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Everything posted by magemaud

  1. Rebecca sounds like a mother defensively claiming, "My son bought the car with his OWN allowance!"
  2. The other website lists her measurements as 40-33-38 and that she wears a size 38B bra. Obviously all the stats are just a bad guess on someone’s part and they’re probably estimating her height based on her photos where she’s always wearing stilettos. I noticed that in the “Duck Lips” Entertainment Tonight interview and the TLC launch party Darcey appears to be wearing the same nude colored sequined dress so it must be from the same event. Oooh, I just noticed it has a CAPE! It reminds me of a bedazzled little brown bat.
  3. I only lasted less than two minutes of listening Tim's growling voice and sucking on the vape.
  4. Quite an uproar about her return. I wonder if TLC knew there would be such backlash to the Tell All: https://us.blastingnews.com/showbiz-tv/2019/11/90-day-fiance-season-7-fans-react-furiously-to-angela-deem-and-michael-returning-003009511.html
  5. This might warrant a letter writing campaign to TLC. I’m going to go on the record right now that they’re going to lose me as a viewer, just like “The Family Chantal” which apparently did fine without me. “That’s it! I’m DONE!”-TM Debbie
  6. IIRC, when we saw her in flats at the cricket lesson, she appeared at least a foot shorter than Tom.
  7. Despite the rumors of an Australian guy, I don’t think Darcey is involved in the season debuting this week and the photo was taken at some kind of launch party attended by other participants past and present.
  8. Does ANYBODY believe this? “Darcey Silva stands at 5 feet 7 inches (1.70 m) with a slim body measurement of 33-25-34 inches.” then I found another website where the stats seemed more realistic, but it still claims she’s 5’7”. Maybe in 7” Louboutins? https://www.dreshare.com/darcey-silva/ Edited to add a Seinfeld reference, “She’s heightening.”
  9. Then I decided I needed to post the entire photo. David looks even more penguin like in that striped suit. Annie looks lovely. Tim is sporting a white belt and matching watchband. Darcey looks like a cardboard cut-out. The other people will be on the new season
  10. Thanks so much! I've always wondered how to do that. My first effort has produced this couple of "veterans" from the promos of the new season. It almost looks like Darcey just shortened her Tell All Dress. Wow, don't her shoes look torturous?:
  11. I'm late to the shitshow, so I didn't know Darcey had spawned. Her poor kids. Mommy needs meds. Darcey has two daughters, now young teenagers. They were featured on the second season with Jesse when he came to CT to meet the girls. Darcey was pushing for instant stepfatherhood, but although he was pleasant to the girls they realized, long before their mother, that it just wasn’t going to happen. Both girls are quite mature like many of the children in this franchise who often seem to act more responsibly than the parents.
  12. I think Angela is only sorry about the way she acted because it resulted in her being thrown off the 90 Day Gravy Train. And I don’t think any of the other participants were surprised when she didn’t return after what had transpired, only some of which we saw. Avery might have asking just to make sure Angela’s absence was addressed.
  13. but maybe that's for another visa for the SAME fiance (like it had expired or something happened that delayed bringing the person here in a timely manner?)
  14. And how much time did we waste seeing people get on and off that elevator with the shiny silver swirls on the wall?
  15. Like on Judge Judy, "You didn't bring them? Where did you think you were coming today, the beach?" Remember, both Darcey and Stacey have been down the aisle before.
  16. When this season first started, I remember Tom being described as "a father of one" but there was never any more mention of it so I thought it must be incorrect. Now supposedly Darcey didn't know he was engaged twice before, I wonder if she knew this, which I found on Soap Dirt: 90 Day Fiance: Tom Has A Daughter With Another Woman Meanwhile, it has been revealed that Tom Brooks already has a child...Supposedly, the 90 Day Fiance celeb has a six-year-old daughter from a previous relationship. It has been reported that the mother and daughter are currently staying in Switzerland and maintain no contact with the father at all. Previously, Tom Brooks openly admitted that he has a child even before the hit TLC show aired. He even made a subtle confirmation on social media, declaring that his favorite tattoo is “the one of my daughter”.
  17. I'm wondering if the original plan had been to have Jesse, Darcey and Tom on stage together but the drama with Angela in the Green Room made for better TV, so they went with that instead. Jesse still got to come out, claim that it was Darcey who constantly initiated contact with him and promote his new business (complete with shower scene) but any plan for interaction with Darcey was scrapped. I was also disappointed that there were no follow up questions regarding Tom's being engaged twice before but "both fiancees bailed on him." That was just glossed over in favor of Darcey's reaction and the subject was quickly dropped.
  18. He supposedly sent her $ 400 worth of roses so that blew a 1000 credits right there. I seriously doubt if there were any real flowers involved, though, she probably just got a good chunk of change from them after Anastasia took their cut.
  19. I noticed them before she lost the weight. I just figured she was a muscular former cheerleader/gymnast. Remember when she said something like, "I'm really not as bad as I come off"?
  20. But there was photographic evidence on a cake! Let's all sing in Swahili, "Cut the cake...cut the cake..." as we slice into a Ebony and Ivory inspired wedding cake.
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