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Everything posted by magemaud

  1. I'd love to see that, but I doubt TPTB want us to know about her DUI, so there will be some other excuse as to why she can't go to Canada.
  2. ??? I need to watch again (tho' I probably won't). I thought he brought home a carton of something. My mistake! I watched again. Shaeeda opens the shopping bag and holds up a carton of milk. The label is blurred but it says, 2%. She says to Bilal, "Did you buy an extra full cream milk?" and he opens the fridge and takes out a red quart carton of whipping cream (which I mistook for an aerosol can) and says, "Yes, I bought whipping cream" which triggers the discussion.
  3. She was looking at a carton when she questioned him, then he grabs a can of whipped cream from the fridge so I thought that’s what he had bought
  4. I’m not saying Alona is a scammer but we’ve seen beautiful Ukrainian women bleeding multiple desperate American men dry with absolutely no intention of moving here. Just keep sending money and they’re your foreign girlfriend.
  5. Actually, if that shopping list said “full cream” it was stupid of Bilal to buy an aerosol can of whipped cream. Or she could have done a Darcey Bath and changed in the first bathroom after landing.
  6. I’ve read that she has had Botox and fillers and liposuction under her chin.
  7. Well then it’s very convenient that he’s a hairstylist and she’s a makeup artist! Just invite Caesar and let the mani pedis begin!
  8. She seems to be making the wrong fashion choices every time she goes anywhere.
  9. Time and time again we've seen the children of these 90 Day-ers being much more mature and sensible than their parent.
  10. Despite her new dental implants, she still has missing teeth on the bottom sides where saliva can collect and make her speech sound "juicy." That and her smoker's rasp, generally inarticulate speech and often inebriated state makes her very difficult to understand. Closed captioning is your friend!
  11. Interesting to me that Patrick refers to the man he visited in Brazil as his father while John calls him “our stepfather.” Maybe they’re half-siblings after all.
  12. Apparently Angela regularly sent him naked pictures and they had phone sex. Remember the seductive bubble bath scene?
  13. I’d totally forgotten about Ed’s extra sensitive skin that requires him to sleep on 1000 thread-count sheets! We heard about that ad nauseum when he was in the Philippines.
  14. Good luck @kacesq! We here have a great track record for helping other snarkers get their dream jobs.
  15. Zippo lighters make interesting sterilization tools
  16. Kim, if you’re paying $150 for those claws, you’re being ripped off.
  17. Yeah I think there are four or five kids but they’ve all left the gravy train but Zach. I don’t think any of them get along with their father
  18. I can’t feel too sorry for Jovi because he made absolutely no effort to learn any Ukrainian
  19. “And your daughter wouldn’t mind donating one?”
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