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Everything posted by Maya

  1. Mine too. He looks like he should live in Oz 🤣
  2. They sure are picking obscure desserts this season.
  3. The Block (the chicken wing truck). Not sure I believe they sold less than the crepe ladies, but who knows what really happens with the creative editing.
  4. Pavlova is turning into the risotto of baking shows - just don’t do it!!
  5. I agree. From what we have seen so far, she seemed like one of the more talented ones in the group. Strange choice to eliminate her so soon.
  6. The balloon twist was strange. Why did so many people make the weird little gel blobs?
  7. I thought we’d have an all male top three, so I am pleasantly surprised.
  8. Hated this episode. Hated the doctor and the dogs in cages in the science lab.
  9. I think production orchestrated the Hailey return when Ryan was left with only the girl he doesn’t even like.
  10. I kept thinking he could be another Franco brother.
  11. I have no idea how historically accurate this story is, but based on the show alone, what we have seen of Charlotte’s personality doesn’t translate into having 13 lazy and rude children. Why would she allow that?
  12. Sorry, Sara, Ryan’s just not that into you.
  13. I honestly kind of hate all the men. Alan seems like a complete asshole and Ryan and Hunter are shady af. Agree that the women just want to be on TV.
  14. I kept thinking Cher wore it in Clueless! I hate Bao’s aesthetic. So trashy.
  15. Three hours is WAAAAY too long for this show to be on. Especially since 1/3 of that time is the judges’ blathering and useless comments. i was surprised Elijah was eliminated. Also surprised so many women advanced, but I assume they’ll all be cut tonight. I still think Colin has winner written all over him.
  16. I don’t think this is a spoiler, but since it didn’t air on the actual show:
  17. I get a strange vibe from Hunter too. Nothing about him seems genuine.
  18. I am sick of all these shows eliminating the women first. Luke should have gone. He made berry oatmeal muffins and didn’t decorate them. Were those the ones where Nancy said she liked the paper muffin cups?? If only April had used those… 🙄 Also it was very out of character for this show to give them 90 minutes to bake one batch of muffins! LOL. I thought I missed something and they had to do three varieties or something but no.
  19. I am very impressed with how genuinely kind Lionel and Luke are.
  20. Something about Josh makes me think he’s scary when he’s mad. Maybe they’re too afraid to send him home!
  21. Are we supposed to believe that over the course of three weeks, about half the women have still not had one-on-one time with the guy they are LIVING with?? ETA: Seriously - wtf is everyone doing in that house all day and all night if they are never running into each other?
  22. They can also stop with the “I’m so proud of you!!” I recognize that they only had four hours, but every outfit looked like a musty, dirty pile of rags to me.
  23. Way too much Gigi and Tan. I don’t care about them.
  24. I wonder if production is making him keep Cassidy Jo. He seems thoroughly disgusted by her (or maybe that’s just me 🤣) On one hand, the women seem insane for crying about not getting enough time with the guy on a dumb TV show. On the other hand - why AREN’T the men going out of their way to have individual time with each woman? There are only 4 or 5 of them.
  25. I agree about Jessica’s napoleon. I thought it looked like a mossy forest - very creative and original. The judges don’t seem to like her for some reason. Also Kardea was crabby as hell last night! I thought some of her comments were very mean and rude.
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