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Everything posted by magemaud

  1. How long has Julia been here now and she still uses “him” for every male pronoun and never says “he” or “his”?
  2. Exactly! I’ve been tempted to become the American counterpart of the British guy who goes around with paint and adds or paints over misplaced apostrophes in signs
  3. backstage they're probably swapping stories about "did you see the guy with the big teeth in the front row?" Then during the day they return to their college, law or medical school studies.
  4. Her two kids, a boy and a girl, were shown briefly at the Christmas festivities. They seemed to be relegated to the kitchen with Oliver and Kennedy during the gift exchange/fight and Lo might have been watching them all. But I wonder what happened to them after Tammy and Lesina were unceremoniously shown the door without their coats or kids.
  5. DUH!! Is there any married person who can't say the same (unless they still live in close proximity to their parents?)
  6. I read a theory that it might have occurred when the camera crew followed Mike outside when Trish ordered him to "go clean the grill" after he groped Natalie in the kitchen
  7. I almost forgot Brandon and Julia were at the Tell All. Aside from the brief onscreen visit of Ron and Betty, and seeing Brandon's reaction to his father's illness, they only got about ten minutes of screen time the entire four hours.
  8. Pre-Mylah. her only interest we saw was online shopping. Now that she has a baby, we still don't see her attempting to acclimate to the US or improve herself in any way. She doesn't appear to want to meet other new moms, explore the neighborhood or do anything besides hold and nurse her baby and complain about being alone in a strange place.
  9. We saw Angela and Michael at some kind of marriage registry when there were different types of marriage licenses available and Angela was adamant that they get the kind that wouldn’t allow Michael to have any kind of “side chick.” At the time, I remember thinking the process seemed entirely different from what Lisa and Usman did when they got married in Nigeria, so maybe one marriage was legal and the other was just some worthless paperwork for a non-binding ceremony. Better than f-bombs.
  10. Biotin was the only supplement my oncologist approved for me to take when I was growing my hair back after chemo.
  11. Apologies to anyone impacted by the storm but: edited to add that I regret posting something so insensitive to the people who suffered any kind of loss from the storm and am grateful that here at the Jersey Shore we were spared from damage this time.
  12. @Trackdawg, can I request an “In Memoriam” gif of 600 Pound Gina knocking over the sunglass display with her scooter?
  13. Late commenting but, every time I see the Darcey cooking breakfast commercial, I swear she says “oh shit”
  14. Even blurred out, I’ve seen them enough times to realize they don’t even match each other
  15. I think I have seen the flashing scene a hundred times in the past two weeks
  16. He has at least one DUI on his record. (I know I read that somewhere, but now I can’t find it to confirm. I believe it occurred in Maryland years ago. Part of my confusion stems from Chuck, Charlie and “Pappy” are all Charles Potthast.) Remember the foosball scene at the family reunion when an argument broke out and Libby justified Andre’s cozying up to Chuck because “Dad’s drinking”? I sensed an unspoken “again.”
  17. Usually she would have wanted him to see what he's "missin'"
  18. So the squalling baby she’s holding would be Mike.
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