And barking and yelling at the good Lt. only wastes his time. If Ridge thinks it is so easy to find an escaped felon, then maybe he should be the one heading up the search. I hate to say this, but I find a little something, something between Taylor and Deacon. SK can really bring the charm and charisma, and make it work with about anyone. Outside of that, the character needs a good meaty SL.
  18. It looks like they are really gonna do it. That was a serious chem test yesterday, far deeper and longer than the one Taylor had with Jack the other day. Yes, they are gearing us up for a Taylor/Deacon pairing. Oddly enough, I could get behind them being friends, but of course characters are not allowed to be friends on Show, so no doubt T and D will be in bed by next week and married by month end. And Taylor should know better; when you consider every man she has been involved with has some kind of roots or history to Brooke. Going all the way back, she was involved with Storm, then Ridge, and in later years Thorne, Nick, Rick, and Stephen. I think Hector is the only man she has been with that had no ties to Brooke. But, on the other hand, it will give Deacon a SL that does not involve Sheila, and it will have some heads exploding. Finn is doing his best work to date, but I can see where his escape attempt is going to lead. He will be too weak to make it, and Sheila will return and find him on the floor and realize he was trying to get away. Finn will wake up either shackled to the bed, or with Sheila at the foot of the bed with hobbling gear at the ready. I think Li is at someone's house recovering; much like Ridge after his fall into the Gulf. When she regains her strength, she is going to come raging into Sheila's universe and set Sheila's soul on fire with her angry vengeance.
  19. What the hell was Taylor babbling about? Did I actually hear her say that Brooke will "run to any man the next time something happens?" What? Talk about having no awareness! Does this dolt not realize that is exactly what Ridge did? Does she not realize this faux romance she has been having with Ridge is because he was pissed off at Brooke? And how has Brooke hurt Ridge and betrayed him time and time again? If you look at the history of Bridge, it is very clear and very apparent, that Ridge has always been the offender. He has waffled, stepped out, had romances, kissing affairs, divorces and remarriages, all while either dating Brooke or being engaged or married to her. Additionally, he has interfered in every romance Brooke has had outside of him. Brooke on the other hand, has never turned to another man. She always sits in that house pining. So, Taylor can just fuck the hell right off with her nonsense. Oh, and yes, I guess she has forgotten how she betrayed Ridge and hurt him. I get that it was a 4th of July celebration, but why was Donna the only one in a bathing suit, sitting on her man's lap, with her girls on full display? Quinn looked beautiful! I loved that bathing suit she was wearing. And she continues to show growth with her attitude about Donna. I guess if Carter hadn't been in the picture, and Eric had been shagging Donna all that time, the end result would have been far different. But I think Quinn is just relieved to lay it all to rest and start the next chapter of her life. That is not to say she will be welcoming Donna with open arms; I am sure she will be snarky and nasty, and probably down right mean. But I don't see her backing Donna up against a desk and threatening her. Li and Bill would be amazing. They are very busy chem testing Taylor, but just NO to Deacon. If Ridge can't abide Deacon being around Brooke or her house, then I don't see him feeling any different about Taylor and the Tots. I never gave much thought to Katie and Deacon, but I could see that having some potential. It would certainly make Bill's head explode. I guess that leaves Thomas out, well, except maybe he could go retrieve Hopequinn out of the storage closet.
  20. Jack's back! And yes, in total agreement that there was some chem testing going on between him and Taylor. Add in the fact that Ridge was simultaneously reconciling with Brooke, and it seems pretty certain they have begun the search for a new man for Taylor. And so, we have Bridge back. YAH! Except not. What will break them up next time? Cause you know it is going to happen. What I find ironic is that Steffy was unconscious from blood loss for weeks, and when she woke up, she didn't remember anything. Now here is Finn, coming out of a coma, after dying twice, and wakes up fully cognizant of everything, quickly remembering what happened, and knowing who he is married to. I am so getting Misery vibes, a movie that left me with sleepless nights, from this Finn/Sheila situation. I noticed they added in that Finn has lumbar issues, which truly gives Sheila the upper hand. I am not liking it. Not one bit. I don't want Jack to come to Finn's rescue either. I want Li to rise from her watery grave and seek justice for herself and her son. She is the one that did all the heavy lifting and kept Finn alive. Now nutso Sheila is trying to steal her thunder. Go on Li, go get Aquaman, and bring a heap of hurt on that fucking psycho.
  21. I don't know how to say this in a nice way, so I won't bother trying; Sheila needs to BE GONE. I don't care how. I find myself completely uninterested in this Sheila saves Finn SL. My only investment in it is waiting for Li to return and take Sheila out. UGH Taylor! Watching her work the Steffy situation to her advantage is hella annoying. If there was something going on with Hope, and Brooke was seeking advice or comfort from Ridge, Taylor would be all over that like bees on honey, accusing her of all manner of debauchery. Brooke looked so good today, but she remains too accommodating to that waffler. Ridge just has to make his rounds making sure all his wominfolk are still pining for him. He is such a manipulating bastard, who gets his jollies hearing them beg him to come back to them. Brooke and Taylor are just as guilty though. They play the game as Ridge dictates, following his rules and desires. What is there for Ridge to keep "thinking about?" What big decision is out there for him to make about returning to his wife?" No, this is about his bruised ego and punishing Brooke for daring to care about someone else. This pig demanded that Brooke allow his son, a man he knew killed a young girl, a man he knew contributed to months of grief and sorrow for both Brooke and Hope, a man who has a history of fucking with Brooke, to move into her home to recover from his surgery. He has continuously put his Taytots ahead of Brooke and her children, children he helped raise, and is supposed to care about. He has had two affairs in that last couple of years, has drunkenly divorced Brooke and married another woman, and instead of doing to right thing and having that sham annulled, he instead decides that his new bride is entitled to a "proper wedding ceremony." He has also engaged in romancing his ex-wife, flirting, hugging, snuggling, and kissing her. Telling her how wonderful she is, and how happy he is that she is back in his life. But Brooke had to ban Deacon. And Brooke never bolts to another man when Ridge fucks up. This is why I am so gaga about Carter and Quinn. They are new and fresh and so, so, unexpected. Show needs to dispense with these old, tired, and worn-out relationships. Let Brooke have a fresh start with a man who will love her the way she deserves. Or, just let her be single and happy. Ridge and Taylor can remarry and return to wherever our WRP came back from.
  22. No, it doesn't, but it has everything to do with Grace's misplaced anger. Zoey betrayed Carter, and he broke up with her. But Grace has got it all twisted up thinking Carter did something wrong, and that is what she is basing her opinion on. And what happened between Carter and Quinn afterward is none of Grace's business or her concern. She wasn't even in LA when it happened. Basically, Grace needs to butt out of Carter's life.
  23. I like this Quinn! Irreverent, funny, and charming. Who would have knew? Eric brought changes to her too, but they were more about acceptance, and respect, and Eric giving Quinn a chance despite her background and his family's feelings. Not being bothered by Carter wanting to visit Paris shows a different level of trust; something Quinn has never exhibited. It is called crumbs Zende, it is also called sloppy seconds. Don't do it. You can have your pick of the litter, and Paris is damaged goods right now. Oh Grace, still justifying and living in the dark. I know she only wants what is best for Paris, and that is what she got. All the same, Paris is a grown up girl who made her own decision, and that is how it should be. Mama Bear needs to back off and had no business laying her hands on Carter. Well, looks like Sheila is actually going to have consequences for her actions. She doesn't know what to do to keep Finn alive. Maybe she should have thought about that before running Li off the road. Oh, wait, I forgot! That wasn't her fault, it was Li's fault. Just like it was Steffy's fault that she shot Finn. And like it was Brooke's fault that she shot Taylor. And how she accidentally pushed Dr. Garvin out a window. And like how she accidentally killed Lance with bees. And how she accidentally locked her mother and Lauren in a farmhouse and set it on fire. And how she accidentally shot and poisoned Stephanie. And how she accidentally kidnapped James. Li needs to make her return with all the fight and fury of an angry Momma Grizzly. After all she did to keep her son alive, and now the psycho that put him in that condition is in control of his life? Hopefully that will be enough to cause Li to rise from her watery grave and seek vengeance.
  24. I want somebody, anybody, to clue Grace in on what really happened between her precious daughter Zoey and Carter.
  25. Well, I was wrong, and I couldn't be happier about it. Quinn got there in the nick of time and was able to put the kibosh on that sad little ceremony. The dichotomy of Paris and Quinn was on full display; Quinn, disheveled, with mascara stained eyes, a weird handmaidens blouse, Heidi braids, pleading her case with passion, and fire in her eyes. Paris, looking beautiful, demanding, and insisting in a girlish way. Quinn looked like a WOMAN, and Paris looked like the young misguided girl she is. She doesn't realize it now, but Quinn's impromptu interruption on her wedding day saved her from a lot of hurt and heartbreak down the road. When Carter finally turned to Quinn and got that glint in his eye, and smiled, it was like a secret moment for them in a very public setting. I absolutely loved their "I don't give two fucks" about what anyone thinks behavior. I think Ridge is just pissed off because he wanted to get there first, but his engagement to Brooke cut that off at the knees. I think Bill looked disgusted because he has been saying the exact same things to Katie for months, but he is not getting the same response Quinn got from Carter. Grace looked like she was gonna grab Zende up by his collar and get him up in front of Charlie. I think that is more excitement than Hope has seen in a month of Sunday's. Now, I know this ain't going to be popular, but let's just say Bill is there for other reasons. Just imagine how Mama Grace would react if Paris was to take up with $Bill? If she thought Carter was inappropriate, Bill would be a whole other universe. Then again, Bill is rich and powerful, much more so than Zende, but I really think Grace wants what is best for Paris, and she knew it wasn't Carter. I don't know how much she knows about Bill, but if she knows anything at all, I think she would be begging Paris to go back to Carter. Those Sheila scenes did not belong in that episode. Taylor and Thomas need to stop it. They are squicking me out in a major way. She if flat out flirting with her nearly naked son. And can this woman please start dressing like an adult? Oh, yes, before I forget, Taylor can miss me with all her innocent talk about if it is going to happen it will. WRP has been working every angle to get Ridge back in her bed. Calling out Brooke for going to Eric's to see her husband, but a bitch doesn't give one thought to the fact that she is doing the same thing. Bringing Chinese carry out, all in the guise of "worrying about Steffy." Yeah, Taylor can step off anytime now. Li is not dead. Li is out there somewhere plotting. Li is going to turn the tables on Sheila. A surprise attack from her watery non-grave. I hope she swoops in and blasts Sheila into oblivion.
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