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Everything posted by RuntheTable

  1. Absolutely. Ridge pulls this shit because he knows he can, and he also knows that Brooke will always be there, waiting in the wings, until he "decides' what he wants to do with his life. How many times has Ridge gone away to choose between Taylor and Brooke? I can think of a least 3 times, the first being tied into the contract signing that would have robbed Brooke of her rights to BeLief. I was watching some old episodes and came across one when Ridge was begging Brooke to come back to him. It was after he found out that Taylor was a raging hypocrite, who had lied to him for years about James. During this conversation, Brooke made a statement that I wish would come out of her mouth right now "You have no credibility with me Ridge". That would be so satisfying. But alas, that would never happen today because Brooke has no agency anymore. She exists only to coddle a useless, waffling, man child, and to make excuses for his inexcusable behavior.
  2. Ok, I get it; we aren't going to address the elephant in the room, because then it wouldn't seem like Ridge made his choice organically. Instead, we are going with the narrative that Ridge just "can't do this anymore", whatever that means. So, Ridge will insult and degrade Brooke, telling her he can't live with her "drama" and he needs his safe place now. And Thomas certainly isn't going to spill the beans, because that might make non-believers suspicious. At the end of the day should it really matter to Brooke what drove Ridge back into Taylor's arms? What woman is going to stand there and fight for something so transient. What woman would want a man who would do this to her? Every time Ridge gets his panties in a pinch, he runs to another woman, but this time, at least as far as Brooke is concerned, there is no apparent reason. Ridge made a decision without bothering to discuss anything with his wife and ran off to start a new life without even asking for a divorce. But Brooke won't care. No, she will go limping back to LA, and will mope around that house, pining and crying and wondering what she did to make this happen. I don't think I can bear it again; after NYE'sGate, and all those months of "why did I do that" and begging that worthless oaf to come home. Another thing I am not up for is watching Thomas terrorize Douglas again, but I can totally see it coming. When Douglas discovers what his father did the with voice app, and busts his dad, I can see Thomas doing the same things as before to keep Douglas from telling anyone. I think that, along with Douglas's growing unhappiness of not being with Hope and his family, will be what will ultimately bring Douglas back to the cabin. In the meantime, we will have broken Brooke again, Taylor McGiggle pants, and an insufferably smug Steffy and Thomas. It all sucks.
  3. w Ridge saw the light huh? How quickly will he unsee it when he finds out what his rat ass son did? He said all the same things when he chased Taylor to St. Thomas, which they are clearly, and quite badly, trying to recreate. He told her then that she would be the only woman in his life, and whatever else he needed to come up with. His agenda that time was to keep Brooke with Eric. Ridge always has an agenda when he is pursuing Taylor, and the stupid woman knows it, so when her fairytale comes crashing down all around her, I won't be able to drum up much sympathy for her. Maybe we will get lucky and there will be an avalanche that will take them all out. I can only speak for myself, but if my husband, who for weeks had been spending hours and hours with his ex-wife, who recently traveled to a romantic city and told you they had kissed, decided to leave town to go be with said ex-wife and didn't even bother to tell me? Oh, I don't think I would be flying to see him and beg him not to leave me. I think I would be calling me an attorney and having some divorce papers drawn up. Brooke is going to look pathetic and desperate, and I have no doubt Steffy and Taylor will be more aggressive and appalling than ever. My only hope is that it is degrading enough to make Brooke finally have enough. And I am in total agreement about a Bill/Brooke reunion. Please don't go there. Bill has the opportunity to have something new and fresh and amazing with Li. Any spark B/B had is long since gone, and it would be a wasted opportunity as Brooke will ultimately return to the oaf when he comes back with his dick in his hand, begging for Brooke's forgiveness. Something she will give without hesitation. Fucking show is wearing on my nerves in an unpleasant way.
  4. Well, Taylor got two things right; Ridge is only in Aspen because he is pissed at Brooke, followed by running for her life. However, she lost me when she told Ridge she wasn't "letting him back in"? Mmmmkay........isn't that what you have been up to the that last few months? Working every angle to get Ridge back? Letting your kids badger and manipulate him, all three of you engaging in non-stop Brooke bashing? She can also miss me with "I don't want to be second choice" and "I won't be your consolation prize". Historically, if it meant getting Ridge back, Taylor would settle for any crumb or bone Ridge tossed her way. Being his second choice never mattered, what mattered was besting Brooke. So, I don't know, but me thinks a WRP is playing it coy right now and is trying to make Ridge put in some work. I am sure Ridge will have filed for divorce by this time next week and will have a ring on Taylor's bony little finger. And isn't he just a big heap of jackassery? I mean, he just reconciled with Brooke, but now he is suddenly back in big love with Taylor? He wants to spend the rest of his life with her? Holy cow, but that man is insufferable. I can just see it now, Brooke will race to Aspen to save her marriage for the umpteenth million fucking time, and Ridge will bellow and bark at her about being a liar, and will tell her he is reconciling with the Doc. And we will have months of Brooke moping around that big empty house; a redo of NYE'sGate. And when the truth comes out, Ridge will race back to Brooke saying how sorry he is, and blah, blah, fucking blah, and she will take him back and reward his arrogance and his shitty behavior. I have seen it all a hundred times before. There is nothing new here. I hate all of it.
  5. As the star-crossed lovers met on the scenic mountain side; Taylor in her silly beanie hat, and sweater with overly long sleeves (God, how I hate that look!), deplete of makeup, and Ridge striding over in his rustic fall wear, giving his patented head tilt, I heard the opening strains of the old soap Love is a Many Splendored Thing. For Ridge, the only solution to marital problems is to start a new relationship, while leaving the old one hanging in limbo. Let's see, it only took him about 15 years to forgive Taylor her lie about James, I wonder how long it will take him to forgive Brooke. Except, Brooke hasn't lied about anything, so when the truth comes out, Taylor will once again be dust in the wind. If Brooke forgives that oaf this time and takes him back, while making excuses for his inexcusable behavior, I don't know if I will be able to continue watching. In fact, if Show doesn't soon get some sort of balance, I might need to take a break. Right now, Thomas is firmly in charge and calling all the shots, and once Steffy finds out that mommy and daddy are back together, she will be even more hell on wheels. The only good thing going on right now is Bill and Li, and we rarely get to see them.
  6. We all know what is going to happen, but my ideal scenario would be: Brooke follows Ridge to Aspen, declaring her innocence, but he isn't having it because he heard Brooke's voice on the recording. He tells her she is a liar, and that she is trying to destroy his family. Brooke is stung and replies that she thought she was his family. Meanwhile, Taylor is over there gloating at Brooke's obvious distress, and tells Brooke that Ridge only has one family. Ridge just looks at her, tilting his head like a confused puppy, and offers Brooke nothing. Brooke goes home and decides to go be by herself for a while and rents a place on the ocean. Before she leaves, she has all of Ridge's things sent over to Eric's. After a few weeks she decides that she can't do it alone and seeks out professional counseling. During her absence, Eric fetters out the truth about CPSGate, because he is the only person that believes Brooke would not lie about making the call, and he also remembers the trick Douglas played on him with the voice app. He goes to see the guy that played the call for Ridge and Thomas, and demands he give him the number the call came from. The guy won't do it, Eric tells him he will give him the number, or he will lose his job for violating confidentiality laws. When Eric calls the number, it is Thomas's phone, so Eric devices a plan to confiscate Thomas's phone, and finds all the evidence he needs to prove Brooke's innocence. He calls a family meeting and confronts Thomas, who whines that he was just trying to make his mother happy, and that Ridge needed to be free of Brooke. Ridge is furious, and tells Thomas that he has truly overstepped, Taylor is unable to speak, because she knows this spells the end of her fairytale. Ridge desperately tries to contact Brooke, but she won't return his calls. During her absence, Brooke makes several decisions; to file for divorce, to move out of her house, giving it to Hope and Liam, and to give Eric her resignation from Forrester, deciding to step out on her own, and start a new venture doing what she and Stephanie had talked about and helping the homeless. She returns home and has all the locks changed on the house, starts looking at available properties, and talks to Eric. Ridge finds out she is home, and goes to see her, to tell her how very sorry he is for ever doubting her, and how much he loves her and wants to restart their life together. Instead of crying tears of joy, and rushing to hug him, Brooke instead hands him divorce papers. She tells him that it isn't about a CPS call, or what Thomas did, it was about what Ridge did. He didn't believe her and called her a liar. He ran to another woman once again and started a relationship with her. But more than any of that, he told Brooke she was not his family, and that told her more than anything what she actually meant to him. Brooke goes on to tell him that she is happy and free and wants nothing more to do with him outside of RJ. With that, she walks out of her old life and into her new one. Back to reality. I can totally see Thomas using the voice app to damage Hope and Liam's marriage.
  7. Like Ridge hasn't lied to Brooke hundreds of times. So, I guess in true Ridge form instead of talking to his wife about what is bugging him, he will instead walk out on her and their life, and head straight to Doc. He is incapable of handling shit on his own and runs right to the next available doormat. Asshole. Ridge to Doc "She lied to me. She called CPS on our son; she is trying to destroy our family. But you are not like that, you would never lie to me, or do something so heinous". Right O! Why are they making Hope so snarky and antagonistic towards her mother suddenly? Thomas is clearly back in her head, and once she finds out what her mother did didn't do, she will probably fully align with Thomas against Brooke. I fear we are in for months of Brooke pining and chasing after Ridge, trying to convince him she didn't make that call, as Hope simultaneously sabotages her marriage and family life. And the Hamilton/Marone's will be basking in their reunited family; gloating and slut shaming and all the other things they thrive on. Taylor's outfit though? Truely ugly.
  8. Thomas certainly acts fast. Stephanie always took her time planning her schemes and plots against Brooke, but Thomas got his done in about an hour. Let's see; rushed home in order to get the voice app thingy, make the call, then figure out how to get the follow through. Thomas knew Brooke would deny making the call, because of course she didn't, so he had to have an ace in the hole. By flat out telling Ridge she was lying, and then sorta challenging Ridge to prove his wife was telling the truth, he got exactly that. And wouldn't you know it, there was an ex-Forrester employee working right where Thomas needed, who was willing to violate all the rules and confidentiality laws. I have no doubt when the truth comes out, that the ex-employee will suffer no consequences, nor will Thomas. Just the status quo. But if you really listened you could tell it wasn't Brooke's voice. Sure, it sounded like it, but it was very slow, and monotone, and a little muffled sounding. I really need Ridge to remember when Stephanie pulled this on Brooke for absolutely no reason other than to be horrid. And instead of supporting Brooke; he went along with it.
  9. Agreed. When I was young the highlight of my summer was our trip to see my dad's parents. It was a long drive which I loved, but outside of that, was the excitement of spending time at their house. It wasn't so much about the people, as it was about their farm and the animals, and yes, they had a pool. At the same time, I knew this was a vacation, and I knew I would be going home, which I also looked forward to. The way everyone is acting, and making statements about how happy Douglas is, one would think he has been absolutely miserable the last 3 years. Kept as a prisoner by Hope and Liam and living a life of forced solitude. Of course, nothing could be further from the truth; the boy was always going and doing, although that was with everyone except for his father. But alas, Thomas's choice to deprioritize his son is apparently Hope's fault too. He seemed like a healthy, happy, well-adjusted kid to me, whose only complaint was not seeing his dad enough. To me, the very fact that Douglas had to lay voice to it says everything. He wasn't unhappy with his life; he was unhappy with not seeing his father. And sadly, even though they are living in the same house, they don't spend a lot of quality time together. Whenever someone asks Thomas where Douglas is, he has always been shunted off into someone's care, Donna, Amelia, Steffy, the neighbors. But no one is recognizing this; to them, as long as Douglas is living in the same house as Thomas, then they are together. And what about structure? Douglas never comments on anything except the pool and the good times he is having. As if he didn't have a pool on Brooke's million-dollar estate. But what about the meaningful stuff? Spending time doing things, going places, learning together, hell, any kid would be over the moon with this arraignment. No parental supervision at all, just get up and run around your great grandfather's house. I don't know, I would buy all this sudden concern for Douglas's happiness if these people who claim to only have his best interests at heart had been on board when the boy really needed them. Like after his mom died, or maybe when Thomas was abusing and terrorizing him. But they were all too busy with their own lives to pay much attention to this small child's needs. And now, because they want to break up a marriage, they are all suddenly dreadfully concerned about Douglas's welfare. Hmmmm.......then why is this all about him knowing his "real family"? Because there is nothing remotely healthy about class wars and being an elitist snob.
  10. At this point I am barely watching, only pausing my FF'd for certain people. But I did watch the CPS stuff. That was painful, and so badly put together. One of my cousins had CPS called on her by her ex, typical situation of him being angry that his wife was done with his bullshit and had removed herself from his company. Sorta like what Brooke should be doing with Ridge, but I digress. So, my cousin and her husband were separated, and he was stalking her at work, at home, at the grocery store, pretty much everywhere. Then, she started dating a guy she knew from the gym she went to, and her husband's egocentric world exploded. As revenge, he called CPS on her, saying her new boyfriend was a thug and a drug dealer. That was one of her most harrowing nights, as they questioned every avenue of her, and her boyfriend's lives. They also sequestered the three children and questioned each separately. It was horribly traumatizing for all. And they kept coming back too; never fully satisfied that everything was on the up and up. Oh yeah, and they also contacted both my cousin and her boyfriend's employers. It was mad crazy stuff that went on for months. I also stopped FF's when I saw Steffy, not because I want to hear her flap her lips, but because I was trying to figure out what she was wearing. I kept seeing this movie I watched about angry vines that attack you by attaching to you; completely covering your whole body. Her.........um........attire.......looked like some kind of linen sheeting that was growing into her hair. In any event, it was ugly. And Steffy is like the High Priestess now, drawing everyone into the fray. Seriously, what business is Ridge and Brooke's marriage to Paris? I would even include Zende in that.
  11. Thank you, I must have missed that because I have pretty much stopped watching any scenes with Steffy, Taylor and Thomas, or any combination of the three. The fact that Ridge laughed about it really burns my ass; just gives Steffy more fuel to keep doing inappropriate things. I haven't watched Y&R in many years and didn't even know Deacon had been on it! And he helped Diane fake her death? That kind of explains how he has been ok with Sheila faking hers. Me too. If Thomas wants to play it like this, then he is going to have to except that people will be coming to see Douglas. You know, those people that he has lived with for the last 3 years. Well, given it is Thomas we are talking about, it really isn't so wild, but it would be all kinds of awesome. They made it look like Brooke had called, having her walk back into the office with phone in hand, with the ominous words that "she will do anything" to get Douglas back home. I'm sure if he did do it, when the truth comes out that Ridge and family will have another hardy laugh about it. But of course, until that time he will be dragging Brooke and will no doubt take off to Aspen with his haloed ex-wife.
  12. The problem is Brooke didn't tell the whole story. Thomas using a knife to peel an apple isn't weird, but Thomas pointing that knife at Brooke, coupled with his inappropriate dialogue is. His words were nasty and mean, and meant to hurt, actually far worse than anything his sister or mother have lobbed at Brooke. Very personal and going places no stepson should be going. My opinion is that Thomas doesn't hate Brooke, he hates the fact that he never got there. The boy has been thirsty for Brooke pretty much his whole adult life, and I think he is angry and resentful that he never scored the direct hit. Probably has a lot to do with his angst towards his father too. I was also disappointed that Brooke didn't tell Ridge about Steffy's antics. How is a coddling father ever expected to step up and slap his brats if he is never given the facts or the full story? So, what did Deacon give to Nikki? That whole scene was weird.
  13. To my knowledge, no, it was never seen on screen, all I remember is Brooke being a caring stepmother. But I wouldn't really give a flying fig if she had said something, because the way Thomas talks about Brooke behind her back and to her face is disgraceful. So, a butt hurt, overgrown baby can go play in busy traffic.
  14. I'm old and Show has been on a long time, so sometimes things get muddled up in my brain, but I could have sworn the Tot's were grown when Ridge walked out on Taylor. But the way she was talking to Ridge it seemed like they were just wee little ones. Oh, maybe she was talking about her second dirt nap? But that isn't when Ridge left her, and it certainly wasn't Brooke's fault. Then again, like I said, things often get confused in my head. When Thomas and Steffy open their big mouths and start flapping their lips all I hear is: But really Thomas, wives do often wear lingerie for their husbands. There is nothing wrong with it, and if the wifey can rock it, and Brooke certainly can, then their husbands usually enjoy it. Frankly, I would pay good money to see that Brooke reemerge, so sexy and sassy. I guess Thomas is just Jonesing for it cause he never made it there. Actually, I don't think ole Thomas has had any since he raped Caroline 2.0. Brooke needs to share her and Thomas's um.........interaction, with Hope post haste. Thomas is starting to get into Hope's head again, and maybe his unstable and bizarre behavior with Brooke will set her back on the right path. Brooke also needs to let Ridge know, although he would probably make excuses. I did see Steffy's jaws flapping too as I FF'd through all of her scenes. All in all, a disappointing episode after getting the Spencer men and then the delightful pairing of Bill and Li. You know, one of the best things that will come out of Bill and Li will be Bill filling Li in on his and Steffy's night in the Forrester Family Guesthouse. She is already unhappy with her son's choice for a wife; just wait till she gets a load of that mess. I can't believe I am going to say it, but here it goes; I am totally rooting for Sheila now. Generally, I just FF'd her scenes, she is about as scintillating as Steffy, but now? Oh, I so want her to come up with one of her nefarious schemes and aim it straight at Steffy's elitist heart. And while I am at it, she can aim for Finn too. For nothing other than being a colossal doofus, who has become Steffy's eunuch.
  15. The Spencer men are always a treat, but they were particularly refreshing yesterday. Such a nice break from the parent trap nonsense, and finally, a group who speaks the truth. I think what I like best is how Liam doesn't hesitate to low ball Steffy. It seems the little waffle has seen the light, and now understands who and what Steffy really is. Bill, however, is still talking about Brooke in "that way". I can hear the anvils falling and am beginning to believe they are going back there. Brooke should have gone to see Steffy, not Taylor. For once, Taylor's hands are clean, and I have to give her credit for a least appearing upset that her daughter would do something like that. Brooke should have also said something to Ridge, although I doubt he would have much to say about it. He would probably just tilt his head and smile. I don't really have a problem with Hope visiting Steffy; Hope has a stake in this too regarding Douglas. As usual, they have to let Steffy flap her lips first, but I am sure Hope will rectify that today. And oh my, Steffy sees herself as the new Stephanie? I positively snort laughed. I disliked Stephanie immensely, but still respected her, and at times even liked her and felt sorry for her. But of course, SF was a phenomenal talent, and JMW is at best adequate, and simply doesn't possess the nuance that SF had. Susan could cut you with her voice, or her eyes, she could turn her emotions on a dime and make it believable. Her delivery was perfect, with the right inflections and the right amount of emotion. JMW OTOH, is flat, and seems like she is just reading off of cue cards. Was Steffy channeling her inner Greek Goddess yesterday? She considers that office attire? She looked like she was ready for a photo shoot or something.
  16. I came here full of spit and vinegar, but my fellow posters said it all, and much better than I could have. Y'all are the best! All I can add, simply because of the absolute egregiousness of it is: Dad has been spending too much time with Brooke 🙄 And now we will have PhoneGate
  17. Talk about a broken record. Thomas and Steffy though. I was glad to see Ridge get a bit forceful with Thomas, but he needs to back those words up with actions. Instead of jumping to run over to Cliff House, ask what Steffy needs him to come over for. Ah, but I bet a worthless waffler knew exactly what his little Tot was about and couldn't wait to see Taylor and keep baiting the trap. Of all the options mentioned for Hayes future career, please, not a doctor like his grandma. The last thing we need is another dime store shrink running around. Any respect I had for Finn is gone; he is the saddest handmaiden in husbanddom. I positively cringed when he was smiling at Steffy's nonsense and made the comment "you dog". As if what she is doing is acceptable fun; it isn't. And he certainly snapped to mommy's attention when she said "I don't need to recruit Finn; do I?" Wow, he answered that real quick and in a hurry. Seems this particular lapdog definitely knows where his bread gets buttered. And then there is Taylor, acting all butt hurt because her kids are trying to direct her love life. Right, she has just shifted that responsibility from Stephanie to the Tot's. The dynamics of Steffy and Taylor's relationship are off putting to say the least. At no time could I ever see conducting myself like that with my mother, and if I did, she certainly wouldn't be giggling and looking at me from under her fake eyelashes. What a waste of an episode.
  18. Once again, two separate conversations that couldn't have been further apart. Bill and Brooke, warm, sentimental, remembering their time together in an adult and fond way. Taylor and Ridge, thirsty, desperate, with Taylor reciting a history based in fantasy, replete with hugging and declarations of love, and Taylor nearly panting in her need to convince Ridge that Brooke is a bad girl. And a stupid, useless, fucking waffle just stood there like a mute moron and did nothing to stop Taylor from denigrating his wife. So, if Ridge gets his knickers in a knot over Brooke hugging her ex-husband, then I say tough darts buddy! Tit for tat and all. I have but one plea for Steffy s She is becoming one hella annoying TayTot. Now, there has been some truly outlandish and ridiculous stuff spilling out of her mouth this week, but yesterday absolutely took the cake. Brooke has walked away from Ridge numerous times for other men? Oh my, that is simply the height of hilarity right there. I wouldn't even know where to begin with that, given the wrongness of it. In any event, I was proud of Hope for standing her ground, and not getting down in the dirt with Steffy. Hope doesn't know Taylor's entire history, but she knows enough, and she certainly knows Steffy's, but she didn't need to go there. She stayed focused on the issues at hand and wasn't interested in what may or may not have happened twenty or thirty years ago. Steffy just continues to embarrass herself and is looking more foolish daily. Brooke and Bill? I loved them together, I really did, but they destroyed their magic by having them split up over a skyscraper. It just isn't there with them anymore. I would much prefer to see Bill and Li start a romance.
  19. EGADS! The way Taylor flirts with her son gives me a raging case of the sticky icks! What can you say about Steffy and Thomas, except.........well.........they are Steffy and Thomas. The dichotomy between Steffy, Thomas and Taylor's conversations and Liam and Hope's was jarring. One sounded like grade schoolers in wonderland, and the other sounded like grown adults trying to work out real, grown up people issues. You go Hope, Brooke has always had your back, so it is nice to see you going to bat for her. I was glad to hear you tell Liam what you witnessed at Eric's and shouted out loud when you said Taylor was almost in Ridge's lap. What I am liking even more, is how Liam seems to be getting a clue about who Steffy really is.
  20. See, Ridge is simply not stern enough with Steffy. Yes, he did try to defend his wife and his marriage, but it is never enough to make Steffy shut her trap. I realize that she is Ridge’s special little Princess and all, and that he feels obligated to humor her, but the whole entitlement thing is not a good look. Poor Steffy, one could almost feel sorry for her, except…..NOT. She tries so hard to make Ridge remember his life the way she needs him too; desperately trying to make Brooke the horrible wanton, and her mother the paragon of virtue. But it’s ok, Ridge knows his history, and while Steffy may be in the dark about some things, there are plenty she is choosing to rewrite, and others she is choosing to flat out ignore. She probably doesn’t know how her dad walked out on Brooke and their family when her mother returned from the dead the first time. How him choosing Thomas over the life and family he had built with Brooke left Bridget and Rick broken, and Brooke devasted. So, I am willing to give the confused soul a pass on that one. But she sure as heck knows how it went down when her mother came back from the dead round two. With Ridge once again choosing to leave Brooke and their family. Of course, there was some manipulation from Stephanie to spur that action along, but none the less, Ridge chose to leave Brooke. And even after finding out what his mother had done, he chose to stay married to Taylor. So, no passes on that one sweetheart. I would suspect she also doesn’t know why her dad finally made the decision to leave Taylor. I mean, that would illuminate how her mom is a betraying, lying, manipulator, and we certainly can’t have that. I wonder if little confused Steffy would find it funny that her dad wasn’t all that upset that Taylor had stepped out on their marriage? Being far more concerned with seeing Taylor for what she really is; a raging hypocrite, who made it her life’s work to try and destroy any happiness Brooke ever had. No, I don’t think the precious Princess would much appreciate that her dad had called her mom out for her terrible and unforgivable treatment of Brooke, when she was actually the one who had been heauxing around. Oh, and before I forget, Steffy hon, there is street corner out there waiting for you. Taaaaacky. Just saying. And then we have Thomas; just as confused and desperate as his sister, but as the oldest Tot, he certainly remembers more. What does it say about a person who would suggest to their father that they leave their wife, and come live at his granddad’s house? I guess the burning question would be has this idea been run by the man of the house? Maybe I missed when Eric gave Thomas carte blanche on inviting people to live in his house, but then again, Thomas has anointed himself the Family gatekeeper, declaring who is and who isn’t allowed in. So, it would fall into place that he thinks he oversees Eric’s home as well. All the same, I think Thomas’s obsessive need to have his daddy living with him says plenty about his mental state. He isn’t a child, or a tween, he is grown up, who for whatever reason can’t be alone. And this is the guy whose parents pronounce as all better, and just about the best, most loving dad in the whole wide world! Yet, it does appear that Douglas hasn’t really been with his dad all that much. Sure, he is at Eric’s, and his dad is around and all, but what are they actually doing together? Why couldn’t Thomas be part of Douglas’s outing with Steffy and Amelia? Oh, that’s right, he needed to take a dip in Eric’s pool. It is like the cardinal rule of writing; Show, don’t tell.
  21. Not much to see yesterday, except for Liam taking on Thomas. Finally, someone who is willing to lay voice to it, and tell Thomas about himself. It felt like the ship tipped just the tiniest bit from the Marone/Hamiltons. If Liam has to be the tough one because Hope doesn't have it in her, then so be it, but someone needs to step in and get the situation under control. I watched the first scene between Brooke and Taylor, and just nope. Don't need to see that retread again. Although I will say Taylor's exuberance and her over confidence will be her downfall. Taylor is many things, none of them good, but I have never known the character to gloat and preen. I feel like I am watching Big, and there is a little girl inside of Taylor masquerading as an adult.
  22. I'm tired of it. I don't want to watch two grown women slinging shit at each other over a worthless waffle anymore. It is old. More importantly it is ridiculous. Brooke is misdirecting her anger; she is correct of course, but Ridge is her husband and is the one betraying her. Until that tool forcefully and firmly shuts Taylor and Steffy down, they will continue with their current campaign to break up his marriage. All Brooke should feel for Taylor is disgust, and maybe some pity. And so, we get Finn backpedaling on wanting to know his birth mother. Why can we never get any continuity? It was nice to see Li, but come on, it has been weeks since she has been in Bill's orbit. After getting hammered over the head with all this Forrester family nonsense, and Sheila's 475, 968,199th return from the dead, I am ready for something new and fresh. Thomas keeps saying how much he wants to spend time with Douglas, but yet again, the boy is off in someone else's care. Why is no one connecting the dots?
  23. Oh Thomas, my little man, I really need you to go pound miles and miles of gritty beach sand right up your ass. You are such an annoying TayTot! You sit there in your grandfather's home, on your grandfather's couch, pontificating about who is family? No dear, our beloved Queen may have died yesterday, but that did not elevate you to kingly status, but there you sat, bestowing your blessings on those you deem family worthy. The only thing missing were the royal accoutrements. Just to set the record straight; Hope knows who she is and has been a member of your vaunted family since the day of her birth. So hows about you shut the hell up? It was nice to see Eric acknowledge the slight to his longest and dearest friend, but of course not a word about how rude it was of Steffy to not invite Brooke. And Finn, you have been on screen for about a minute, and you think you are qualified to dive into the dark and turbulent waters of Ridge's relationships with Brooke and Taylor? Instead of being angry with your nasty assed wife for excluding her father's wife from a family gathering, you instead prop her nonsense by talking smack about Ridge and Brooke's marriage? I mean did you really ask, "Would she really want to be? I am the new guy, I'm learning all the dynamics, the ins and outs, but this is the family you made with someone else, someone that your kids would very much like you to be with again". What, did Finn follow his wife upstairs and retrieve his jewels from her purse? Cause that was some kahuna sized talking right there. And here is a news flash you raging idiot; these two families have interacted for years, at home and at work, so I think they would be more than capable of getting through one little get together. Geesh. Taylor is so over the top, I simply can't with her. Her coy and girlish behavior at Eric's was bad enough, but then we had her and Steffy acting like two 16 year old's once they got back to Cliff House, with their "mother and daughter code". And then Steffy's remark, "she does some late night snacking when she is thinking about something". Seriously? Just absolute EWWWW!! The best though was "I know dad going home with Brooke hurt you on some level, but you have to remember all of the amazing things he said about you". And topping it off with "I'm right; it's only a matter of time before you and dad are back together". Wow, just wow. There is so much wrong with all of that. First off, married men generally go home to their wives, instead of going to someone else's bed, even an ex-wife's. Further, Ridge always talks nice and sweet to your Mommy; nothing new there and pushing so hard for Ridge to leave Brooke is just tacky and mean. You are not a little kid, you are not a tween, you are a grown up person with a husband and two children. What difference in all the world would it make for your Mommy and Daddy to be reunited? Would you all cohabitate, and have happy fambly dinners together? Swap stories about your "nightly" activities? No, this has nothing to do with wanting a family reunion, and has everything to do with hurting Brooke, and by extension, hurting Hope. It is all just too ridiculous; I rolled my eyes so hard I nearly started seismic activity. Hope needs to go get a really, really, big stick and draw a deep line in the sand. She is either going to get legal, or she is just going to hand Douglas over to Thomas.
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