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Everything posted by RuntheTable

  1. The core of the problem is Ridge's reaction to "someone" calling CPS on his son. Calling in the authorities because you believe a child is in danger is not a crime; just like animals, those that care and won't tolerate the abuse of children have to be the voice for the voiceless. Making it worse is that Ridge is the only person who knows the full story, including Emma and Sheila, so he knows that Brooke is right about Thomas, but his ego will not let him acknowledge it. Watching that buffoon slay Brooke in front of the invited guests was one of the worst things I have witnessed on Show. Watching Steffy and Taylor both catching a case of the vapors as they clutched their pearls was so over the top. How dare any fucking person do something like that to my innocent brother/son! I also have to include Finn in my rant, because he has clearly been fully immobilized as a Tridge Mafia henchman. Personally, I would like them all, sans Eric and Douglas, to reconvene over at Cliff House, and the weight of their superiority and egos would cause that cliff to just break off and fall into the ocean. The CPS call alone would never be enough to make Brooke walk away from Ridge. When he comes running and tells her he left her based on a lie, that is all she will care about. She didn't know why he left her, and now she does, so okey dokey, we can just pick up like Ridge hasn't been living with and fucking Taylor for weeks. I don't even think finding out about Ridge conspiring with the rest of his clan about Sheila would be enough. Until Brooke learns, assimilates, and understands that love does not conquer all, and that sometimes loving someone is just not enough, she will forever be Ridge's soppy doormat. I hate Bridge, and I hate the thought of a Bridge reunion even more, at the same time, this may be the one time I will enjoy it. After all these months of watching Parent Trap, and Taylor glomming all over a married man, actively working to break up a marriage, as she simultaneously does the exact same things she accuses Brooke of doing? I think I might actually be rooting for Bridge just a little bit.
  2. My fondest wish is that when Carter asks the assembled guests if anyone knows any reason why Ridge and Taylor should not be married, that Douglas jumps up and says, "I do!" It would sound like a bull in a china shop with all the cracking faces........
  3. Thomas just sashays into Brooke's house? She should have thrown him out, but then we wouldn't get to watch him bash and slut shame her. I am just assuming that is what happened because I refused to watch any of it. I also didn't watch any of the Ridge/Taylor foolishness. She is a clueless dumbass, who has been down this road before: And the show ends with us seeing Thomas starting to threaten Douglas once again. I cannot watch him abusing his son a second time. I just can't. The only saving grace I can see coming from this is maybe, maybe, Hope will see who and what Thomas is once and for all and be done with him. I would hope that she would press for full custody, with complete control over when Thomas see's Douglas. Not liking anything with Show right now.
  4. Ahhh, how thoughtful and considerate of Ridge to hand Brooke the pen..... Brooke has no fight in her at all. She just rolls over and asks to be kicked. This neanderthal fucking ass brute has walked away from you for reasons unknown, as he screams at you about having humanity and compassion for his son, he was in a new romance with his ex-wife before you even had time to process his words, he has betrayed you and his wedding vows, he has committed adultery, and he treats you like an enemy and an outsider, completely forgetting that you are his wife and he also has a son with you. BE DONE WITH THIS SHIT! I also will not be able to watch weeks turning into months of Brooke doing nothing but crying and moping and questioning. If Brooke doesn't muscle up and move the hell on, I don't know if I will be able to continue watching.
  5. Calling Connor Davis...... Where is a good, cutthroat attorney when you need him? I cannot believe, or maybe I can, that waffling asshat came to Brooke's to check on her rub her nose in his fucking annulment papers. I wanted to punch him in the throat, and numerous other places. And again, with the stupid dialog. GAH! I guess the only silver lining is Brooke seems to be getting a little angry; I picked up on it at the office, and in yesterday's scenes. Generally, I am not a fan of striking back; normally I would just want Brooke to sign those papers and be done with that worthless asshole. But I am so angry with the way this whole thing has unfolded; the clear agendas of Taylor, Steffy and Thomas, the constant interference, the Forrester Family Dinners, Monaco, Taylor glomming all over Ridge, the eye fucking and snuggling and canoodling. It is just all too much, so I feel like I did back when the Forrester's tried to steal Brooke's rights to BeLief. I want Brooke to get her due and give all those losers their rightful comeuppance. I don't care if she does it in a red power suit, a Forrester Original, one of Stehpanie's old pantsuits, one of Taylor's disco outfits, some lingerie from Brooke's Bedroom, or her birthday suit. I just want her to do it. Give us something we can sink out teeth into. Have Brooke tell Ridge to shove his annulment papers up his ass, and tell him she will sign divorce papers tomorrow, as long as she gets what she wants. Let the bastard stand there in disbelief, tilting his head in confusion. This would be a good time for RJ to reappear, and be a nasty little bugger, who will take control of his mother's Destiny.
  6. I was quite relieved to see Hope firmly shut Thomas down, but I am not happy with her agreeing to keep his actions secret. That is the type of thing that will come back to bite you in the ass. Thomas is going to pull something for sure, as said above, he will probably once again use the voice app thing. I didn't miss how he was suddenly on his phone when Hope was talking to Liam during the celebration. Was he recording her voice? If Hope had come clean to Liam about what happened, then he might not fall for whatever stunt Thomas is going to pull. Brooke needs to seek out a very good therapist. Someone who can make her understand that her idea of "Destiny", is nothing more than an obsession. Anyone who would continue to allow this pattern of behavior, not only allow it, but accept it and forgive it, is clearly not seeing the forest for the trees. When your husband, a man you have known for over 30 years, will not tell you why he suddenly left you to go play house with his ex-wife, there is a problem. When your husband says he is seeking an annulment, but he will always love you, and didn't mean to hurt you, there is a problem. This is not enjoyable to watch. It is enraging. It is embarrassing. It is insulting. And is sucks really, really, really big balls for us Brooke fans. Can our girl have a decent fucking SL? Can she find her own way, and regain her agency? Can she tell Ridge to go blow smoke up Taylor's ass, and leave her the hell alone? So fucking tired of all of it........
  7. Why give us the Sheila Halloween special, reminding us of her horrible past and what a monster she is, then give us stuff like yesterday? Sheila wasn't like this with Eric, and she wasn't like this with James, and since I am a viewer who believes that Sheila is incapable of change or growth, then I have to believe that she has real feelings for Deacon. All I know is SK and KB are totally selling themselves as a real deal couple and Show has me hooked on how she is going to wiggle out of this one. A few weeks ago, I was pushing hard for Sheila to cause Steffy and her feckless mother a world of hurt, but now? Maybe not. I would rather Sheila just keep being like she is being, because I can stomach this version of the character. Stop it Bill! Don't make me start pining for a Brill reunion. I think Brooke needs to be on her own for a while. Let her fucking asshat, philandering, betraying, worthless waffling husband continue to sow his wild oats, but just let Brooke be for a bit. Let her breath and see how much better her life can be without that overbearing ass dictating her every move. So, we have seen Wyatt twice now, with no mention of selling the beach house to Taylor, more importantly, there has been no mention of Flo. Hope should never have let it get to that point. Not shutting Thomas down as he waxed on about Liam and was singing her praises? Drinking, patting each other's backs, curling up on the couch? Don't blame Thomas for getting the wrong idea. Let's see what happens now that you put the brakes on his kiss.
  8. Loved Hope and Donna's dresses at the celebration. But that was all I loved about it. Ridge's sudden sweetness to Hope scares me just a little bit. Eric toasting them like they were a couple scares me more. Hope, a person who is never pissy, being pissy with Liam is terrifying. Where was Paris? Wasn't she doing something with the line? It's hard to keep track with all these job minglings we have at Forrester. But I didn't see her at the preview or at the celebration. You would think she would have been there as Zende's date if nothing else. I wish MT was ugly as fuck, I really do. But he isn't, he is extremely attractive, and a good actor, with a natural charm and charisma. Too bad he didn't get to work with Ronn, who shares those traits; they would of made a banging father and son team. But if he was butt ugly, it would be so easy to root against him and Hope. I mean, his actions make it easy, but then he puts on that smile, and gets that glow in his eyes. Fuckers.
  9. I liked a few of those dresses, but I don't see what any of them have to do with HFTF. I thought the showstopper was beautiful with its roaring 20's vibe. That era, with the flappers and the art deco, is one of my favorites. While I don't hold Liam's preshow tirade against him, I do feel he should have been there to support his wife and her hard work. I mean, Hope stood my him when they were not sure if he was the father of Steffy's baby. And she stood by him when he wanted to play stand in husband when Steffy woke up. So, yeah, I think he owes her that much. Liam doesn't seem to realize what he did played right into Thomas's game plan. And wasn't Thomas layering it on thick and heavy? Good heavens, that speech he gave to Hope before she went out on stage was something to behold. I didn't like Hope waxing on about her co-CEO's, and how she loved them both so much. It made me feel like she has fully crossed over to the dark side. I was very surprised that Taylor would miss this prime opportunity to prop her crazy pants son, while she could simultaneously rub her live in relationship with Brooke's husband in Brooke's face. And I must reiterate that someone needs to shove something long, fat, and sticky down Steffy's throat.
  10. Well damn @CountryGirl, when you put it like that.......... I know Liam has it coming, but it so hard to get excited about when it involves Thomas! And it won't go anywhere because the second Hope finds out about that CPS call, she will be giving Thomas the hard side eye again. And worst of all, them hooking up is going to lead to some twisted Brooke/Liam romance. I'm just grousing because I am so over it all. If you are not a Marone or Hayes fan, then the show has nothing to offer you. Carter and Katie is a little something, not the best, but at least it is fresh and new. Unlike Brooke waiting for her philandering husband to come back to her. I am still watching 1996, they release a new episode each day, and have gotten to the point where Brooke proposed to Grant, and has given him a big new office, a new car, and has announced he will be joining the women's couture line. I don't agree with her tactics; proposing to Grant like that was a slap in Michael's face, but at least she did something. And it so much more enjoyable to watch than the shit we are getting today.
  11. I would be on board with Liam getting a taste of his own medicine if it were anyone but Thomas. I am going to give him a pass for his preshow lecture. It certainly wasn't the first time he has brought the Thomas issue up and Hope simply doesn't seem to care about Liam's feelings, his concerns, or him in general. Hope is 100% about Thomas. She glows when she is around him, she never shuts him down, and she is not shutting Douglas down. I am just so fucking worn out. We had months of NY'sEGate, that led to the parent wars, and the show shifting focus to the Marone/Hayes half hour, Douglas becoming far less likeable, Thomas taking Douglas and not getting any kind of fight from Hope, the CPS call that wasn't, Brooke getting blamed for it, Ridge walking out on her and reuniting with Taylor and now this. It has been one of Show's worst years. And now Hope is going to become just like everyone else, by cashing in the one card she carries of never betraying her husband, and will do something stupid with Thomas. I have no doubt she will go to Eric's to celebrate and will end up in Thomas's arms and his bed. Next week CPSGate will be revealed, and Hope will be hating on herself. Then, two months down the line, we will be having a WTD SL. And all of that will lead to a Brooke/Liam romance, as he turns to her for support after finding out that Hope fucked Thomas. That will be the end for me.
  12. I am now firmly convinced we are heading to a Brooke/Liam romance. Both characters are being shut out of "Forrester Family Time", Douglas has turned on Liam, and Hope has clearly aligned herself with Thomas. When Brooke was CEO, she always used work as an excuse to be around Ridge, and that is exactly what Hope is doing. More disturbing, is the overnights she has been having at Eric's are now going to start being weekends. Hope wants to be with Thomas, she has not been at all concerned with her husband. I believe this weekend slumber party is going to lead to Thomas's dream, maybe not sex, but at the least kissing. Liam is going to be devasted, and will turn to Brooke, the only person who understands. The thought of it makes me sick to my stomach. The thought of Hope doing anything with Thomas makes me sick to my stomach. The thought of Brooke still wanting a husband back, that is currently living with his ex-wife, makes me sick to my stomach. But that doesn't mean I want her to start romancing another son-in-law. I think I might need a break.
  13. It isn't about knowing who your parents are; it is about someone giving years of their life to give a young child a happy, healthy, home. Liam loves Douglas regardless of any blood ties; he has never abused, terrorized, gaslighted, or harmed Douglas in any way. Liam understands he is not Douglas's father, but he thought Douglas still cared about him, and to find out that he doesn't was hurtful, and very hard to watch.
  14. What kind of TomFuckery is this? The show continues to grow darker and more disturbing each day. Now they are destroying our last bastion of sweet, unaffected goodness. I felt so bad for Liam, I really did. No, he is not Douglas's father, but Liam has taken care of Douglas for years, and has been there for him, and like Liam said, he thought they were pals. But Douglas was acting like some sort of mash up of Village of the Damned and Invasion of the Body Snatchers. Where is my good natured, happy, smiling little Douglas? He was acting like he was programed to say terrible, hurtful things to someone that loves him. I didn't really watch much else. I don't need to see that insufferable bitch Steffy condescending to Brooke about how her highly ethical, and morally superior mother got the brass ring. And I certainly don't need to hear Brooke pleading her case and defending her non-actions to that creatin. OOOOPSY! HopeQuinn is back. Sorry Thomas, I ain't buying it. I doubt she just sashayed her way back upstairs. And I can't think of one good or valid reason why anyone else would bring her out of storage. I have not connected that particular dot, but you are absolutely correct. I have prayed that she has tried to use her influence regarding any kind of romance with Liam. Brooke has always been delusional about Ridge, so that is no shock, but she used to be able to walk away from him. I can't reconcile this soppy, needy, desperate version of the character, with the one I have watched for over 30 years. @Aymery; I wish I could give your post a thousand likes. Brooke should have been done with Ridge after he ran back to Caroline. Given the fact that she wasn't and has stuck around to be treated like garbage after so many letdowns, and after Ridge has disrespected her repeatedly, has caused me to simply lose all hope. I have always watched for Brooke, but there is nothing to see with her anymore. Her SL's are beyond ridiculous, we still have a 60'ish woman allowing a worthless waffler to play high school games with her, and are still getting a 35 year old triangle shoved down our throats. KKL deserves so much better, because as you said, she has been loyal to the show for decades, and has worked whatever nonsensical shit they have given her. It is just really crushing that Show no longer cares about her fans. Their sole focus is on the Marone's and the Hayes, when the Forrester's, the Logan's and the Spectra's have been the heart of the show since the beginning. I realize there must be change, and growth, and progression, but what they have done to Brooke isn't any of those things. She is a caricature of who she used to be.
  15. This is all so unsettling, distasteful, and stomach churningly nauseating. MA is good looking as hell, but he shouldn't be to Hope. I didn't like the light hearted, joking atmosphere they were trying to create in that scene. And I was absolutely put off by the way Hope turned around to give Thomas one more up and down. Paris needs to mind her own fucked up business. Girlfriend just got dumped at the altar and should be focused on her future. Besides, she had her chance with Thomas and chose to stay with Zende, when she really wanted Carter. Stop repeating things like a five year old. Someone needs to poke something long and sticky down Steffy's throat. She has become so completely intolerable; I can barely even look at her now. I remain on edge about Brooke and Liam. I think they have a great dynamic as mother/son-in-law, and it is nice that they are just friends. But we all know Show doesn't allow women to have friends, much less men friends. I didn't miss how hard Liam was trying to discourage Bill the other day; he has become very protective of Brooke. They also are keeping it secret that Liam interceded in Brooke and her Vodka bottle. And all this nonsense with Hope and Thomas is going somewhere, and I don't think I like the destination. Couple that with Brooke getting dumped, and then pushing both Deacon and Bill away. I don't know. I see trouble on the horizon.
  16. At least Brooke had the good sense to send Bill and Deacon on their way, however, at the same time she is still holding on to Destiny. I was more than a bit gobsmacked when Brooke was telling Bill that she isn't giving up on Ridge, and that she does not want to forget how he has disappointed her, that she wants to learn, and to grow, and to heal from it. So, in other words, she sees herself as deserving of his abhorrent behavior, and sees it as acceptable that he just walks out on her and runs to the arms of other women. And she wants to learn from that, because it is all her fault, and learning will allow her to grow and to heal. I simply have no words. Clearly, Brooke enjoys being Ridge's doormat, and relishes it when he wipes his nasty shoes on her. I am sure this is some type of disorder with a medical name I am unable to pronounce. But it is sick, and it is twisted, and it makes me hate Ridge so much more than I do already. I could only watch bits and pieces of the adulterer and his mistress; Taylor is just as clueless as ever. So lost in her fantasy, that she doesn't see how miserable Ridge truly is. I hope he stays that way forever. I don't know what would be enough to keep Brooke from taking the loser back, but it sure isn't going to be him shacking up with other women. Maybe Brooke's shutdown of Bill will convince him to pursue something with Li. Show only caters to Hayes and Marone fans, and rarely gives us Brooke fans anything, and I am growing so very tired of it. Carter and Katie are something new and fresh, so I am hopeful now that maybe Bill will move on too.
  17. What the heck? Deacon just proposed to Brooke? And that ring; looks like someone has been saving their pennies. So, what, did he buy it, and have it hidden in the hopes this day would come? Or maybe on the way over he and Hope stopped at a jewelers and Hope sprung for the rock? How does he plan on handling the Sheila situation? Not that I think Brooke would except or anything, but just asking her is gonna send crazy pants around the bend. And talk about speed shifting character traits! I simply do not know what to make of Bill. Just a few months ago we were given a sweet, caring Bill, who rescued Li, saved Finn, and flew him to Monaco. Just a few weeks ago, we had Bill and Li having lunch, interacting and connecting in a believable and very enjoyable way. Then, after leading us to believe we were going to get some type of Bill/Li romance, we instead have another round of Bill begging Katie to come back to him, followed by Bill showing up at Brooke's the minute he heard the news. And that Deacon scene, and his behavior when talking to Liam. I'm dizzy trying to keep up. As far as changing character traits goes, I am all about Hope's. It is one thing for Bill or Deacon to tell Brooke that Ridge is a worthless waffler, but for Hope to lay voice to it was everything. I squeed like a banshee when she told Deacon that if Ridge could so callously leave her mother, then maybe they aren't meant to be together. And Brooke's reaction to Hope's feelings, her total shock and disbelief, and the look on her face as she said "how can you say that?" She can say that Brooke because it is 100% true. Ridge came home after his fucking interlude, still reeking of Taylor, and you stand there telling him everything is ok, we can work this out? He won't tell you what has happened, but he tells you he is moving forward with Taylor, and that he is only there to get his things. Why would you want to work anything out? The man has betrayed you, your love, your marriage, his wedding vows. He has spent the last couple of days fucking his ex-wife, committing his life to her while still married to you. He is an adulterer. He has already started proceedings to end your marriage. Please tell me; what is there to work out or save? Brooke needs to tell Deacon no. Brooke needs to tell Bill no. And when Ridge eventually comes crawling back with his apologies and his explanations, Brooke needs to tell him no. He had his chance to explain his actions, and chose to act like a butt hurt teenager, instead of an adult, who has been married to this person for years. Brooke needs to stand on her own for a while, let go of this destiny nonsense, and find out who she really is underneath it all. She has two loving sisters, a loving daughter, a good relationship with her son-in-law, as well as her grandkids, and Eric. Her support system is strong; she needs to lean on it. But we all know what is going to happen. There will be a war for her hand between Bill and Deacon, which will drive Ridge absolutely crazy. He will be running interference at every available opportunity. The hateful Tot's will blame Brooke for Ridge's actions. Taylor will be living her same nightmare, as she continues to believe Ridge chose her organically, as she simultaneously watches him disintegrate over what is going on with Brooke. And in the end, Brooke will forgive, forget, and take that useless hobo back. Thay are really trying hard to recreate the wheel. First, we have the hilarious romantic scenes of the lovers running away and to each other on the mountainside. Then, their glorious and giddy lovemaking. And now, the beach house. So, does that mean Wyatt is gone?
  18. So, I am watching season 10 on YouTube, and just got through the runway proposal. What has become crystal clear to me is that Taylor was as insufferably stupid then, as she is now. Here she was ready to board a plane to Paris because she knew there was no future with Ridge. Meanwhile, Ridge has designed a wedding dress for Brooke, and was going to surprise her with a proposal at the Spring Showing (OH! the days when we actually had fashion shows!) but saw Brooke giving Grant a goodbye kiss and misinterpreted what he saw. In retaliation, and to punish Brooke, he instead proposed to Taylor. Of course she accepted without hesitation and without question. A few days later Ridge told her what he had seen, and why he decided to propose to her and not Brooke. James tried to tell her to give it some time, and let Ridge come to terms with things, before jumping into a marriage based on anger at another woman. Brooke talked to her too, but Taylor was deaf to all of it. And this is supposed to be one of the best physiological doctors in the country? Anyone, with any common sense, could see what was going on here. But Taylor was so thirsty, she would take Ridge anyway she could get him, and set herself up for heartache as she watched her husband be more involved with Brooke's life than with theirs's. This time will be no different. Ridge only runs to Taylor when he is pissed off at Brooke, or has read the situation wrong, or when his mother interferes and manipulates. There has not been one time that I can think of that wasn't motivated by something involving Brooke. And Taylor wants to blame Brooke? Any doctor worth their salt would recognize their own destructive behavior and would also realize they are ready to settle for crumbs, when another woman gets the whole loaf.
  19. It doesn't really matter to me if Hope comes out the winner in her "debate" with Steffy. What matters to me is the content, and when someone sticks to truisms, and factual history, then they win no matter who scores more points. Steffy has nothing, all she can do is drag Brooke, while propping her mother, as she re-writes history to suit her version of it. Steffy acts like she has been around since the beginning, like she was there when her father ran off to St. Thomas to propose to her mother. If she had been, then she would know Ridge was not on a mission to win Taylor's hand so much as he wanted to keep Brooke with his father. She would also know that the runway proposal was based on a misunderstanding that was started by her grandmother running her big mouth about Brooke and Grant having an affair. For the life of me, I don't know how it is possible to have an affair when one is not married, but that was the SL. Wouldn't she also know that her father remarried her mother to "save" his own mother who had faked a heart attack? Most importantly though, wouldn't she know that Ridge dumped Taylor for good when he found out she had fucked James Warwick and lied about it for decades, as she simultaneously aligned with Stephanie to drag Brooke as the "Slut from the Valley?" It seems she would also know that her mother has done many of the same things she accuses Brooke of doing; including going after married men and sleeping through entire families. But Steffy wasn't there for all of that, so her commentary is just so much babbling and nonsense. Hope sticks to the facts and what she knows as facts, more importantly, she refuses to get in the gutter with Steffy for any type of false, or untrue, mommy bashing. Hope sizzled and burned, while Steffy came off as a deflecting, whiny, arrogant, snot nosed elitist brat. Shauna? How unexpected was that, but I see what they did there, and it will give Carter the green light to move on with Katie. I am ok with it since they have tanked Bill/Li. It will at least put the brakes on another round of Batie. And Katie is rather cute when she is flirting. And that dress and those shoes she is sporting art smokin hot. OMG Bill! Really? That was the most random and weird scene. He actually went to the trouble to print fake money sporting his face? I don't think I want to see any Brooke triangles. I know for sure I don't want to see Brooke/Bill/Deacon/Sheila. It is all too much too fast. Anyway, Brooke is still waiting for Ridge to come home, and it makes me sick to my stomach. If Mr. R had been away busily fucking his ex-wife, I don't think I would be sitting at home hoping for his return. No, wait a sec, that isn't exactly true. I would be waiting for his return, but not to tell him how sorry I was that I did something so horrible that it made him go screw another woman; I would instead tell him that he is a worthless piece of shit, as I kick his sorry ass out of my house and tell him I will have his things sent to his mistress's house. Watching Brooke cry and mope, as she repeatedly calls Ridge, begging him to come home is sickening. Brooke needs to put on her big girl panties and get the fuck out of that house and start a Ridge free life. Go seek counseling if you can't go it alone. Take up a friggin hobby. Join a gym. Go to the library. Go buy yourself some beautiful clothes. Take a vacation to a sunny island. Go mountain climbing. Take a cruise. But for God's sake do something.
  20. Whew! One bullet dodged. I am so glad it was only Thomas's over active imagination. But I am still very unsettled about Brooke and Liam. Hopefully, nothing will come of it. It was also nice to see Hope sorta returning to form and being there for her mother. I am liking Carter and Katie. Mostly because I don't have to watch Bill begging, but it is nice to see Katie not being a sourpuss. I only watched a few minutes of the Tot's nonsense, but it was enough to truly piss me off. You know, Brooke took one for the team. She was trying to protect Steffy and her kids, and because of that, she was sabotaged, which led to her losing her husband and going through months of confusion. And fucking Steffy knows this. But would a thankless bitch acknowledge it to Brooke? Maybe thank her for trying to protect her whoring ass? Of course not, but she sure will work hard to break up Brooke's marriage and will non-stop bad mouth her. Oh yes, and she will conspire with the rest of her family to keep the fact that Thomas knew what Sheila did a secret. And listening to her go on yesterday about how this proves a woman with dignity will win out in the end? Sweetie, your mom is currently in Aspen fucking a married man. A married man that she has actively and openly pursued for months. Where is the dignity in that? And don't talk to me about how your mommy and daddy belong together because that does not change the fact that Brooke is currently Mrs. Ridge Forrester, and until she decides to change that your momma is nothing more than a side piece, your daddy's mistress. There is also the fact that your daddy's great love for your mommy isn't what drove him back into her bed; his anger at Brooke is what did that, and when the truth comes out, all your perfect little fucking lives are gonna come crashing down all around you. I, for one, am going to have my popcorn at the ready, and am planning on sitting back and enjoying the show. I can't wait to see you and your mommy's face crack into a thousand little pieces. And hopefully, simultaneously, Sheila will have devised some plan to kidnap Hayes, and do a double down on your pain and loss. Sorry, this is what the horrible writing has reduced me to.
  21. I kept waiting for Thomas to snap out of it. I can't come up with one reason why Hope would want to be with Thomas. Not one. But I can come up with about a hundred why she shouldn't. The one thing Hope has on practically every other character is she has never betrayed her husband; not sexually at least. But if that shit was real, there was certainly a lot of heat and passion in that kiss. I'm a little rattled about it given Hope's demeanor lately, particularly in regard to her mother, so snarky and harsh, and then there is the change in her hair and makeup, which usually signals some type of character trait change. I guess they had to come up with something to explain Quinn away. But Carter had been saying from day one that he wanted to get married and have a family, and Quinn never shut him down, something she would have done. If this means no more of Bill begging Katie to come back to him then I am all about it. And I thought it was all kinds of cute the way Katie giggled after kissing Carter. I can't think of the last time I heard Katie giggle or laugh. Oh, for fucks sake Brooke! Screeching to Bill that he can't be there because Ridge might come home, or he might find out. Ridge is in Aspen fucking his ex-wife, he ain't coming home anytime soon. And then all the talk about not giving up on Ridge, and Destiny, and soulmates, and how it was Steffy and Thomas. My head wants to explode because I am having the worst rage blackout I have ever experienced. This is just too much. Does Brooke have any dignity at all? How about self respect? Self worth? What person is going to excuse, forgive, and take back a spouse who has done this to them multiple times? Once is bad enough, but Ridge is a serial offender, and Brooke's willingness to wait, and mope, and pine, enables him. Their relationship isn't about Destiny, it is so fucking toxic it stinks. And now it looks like they are really going to go there with Brooke and Liam, and it pisses me off so much. I liked them as friends and mother/son-in-law. They have a certain chemistry, but it is not romantic in the least, and is rooted in their shared love for Hope. But if that shit with Hope and Thomas was real, I can see that leading Liam into Brooke's arms for comfort. I won't watch it. I refuse to go there with this ridiculous writing staff. If I am wrong, then I will own it and be so fucking happy about it. Brooke and Liam would permanently destroy Brooke. It would be the final nail in her coffin, and there would not be any coming back from it, no matter the reason she went there. As a Brooke fan I am just fed up. They have made her so unlikable with this Ridge worship, pushing everyone out of her life to make his worthless ass happy, as he runs to Monaco and Aspen with his friggin ex-wife, and has now graduated up from kissing to screwing her. And he will come back to LA, and go "check" on Logan, just to make sure she is pining doing ok without him. He will tell her how sorry he is, and give his patented head tilt, and walk out the door once again. I hate him. I hate all this fucked up shit.
  22. Show needs to understand that there are things that cannot be unseen. Given that, I skipped the candle lit corny passionate "reconnecting" of mom and dad. Maybe it was that their daughter set it up, or maybe it was just them. Either way. NO. I would not have any problem with Bill being there to support Brooke as a friend and help her come to terms with being dumped like a pail of garbage once again. However, that is all I want to see. I loved them together; I really, really did, but we all know it would last until CPSGate is outed, and Ridge tells Brooke he is sorry, and she forgives him. Honestly, they do not even have to write the SL, just skip to Brooke and Ridge being together again once Thomas's actions are discovered. Instead of wasting Bill, why not let him move on in a romance that has some staying power? But of course, they are going to use Bill in order to get Ridge all upset. He'll be busy fucking and sucking on Taylor, and at the same time he will be buzzing all around Brooke telling her to stay away from Bill. We have seen it so many times before, and this viewer doesn't want to see it again. The only thing that has kept me watching was the hope of a Bill/Li pairing. With that gone, I don't know how much longer I will be able to hang in there.
  23. OG Stephanie loved to come at Brooke and punch her in the gut when Ridge dumped her, so it looks like her namesake is following in her footsteps. But it doesn't come off the same way to have a youngster disparaging a woman who helped raise her. Brooke needs to find something.........anything that would give her the chutzpah to slap the taste out of some Tot's mouths. I am so over this wimpy, whiny, forgiving, accepting Brooke. This is far more an assassination of character than Deacon, or Oliver, or anything else Brooke may have ever done. Show needs to switch some gears, give us something new and fresh; something exciting. You tease us with Bill and Li, but we haven't seen hide nor hair of them in weeks. Instead, we get two past middle-aged teenagers chasing each other across the mountains in Aspen, as their grown ass daughter watches and takes notes, all the while reporting back to her equally grown ass brother. Is this supposed to be entertaining? Cute? Supportable? Hardly, it is embarrassing, and quite frankly, insulting to those of us who have been long term fans, and have stuck with Show through so many horrendous SLs. How about something featuring SP's? How about they take some of the available funds from losing RS, DR and KB, and invest in a new competing fashion house? How about more Bill and Li, maybe some Katie and Carter? Bridget hasn't been seen in months. Bring back the legacy, trophy son that Brooke and Ridge tried to have for years. They could bring back the alphabet son at the same time and let him rock his father's world. Why not let Brooke, who has always been the centerpiece of the show, have a SL with some fucking meat? Let her tell that worthless waffler to enjoy his new life as she steps out on her own. Then, after being single for a while, bring back Dr. Vincent and let them hook up. They just released season 10 (1996) on YouTube, and I have been binge watching. There is so much going on, with Brooke and Grant, the men's line, Grant and Michael, James and Sheila, James and Maggie, Clark and the thugs who want him to destroy Spectra, Jessica and Sly, and it just goes on and on. And what are we getting today? Bill senior must be absolutely spinning in his grave. I also have many questions about the whole voice app thing. I am an old school girl, who knows computers, and hardware, and software, but is entirely lost with gadgets and handhelds. I guess my biggest question is if Thomas called CPS, that would have been on their direct office line, so how did a random employee get it on his cell phone? I could possibly see it if there had been a heads up about what Ridge and Thomas wanted, but I did not see that. The guy acted shocked and surprised they wanted him to let them hear the call, so then, does a government agency's phone line link to all their employee's cell phones? No, I don't think the guy worked for CPS at all. I mean seriously, does Thomas keep tabs on all FC's ex-employees? He just knew this guy and asked him to help him for some sum of money, just like he paid the "agents" that came to the house. I think Donna is going to be the one to ferret out the truth. Maybe she will go to the CPS offices to confront the guy and ask to hear the recording and will find out he doesn't work there, which will send her on a mission to out Thomas. All I know is I don't want to watch Thomas abusing and terrorizing Douglas again.
  24. I I'm not sure if the question should be what demographic are they writing for, or what demographic is doing the writing, but I feel completely dumbed down. A man runs off to start a new life with his ex-wife, and doesn't bother to discuss it, or to inform his current wife. Then that same man is going to act all confused about why his wife followed him on his new life journey. Did I actually hear Ridge ask Brooke what she was doing there? Did I actually hear him tell her to stop protesting? Instead of standing there talking about their love, and how they always work through things, Brooke needs to call a spade a spade. Tell that worthless, waffling, wuss, that the only problem in their relationship is him, and she is tired of working things out. If he wants to be with Taylor have the fuck at it, as she removes her rings and heads back to the jet. Of course, that would never happen, what will happen is a repeat of Stepanie's faked heart attack. Ridge will marry Taylor on false pretenses, then, when Douglas outs his father, Ridge will run to Brooke begging forgiveness, and to give him another chance. At least with the faked heart attack SL Brooke did resist Ridge's initial attempts to win her back, but she is such a soppy doormat now, that I have no doubt she will fall to her knees and be praising fucking Allah. Eric should have ratcheted Thomas's shit down; he was being entirely disrespectful to Brooke, who is supposed to be Eric's oldest and dearest friend, but also to Donna, who is his current side piece. But no one will call those shitty Tot's on their behavior. Thomas is a second rate criminal. Only a dolt would incriminate themself like that.
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