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Everything posted by magemaud

  1. I looked online and the shortest, cheapest round trip flight from Tampa to Marrakech involves a SEVEN HOUR stopover in London Gatwick and costs $1500. Since Nicole plans on staying a year, she must have purchased a one way ticket or open ended return which would cost even more.
  2. I thought the foreign fiances weren't paid until they got here, got married and got their green card. Azan is the only one who hasn't even reached the first step in the process yet. That's why I think Nicole sends him most if not all of HER earnings from the show.
  3. I would imagine she will raise the armrest and spill over into May's seat.
  4. I liked Nicole's TH when she said she was "pretty sure" she would be getting married in Morocco. The producer immediately asked "100 percent?" and she replied with her usual smug smile, "Yes, 100 percent." Since when does pretty sure=absolutely certain?
  5. I nominate Ramon to replace that awful Shaun Robinson as the "Tell All" host
  6. Shouldn’t the name of this thread really be “Giant Babies and the Men Who DON’T Love Them”?
  7. This is smug Nicole in her TH after her phone call with Azan at the airport when he complains she didn’t send him enough money. The producer asks her if Robbalee is worried that Nicole sends Azan money are her whiny response is “This is no one’s business. It’s nobody’s business what goes on in my financials.”
  8. IMO, Aika made a better trophy than Sharpie Eyebrow Annie. Oh wait, she had some drawn on fake eyebrows, too (but she used a brown Sharpie):
  9. And what an uncanny coincidence! The couch and plane ticket cost exactly the same amount!
  10. Or it could be another Toothless Josh and Aika scenario where he admitted that he had the vasectomy but led her to believe reversal was a simple process that he’d take care of after the wedding. Only when they got to the US Josh admitted he couldn’t afford the reversal.
  11. She has millions of viewers on YouTube. I only know this because my cousin and her mother have forced me to watch some of the most disgusting footage. Her followers are called "Popaholics"
  12. Nicole used the word, too. Interesting, when she made up the word "undescribably" (Spell Check trying to correct me) my close captioning showed it as the closest real word, indescribably. Nicole's dress mess: I guess adding the corSET top just involved taking out the zipper and replacing it with a big ol' panel of satin and lace up loops. I thought they would borrow some extra fabric from somewhere in the dress and at least re-do the bra cups. Her breasts looked like they were squashed into the top in a zig zag Maybe Pedro and his sister have a similar creepy relationship as River and Chantel. Annie missed a prime opportunity to have fun at the zoo with those kids with her lame (IMO) excuse that being with children makes her sad because she wants her own so badly. Meanwhile, get your motherhood "fix" by doing things with your instant grandchildren! Jorge seems to be perpetually stoned, so could he have forgotten he went to the divorce lawyer?
  13. I’ll bet those toys (as well as much of the stuff in that horrible room) came from the church’s charity shop in the first place and will go back on the “free” shelves.
  14. I cringe every time Nicole says "Me and..." and I noticed last night she said something like "That's between Azan and I." But the one that drove me the most crazy was Jorge saying "I didn't talk to no lawyer."
  15. So many great lines tonight but I missed this gem. Maybe because whenever Ramon is on, I’m totally distracted by the joint over his ear.
  16. And another line from tonight, the Father Chantel saying as he dropped them off at the apartment, “Did you have a good time, Pedro?” Edited to add: why was Pedro sitting in the second row of the van next to Winter and Chantel and River were in the back row?
  17. I can’t decide which is my favorite quote from tonight, “You can’t call the po-leece, Lu-eece” or “It’s nobody’s business about my financials.” And I crack up every time Pao says “ree-dick-a-less”
  18. Cool! But according to Netflix, there's a VERY LONG WAIT for the DVD. That probably means they have only one copy!
  19. You may be correct about the filming timeline. If so, this photo might have been taken last season when we are sure the three of them were in Morocco together. To me, May never looks any older from season to season
  20. Nicole posted this picture in October 30,2017, which makes it appear that May is with her in Morocco. However, this could be a photo from last season, but not posted until October:
  21. Re-watching the extended episode and I'm cracking up (again) at Chantel's contribution to the dinner at the cabin. She brags about preparing some "Dominican food" for Pedro's culture and the camera pans to a bowl of white rice next to a bowl of beans, obviously from a can. Then Miss Karen says in her robotic monotone, "I...can't...wait...to...try...it."
  22. This season they appear to air a portion of next week's episode as a “first look”. Kind of a teaser
  23. I agree that it’s her undergarments and style of clothing rather than a boob job on already impressive breasts. Maybe she had a consultation at Molly’s lingerie store and bought a bra that would really show off “the girls” in that blue dress.
  24. I'm fairly certain that Steve Salinas IS May's father: https://www.facebook.com/stevesalinas95?lst=762989628%3A100000847828044%3A1529019139 Although his FB page hasn't been updated since 2013, back in 2011-2012 he was in high school in Texas and he and "Nicole Naf" both posted how much in love they were. Later he mentions breaking up but that he was "super happy" to find that they were having a girl in 2013. He's also friends with 5 "Nafzigers" (Nicole's family) and Robbalee. Since he hasn't been active in five years, perhaps he did return to his home country and doesn't support May, but that's just conjecture on my part. BTW, Robbalee's (Fouraker) FB page is very interesting reading.
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