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Everything posted by magemaud

  1. Yet on BOTH shows she was cast as the first female running for President.
  2. ITA. She always looked so grim and stone-faced, even on the rare occasions when she was smiling, and that little rolled bun was so severe.
  3. I thought that after Carrie put the red scarf on that poor woman the police tackled, once they realized their mistake that would buy enough time for her to lose the wig and blend into the crowd as a blonde. At that point they'd still be looking for a brunette in a black coat since even the woman that got the scarf would describe her that way.
  4. I was almost shouting at my TV during the police chase through the subway, first "Lose that red scarf!" which she finally did. Then, "Ditch that brunette wig!" Blonde Carrie could have blended into the crowd and slipped away at that point.
  5. They just showed some clips of the current season and really didn’t say anything other than Homeland would return for another season.
  6. And I guess that carrot and cauliflower stroganoff diet made her hair grow! I’ll have to try that...
  7. Does anyone remember this book? The fun is just beginning! The book went through various printings and covers over the years, but I chose this one because it was from the early 60s when the show is set, and I believe it was the one I was given in 7th grade. There was actually a Museum of Menstruation in some guy's basement, but now it's all online: http://www.mum.org/
  8. That reminds me of the hilarious episode of "The Wonder Years" when the gym teacher has to teach Kevin's class about reproduction. He draws a uterus and Fallopian tubes on the chalkboard and one of the boys thinks he's drawing a cow's head. That's what caught my attention. They seemed to be strolling in, no sense of urgency at all! You're right, I've seen more commotion when firemen rescue a cat stuck in a tree.
  9. Could Barbara have been any more casual about calling the fire department? And then so politely asking the firemen to rescue Phyllis? I know she’s trained to be calm in an emergency, but she registered no emotion or urgency.
  10. Bettie Jo has a severe underbite where her bottom teeth protrude beyond her top teeth
  11. Bettie Jo saying she couldn’t get out of bed because she might get a blood clot? I always thought the opposite, and that lying around immobile was dangerous. Has Susan’s dynamic with her mother changed now that SHE’S the slimmer one?
  12. Step on scale which flashes dramatically, then cut to commercial for "My Big Fat Fabulous Life", Nutri System or Weight Watchers edited to add, it often appears to me that patients on Dr Now’s scale aren’t getting an accurate weight because they’re leaning against one or both walls
  13. Oh my, Schenee's GFM is up to $ 135! But I'm VERY confident she will reach 1000 POUNDS long before she reaches $ 1000.
  14. While we were watching the episode and Elizabeth was grilling the warehouse guy, I said to my husband, “hmmm, less than five minutes left. He’s a dead man!”
  15. Henry is a junior at that fancy prep school and maybe he is there on an academic scholarship (not a "full ride") so his parents are still expected to pay his room and board.
  16. Wow! I never knew Argo made both kinds of starches! Then again, I've never used powdered laundry starch in my life, only liquid or spray.
  17. Oh, so they were eating cornstarch, which is used as a thickener in foods. I thought you meant they were eating laundry starch! edited to add: well, what do you know. Just did some research and found both cornstarch AND laundry starch eating as well as clay are all common manifestations of pica associated with anemia
  18. yes, it's on right now Parts 1 and 2, from 6 PM to 8 PM. I looked it up for a friend (really!) and realized she'd missed the beginning. But it's On Demand, too.
  19. Tune in tomorrow. Will we have a Winner or a WHINER?
  20. Does anyone else think Freddie looks like a cross between Forrest Whitaker and Kevin Hart?
  21. Maybe a Go Fund Me campaign would be more successful if people agreed to send her money AFTER she reaches a weight loss goal. Kind of like one of those pledges you make before a fundraising event, like $ 1 for each mile walked, etc. I'd commit to sending a nickel for each pound lost (but I think I'm pretty safe from having to pay up.)
  22. My theory is that no lawyer offered to take on her case pro bono, so she wants to hire one because she was SO humiliated. At least she's getting her 15 minutes of fame which is priceless. Edited to add, maybe the $ 5 is like what a street performer puts in his own tip jar to give people the idea to donate.
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