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Everything posted by magemaud

  1. But maybe he's in it for the television advertising? Or Sharp is paying for it like I suspect they do for many of the things we see the couples doing on this franchise?
  2. I could see this particular production company bringing in a truck load of shit for dramatic purposes! And some of it they also dropped off at Jibri's grandma's although her barn appeared much better tended. Even after Kobe told her nicely that he didn't need her help or supervision, Emily kept barking orders about how he should be shoveling until finally he snapped. (It was glorious!) Then she stomped off saying that HE was being rude and how could he talk to her like that! Meanwhile, her mother witnessed the whole scene but Kobe is made out to be the bad guy for saying FU to Emily. I laughed when Emily's mother said something about horse manure was "only made up of chewed up grass and not gross like dog poop" while poor Kobe was gagging. I don't care if it's just grass, inhaling those fumes can bring tears to your eyes.
  3. I believe that first fight was in Iowa which is also where he married his first wife in 2017, so this isn't his first attempt to break into the MMA scene here in the US. Could this fight that the trainer arranged be just part of the process, kind of like "after six weeks you will be in an exhibition fight with another student, invite your friends and family!" and not really any indication of whether or not Bini has any talent?
  4. I got the impression that this was the first time Bini had been paired with Melissa or any woman for training. He said something about the other times it was with guys so I don't think he was keeping anything about his workouts from Ari. Melissa WAS laughing until she realized Ari was serious in her ridiculous ranting. Is "watch my baby" Ari's equivalent to "hold my hoops"?
  5. I loved how Bini's trainer tried to defuse the Ari/Melissa/Bini confrontation by saying something like, "We don't need that kind of negative energy around here" which was a nice way of saying "Back off, bitch."
  6. Well, he not only reads, he THINKS! Then he launches into a big discussion about quantum physics while his two wives look on adoringly and smile and nod like he’s Einstein.
  7. And we’ve known it for years! I hope Bilal doesn’t get multiple seasons.
  8. I wonder if it's going to come out this season that Bilal is twice divorced.
  9. Frequent Trains from Princeton Junction can get you into downtown Philly in less than an hour and I’m positive there are great gyms there. So, neither of them are working (unless you count Ari’s vague social media job) but they are spending money they don’t have on MMA training instead of Bini having some kind of job (“do you want fries with that?”) to earn money to pay for the training?
  10. We've also seen that in modeling agencies on this franchise. Bini is listed as a "featherweight" so I imagine there are just as many women as men to spar with him. His fighter name is "Baby Cool."
  11. In the previews we saw John opening the door to the housewarming guests. All women! I wonder what bar they were in when production approached them about getting free drinks and having the chance to be on TV.
  12. Sorry for being irreverent but all I can think of when they mentioned "wudu" was "who do that wudu that you do so well"
  13. Yes, she was teaching in China and from the photos, that was about 50 pounds ago
  14. Melissa could have said, "Look, I'm not the least bit attracted to your scrawny little runt!"
  15. + "You wasted all that time teaching him FRENCH instead of 'Murican"
  16. I call BS on Jibri’s backstory with Daveed, not just because of the coma but because there’s no way in hell he went out with a Serbian girl for THREE MONTHS without knowing it was Daveed’s twin sister. I mean, how many Serbian immigrants came to RCHS? He wouldn’t realize that the girl he was dating and Daveed had the same last name? In three months he never asked her about her family? And, I guess this three months of dating occurred AFTER his three month coma? Sure, Jan
  17. She pawned him off to somebody the minute she wheeled into the gym and didn’t even ask nicely, just “Here, watch my baby!” Maybe Nanny Mimi is in the background
  18. And they are supposedly AFTER she had work done! Bini’s kind of a little guy, why is she surprised they’ve paired him with a girl?
  19. “While I’m out, don’t forget to read Theran a story and change his catheter.”
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