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Everything posted by magemaud

  1. Furio has smoldering “bedroom eyes.” Georgi has beady “Pig eyes” (and a stupid neck beard that looks like he doesn’t wash) UGH
  2. I don’t know about Stacey, but Darcey talked about having gone to college in her “first kiss” conversation with her daughters
  3. The business is supposedly based in LA. Remember last season when Darcey’s trip out there was cancelled due to Covid? She was even considering moving there with the girls.
  4. They all claimed to be surprised when Georgi came out of the hotel with Darcey, but if he hadn’t, what were they going to do with his all his worldly goods in boxes that they took out of the Suburban? Just stack them up on the sidewalk and drive off?
  5. You can't use the words "respect" and "Angela" in the same sentence, but I agree that she looks awful. She's traded one horrible, unflattering style for another. And I don't for a minute think that her flashing the world was done spontaneously in a fit of anger. She was just waiting for any opportunity to show them off and even wore a top with easy access, just for the shock value. When we had this discussion before, I found two conflicting sources. One said it was five and one, the other said three and three. But it really doesn't matter because as Scala* said, "they're ALL [HERS]" now. *I was cracking up when my closed captioning kept showing her name as "Scala."
  6. I think the party was scaled down from previous years due to Covid, but he usually attracts some minor celebrities to his birthday charity bash. There are pictures that night of the Gorilla Glue Girl there, too, another one of his patients. Dr. Obeng, the weight loss surgeon, the face lift surgeon and personal trainer Natasha Fett often work together. Mama June was another one of their makeovers and it's no coincidence that she and Angela have the same publicist/agent who probably made a few phone calls are wrangled an invitation.
  7. This is Kahlani coming in to the studio. Mercifully, her boobs are covered! But you decide, snacks or Baby #3? Although we only saw a brief glimpse of it so far, I think Libby’s black dress is pretty fugly and unflattering
  8. FTFY I cracked up when she flounced off the set and attempted to dramatically toss her shawl over her shoulder.
  9. New drinking game: take a shot whenever one of the twins says “deserve”
  10. I read she's living in the Tampa area. Now, who else do we know who lives there...
  11. My money's on Kalani. After all, she's not slut people.
  12. she had a gastric sleeve, but I don't recall any discussion of lipo
  13. I believe adding the implants later was the surgical plan all along and Angela's deflated breasts were temporary but the show was edited to make us think that her breasts were gone and she forced the doctor to replace them. Probably putting them over the muscle was the quickest "fix." Speaking of editing, I don't believe Trish called Natalie a hooker because the camera crew was there all day and would have captured it. Natalie did mention something about Trish saying it "as a joke" and I can imagine a discussion of what Natalie's job was in the Ukraine and Trish laughingly saying something stupid like, "So you were a hooker, ha ha" and Natalie took it as in insult instead of the flippant comment it was meant to be. Natalie obviously has an entirely different sense of humor than Mike and Trish and the language barrier makes it even more difficult for her to tell when someone is trying to be funny. In fact, Natalie is pretty humorless, IMO. edited to add: I just read a plausible theory that Trish might have taken the opportunity when the film crew followed Mike outside when she sent him to clean the barbeque to say the word "hooker" but she cleverly said it under her breath, loud enough for Natalie to hear but soft enough that she could deny saying it.
  14. Every time I see this scene all I can think of is:
  15. I think lobbying for Angela to get fired could backfire. Even bad publicity is great for TV ratings. The more we complain about her, the more airtime she gets. It would be impossible, but if we STOPPED discussing her and her antics and ignored her, her 15 minutes would be up and she'd fade away. I know I keep quoting this, but People Magazine referring to her as "America's favorite Meemaw" leads TPTB to think we think she's hilarious and that we WANT to see more of her.
  16. or Ron, for that matter. how about "And there's Uncle Beau, he's the star of the show at the junction..." (whispered "Sequim Junction.")
  17. Did I tune into Jerry Springer by mistake? Or women’s wrestling? Roller derby?
  18. We need to write a petition. Don’t we say this after every Tell All? I remember being so incensed when she was so outrageous that everyone refused to film with her that I swore I’d never watch again unless they got rid of her. Yet, she and I are both back year after year
  19. He’s no stranger to reality TV, having appeared on a program about Second Wives with his third, now ex-wife. he even has a IMDB page: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt6920400/fullcredits?ref_=tt_ov_st_sm#cast
  20. It was actually a charity event for the doctor’s foundation that provides reconstructive surgery for needy patients in impoverished countries. It was not the intimate party Angela is making it out to be.
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